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Melo's Mellow Mallow Marsh


Grizzled Veteran
Full Name: Patty Cake
- In this case, "Patty" is not short for "Patricia" or any other name.
- Cake is her surname.

Breed: Flightless
Morphs: Bottle
Mutations: none
Pronouns: She/her/hers
Alignment: Spring
Job: Baker of pastries and cakes; backup singer and choreograph dancer

- Positive traits: Cheerful, optimistic, boop
- Negative traits: boop, boop, boop
Hobbies: Dancing, decorating (cakes and pastries)

- Friends: name01 (owner)
- Love:
- - Theia (bitsie spider) || c | uc || breeding agreement x
- Fling: No.
- Acquaintance: name01 (owner)
- Enemy: name01 (owner)
- Children:
- - Name (owner) || c | uc

History: Patty Cake! She comes from a long line of bakers. And while she loves baking things like cakes and decorating them, she also wants to sing and dance. Currently she is auditioning to be a back-up singer. She intends to join Neon Tight's band and dance the night away!

Theia and Patty met at Patty's family's bakery. They got to talking and as time passed they came to know love with the other. Essentially a sweet romance blossomed over cakes and tea.
Roleplays: Yes, please!

Obtained: bitsie spider || Avatar-based semi-custom | 19 March 2020

Full Name: O'no'oh Doh No
Meaning: Try saying it 3x fast and then ask the meaning.

Breed: Doh No
Pronouns: He/him/his
Job: Baker's assistant

- Positive: boop
- Negative: boop
Hobbies: boop

Obtained: bitsie spider || Discord naming the new pet species' game | ?? ??? 2020

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Grizzled Veteran
Full Name: Supersensory Sheep
- Refers to the heightened senses of a germaphobe. This was a name that started as a joke that became a given name.
- One of society's little sheep, his parents wanted to make their comment permanent. His parents were rather cruel.

Breed: Pixie
Morphs: none
Mutations: none
Pronouns: He/him/his
Alignment: Spring
Job: Shut-in, message board moderator

- Positive traits: boop, boop, boop
- Negative traits: boop, boop, boop
Hobbies: Forum Administrator, Hobbies For Hermits

- Friends: name01 (owner)
- Love:
- - Sunraze (MoogerMint) || agreement x x
- Kids:
- - Nicque Ghostwriter
- - Asterion Ghostwriter

- Fling: NO.
- Acquaintance: name01 (owner)
- Enemy: name01 (owner)
- Children:
- - Name (owner)

Hobbies For Hermits was an online forum where ponies of all kinds, all backgrounds, could come together and share the projects they were working on for fun, all without leaving the comforts of home. Some ponies had more free time than others, for a range of reasons -- Sunny was a night owl who was terrified of the dark, while Sheep was a germophobe battling with this stress. Without ever having contact, both ponies became moderators through their love of critical writing and critique, building vivid pictures and evoking emotions with mere words where they were unable to live the experience themselves with their set limitations.

Crossing paths was only a matter of time after that. Both in positions of power within subforums they both held near and dear, comments turned into conversations as postings turned to private messages, and then to instant messengers. They were able to get to know each other more personally while behind the scenes, transforming business talks into more relaxed exchanges, "We need to discuss..." into "Hey, how are you?"

It had been several years now that Sunny and Sheep helped others through the only medium they could. Both ponies thought about each other all the time. They wondered how the other was doing, were they taking care of themselves, how were they doing with their crippling fears. The latter was a topic that came up frequently on the messenger as they tried to help encourage the other through it. It was through this mutual exchange that they became close enough to think of the other as "friend." And maybe more.

Eventually, discussions were peppered with the desire to see the other's face. To take a walk together and enjoy the sun. To hear the other whisper something silly in the other's ear. To laugh together, watch movies together, play games together. So the idea to meet started halfheartedly and grew, until, despite Sheep's fear of the outdoors, they set a date. The most astonishing thing was that they lived in the same town!

The rest, as they say, was history. Meetings became dates. They went on dates all the time. They became a couple. Maybe they will get married. Maybe they will have kids, too. But those hazy possibilities belong in the future.
Roleplays: boop

Obtained: Valdmir Talamore || Discord game, How Did They Meet? | 08 April 2020

Full Name: No pets, yet!
Meaning: boop

Breed: boop
Pronouns: boop
Job: boop

- Positive: boop
- Negative: boop
Hobbies: boop

Obtained: Designer || how | date

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Grizzled Veteran
Full Name: Lacey
Meaning: Osternkind
- Lacey, like her lacy tendrils floating in the water
- German, Easter + child

Breed: Mer
Morphs: Jelly
Mutations: None
Pronouns: She/her/hers
Alignment: Spring
Job: boop

- Positive traits: boop, boop, boop
- Negative traits: boop, boop, boop

- Friends: name01 (owner)
- Love: name01 (owner)
- Fling: name01 (owner)
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- Acquaintance: name01 (owner)
- Enemy: name01 (owner)
- Children:
- - Name (owner)

History: boop
Roleplays: Yes, please!

Obtained: bitsie spider || Avatar-based semi-custom | 12 April 2020

Full Name: No pets, yet!
Meaning: boop

Breed: boop
Pronouns: boop
Job: boop

- Positive: boop
- Negative: boop
Hobbies: boop

Obtained: Designer || how | date

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Grizzled Veteran
Full Name: Polite "Polly" Cutesmasher
- Polite refers to her disposition, but she likes to go by Polly.
- Cutesmasher is her surname. Look at those big claws; it runs in the family.

Breed: Earth
Morphs: Hedgehog
Mutations: none
Pronouns: She/her/hers
Alignment: Spring
Job: boop

- Positive traits: boop, boop, boop
- Negative traits: boop, boop, boop

- Friends: name01 (owner)
- Love: name01 (owner)
- Fling: name01 (owner)
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- Acquaintance: name01 (owner)
- Enemy: name01 (owner)
- Children:
- - Name (owner)

History: boop
Roleplays: Yes, please!

Obtained: bitsie spider || Avatar-themed semi-custom | 27 April 2020

Full Name: boop
Meaning: boop

Breed: boop
Pronouns: boop
Job: boop

- Positive: boop
- Negative: boop
Hobbies: boop

Obtained: Designer || how | date

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Grizzled Veteran
Full Name: Winter Frosting
- Winter was supposed to be born in that season. Their parents were very particular. They also wanted a girl, but they didn't get one this time, either.
- The Frosting family is well known for their confections and creatively beautiful frosting decorations.

Breed: Earth
Morphs: none
Mutations: none
Pronouns: They/them/theirs
Alignment: Spring
Job: Cake decorator

- Positive traits: Quirky, studious, kind
- Negative traits: Rebellious, boop, boop

- Friends: name01 (owner)
- Love: name01 (owner)
- Fling: name01 (owner)
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- Acquaintance: name01 (owner)
- Enemy: name01 (owner)
- Children:
- - Name (owner)

History: boop
Roleplays: boop

Obtained: One Little Jay || New Colorist raffle in Discord | 23 January 2020

Full Name: boop
Meaning: boop

Breed: boop
Pronouns: boop
Job: boop

- Positive: boop
- Negative: boop
Hobbies: boop

Obtained: Designer || how | date

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Grizzled Veteran

Full Name: Akuji
Meaning: "dead and awake"

Breed: Dragon
Morphs: Cat and Owl
Mutations: None
Pronouns: he/him/his
Alignment: Evi Spring
Harassing the living Shaman and herbalist

- Positive traits: truthful, shares his knowledge, keeps to himself
- Negative traits: all gifts come with a price, antisocial, scathing, violent


- Friends: name01 (owner)
- Love: name01 (owner)
- Fling: name01 (owner)
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- Acquaintance: name01 (owner)
- Enemy: name01 (owner)
- Children:
- - Name (owner)

History: boop
Roleplays: boop

Obtained: I--LiveWire--I || semi-custom from OC | 28 April 2020

Full Name: boop
Meaning: boop

Breed: boop
Pronouns: boop
Job: boop

- Positive: boop
- Negative: boop
Hobbies: boop

Obtained: Designer || how | date

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Grizzled Veteran
Full Name: Lavender "Bunny" Fields
- First name is for the color and the flower, lavender.
- Nickname is for her rabbit-like appearance from the lop ears.
- Surname is that her family are farmers; First- and Surname together refer to the family's fields of lavender and other flowers.
Breed: Kitsune
Morphs: Rabbit
Mutations: None
Pronouns: Nonbinary Female they/their/theirs
Alignment: Spring
Job: Looking for one
Closed eyes: #cccccc

- Positive traits: boop, boop, boop
- Negative traits: boop, boop, boop


- Friends: name01 (owner)
- Love: name01 (owner)
- Fling: name01 (owner)
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- Acquaintance: name01 (owner)
- Enemy: name01 (owner)
- Children:
- - Name (owner)

History: Bunny's goal is to find themselves and that includes a job that speaks to their personality. Even they are named for raising a certain flower, and they have been taught all that can be learned about lavender, they still do not feel that the flower is for them.

Added to this personal dilemma is their inability to sleep. Chronic insomnia seems to rule a good portion of their life because they cannot seem to sit still for long. They search for ways to sleep and so far nothing has been found. Even this lullaby only helped temporarily:
Hush-a-bye -- All the Pretty Little Ponies
from Hush-a-bye (All the Pretty Little Horses)

Hush-a-bye, don't you cry
Go to sleep my little filly-love.
When you wake
You can find
All your happy pony-friends.
Ohh, Bats and Flightless, Pixie and Pegasus
All the pretty little ponies.

Away and yonder
In the play field
Poor little filly crying "Mama!"
Wisp and wotter
Flitterin' 'round, try to soothe them.
Poor little colt crying "Mama!"

But hush-a-bye, don't you cry
Go to sleep my little colt-love
When you wake
You shall find
All your happy pony-friends.

If only they could sleep, a job would surely come, as they would have a wakeful and clever mind.

Roleplays: boop

Obtained: I--LiveWire--I || Lullaby contest | 06 May 2020

Full Name: boop
Meaning: boop

Breed: boop
Pronouns: boop
Job: boop

- Positive: boop
- Negative: boop
Hobbies: boop

Obtained: Designer || how | date

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Grizzled Veteran

Full Name: Mercy Clayfoot
- First name refers to that bit of kindness, though it can also be an irony
- Clayfoot refers to a fall from grace, "clay feet," and this family has turned to a life of crime

Breed: Kelain
Morphs: None?
Mutations: None
Pronouns: they/their/theirs
Alignment: Summer
Job: Thief

- Positive traits: Clever, honorable thief, highly intelligent
- Negative traits: Irresponsible, twisted sense of "mercy", talks to themselves


- Friends: name01 (owner)
- Love: name01 (owner)
- Fling: name01 (owner)
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- Acquaintance: name01 (owner)
- Enemy: name01 (owner)
- Children:
- - Name (owner)

History: boop
Roleplays: boop

Obtained: RozeyBear || Kindness raffle in discord (nominated by MoogerMint <3 ) | 31 May 2020[/B]

Full Name: None yet
Meaning: boop

Breed: boop
Pronouns: boop
Job: boop

- Positive: boop
- Negative: boop
Hobbies: boop

Obtained: Designer || how | date

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Grizzled Veteran
Full Name: "Sand" Piper Pie
- Sand loves the beach. Also I chose it because "Sand Piper" which is a type of shore bird.
- Piper I chose because she loves the flute, and sings like a songbird, where "pipes" refers to the throat and singing.
- Piper Pie makes me think of the Pied Piper.
- Pie also makes me think of a particular rhyme, "Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie."
- I love this pony

Breed: Pegasus
Morphs: Chicken
Mutations: None
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Alignment: Summer
Job: Flutist

- Positive traits: Creative, Cheerful, Independent
- Negative traits: Trapped (feels it too easily), Rebellious
Hobbies: Her flute, beach games and sports, singing

- Friends: name01 (owner)
- Love: name01 (owner)
- Fling: name01 (owner)
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- Acquaintance: name01 (owner)
- Enemy: name01 (owner)
- Children:
- - Name (owner)

History: Piper Pie grew up in a strict household that was rich enough to hire private tutors that enforced learning classical and modern subjects, including higher maths and music. She was forced to learn piano and violin, and chose the flute on the side. She is not proficient in the latter but she keeps at it because she loves the sound.

When she's free, which is rare, or steals off to do her own thing, she comes to the water's edge and plays her flute. She especially loves the beach and has taken up the pseudonym "Sand" Piper. But her pipe can be heard on the breeze over the river or through the mist in the morning on the lake's surface. It is a haunting, beautiful song she plays, as if a bird were trapped in a cage by an open window, and only its voice can break free.

Roleplays: boop

Obtained: I-LiveWire-I || Discord personality contest | 01 June 2020

Full Name: boop
Meaning: boop

Breed: boop
Pronouns: boop
Job: boop

- Positive: boop
- Negative: boop
Hobbies: boop

Obtained: Designer || how | date

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Grizzled Veteran
Full Name: Chick "Peep" Pie
- Chick is the name he has been called since he was little. He still is little and he doesn't mind the name, so he kept it.
- Peep is the name some called him when he was just a chick.
- Pie is the surname he obtained when Piper's family adopted him.
- Chick Pie ... chicken pie ...
Breed: Earth
Morphs: Bird (beak), Duck (tail)
Mutations: None
Pronouns: he/him/his
Alignment: Summer
Job: Choir boy

- Positive traits: Independent,
- Negative traits: boop, boop, boop
Hobbies: He has a very high singing voice and likes to accompany Piper

- Friends: Piper Pie, his adopted sister is also a good friend.
- Love: name01 (owner)
- Fling: name01 (owner)
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- Acquaintance: name01 (owner)
- Enemy: name01 (owner)
- Children:
- - Name (owner)

History: Chick comes from the same town as Piper. He lost his parents to age and was wandering aimlessly when Piper's family decided to take him in. His condition of perma foal is baffling to them, but they do all understand that he is both adult and child. They try not to treat him like a chick, but sometimes they slip up.
Roleplays: Yes please!

Obtained: Designer || how | date

Full Name: boop
Meaning: boop

Breed: boop
Pronouns: boop
Job: boop

- Positive: boop
- Negative: boop
Hobbies: boop

Obtained: Designer || how | date

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Grizzled Veteran
Full Name: Yaxha Greenwater
- Yaxha (yah shuh) means "green water." The joke is Greenwater Greenwater like green iguanas are Iguana iguana. I know, it's rather dorky.
Breed: Unicorn
Morphs: chameleon and frog
Mutations: none
Pronouns: he/him/his
Alignment: Summer
Job: Bartender (owns the bar too)

- Positive traits: Friendly, good listener, carefree
- Negative traits: A little dense, lacks conviction, lazy


- Friends: name01 (owner)
- Love: name01 (owner)
- Fling: name01 (owner)
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- Acquaintance: name01 (owner)
- Enemy: name01 (owner)
- Children:
- - Name (owner)


Obtained: Designer || how | date

Full Name: boop
Meaning: boop

Breed: boop
Pronouns: boop
Job: boop

- Positive: boop
- Negative: boop
Hobbies: boop

Obtained: Designer || The GIving Calendar 2024, day 28 | 28 December 2024

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Grizzled Veteran
Full Name: Kintsugi Soul
- Kintsugi is a process where broken pieces of pottery, cups, plates, etc. are soldered back together using molten gold.
- In a way, Kintsugi Soul could refer to a broken or strengthened soul. Someone who has been through a lot.
Breed: Unicorn
Morphs: None
Mutations: None
Pronouns: he/him/his (they is also fine)
Alignment: Summer
Job: Potter

- Positive traits: Compassionate, Insightful, Quirky
- Negative traits: Lazy, Pissy, Whiny, Broken, Like him or leave him
Hobbies: Gold inlay and lacquer, and experimenting with his work.

- Friends: name01 (owner)
- Love: name01 (owner)
- Fling: name01 (owner)
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- Acquaintance: name01 (owner)
- Enemy: name01 (owner)
- Children:
- - Name (owner)

History: boop
Roleplays: boop
Obtained: Polliwoggi || plushie conversion | 20 July 2020

Full Name:

Pronouns: boop
Job: boop

- Positive: boop
- Negative: boop
Hobbies: boop

Obtained: Designer || how | date

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Grizzled Veteran


[COLOR=rgb(?, ?, ?)]COLOR[/COLOR]
Full Name: Gabriella "Gabby" Soulfur
- Gabby loves to talk
- Soulfur sounds like sulphur, or the sulphur (yellow) cockatoo!
- Soul fur could also refer to those two words which may or may not be meaningful. o:

Breed: Flightless
Morphs: Chicken, owl
Mutations: none
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Alignment: Summer
Job: pet store owner

- Positive traits: talkative, helpful, snuggly
- Negative traits: gossiper, distracted, forward
Hobbies: pet trainer

- Friends: name01 (owner)
- Love: name01 (owner)
- Fling: name01 (owner)
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- Acquaintance: name01 (owner)
- Enemy: name01 (owner)
- Children:
- - Name (owner)

History: boop
Roleplays: boop

Obtained: One Little Jay || custom | 19 Aug 2020
Plushie: Chexa/Cheza || plushie | Fall 2019

Full Name: boop
Meaning: boop

Breed: boop
Pronouns: boop
Job: boop

- Positive: boop
- Negative: boop
Hobbies: boop

Obtained: Designer || how | date



Grizzled Veteran
Full Name: Dolly Pardon
- This pony was based of a Gaia avatar that looked like a creepy doll.
- Pardon is because, frankly, this pony is creepy af. Though unapologetic they don't want to bother anyone.
- Together the name refers to a country singer whose name coincided with the theme, though no similarity is intended.
Breed: Flightless
Morphs: Chameleon
Mutations: None
Pronouns: ?/?/?
Alignment: Summer
Job: Seer

- Positive traits: Silly, childlike, amiable
- Negative traits: Creepy, too fanciful, complacent


- Friends: name01 (owner)
- Love: name01 (owner)
- Fling: name01 (owner)
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- Acquaintance: name01 (owner)
- Enemy: name01 (owner)
- Children:
- - Name (owner)

History: boop
Roleplays: boop

Obtained: I--LiveWire--I from an avatar designed by Melomar || custom | 24 Aug 2020

Full Name: boop
Meaning: boop

Breed: boop
Pronouns: boop
Job: boop

- Positive: boop
- Negative: boop
Hobbies: boop

Obtained: Designer || how | date

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Grizzled Veteran
Full Name: Frostberry
-The colors made me think of something cold and refreshing, like iced juice. So ice berry.

Breed: Bat
Morphs: None
Mutations: None
Pronouns: She/her/hers
Alignment: Summer
Soda Fountain owner and specializes in custom flavors

- Positive traits: boop, boop, boop
- Negative traits: boop, boop, boop


- Friends: name01 (owner)
- Love: name01 (owner)
- Fling: Moon Egg (MoogerMint)
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- Acquaintance: name01 (owner)
- Enemy: name01 (owner)
- Children:
- - Name (owner)

History: boop
Roleplays: boop

Obtained: I--LiveWire--I || Twintuition game palette | 24 August 2020

Full Name: boop
Meaning: boop

Breed: boop
Pronouns: boop
Job: boop

- Positive: boop
- Negative: boop
Hobbies: boop

Obtained: Designer || how | date

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Grizzled Veteran
Full Name: Lokma
Meaning: Lokma and sibling were named after Greek (in honor of Theia) desserts (in honor of Patty Cake).

Breed: Flightless
Morphs: Bottle
Mutations: none
Helps out at the family bakery

- Positive traits:
- Negative traits:


- Friends:
- - name01 (owner)
- Parents:
- - Patty Cake (Melomar)
- - Theia (bitsie spider)
- Siblings:
- - Revani (bitsie spider) || basket | adult | growth
- Love: name01 (owner)
- Fling: Toybox (MoogerMint), lifetime friends <3
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- Acquaintance: name01 (owner)
- Enemy: name01 (owner)
- Children:
- - Name (owner)
History: boop
Roleplays: boop

Obtained: I--Live Wire--I || Breeding Funfetti Flurry | 05 October, 2020

Full Name: boop
Meaning: boop

Breed: boop
Pronouns: boop
Job: boop

- Positive: boop
- Negative: boop
Hobbies: boop

Obtained: Designer || how | date

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Grizzled Veteran
Full Name: Birthday Blitz
Meaning: This pony is going to go all out at arranging and living up the party.

Breed: Earth (I think)
Morphs: Peacock
Mutations: none
Pronouns: they them theirs
Alignment: Fall
Job: Party planner (especially birthdays)

- Positive traits: enthusiastic, generous, warm
- Negative traits: over the top, maybe parties too hard
Hobbies: Making jewelry with clay with glaze

- Friends: name01 (owner)
- Love: name01 (owner)
- Fling: name01 (owner)
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- Acquaintance: name01 (owner)
- Enemy: name01 (owner)
- Children:
- - Name (owner)

History: boop
Roleplays: boop

Obtained: Abeno Seimei || Party Pop Birthday Raffle | date

Full Name: boop
Meaning: boop

Breed: boop
Pronouns: boop
Job: boop

- Positive: boop
- Negative: boop
Hobbies: boop

Obtained: Designer || how | date

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Grizzled Veteran


[COLOR=rgb(?, ?, ?)]COLOR[/COLOR]
Full Name: Invincible Shell
Meaning: The invincible shell in a certain video game could not be killed and fixated on the protagonist.
Nickname: Shelly

Breed: Unicorn
Morphs: Rabbit, Turtle
Pronouns: They/them/their
Alignment: Summer
Job: boop

- Positive traits: boop, boop, boop
- Negative traits: boop, boop, boop


- Friends: name01 (owner)
- Love: name01 (owner)
- Fling: name01 (owner)
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- Acquaintance: name01 (owner)
- Enemy: name01 (owner)
- Children:
- - Name (owner)

History: boop
Roleplays: boop

Obtained: Designer || how | date

Full Name: boop
Meaning: boop

Breed: boop
Pronouns: boop
Job: boop

- Positive: boop
- Negative: boop
Hobbies: boop

Obtained: KikiLime || I'm Thankful raffle | 29 July 2021

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Grizzled Veteran
Full Name: Banana Rama
Meaning: Uncertain; may be a great love of banana fruit.

Breed: Earth
Morphs: Bear, wolf
Mutations: None
Pronouns: They/them, their; will accept 'she' pronouns
Alignment: Fall
Job: Owns a fruit (mostly trees) farm

- Positive traits: Optimistic, generous, helpful
- Negative traits: Naïve, workaholic, obsessive (fruit, especially bananas)


- Friends: name01 (owner)
- Love: name01 (owner)
- Fling: name01 (owner)
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- Acquaintance: name01 (owner)
- Enemy: name01 (owner)
- Children:
- - Name (owner)

History: boop
Roleplays: boop

Obtained: Rozey Bear || Oh No! raffle | 22 November 2021

Full Name: boop
Meaning: boop

Breed: boop
Pronouns: boop
Job: boop

- Positive: boop
- Negative: boop
Hobbies: boop

Obtained: Designer || how | date

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Grizzled Veteran
Full Name: Captain Sky Kidd
Meaning: Named for Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow... only a sky goat.

Breed: pegasus
Morphs: goat, leopard
Mutations: None
Pronouns: they/them/their
Alignment: winter
Job: airship pilot

- Positive traits: boop, boop, boop
- Negative traits: boop, boop, boop


- Friends: name01 (owner)
- Love: name01 (owner)
- Fling: name01 (owner)
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- - Parent (owner) || agreement x x
- Acquaintance: name01 (owner)
- Enemy: name01 (owner)
- Children:
- - Name (owner)

History: boop
Roleplays: boop

Obtained: |--Live Wire--| || I'm Thankful raffle | 27 November 2021

Full Name: boop
Meaning: boop

Breed: boop
Pronouns: boop
Job: boop

- Positive: boop
- Negative: boop
Hobbies: boop

Obtained: Designer || how | date

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