- 280
- #41

Sebastian McGavin
Basic Information:
Season: Winter
Sebastian grew up in the out skirts of Whimsome and never really knew his family, not his real ones. He had street pony's that adopted him and kept him safe, but he did not know who his real mother or father had been. He wanted to know them, but he never found out who they were. He never let it get him down though and he loved those that helped raise him. He grew up wanting to help those who needed it too then and now he runs a soup kitchen that is open to anyone who wants to come in. He makes his own special soups, vegetable and meat base for those who want it. He works closely with Sigard and Gromp who wander the mountains and forest around all of the winter season and guide people all over as well as find those lost and needing help. He has a large h0use that he has attached to his soup kitchen that he lets those who need a warm and safe place to be, stay safely. He does not like anyone to feel unwelcome in his kitchen. If they can't pay, he does not turn them away. If pony's want to eat here that can pay, they can either give money or bring ingredients/supplies used for soup.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
A simple list of their occupation will earn you +1 Activity Points, while a detailed summary of what they do and how they do it will earn you +2 Activity Points. Detailed suggestions are the name of the business, the hours they operate, how they were hired/created the occupation, etc.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points / + 4 Activity Points
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
Listing who they know (and link to their cert, uncert, or journal) will earn you +1 Activity Points. The character must be an official Everchange character. Writing a paragraph about their history, lifestyle, and home earn you +2 Activity Points. Doing both earn you +4 Activity Points.
+1 Activity Point / +2 Activity Points
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
Giving them a pet earns you +1 Activity Points (limited to only 1, not for each pet they have!). Describing their relationship with their pet(s) earn you +2 Activity Points.
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