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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[META] Phase One - Into the Trees


Stew Aficionado
The Cast for Phase One - Note, if your username isn't on either of these lists, please don't post in this forum. You'll have more opportunities to join in later phases of this meta!

StoneClan Patrol:
1. Flashpaw (Blinded By Silence)
2. Snarlpaw (belloblossom)
3. Yarrowbloom (NatiStorm)
4. Twistpaw (pyrrh)

TreeClan Patrol:
1. Fogmoth (NatiStorm)
2. Viperfang (PeterPan_da144)
3. Poplarpaw (Umbrefox)
4. Branchtail (belloblossom)
5. Talonfang (Blinded By Silence)
6. Honeypaw (LiveWire)

Run time: July 6th 12pm PST / 3pm EST to July 13th, 7pm PST / 10pm EST
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 13 13
((For StoneClan Cats - Please roll 1d20 to see if you catch prey while you're over the border! If you roll a 10 or higher, you successfully catch your prey!))

Snarlpaw had been searching for a way to prove herself to the leaders of StoneClan for a while. Initially when she joined, she thought she was doing them a favor - after all, she was bringing new cats into their small Clan and all three cats were strong and capable of surviving the wild, so surely they would thrive in a Clan environment. However, as the Clan continued to grow, accepting more and more loners and kittypets into their fold, it was as though some tension had begun to rise. Were the leaders regretting their decision? Thus, came the need to prove herself and not just herself, but to bring all other cats who had joined as an outsider or as 'strays' as she overheard their deputy, Skysong calling them.

Last moon, she'd tried to show off her skill in battle, only to get beaten down by a goose of all ridiculous creatures. Worse yet, she'd gotten an earful about responsibility and the need to think of your Clanmates before yourself. Fine, they wanted her to think of something to benefit the entirety of StoneClan? She could do that.

Now, she had a different plan in mind. There were more mouths to feed in StoneClan? They didn't want to overhunt in the river and have a shortage of prey come the cooler months? Well then, she'd gather up a band of like-minded cats and go hunting where there was no shortage of prey: in TreeClan's woods.

"TreeClan doesn't ever come down from their branches." She'd whispered to Flashpaw, one of their newest Clanmates.

"I've seen fat mice and voles laying around in the sun, no worry for being hunted." She mewed to Yarrowbloom, a warrior who had joined as a loner.

"You've been here for seasons and haven't gotten your warrior name yet; I bet if you bring back so much prey, you'll have to get your warrior name in thanks." She told Twistpaw, who had been there even longer than Snarlpaw had.

"We'll be quick about it. There's no river border to cross; we'll just dash across the scent borders, catch the prey and run back. We'll be back before anyone will notice we're gone." She had told them all as they started off. It was just before dawn's light to the border between the two Clans. "After this, Skysong and Sunseer will have to acknowledge us." She mewed with a purr and she crept to the border and then, looking over her shoulder at the other three patrol members with a smile, turned and crossed over the invisible line.

Immediately once she passed over, a mouse wandered lazily into her view and she crouched down and jumped at it. They weren't even at the treeline, yet prey seemed ready to be eaten. She grinned around her catch - this ought to put a smile on even Skysong's grumpy face!
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Stew Aficionado

Ever since Riversong had moved to the Nursery to nurse her litter, Sunflight had been the one to step up to assign patrols. Yet today, she'd asked Branchtail to organize his own border patrol. He supposed he couldn't really blame her distracted behavior - Riversong's kits were Sunflight's kits too. Having just seen his own recent litter to apprenticehood, he couldn't very well find fault in the desire to be close to her kits and mate at this time, even if it did look a little unprofessional.

Still, Branchtail had moved around the camp to find cats who could commit to a border patrol that morning. He'd called Poplarpaw and Honeypaw from the Apprentices Den and while he definitely knew one better than the other - for Poplarpaw was his daughter, he was determined not to show favorites between the apprentices. Then he called about Talonfang, Viperfang and Fogmoth. It was a large patrol, especially for a border patrol that would cover the StoneClan border, where nothing ever really happened, but Branchtail was getting older and he felt better about having a larger group of cats on a patrol than he may have as a younger tom.

"Alright, Talonfang," He mewed to the brightly-furred tomcat. "I'm letting you take the lead on this one." He gestured with his tail to move up into the trees rather than the ground dens, among the roots where cats were still sleeping. He started up into the branches, his old joints aching -shouldhe have seen Errol for the pain before he left? No, no. That was elder behavior. Branchtail was a warrior still, if he had anything to say about it. Which, of course, he did.


Long-Term Resident
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 15 15

Twistpaw had been hesitant at first when she heard Snarlpaw's suggestion to cross the border into another clan's territory. Raids were not unheard of, but they could lead to war - and she didn't think that was a good thing for the clan, probably. But Snarlpaw was also correct that still, she hadn't earned her warrior name, and she desperately wanted to finally have it, finally be a warrior of full standing rather than an ex-loner who couldn't really make it in the clan after all. She had even had a litter of kittens in the clan and still, here she was, also still with her apprentice name, when her children were growing and could have their warrior names now, too. It was getting embarrassing. So although the mollie was rarely ruffleable in this way, she gave in and agreed to go raiding. Surely even if they were caught those tree-dwelling cats would not really mind? How could they reasonably argue that resources were being taken when they weren't even *using* those? The leaders of StoneClan would *have* to understand. And ultimately Twistpaw's loyalty was to StoneClan, and the survival of all of the members.

So once they slipped past the border, she slunk through the shadows and searched for prey. It didn't take her long to get lucky, and she darted after a young rabbit that she surprised, quickly pouncing and snapping its neck. There, off to a fantastic start.
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 5 5
Tora -- No, no. She was Flahspaw now! Had to remember that. Flashpaw had been having a ball of a time since joining StoneClan. She didn't get the name, what was so cool about stones? But there were so many cats! Really, it almost felt like home! Only a lot bigger, with plenty of room for every cat. Hardly anyone ever trod on her! And most of them were even nice! She was ever so pleased to be invited along on a uh... patrol! Hunting party! That thing!

"Thanks again for inviting me, Snarlpaw! You're so cool. This is all so neat!" She trotted about excitedly, weaving between the group of cats, "Why not? Kinda weird for cats to live in trees right? It's not like we're squirrels." She gasps loudly, "Are you sure they're not squirrels? They could be, right?"

Silly chatty kitty spends too much time talking rather than hunting. Man, she's energetic.

@belloblossom (chatting with Snarlpaw)
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Grizzled Veteran

Honeypaw stretched before she excitedly bounded after Branchtail at his call for her and fellow apprentice Poplarpaw. She wished she knew all these cats better, but still hadn't really gotten to know more than just the names of anyone aside from her mentor. But being called to join this patrol would surely help that and give here a shot a showing she was capable of applying what her mentor had bee teaching her. She was definitely getting more used to being in the trees.
She stood tail swaying slightly as she tried to hold in her kit like excitement for this patrol as she waited for everyone to gather. This was serious business of surveying, marking, and protecting her clan's territory not a game. She looked to Branchtail as he spoke, passing the lead to Talonfang before indicating to take to the trees. Her claws seemed to itch and she shifted a bit as she steeled herself and readied to tackle the ascent after the others. She would stay focused and be a useful part of the patrol. She promised herself. Though honestly she wasn't truly sure she would be of any specific value here. Aside from maybe being another set of eyes, her inexperience and the typical quiet patrols meant this would more be a lesson for her than anything elese. But she did not think of such things as she made to follow the group in silence.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 15 15

YYorrowbloom trotted happily along with the small patrol group of other cats not born into the clan life. He loved clan life and especially loved going on patrol. It gave him a chance to explore and hunt without getting lost! On the off chance that he did get lost, as long as he didn't cross the territory line, someone would come find him. Usually that someone was Snowyowl. Though he had already earned his warrior name in the clan, he was still determined to prove himself useful at every presented opportunity.

"Really? Well then, we should fix that!" Yarrowbloom said in response to Snarlpaw's statement about lazy rodents right across the boarder. There was a small part of him that worried about crossing the boarders to hunt, but if TreeClan wasn't hunting on the ground, what was the harm in him and his clanmates grabbing a few of the fat rodents?

Snarlpaw hadn't been exaggerating! As soon as they crossed the boarder, Snarlpaw had a catch and Yarrowbloom spotted a particularly fat vole rooting around in the leaves. His instincts and moons of practice kicked in and her surged forward, maw clamping down around the vole almost before he even had time to think. Triumphantly he turned back to the others with his catch still in his mouth. This could be an easy hunt and hopefully would impress not only the leader and deputy, but also his savior Snowyowl as well as the rest of the clan.
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Stew Aficionado

There was a roll of her eyes as Branchtail rounded up the patrol. He acted almost as much of a paw as the two apprentices he decided to bring along. There was a sidelong glance to Talonfang before he led them up into the trees, and Viperfang held back. Sighing as she watched the others launch themselves upwards. Honeypaw was an adult, even if a paw in name. She should know how to conduct herself. Of all of the cats in the group, it made the most sense that Poplarpaw acted like an overgrown kit - they were, after all, a rather new apprentice and still very young.

Viperfang continued to watch the group, before launching herself up the tree in a few expert leap-grab-pull-leap bounds. She pushed her way up along the branches to be just above Talonfang, but still allowing him to take the lead. Talonfang was the most level headed of the rest of the group, though Viperfang hadn't really gotten to know Fogmoth. They seemed okay?

Shrugging shoulders, Viperfang continued along with the patrol, a branch or two above. Keeping an eye on the territory as they moved.



Poplarpaw was overjoyed to go on this patrol, partially because she was hoping to spot some frogs during the trek and partially because she was eager to show off to her dad how much she has learned from her mentor, Birchleaf. Birchleaf has been patient in teaching her how to focus her energy, as well as what things were not safe to pick up, along with the usual things like hunting and climbing. Poplarpaw is very grateful of her tutelage. So when Branchtail called upon her and Honeypaw in the apprentice den, she meowed an enthusiastic, "Really!"

She was abuzz with energy, flicking the tip of her tail in excitement, as the patrol gathered and Branchtail passed off leadership of the patrol to Talonfang. And she was quick to follow as the rest of the patrol took to the trees.


Grizzled Veteran

Fogmoth was usually a quiet cat that let his actions speak for him rather than words. He had an odd sense of humor and knew many cats didn't share the same amusement as he did so more often than not Fogmoth kept to himself. Still, he had found a home among the tree cats and treasured his clan dearly.

Though he found it a bit off that Branchtail was organizing the patrol instead of their deputy or leader, Fogmoth said nothing in protest and quickly made his way into the branches with the rest of the patrol. The feathers stuck in his fur swayed as he picked his way through the branches and limbs. Some cats might have looked at him strangely for adorning himself in such a manner but Fogmoth shrugged off the looks and comments. He liked the look of his feathers and that was all that mattered. Well that and protecting his clan. The fluffy bob tailed tom was nowhere near the greatest hunter in the clan but he was an excellent fighter, which was part of the reason he preferred boarder patrol to hunting.

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Talonfang had more than recovered from his and Branchtail's fight with the intruder. If anything, the encounter had lit a fire under the young tom's paws. So when the old tom passed over control of the patrol, he gave his friend a crooked grin.

"Alrighty then," He'd keep his 'old man' comments to himself. He'd come to respect the greying brown tom in their time together. His green eyes looked over the group, he nodded. He could work with this. "Viperfang, keep high. I hear ya got good eyes, let's put'm to work, yeah?" He'd give the she-cat a wink before moving on to address the youngest of the group, "Paws, you do as you're told, ya hear? Keep to the middle of the group. Fogmoth and Branchtail, watch'em from behind. Keep'em in line, keep'em safe, all that."

Orders given, he threw himself up the nearest tree, strong claws tearing up the bark as he took his spot on point guard. He gave a flick of his torn ear. And he'd take point. Strength in front, strength behind. A solid strategy.


Stew Aficionado

Branchtail smiled as Talonfang took the lead - he trusted the other warrior, they'd fought off loners and rogues together on patrols with just the two of them and look at him already - instructing the patrol like he was born to do it. Depending on how this patrol turned out, maybe he'd put in a good word with Riversong.

With a nod to Talonfang, Branchtail held back, letting the younger cats go on ahead, but still managing to keep pace with them.
"This might be my last patrol." He mused softly to himself. Originally he'd meant to retire when his kits became apprentices, but they'd been apprentices for moons now and he found himself wanting to push out his retirement to the elders den until they were made warriors. This was the reason he hadn't approached Sunflight or Riversong with his troubles. He'd been able to hide his discomfort with the aide that Errol, their medicine cat, had been giving him, but how long would that continue before Errol told one of their leaders about all the poppyseeds or daisy leaves for his joint pain?

"So, Fogmoth," He called out to the other tomcat who was assigned to watch the rear with him. "How do you like treewalking so far?" @NatiStorm


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 16 16
((For StoneClan Cats - You may make a second roll to try and catch prey before the TreeClan patrol finds you! Roll 1d20 and if you roll a 10 or higher, you successfully catch your prey!))

Snarlpaw was delighted to have caught something so soon and to see her Clanmates catching prey too. Oh, they were bound to make a good impression back at StoneClan's camp. Seeing Twistpaw in particular catch a rabbit filled her heart with a fierce pride and hearing Flashpaw chatting her ear off didn't bother her one bit. Yarrowbloom had a vole in his jaws.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, Flashpaw. Let's see if we can grab some more prey before we head back. Two pieces each should still be enough to impress our skill upon Sunseer and Skysong." She mewed. "Especially with that rabbit of yours, Twistpaw - nice job!" She mewed and started to to prowl a little closer to the tree line. "TreeClan would've never found a rabbit in their branches - so I'm sure what they don't know won't hurt them anyway." She said as she crouched onto her haunches as another mouse scampered into her path. Dropping the mouse she'd caught before, she pounced on the other one and turned. She was ready to head back over the borders - and maybe take a dip in the river to wash off any treeclan stench that could be clinging to her fur, before they headed back into camp directly. @Blinded By Silence @pyrrh @NatiStorm

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 3 3
"Oh, yeah! Prey, prey, prey, let's see..." The loud-mouthed she-cat raised her head and parted her jaws, taking in all the scents of the forest, "Oh, there's a lot more mice here than I would have guessed. But I guess if the squirrel-cats are hunting up there, thy're probably catching a lot of birds, right? Without birds, more mice! Huh!" She turned to share her observations, only to find the rest of her clanmates hunting. "Oops, fair point."
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Long-Term Resident
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 6 6
Twistpaw grinned around the prey in her teeth at the unexpected but welcome praise from the leader of this unsanctioned hunting party. The she cat's head was full of excitement and happiness at her great early catch. She wanted to try to snag one more prey, if only she could find something, so she set down her rabbit and started prowling around nearby, sniffing and slinking through some underbrush. Then she caught scent of some sort of rodent, a mouse? or a vole? she couldn't quite tell what it was. But either way she would try to catch it if she could.

But luck was not on her side, for when she found the creature - which turned out to be a mouse, after all - she messed up her pounce onto its unsuspecting tail, and with her *own* tail she hit a nearby bush, startling the mouse and making it aware of her approach. It ran away as she could only watch. With a soft sigh, she shrugged and turned back, picking up her rabbit and returning to the patrol.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 12 12

Yarrowbloom nodded along with what Snarlpaw had said about TreeClan cats not even knowing how to catch rabbits as he moved a little ways from the group. It didn't take long to spot a fat mouse scurrying out from under a bush. Setting his vole aside, the grey tabby tom pounced, caught the mouse in his strong jaw, and finished it off in one quick motion. Picking up his vole, he carried his prizes back towards the rest of the patrol. He had to admit, this really was easy hunting.

Observing his comrades, Yarrowbloom debated giving one or both of his catches to the cats who hadn't caught anything. Though he always wanted to impress Snowyowl, Sunseer, and Skysong, he saw how much this hunt meant to the others and knew how hard it was to earn ones warrior name. Maybe if they came back with all the catches instead of him, they too could become full warriors.
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Grizzled Veteran

Fogmoth waited on one of the lower branches for the others to pass him before falling into step behind Branchtail. He didn't mind bring up the rear of the patrol as it gave him a chance to observe which branches the others decided to use. Though his outward features stayed the same, anxiety flitted through him as the older tom began to make conversation. Fogmoth was not good at small talk and he knew it. Though he tried his best, conversations with him usually left the other cat involved looking at him awkwardly. At the mention of treewalking however, his quick flash of anxiety ebbed.

"I enjoy it greatly." He mewed quietly, his voice and features showing no emotion. "It feels like a different world up here." A better world than the one below, he thought to himself. "Though I admit there are a few trees that I have struggled getting out of."


Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Talonfang lead the group onward, his head high and his tail strong and proud, stopping only to let the group refresh the scent markers. They'd do good work today, the tom could feel it in his paws. Or, claws, rather. Part of him even hoped they'd come across another rogue, another stupid trespasser to make an example out of.

His torn ear flicked as a voice reached him. He stopped, tail raised to halt the party's movement. A wide, crooked grin spread over his lips. Looks like he got exactly what he'd been wanting.

His gut wanted him to drop the branch, to run in claws first, yowling in triumph. But the eyes of his clanmates stayed him. No, that wasn't what a good leader did. He wanted to make Branchtail proud to have set him first.

"We've got company," He says in a low hiss, "Get eyes on'em, Viperfang. Fogmoth, stay low, in case the cowards run fer it. Paws, ya wait for my signal." He looked over his shoulder to Branchtail, still grinning, "We talkin', old man? Or something a bit more permanent?"

His claws itched.


Poplarpaw had been chatting with Honeypaw, trying her best not to overwhelm the older apprentice with small talk, when Talonfang gave out the orders. She immediately flatten and became still as possible on her branch, awaiting further instruction. Her ears flicked as she picked up the rustling on the ground that Talonfang must have heard and the small silhouettes of cats came into view below.