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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[META] Phase Three - TreeClan VS StoneClan


Grizzled Veteran
Dapplepaw's health has hit 0! She needs the help of a medicine cat!

Dapplepaw's low growl turned to a yowl of pained rage as before she got her paws to truly stabilize her again the hateful tom had turned to strike her once again. Pain raced through her and she cursed as her limbs just gave out and she was dropped to the ground bleeding. She knew she wasn't the best fighter but having it shown to her so definitively and brutally pissed her off to no end.

She felt heavy and as the darkness took her her narrow yellow eyes locked on her attacker were only filled with a sharp loathing. No hint of fear of the fact she may never wake again as she spent what might be her final moments locking the unknown dark tom's image and scent firmly in her mind before all went dark.

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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 18 18
Honeypaw is attacking Thornstrike. She Succeds!

HP: 5

She was breathing heavily mind clearer now as she determinedly set herself on the present and task at hand. She glanced down at the cat whose blood was still on her mouth with a sad glimmer before. She lifted her gaze to her mentor's eyes as their noses touched. Dappleleaf's words bolstered her and she gave him a weak smile. Then her expression firmed with her resolve and she gave a bob of her head in agreeing acknowledgement. "Thank you Dappleleaf." She mewed softly as he turned his focus back to the raging battle around them.

A thrill ran through her as her mentor called out and took off to help Spiderbite. She didn't hesitate or respond other than to immediately run after them. Dappleleaf's lunge missed the cat that was engaged with Spiderbite. She did not jump the enemy cat trusting her mentor to handle it for the moment. She turned her green gaze to Spiderbite. "Are you okay?" She inquired with a soft mew as she looked for injuries, while ignoring her own burning wound.

Then another cat launched at her Mentor screeching about dishonor. She whipped around ears flattened and growling darkly, instantly triggered by their accusation. "You dare speak of dishonor." She hissed before launching herself bodily at the brown tom. This whole mess was stone clan's fault in the first place and while she did not like that it had come to violence she would stand by her clanmates and the code.

@belloblossom @PeterPan_da144 Honeypaw is speaking with Dappleleaf, the Spiderbite before turning to Thornstrike
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Stew Aficionado
Thornstrike's health has hit 0! He needs the help of a medicine cat!

HP: 0

With a cry of rage, after launching himself into the pack of three that attacked his dear Sharptongue, Thornstrike tried to fight them back. Only to get a blow landed to him that he hadn't quite expected. He slipped, crashing into the ground, and let out a hoarse but still fierce cry. "DON'T TOUCH HER!" he shrieked, his vision going blurry.

@belloblossom @I--LiveWire--I


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 14 14
@Absolutiones Dawnpaw is attacking Nightcall! He hits for 5 damage!

Dawnpaw hisses as the she-cat's claws caught and tore at one of his ears. These StoneClan cats seemed to be as strong as the rocks they lived upon. For a moment Dawnpaw wondered if maybe his clan had been to hasty in attacking. No, StoneClan might be strong but they had stolen what rightly belonged to TreeClan!

"You picked the wrong clan to mess with!" He spat at the dark spotted she-cat before he lashed out with his claws again. As he drew blood a second time, Dawnpaw smirked triumphantly. Maybe this fight wasn't so bad after all. Then he heard her, Sprucetail, calling out for him. Her cry sounded pained. His head snapped up and his good ear swiveled as he looked around the camp for his favorite she-cat.

It didn't take long for him to find her... laying on the ground... covered in blood. His own blood ran cold as he stared at her unmoving figure for a moment before his brain kicked into gear. Dawnpaw sprinted towards Sprucetail. No, no, no, no! Not Sprucetail, not his Sprucetail!

"Sprucetail!" Dawnpaw called out as he reached her. Gently, he nudged her with his nose. "Sprucetail?"
He tried again, softer this time, his mew full of worry and concern. "I'm here, Sprucetail, I'm here." His mind was reeling. What should he do? What could he do? As carefully as he could manage, he stepped over her, protecting her body from the battle with his own as he looked around frantically for a medicine cat or any cat who could help.

Dawnpaw (Adult)
To Hit: 10+
Damage: 5
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 12 12
Riversurge is attacking Viperfang! He succeeds!
(He hits for 5 damage!)

HP: 5

Riversurge hoped that the repeated misses of her attacks on him meant that the she-cat's energywas failing and that he might have a shot at getting out of this. He set his gaze into one of grim determination and then moved to attack again, hoping to shut out the sounds of his Clanmates screaming from all around him. @PeterPan_da144


Stew Aficionado
Viperfang has reached 0 hp! She could use some help <3

HP: 0

Each miss was making her more and more irate. Which led to a lack of good footing and a level head. She took the blue tom's hit heavily, gasping for breath as she was knocked back. There was a hiss of ferocity from her as she tried to step forward again, only to lurch and fall face first into the dirt. Vision hazy.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 12 12
Dandelionclaw is attacking Mudripple! He succeeds!
(He hits for 5 damage!)

HP: 10

Dandelionclaw didn't see a cat in front of him, he saw an enemy come to endanger his loved ones. He swung his claws out to slash at the throat of the enemy warrior. She squirmed just in time for him to cut deep into her chest, but the blood coming out of his opponent was enough for him to know that she wouldn't be getting back up again any time soon. With blood on his paws, he returned to his post in front of the Nursery and bristled even more passionately. Maybe now with the body of a Clanmate near his post, TreeClan would have second thoughts before coming to attack him again.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 9 9
Strikedrop is attacking Dawnpaw! He fails!

HP: 10

Strikedrop had been watching over Petalpaw like he'd said he would and when she found her father, he figured that Twistedrose would be able to handle the protection of his daughter. So, he turned his attention elsewhere, trying to find another TreeClan cat who would be an easy mark. He found himself stepping over the bodies of fallen or near-dead TreeClan cats and as he looked around, he found himself coming to a simple conclusion. This wasn't about who was in the right or the wrong - TreeClan could be mad about the injustice done against them and still lose. It was all about who had the higher amount of bodies to be sacrificed in battle and well, TreeClan had only taken a patrol into the entirety of StoneClan's camp.

"You may not realize it now, in the heat of the moment," He mewed to the striped tom with a pelt somehow more unusual than his own. "But your death was always imminent. The moment your leader sent you into StoneClan camp, your fate was sealed." He shrugged a shoulder as he walked closer to the tomcat. "You can thank her, when you see her again in SunClan, about how you and your mate died here, fighting over a mouthful of prey." He moved forward to slash at Dawnpaw, his claws still red from the apprentice he'd dropped earlier. Unfortunately, warriors were trained and while that apprentice hadn't stood a chance against Strikedrop, it appeared that - as his attack missed - this warrior might still have one.

@NatiStorm - Strikedrop is taunting Dawnpaw.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 20 20
@belloblossom Yarrowbloom is attacking Branchtail! He hits for 5 damage!

Yarrowbloom thought for a moment that there might be a slightly more peaceful way to resolve things as he took blame for stealing prey from TreeClan. That was, until another TreeClan cat came barreling into Snowyowl. Sure, it was his fault that TreeClan was attacking but no one, no one hurt his Snowyowl. His vision went red with rage as he turned his attention to Snowyowl's attacker.

"You leave her out of this! I'm the one you want, you bird brain!" He roared as he pounced the brown stripped tom. Blood flowed over his claws as he raked them over the TreeClan cat without remorse.

( @PeterPan_da144 Yarrowbloom is defending Snowyowl!)

Yarrowbloom (Adult)
HP: 5
To Hit: 10+
Damage: 5
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 15 15
@belloblossom Dawnpaw is attacking Strikedrop! He hits for 5 damage!

Dawnpaw's ears flattened as a pale bicolored tom approached him standing over his fallen mate. His already raised fur bristled further at the words of the StoneClan warrior. How dare he. With a growl louder than he realized he was capable of making, Dawnpaw launched himself at the pale tom, claws extended.

"At least when I go to SunClan it will be with honor, unlike you!" He roared as his claws raked through fur and flesh.

Dawnpaw (Adult)
To Hit: 10+
Damage: 5
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 19 19
Strikedrop is attacking Dawnpaw! He succeeds!
(He hits for 5 damage!)

HP: 5

Strikedrop looked at the tomcat and moved away so that he could take the blow on his flank, so it wasn't lethal. Moving swiftly, he twisted around and managed to secure his fangs into the tomcat's throat. As he released his mouth, spitting the warrior's blood onto the ground beside him, he inclined his head towards the other and tilted his head.

"No battle over something so meaningless as what you're fighting for now could ever be honorable." He crouched, leaning closer to the tomcat and holding his gaze. "I am no blind follower like you. Take care on your journey. I suspect you'll see your entire Clan alongside you if you wait only a few minutes more." He sneered, before pulling back and turning to see if there were any other pesky TreeClan cats he could pick off.

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Stew Aficionado
I do NOT want Branchtail to be healed!!

Branchtail had paused, looking at the white she-cat he'd attacked and then at Talonfang.
"You were talking?" He asked his Clanmate. "What's gotten into you?" He looked back to the she-cat and narrowed his eyes at her, his claws digging into the ground beneath them. StoneClan's soil seemed to be so much harder than TreeClan's was. "Fine, you want to talk? Let's ta-"

But it seemed like the time for talking had come to a swift end. The grey tabby that Talonfang was facing off against sprang at Branchtail and for all his thoughts of grandeur and his skills when he was a younger warrior, no longer was he young and his strength was fueled by the andrenaline in him, not by any substantial muscle. In fact, if anyone took the time to look at Branchtail closely, they'd notice more grey and white hairs around him and the way that despite him eating as well as he used to that his body was looking more lean. Not yet skeletal, but... his age was showing.

So when he took the blow from the grey tabby tomcat, he went down without any splendor. His last thoughts were of his family, of the kits he'd sired and of his beautiful mate, Nutpelt, somewhere else in this fight.

@NatiStorm - Yarrowbloom has knocked Branchtail into the afterlife! He can contemplate being a softboy murderer after the battle. xD
@Blinded By Silence - Talonfang will need to fight this one solo, Branchtail is down!
@PeterPan_da144 - Maybe they would've talked it out, but we'll never know now! xD

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 7 7
@NatiStormRolling for Talonfang! He's attacking Yarrowbloom, to avenge his fallen friend! He misses!

Talongang rolled his eyes as the two cats conversed. He didn't care that the stupid mudbrat apologized. Saying sorry didn't change anything, didn't change the order he was given. As they yammered, he slipped into position to throw himself at the tom again.

They'd take responsibility for their actions, he'd make sure of it.

But just as he went to leap, a brown blur decided to take advantage of their distraction before he could!

"Damn it, old man!" He hissed, he'd had that! Though, he couldn't help his grin of pride, watching his elderly friend give this mouthy she-cat what for. Part of him hoped that he'd be as bad ass as Branchtail was when he got old.

He shook his head and lunged at the grey tom as he cried out for his mate, only to have his target bolt out of the way to defend his snowy white she-cat. Talon hissed again in frustration, but it died in his throat as the brown tabby fell to the dirt with a thud he felt in his chest. It fell like a log into fire, kicking up bright, burning embers of rage.

There were no words. Only a low, feral growl that signaled death was coming.

@PeterPan_da144 [ Talonfang is ready to take on both of these cats! He'll avenge Branchtail or die trying! ]
@belloblossom [ Talon is reacting to Branchtail! ]

Talonfang (Adult)
HP: 5
To Hit: 10+
Damage: 5
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 3 3

@PeterPan_da144 Rolling for Flashpaw! She's picked out Strongclaw as her next target! She misses!

There was a bounce to Flashpaw's step as she skipped about, looking for her next target. She couldn't help but giggle to herself, "We are a good team. I thought so, too, of course, but he actually said it!" The bright-pelted she-cat felt light on her feet at the quiet tom's compliment.

Ah! There! She spotted a dark grey tom all on his own. A perfect target! Oh, she was going to really impress Steadypaw with this one, she could feel it! She let her sharp claws dig into the earth, kicking off with a burst of speed, ready to collide with the sooty tom.

But perhaps she was a bit too light on her feet. Her claws failed to find purchase in his pelt as they barreled into him and she landed in the grass on her back, knocking the wind out of her in a loud whoosh.

Oh man, did Steadypaw see that? How embarrassing!

@belloblossom [ Flashpaw fucked up! ]

Flashpaw (Adult)
HP: 10
To Hit: 10+
Damage: 5
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 11 11
@NatiStorm Errol is attempting to stabilize Thrushpaw! He succeeds! Thrushpaw is safe from the Death Raffle but can no longer fight in the Battle Meta!

Errol looked down on Fogmoth with a look of relief. It was hard to tell, what with his own heart thundering in his chest, but when he placed a paw on the big tom's throat, he could feel a slow but steady pulse beneath the fur.

Good. Good. Now, what next?

It was a strange feeling, this. Being so panicked that he was calm. It was like he was outside himself, watching from afar. Guiding his paws like an unseen mentor.

Look, he told himself. There.

He watched as Mudripple carried a small kit. No, an apprentice. Thrushpaw. Up the ridge, only to be struck down. He felt his heart sink as the little cat she carried tumbled down the rocky slope, swallowed by the greenery at its base. Go. Go.

He didn't remember running. But when he came to, when he realized, he was pulling the tiny half-kit out from the brush, ignoring the prodding, stabbing branches until she was free. Sun above, she had so many wounds... Or maybe they just seemed larger because she was so small. Regardless, he cleaned her wounds as best he could, pressing cobweb into the sizeable gashes and applying pressure to the smaller ones, praying silently for the blood to stop long enough for the little one to have a chance.
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 9 9
@belloblossom Errol is going to attempt to stabilize Mudripple next! Close, but he fails this roll!

Errol's eyes lifted from the little one at his paws. He watched more and more cats fall around him. He needed to do more, be more. Needed more of him.

He heard his name being called, turned his head and saw little Larkpaw laying there, whimpering at him. Why the hell was she here? Was she injured? He rushed over, and let out a sigh of relief at her lack of injury. "It's just a fit, you're fine. Calm down." He gave her a few rough licks to her forehead, not out of compassion but desperation. Once she was able to move again, he pulled her over to her bleeding sister.

"Larkpaw, here." He pulled the even smaller cat over to her sister, "Press here. Hold firm, don't move, you understand?" He interrupted her squeaking, "She will be fine. You are not hurting her. Just hold steady. I have to go help Mudripple now," He picks up his materials and took one last look at the wide-eyed apprentice before dashing off to help another of his fallen clanmates.
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran

Larkpaw had been lifted and tossed aside like a scrap of moss. Like a kit. She hissed at the white she-cat, her mouth open to defend herself and her actions. But she wasn't being addressed. No one was even looking at her, except the muddy little tom she'd been teaching a lesson to.

She wanted to fight, to rebuke these accusations being thrown at her and hers. She looked around, where was her sister? Where was Thrushpaw?

Movement caught her eye; Her sister's blue against the cold stones that make up the cliffside. Mudripple was.. carrying her? Why? Had she been hurt? Her heart fluttered in her chest and she felt her paws go numb. No, no, no... She pushed through the feeling and slipped away from the discussion, beelining directly for the brown she-cat. She had to help!

Larkpaw had just made it to the base of the cliff, and opened her mouth to call out for Mudripple. She was here! She could help! She could--

She stared in wide-eyed horror as a StoneClan tom swiped out at Mudripple, as Thrushpaw tumbled down the stony slope and landed heavily in a bush below. Oh no. No no no... She couldn't move. Her legs gave way and she lay, staring at the bush, panting as panic turned her veins to ice. She saw Errol, rushing over to Thrushpaw's side. She whimpered, a quiet mew, "Errol, Errol, help..." Let me help, she thought.

Errol had her up within a few impatient moments. There was a whirlwind of instruction, her mind was spinning. But she kept the pressure on her sister's wounds, trying not to cry as she focused hard on the weak fluttering of Thrushpaw's heart.

Larkpaw (Apprentice)
HP: 5
To Hit: 13+
Damage: 3
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