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Kisa's Pretty Stable


Grizzled Veteran

Love Byte And Nibbles

Closed Eye post
Seamstress and costume designer for Tattered Lace at 'Bits of Lace'. He loves his job and loves making clothes! He is friendly and open about everything in life. He cares not for the genders of those he flirts with. He tends to be friendly and flirts with anyone who is willing to let him flirt with them. His tail is named Nibble and loves to help sometimes, but also has a tendency to make holes in the fabric cause 'It taste good!' so Love has to be careful about how long he keeps things in Nibbles mouth. Nibbles loves helping though but often forgets he should not eat the cloth.
Siblings: Sister-Spider Byte
Location-Winter-Comes into town for work often
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Sugar Sweet

Location-Drizzle Town
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Hecate And Salem

Location-Butterfly Marsh
Mate-Snap Bone

Closed Eye post

Hecate is a witch Doctor who loves to find time to their self for studying the arts of her craft. She/they mostly deals with helping people but will also deal in some unpleasant things if she needs to. She does know some healing potions and salves as well as lucky charms. She will do seances and fortune telling. She reads tea leaves and paw pads/hooves for information on those who come to her. She will make voodoo dolls if requested as well as cursed charms and the like, but she will not make any poisons or things that could kill someone.
She took in Sybilla when she was a baby and raised her, trained her to do what she knew how to do. To read and to make magic for those who came to them. She took care of her like she was her own sister.

Hecate and Salem have an interesting relationship. Salem likes to do a lot of the ghost stuff. He also likes to talk too much when Hecate does not wish him to. Salem never uses Hecates preferred pronouns. Hecate is constantly telling Salem to stop calling them 'he' cause Salem calls himself a he, and forgets that Hecate is a they/she/her.
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
Breedings Entered: 1//
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Grizzled Veteran

Closed Eye post
Sybilla & Hellena
Location-Butterfly Marsh

Is learning to do what Hecate does but she likes town and others, so she often takes her wears and charms into town to sell, and to enjoy not being stuck in a cave all day. She has a slight touch of ADD and doesn't like to sit still. Which gets her snapped at often by Hecate when Shes teaching. She loves anything that's interesting and she loves learning, when it's interesting to her, keeping busy when she's enjoying what she's doing is important. She would be the type to love a good scare and to love a good joke. She would see the circus often if she wasn't busy. And would probably try to sell to the workers there often as I'm sure they get injured a time or two. Sybilla likes to have fun all around the mountain when she's not learning something from Hecate. Her and Hellena like to try and find new plants to bring back for Hecate to teach them about. She loves the not normal plants. She likes cactus and Ivy and weeds. Things that most others would consider ugly. So many of them have neat hidden good things about themselves, whereas a lot of the pretty stuff is actually poisonous in some way or harmful in others. She has taken up weaving baskets in her calm moment down times as Hellena likes to chew on them when shes board and they need the baskets to collect things, so broken and chewed up baskets are not helpful. She sells them when she manages to have made several at any given moment.
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Princess Caracalla
Location-Frost Breath Canyon

Princess grew up in a rather well-off family that has a large area of land out in the Winter regions. She is the oldest child in her family. She doesn't see her parent often and her siblings have long since moved out, not that she cares much for them. When she was old enough to have her own home, her parents gifted her a house up on a beautiful clearing on the Whimsnow Peak, it has a nice overlook on Town far below and the Silver Sea out to the other side. Her family is in charge of a lot of the touristy stuff here. They run one of the ski resorts that are present up the side of the mountain. She wanted to be kept safe in her home and she looked into getting guards to keep around her home. She found love while on her search and then found it again. Finding males who both didn't mind sharing her with each other. One of them having the added benefit of being a guard for her as well. She is happy and spoiled willingly but she is not rude or unkind. She likes to help others but she doesn't do it all the time. Those that wish to get something from her, a favor or help in some way, need to come seek her out at her home on the mountain and make an offer. She has an ice breath ability and loves making ice sculptures in her down time. She goes out exploring for gems with her mates when she needs more on hand to snack on and or to have made into new jewlery.
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Skuld and Munin

Mutated Ghoulie/Pegasus/Kelain
Location-Melting Point
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Finch and Nax
Location- Whimsnow Peak
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Location- Winterbloom

Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Carmella Twinkleberry

Fling plans with Pink baby(Bello)
Loves collecting things. I think she's going to run an antique shop. Cute and friendly. But adventurous cause she likes to go collect stuff for the shop. Not terribly shy. Loves flowers. Her name is Carmella Twinkleberry
"Twinkleberry's Things and Antiques' i think cause she thinks that name sounds funny
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Calcinifur Embers
Location-Melting Point

Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran


Plots with Lisa X2
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Raspberry Twinkle
Blue Mate Plots-Sexy baby

Raspberry works for Carmella Twinkleberry and runs her shop while shes gone. She works on keeping it going and sells the things that are available there. She loves history and knowledge and if anything seems interesting historically, she looks into it and makes sure to note any of the relevant stuff for it. She personally looks for new and interesting books to sell or trade in the shop, some for her personally and some for general sell. Carmella trusts her in all things around the shop as she doesn't like having to think about it aside from being interesting things back to the shop for Raspberry to sell for her. Her mate is always willing to help find her new books and walk her home from work each night to make sure she stays safe.
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Spearmint Chip
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Hamshire Duggins

Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Lorraine Buttercream

Lorraine runs a bakery and pastry shop. She specializes, no surprise, in Macarons cause well...obviously. She loves all sweets though. She runs a shop called Buttercream Sweets and Treats. She loves the idea of sharing with anyone and is willing to work with anyone who might not have the original asking prices for her goods. If they are poor or young, she might ask something else of them for a baked good if they cannot pay. She just wants to help people and give them something good to look forward to.
Every Saturday she takes a huge batch of macarons out to give away in the middle of town. She likes to give to everyone, and they are all bundled into small sacks of four cookies.
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Gromp Snagletooth


Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Sweetling Peaches

Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Rosales Fragaria
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Teodor Radu Strigoi

Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Victoria Bloodborn
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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