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Kisa's Pretty Stable


Grizzled Veteran

Sebastian McGavin

Basic Information:
Season: Winter

Sebastian grew up in the out skirts of Whimsome and never really knew his family, not his real ones. He had street pony's that adopted him and kept him safe, but he did not know who his real mother or father had been. He wanted to know them, but he never found out who they were. He never let it get him down though and he loved those that helped raise him. He grew up wanting to help those who needed it too then and now he runs a soup kitchen that is open to anyone who wants to come in. He makes his own special soups, vegetable and meat base for those who want it. He works closely with Sigard and Gromp who wander the mountains and forest around all of the winter season and guide people all over as well as find those lost and needing help. He has a large h0use that he has attached to his soup kitchen that he lets those who need a warm and safe place to be, stay safely. He does not like anyone to feel unwelcome in his kitchen. If they can't pay, he does not turn them away. If pony's want to eat here that can pay, they can either give money or bring ingredients/supplies used for soup.
Likes and Dislikes: LIKES-Candles, fruit, rain and snow, dogs, cuddles. He likes the comforts of wonderful warm fires and cuddling people who mean a lot to him, IE his mate. DISLIKES-warm weather, beaches, anyone who tries to hurt his mate, fish, Loud angry music.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Raven Frosttouched
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Caspian Gray Regalis
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Fianna McMorna and Lorna
Mate- Crackle Bone


Season: Fall
Fianna McMorna runs a dairy and cheese shop/farm where her family turns milk into all sorts of different cheese's. She started working on selling her goods with Dakela at his Jams and Jellies shop. She also brings over when some is available honey from Danas bees that she keeps. She had spent a long time trying to run her farm and make cheese with her family and sister but it was hard to sell it all at the same time. So when Dakela asked if she wanted to have it sold at his shop she was all for it. She brings deliveries often and has enjoyed making more ponies happy with her cheese. She is serious about her work but she loves to play and be fun. She likes a good joke now and then and loves going to shows or to the circus.
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Dakela Ericales and Jam
mate-Venus Night

Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Planned Mate ~Lydia

Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran


Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Malachite Candy
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Mylina Shadowclaw

Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Juniper Ericales and Berry


Mate-Chardonnay Dreams
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Violet Ghost
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Wilhelmina Moore and Renfield
Fling with Nym/Lisa

Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Moon Shadow
Save for Reo plots
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Candy Starlight
Fling with Lux/Sami
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Blood Toxin
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Wee-tee 'Tina' Kah-wah Tee
Gender: Female
Breed: Noolah
Season: Spring
Location- Twilight Town

Job: She runs a toy store in town and loves making new things and or working with local makers of toys to bring joy and happiness to children of all ages. She loves speaking in a language that seems to come natural to her and some of her other kinds. She loves to watch excitement in children's eyes and loves knowing when she's helped brighten someone's life with even just a simple toy. She runs the shop with her wonderful mate who loves doing anything to help keep her happy and to help her progress further with her own joys with her shop.
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Everard Tremelay and Knight
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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Grizzled Veteran

Celestina Pembroke and Welsh
Gender: Female
Orientation: Any
Season: Spring
Location-Twilight Town

Info: The only child of some of the more well of families of Twilight Town but she was never spoiled. Given the best schooling and upbringing but never taught to be dependent on her family's money. She grew up wanting to know more, learn more, read more. Her family wanted to collect everything and find new and interesting stuff. But Celestina didn't want to travel for her knowledge. She loves Twilight Town and does not wish to leave it unless she needs to. She doesn't see her family often so to keep busy she made a touring group around the city and does free guided tours of the town if she finds others who want to do this. She spends a lot of time at the Museum when she is not doing tours. She has made many friends with several of the others there and loves having long talks with those that work there about everything.
Basic Information:
+1 Activity Point
At minimum indicates the character’s name, an image representing them (a cert, uncert, or icon you made will do!), gender, orientation, and season.
Likes and Dislikes:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A basic list of 2-5 likes/dislikes will earn you +1 Activity Point, while an in-depth listing and information pertaining to their likes/dislikes earn you +2 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
Place in the World:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
About Their Pet:
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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