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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[Kitten Game] To Tell a Story - Congrats AlicornPlayhouse!


actual trash
Staff member

End Date: December 17th, 11:59pm EST
Howl and Twistpaw (originally Whirl upon meeting) are an unconventional mashup, but it worked. Before she became a member of StoneClan, Twistpaw was a loner with a dream-- to have a family. The question was... with whom? She didn't know another soul who'd accept the offer, and love hadn't readily found its way to her doorstep, so who would be the other half in this story?
Thankfully for her, she met Howl and Night; two travelers in a hurry to get away from something. She aided in sheltering the battered, worn, and tired cats, and in return the three exchanged tales. While Twistpaw would not (and never would) find out what had sent them scurrying to her den, both cats eagerly showed their appreciation by providing her with kill, company, and eventually friendship.
It was still a surprise when Howl offered to assist her in her dream, especially when they seemed unfazed about what it'd mean. Night needed mild convincing from the stoic Howl, but he too would promise to aid the two of them and step in as a third parent. And so, three kittens were brought into the world, sheltered by the three adults who loved them dearly with each breath they took.
The only struggle the trio would have would be what to name the kittens. Howl and Night had named each other, replacing names they refused to repeat in efforts to erase a past they wouldn't utter. It would be Twistpaw who suggested each of them name a kit. Howl named one Sage, Twistpaw named another Juniper, and then Night stared at the third kit with a tight frown.
.... What was he going to name this child?
How To Play:
  • Use the form in the third post to indicate what name you'd give the third child! Keep in mind standard shop rules.
  • Entries will be judged at the end by Nym
  • While players might learn about Howl and Night's backstory through their eventual journals, the kittens will never find out. Please keep this in mind. Their story is purposefully left out of this contest.
  • Howl, Night, and Twistpaw raise these kids platonically (although Howl and Night are in a slow-burn romance that'll eventually start kicking off once the kittens have long been adults)
  • Twistpaw was named Whirl and joined StoneClan after the kittens become adults.
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actual trash
Staff member
Twistpaw (Whirl until the kittens are adults) - She/Her
A loving, warm, and benevolent mother, she is a constant support for the kittens and encourages them to follow their dreams and goals. She named Juniper. She will join StoneClan after the kittens are adults and ready to head out on their own.
Howl - They/Them

A stoic and stiff cat who struggles with their sense of self and understanding that they're a living entity with their own wants and dreams, Howl can come off cold due to their struggles in expression and even grasping emotion. They're eager to help others and tend to focus on everyone but themselves. They named Sage.
Night - He/Him

A dark tom with a starry coat, he's known for being gruff and excels at combat. Regardless, he actually has an extremely soft spot for the kittens that leaks through his attempts to be a Strong and Unwavering Dad. They tend to overthink, present in how he's yet to name the third kit. He is still being colored.
Juniper - They/She/He
Lively, confident, and friendly, despite being incredibly small. Will happily dropkick someone for messing with their family if they physically could.
Sage - She/They

A kitten with a big heart that is constantly being broken by tiny things like a crushed plant or a dead bird. She is shyer and reserved in unfamiliar situations but boisterous and rambunctions once comfortable.
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actual trash
Staff member

The kit you're trying for! Use the form below and indicate the chosen name you think Night should give this kitten!

[b]Kitten Name[/b]: