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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[META] Phase Three - TreeClan VS StoneClan


Grizzled Veteran

HP: 5

The desperate cry that came from the brown tom she had just flung aside struck her deeper than the deep burning gash that still dripped her red blood to the packed ground below. She flinched back from them as if it was she that had been struck. All the rage and indignation vanishing as she panted hard eyes a bit glazed as she stepped back from not only the downed tom but her mentor, spiderbite, and the stone clan she-cat.

Though she had really only been fighting back in defense of herself and her mentor since this battle had begun the weight of being confronted so viserally by the reality that these cats, even if truly enemies, were not just a thing to rage, vent, and exist as a concept or a whole. They were individuals with loved ones and lives of their own. She had let her need to prove herself to her new clan push her more than she had thought. Though she still could not bring herself to truly regret her own actions. Well, so long as she hadn't actually killed another. The though made her feel a bit cold. They had started this and continued to act or allow clanmates to act outside the code she clung to now. This reaction may not have have been what she had thought was best, but she would stand by her leader. The one that had given her a chance.

She was snapped out of her ill advised and sudden self reflection when her leader called out. Her eyes regained focus and she turned her body around to face the rock where the leaders faced off with each other in a battle of heated words.

She watched and listened turning only to look at other cats as they interjected their thoughts into that matter at hand. Such loss of focus on her surroundings was ill advised even if the fighting had been called to a stop. Though she had been doing so before then and he mind was still too focused on the argument.

Several times she felt her claws dig into the dirt and she had to bite back her own thoughts. It was not her place to speak up here. She wasn't even a full warrior yet she did not like how everyone, even one of their own, was basically piling all this violence solely at the feet of Sunflight. This was a tangles spider's web of a situation where many parties lay at fault for the injustice, dishonor, and blood that had been spilt here. While it was not right to solely blame stone clan for the incident or the results of defending themselves. Their failure to train apprentices, and know the happenings in their own clan was as much at fault as her leader's was to listen to the more vocal and violent words of her own clan.

However, especially, Birchleaf's words and actions bothered her quite a lot. They were to be a clan unified with their leader. It was natural to let your words and opinions be voiced amongst the clan, as they had done at the meeting. But here in the midst of an enemy to so directly oppose their leader's actions ruffled her but she kept her now clearing thoughts to herself.

She took a deep shaky breath as things began to seem as though they were winding down and prepping to return back to tree clan territory she steeled herself. She needed to figure herself out quickly. She didn't like the recent self reflection and doubt she had been experiencing lately. She wanted to go back to learning to hunt in the trees and sweet, if a bit awkward, conversations with her mentor Dappleleaf. She had always had a bit of a proud and stubborn streak and she needed to hurry up and figure out in her mind what her place and role was within the clan so she could stop with all this self doubt.

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
It is his turn to finally be able to breathe. A rattling, shakey sigh as the stones of guilt that collected in his belly clattered together. His unseeing eyes flicked to the sky, wishing, willing the sun to return from beneath the horizon. But he knew he would get no solace from SunClan. Not tonight. Maybe never. Sun above, what had he allowed to happen...

But he collects himself quickly. He blinks, returning his blind eyes back to the moment at hand. They soften and now, with resolution imminent, he drops his voice to a more personal level.

"I am no villain, Sunflight. I will not condone your wounded to die because of our faults. I just want to understand what went wrong, where we went wrong." He shakes his head, sighs again, and then raises his voice once more. Steady as the stone he stands on, despite the trembling of his heart.

"Duskpaw, until this is settled, your duty will be to Dustfeather and the Medicine Cats. StoneClan, those of you willing and able, let's prepare for the night. And Sunflight," He turns his eyes to her again, looking so very much his age now. The weight of this all clear, his voice but a pebble skittering amongst the stones, "Please, leave." He wasn't quite sure how he was going to solve this mess, but he could not do it with her here, that he knew.


Stew Aficionado
Phase Three of the Meta is OVER!

TreeClan and its able-bodied warriors are headed home, with Dustfeather and Errol waiting to see which of their injured warriors will yet make it back over the border. Littleflower has been rushing from Clanmate to Clanmate on a healing spree, but there are still a couple StoneClan warriors out of her reach. Who will make the journey home to TreeClan on their own four paws, and who will live another day in StoneClan will become clear after the rolling of the Death Raffle. Once the Death Raffle is rolled, I will roll our prize winners!

Everyone who participated in this battle will receive the Battle-Meta Only Items: Bloody Branches for TreeClan and Bloody Rocks for StoneClan. If you do not wish for your cat/s to receive these items, please post as much below and we will remove your listed feline/s from the Recipients List.

This thread will be open for posts after the raffles are done, in case you'd like for your cats to do any follow up interactions. I will make a note when y'all are good to post again. This thread will be closed for any further posting after August 21st.

Please stand by for Death and Prize Raffle rolling.


Stew Aficionado
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 12
Res: 8
Death Raffle - With 12 cats on the list, we'll be rolling two cats. This post is for the first "winner" of this raffle.

1. Snarlpaw
2. Lightningdash
3. Pinedapple
4. Sprucetail
5. Hawk
6. Viperfang
7. Mudripple
8. Dawnpaw
9. Rocksteady
10. Nightcall
11. Branchtail
12. Talonfang


Stew Aficionado
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 11
Res: 5
Death Raffle - 2nd Winner

1. Snarlpaw
2. Lightningdash
3. Pinedapple
4. Sprucetail
5. Hawk
6. Viperfang
7. Mudripple
8. Rocksteady
9. Nightcall
10. Branchtail
11. Talonfang


Stew Aficionado
@NatiStorm - Dawnpaw of TreeClan has been rolled in this Death Raffle. You've won 2 Death Points! An artist from the shop will drop your SunClan art for Dawnpaw. Once you've got this art, you may post a Cert Update form to reflect your new SunClan art. You can post your 2DP (or more, if applicable w/ Dawnpaw) winnings into the Death and Death Points thread.

@PeterPan_da144 - Hawk of TreeClan has been rolled in this Death Raffle. You've won 2 Death Points! An artist from the shop will drop your SunClan art for Hawk. Once you've got this art, you may post a Cert Update form to reflect your new SunClan art. You can post your 2DP (or more, if applicable w/Hawl) winnings into the Death and Death Points thread.

Stand by for the Prizes Raffle.
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Stew Aficionado
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 8
Res: 2
Prize Raffle - Reincarnation Token

1. belloblossom
2. LiveWire
3. PeterPan_da144
4. NatiStorm
5. Blinded By Silence
6. Absolutiones
7. Umbrefox
8. Nym


Stew Aficionado
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 7
Res: 4
Prize Raffle - 3DP token, 1st Winner

1. belloblossom
2. PeterPan_da144
3. NatiStorm
4. Blinded By Silence
5. Absolutiones
6. Umbrefox
7. Nym


Stew Aficionado
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 6
Res: 2
Prize Raffle - 3DP token, 2nd Winner
1. belloblossom
2. PeterPan_da144
3. NatiStorm
4. Absolutiones
5. Umbrefox
6. Nym


Stew Aficionado
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 5
Res: 5
Prize Raffle - 3DP token, Final Winner
1. belloblossom
2. NatiStorm
3. Absolutiones
4. Umbrefox
5. Nym


Stew Aficionado

@I--LiveWire--I - Congratulations, you've won a Reincarnation Token! Turn in your token by linking this post along with the turn in form to Death and Death Points to have it added alongside your Death Points. You can use this Reincarnation Token at any time you'd like and on any cat within the Afterlife you'd like, whether it's SunClan, Ghosts or Eclipsed cats!

@Blinded By Silence @PeterPan_da144 @Nym - Congratulations, you three have each won a 3DP token! You may turn this token in for, you guessed it, 3 Death Points! Turn in your token by linking this post along with the turn in form to Death and Death Points to have these DPs added to your current total! DP can be used to purchase all manner of fun stuff, from semis to full customs, to bonuses for your breedings! They can even be used to purchase Reincarnation Tokens! Check out the Death Point Shop for more info!

@NatiStorm @Absolutiones @Umbrefox @belloblossom - As an extra thank you for your participation in this Battle Meta, you folks are being awarded a 1DP token! Turn in your token by linking this post along with the turn in form to Death and Death Points to have these DPs added to your current total (or to begin a total, for some of you!) DP can be used to purchase all manner of fun stuff, from semis to full customs, to bonuses for your breedings! They can even be used to purchase Reincarnation Tokens! Check out the Death Point Shop for more info!


Stew Aficionado
Any follow-up roleplay posts you want to do with your cats can now proceed! This thread will close on August 21st at 7pm PST / 10pm EST.

You may also make any posts to request your cat not receive their Battle Meta Exclusive Items below, if you so desire.

Cast for TreeClan
[*]Sunflight (belloblossom)
[*]Honeypaw (LiveWire)
[*]Viperfang (PeterPan_da144)
[*]Fogmoth (NatiStorm)
[*]Errol (Blinded By Silence)
[*]Talonfang (Blinded By Silence)
[*]Spiderbite (belloblossom)
[*]Lightningdash (belloblossom)
[*]Dustfeather (belloblossom)
[*]Sprucetail (belloblossom)
[*]Pinedapple (belloblossom)
[*]Dappleleaf (belloblossom)
[*]Mosspaw (belloblossom)
[*]Lynxstride (belloblossom)
[*]Mudripple (belloblossom)
[*]Larkpaw (Blinded By Silence)
[*]Thrushpaw (NatiStorm)

Cast for StoneClan:
[*]Sunseer (Blinded By Silence)
[*]Flashpaw (Blinded By Silence)
[*]Skysong (Blinded By Silence)
[*]Yarrowbloom (NatiStorm)
[*]Dapplepaw (LiveWire)
[*]Thornstrike (PeterPan_da144)
[*]Rocksteady (Absolutiones)
[*]Nightcall (Absolutiones)
[*]Earthpaw (Absolutiones)
[*]Puddlepaw (Umbrefox)
[*]Strikedrop (belloblossom)
[*]Sharptongue (belloblossom)
[*]Steadypaw (belloblossom)
[*]Petalpaw (belloblossom)
[*]Duskpaw (belloblossom)
[*]Gullscreech (belloblossom)
[*]Dandelionclaw (belloblossom)
[*]Riversurge (belloblossom)
[*]Siltwater (belloblossom)
[*]Twistedrose (belloblossom)
[*]Sweetfang (belloblossom)
[*]Thunderfoot (belloblossom)
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Stew Aficionado
I'd like to remove the following cats from receiving the stones/trees

