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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ Hunting Game ]

Cats of the Sun

Mule Account
As MountainClan splits, leaving behind a few spare cats, both stubborn and brave, the group must now learn to take care of themselves. Hopefully, with fewer mouths to feed, what little prey is to be found will be enough to let these cats survive the drought. This will not be an easy task: the animals who have stuck around are clever and quick. The hunters will have to think two steps ahead of their prey and push past the limits they thought they had.

After all, their lives depend on it.

[ 73 / 75 ]
This game will run from 8/1 - 8/31​

Welcome to the Hunting Game! Here I will explain how each cat who remained behind can help ensure their group's survival. Each month a total number of food points will be posted here. It is your job to try and reach that number before the end of the month. How do you do that, you ask? Simple. We roll some dice!

A warrior, trained in the ways of hunting, is able to hunt for longer and take down bigger prey. Each Warrior may roll 5 d20 once per day. On the result of a 20, you earn 1 Food Point to put towards the goal. Roleplay is not required, but you may go back to edit your post and describe your hunting trip if you chose. If you reach a word count of 1000 throughout the month, you may count this as a completed RP towards your cat's DP earnings.

An Elder, however, is past their prime and can only do so much. Each Elder may roll 3 d20 once per day. On the result of a 20, you earn 1 Food Point to put towards the goal. Again, roleplay is not required, but you may go back to edit your post and describe your hunting trip if you chose. If you reach a word count of 1000 throughout the month, you may count this as a completed RP towards your cat's DP earnings.

Please do this all in one post, thank you.
Warrior Code
[color=mediumseagreen][size=14][b][WARRIORNAME] Scents the Air...[/b][/size][/color]
[b]username[/b] your username here
[b]rolling for[/b] link to your cat's cert
[b]roll 1:
roll 2:
roll 3:
roll 4:
roll 5:
total prey points : [/b]

Elder Code
[color=deepskyblue][size=14][b][ELDERNAME] Is Getting Too Old For This...[/b][/size][/color]
[b]username[/b] your username here
[b]rolling for[/b] link to your cat's cert
[b]roll 1:
roll 2:
roll 3:
total prey points : [/b]

Only the following players may enter this hunting game!
@Tigeria @Nym @kovak @Subducting @belloblossom @NatiStorm @PeterPan_da144 @Blinded By Silence
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 15 6 14 35
[THISTLEFUR] Is Getting Too Old For This...
username PeterPan_da144
rolling for Thistlefur
roll 1: 15
roll 2: 6
roll 3: 14
total prey points : 0


Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 15 14 7 8 1 45
[Willowfang] Scents the Air...
username Tigeria
rolling for Willowfang
roll 1: 15
roll 2: 14
roll 3: 7
roll 4: 8
roll 5: 1
total prey points : 0

Willowfang left to try and find the scarce prey, he managed to spot prey, but only as it took off either to the sky or to the brush. He returns back to camp heart heavy as he takes in hopeful faces for him to bring food, but sees despair as he can bring nothing this hunt.
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Long-Term Resident
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 17 13 3 1 19 53
[Damsonflower] Scents the Air...
username subducting
rolling for Damsonflower
roll 1: 17
roll 2: 13
roll 3: 3
roll 4: 1
roll 5: 19
total prey points :
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Long-Term Resident
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 3 9 19 31
[Dapplelight] Is Getting Too Old For This...
username subducting
rolling for dapplelight
roll 1: 3
roll 2: 9
roll 3: 19
total prey points :
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 4 18 5 18 20 65
[Streamheart] Scents the Air...
username NatiStorm
rolling for Streamheart
roll 1: (4)You catch nothing
roll 2: (18)You catch nothing
roll 3: (5)You catch nothing
roll 4: (18)You catch nothing
roll 5: (20)You caught something!
total prey points : +1

Hunting was a nice distraction from the grief that was left in the absence of most of her clan. Streamheart had promised to do her best to care for those who had stayed behind and she was determined to do just that, though she was having some difficulty. Prey was still so scarse that the young she-cat hadn't been successful at all in her first hunt of the day. But just like her mentor, she was determined to provide, even if it meant hunting till she couldn't walk anymore. As she stalked through the dry underbrush, she caught the scent of a mouse.

What luck! With practiced precision, Streamheart pounced. It wasn't much, but it was food. As quickly and quietly as she could, she returned to camp to place her mouse in the fresh kill pile.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 6 13 13 13 3 48
[Fernfire] Scents the Air...
username Tigeria
rolling for Fernfire
roll 1: 6
roll 2: 13
roll 3: 13
roll 4: 13
roll 5: 3
total prey points : 0

Fernfire knew he wasn't a full warrior in the trained for it. He's a Medicine Cat apprentice for Sunclan's sake, but times call for all paws on the ground to try and bring food home. He crouched and pounced, every miss he felt the weight of the clan slam down upon his shoulders. He had to keep trying though, for his previous leader, for his previous mentor, for his whole clan.
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 14 17 1 19 18 69
[Pigeonflight] Scents the Air...
username kovak
rolling for Pigeonflight
roll 1: 14
roll 2: 17
roll 3: 01
roll 4: 19
roll 5: 18
total prey points :


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 3 8 20 13 18 62
[Buzzardstrike] Scents the Air...
username kovak
rolling for Buzzardstrike
roll 1: 03
roll 2: 08
roll 3: 20
roll 4: 13
roll 5: 18
total prey points :


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 1 2 19 9 1 32
[Silverstreak] Scents the Air...
username belloblossom
rolling for Silverstreak
roll 1: 1
roll 2: 2
roll 3: 19
roll 4: 9
roll 5: 1
total prey points : 0

Silverstreak hadn't really gotten a proper chance to say goodbye to her sisters - she watched them leave, trying to keep her distance, but as Dawnstride and Duskwing padded out of sight with MountainClan, she felt something in her chest tighten.

They're grown. They don't need me anymore. She thought, feeling like ants were crawling over her pelt. Her sisters were grown, but Flickerpaw was still an apprentice - who would look after him in her absence? He hadn't protested when she made her choice to stay behind, but they hadn't spoken very much throughout the choice to split. She closed her eyes, turning away from the cats and had announced to her remaining Clanmates that she was going out to hunt.

It was little surprise to anyone when she returned that first day with nothing. She'd made too much noise and by the end of the hunt, she came back looking more like one of the elderly cats in the elders den than a warrior. She slunk into the warriors den, stepping over her nest and moving to lay in between her sisters' nests. Their scents would fade, over time, but tonight, at least, Silverstreak could close her eyes and pretend they were still here with her. (WC: 206 )
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 13 1 17 18 9 58
[Finchchirp] Scents the Air...
username belloblossom
rolling for Finchchirp
roll 1: 13
roll 2: 1
roll 3: 17
roll 4: 18
roll 5: 9
total prey points : 0


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 20 1 20 10 17 68
[Rainbowfish] Scents the Air...
username Nym (Bello proxy)
rolling for Rainbowfish
roll 1: 20
roll 2: 1
roll 3: 20
roll 4: 10
roll 5: 17
total prey points : 2


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 4 5 13 3 6 31
[Tigersnarl] Scents the Air...
username Nym (Bello proxy)
rolling for Tigersnarl
roll 1: 4
roll 2: 5
roll 3: 13
roll 4: 3
roll 5: 6
total prey points : 0


Long-Term Resident
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 14 19 6 17 3 59
Damsonflower Scents the Air...
username subducting
rolling for Damsonflower
roll 1:
roll 2:
roll 3:
roll 4:
roll 5:
total prey points :


Long-Term Resident
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 1 13 7 21
Dapplelight Is Getting Too Old For This...
username your username here
rolling for link to your cat's cert
roll 1:
roll 2:
roll 3:
total prey points :


Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 16 12 19 20 11 78
[Willowfang] Scents the Air...
username Tigeria
rolling for Willowfang
roll 1: 16
roll 2: 12
roll 3: 19
roll 4: 20
roll 5: 11
total prey points : 1


Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 9 18 5 4 1 37
[Fernfire] Scents the Air...
username Tigeria
rolling for Fernfire
roll 1: 9
roll 2: 18
roll 3: 5
roll 4: 4
roll 5: 1
total prey points : 0