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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[META] Phase Three - TreeClan VS StoneClan


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 6 6
Sprucetail is attacking Flashpaw! She fails!

HP: 5

Sprucetail hadn't been expecting to be attacked, she was too busy trying to find her mate - if she could call him that. She'd only known Dawnpaw for a short time, but she had been so ready to find a companion, someone to sit with her and share tongues, someone who loved her kits as much as she seemed to. Someone who was, well, Dawnpaw. She hadn't asked him officially, but they'd been spending so much time together and her heart felt near to exploding whenever he looked at her - as though she were the most special she-cat in the world. Sprucetail didn't want to lose that.

"Dawnpaw, I'm coming!" She yowled, but she wasn't sure that he could hear her - she could barely hear herself.

When she was taken down by a bright orange she-cat, she whipped her head around in alarm and twisted her body but she couldn't get away. She yowled in pain at the feeling of her fur flying away from her body and she thought of her kits at home... and of Dawnpaw who was somewhere in this fight too!

Thrashing around, she tossed her claws and fangs in whatever places she hoped would land on her sudden assailant.
"Get off me! I have better things to do than play with a prey-thief!" She growled, sounding much like a mother scolding an unruly kitten.

@Blinded By Silence - Sprucetail is attacking Flashpaw!
@NatiStorm - Sprucetail is calling for Dawnpaw! Will he hear her?


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 14 14
Steadypaw is attacking Sprucetail! He succeeds!
(He deals 5 damage to Sprucetail!)

HP: 10

Flashpaw licked his chest proudly under Flashpaw's praise and joined her in sneering down at the yellow she-cat, chuffing in amusement at the nickname his Clanmate had assigned to the chatty thing. He stepped over the yellow she-cat, kicking her once more for good measure, before he followed Flashpaw to her next victim.

It was another she-cat that Flashpaw had pounced on though this TreeClan squirrel was a dark brown in constract to their first victim's bright yellow fur. Seeing Flashpaw pounce on the she-cat, Steadypaw hunkered down into a crouch as he watched Flashpaw lay into the tree-brown opponent. Once Flashpaw had seemingly had her fun, he twitched his tail and sprang into action, knocking Flashpaw's opponent away from her and knocked the she-cat flat on her back. He heard something give way under him and the she-cat cried out in pain, shouting the name of an assumed Clanmate and then fell limp.

Looking back over his shoulder, he grinned at Flashpaw.
"Ve are good team." He told her, a happy rumble in his chest. "Let us do again vith the attacking."

@Blinded By Silence - Steadypaw is coming to Flashpaw's aid! He's ready to team tag all of these TreeClan fishbrains!
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Stew Aficionado
Sprucetail's HP is at 0! She needs Errol to come help her out!

Sprucetail hadn't been expecting two cats to attack her at the same time. She was locked into battle with the bright orange she-cat one moment and then the next she was shoved back by a massive tomcat whose paws seemed to dig into her chest. She felt a bone in her chest break and her sight became fuzzy.

"Dawnpaw!" She cried - was he nearby? Maybe he would hear her after all and come to her rescue. She closed her eyes, unable to move for the pain in her chest was too great. Or maybe I'll see Tulipkit again instead. She thought, falling still, her breaths continuing to wheeze out of her.

@NatiStorm - Sprucetail has called to Dawnpaw in her final moments!


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 7 7
Dappleleaf is attacking Sharptongue! He fails!

HP: 10

Dappleleaf was panting hard when he saw Honeypaw come to join him in his attack and soon enoguh the warrior that had dared to attack his apprentice was dead on the ground. Taking a deep breath, he turned away from the battle to tilt his head and press his nose to Honeypaw's.

"You did well, but the battle's not over yet. Not until Sunflight has called for us to stop, then we can rest." He mewed to her, having to raise his voice over the sounds of snarls and hissing that surrounded them. "We're strong as a team, Honeypaw. Stick close to me, if you can. We'll get this done together, I'm not leaving you to fight alone." He promised, before pulling away and looking into Honeypaw's pine green eyes. With a deep breath and a hesitant smile, he turned and spotted a StoneClan cat with a bushed out pelt standing in front of his Clanmate, Spiderbite.

"Come on, Honeypaw, let's go help Spiderbite! Looks like he needs it!" Dappleleaf mewed to his apprentice before he turned and ran over to pounce on the back of the she-cat who looked like she was going to pounce on Spiderbite at any moment. Instead of landing on her, however, he overshot his jump and sailed over her. At least he didn't barrel them both over, he thought, frantically scrambling to reorient himself to face his enemy.

@I--LiveWire--I - Dappleleaf is talking to Honeypaw before he goes to help Spiderbite!


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 17 17
Dandelionclaw is attacking Mudripple! He succeeds!
(He hits for 5 damage!)

HP: 10

Dandelionclaw had been standing guard over the Nursery, keen-eyed and bushy-tailed. Anyone who so much as looked his way got a growl from him, excepting for Skysong when the deputy exchanged a look with him and he felt his chest swell with pride from her acknowledgement. He'd always lheld a great admiration for Skysong and seeing her approval was enough to set him back to searching the battle. He let out a hiss when he saw Gullscreech go down and another when Branchtail - a former Clanmate - attacked an apprentice of StoneClan! Adult or no, Snarlpaw was still an apprentice who was lerning how to be a Clan cat... even if she was exceptionally bad at it.

So distracted by the fighting was he that he didn't fully take into account the dak brown she-cat coming up the cliffside. Once he saw her, however, he sprang into action. He barely registered the burden she was carrying as he jumped at her, claws out and slashing.

"Find somewhere else to hide, intruder!" He snarled, this area is protected!

@Blinded By Silence - Dandelion is boosted by Skysong's acknowledgement!


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 4 4
Mudripple is attacking Dandelionclaw! She fails!

HP: 5

Mudripple had been searching for Errol, her medicine cat, to try and get Thrushpaw some help, but in doing so, she'd started to climb up the rocky cliffs that StoneClan must've had their dens, in an attempt to get a better view. Pulling her head back at an uncomfortable angle to keep Thrushpaw aloft, instead of dragging the apprentice's rear against the sharp rocks, she looked on ahead just in tim to see that she was being charged by an angry tomcat. She pinned her ears back and started to shake her head. No, no, no!

The tomcat bowled her over and she lost her grip on Thrushpaw. Her head hit the stones of the cliffs below and her vision swam until they landed back on the tomcat who was standing above her. Pulling her hind legs close to her stomach, she struck out with them in an attempt to dislodge him, but to no avail! She had to find where Thrushpaw had fallen out of her grasp and then find Errol soon after, it was as dire a situation as it possibly could be!


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 14 14
Branchtail is attacking Snowyowl! He succeeds!
(He deals 5 damage!)

HP: 10

Branchtail had been scanning the battlefield when he saw the familiar pelt of his Clanmate and friend, Talonfang. Talonfang seemed to be cornered by two StoneClan cats - well, well, that was hardly a fair fight. Without taking the time to lick Snarlpaw's blood from his chin, he ran over, ducking his head to his chest and moving in such a way that he hoped he could push over the white she-cat - Snowyowl, wasn't it? Had they been in MountainClan together? His memory was becoming so fuzzy these days.

"Talonfang! You must've been so scared without me." He crooned at the other tomcat, smirking at him with a competitive glint in his eye. "Let's see these prey snatchers off, shall we? I already dealt with one. How many have you done?"

@Blinded By Silence - Branchtail has come to Talonfang's aid!
@PeterPan_da144 - Branchtail has come to push back StoneClan from his Clanmate, literally - he's attacking Snowyowl!
@NatiStorm - Branchtail has joined the fight with Talonfang, Snowyowl and Yarrowbloom!


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 4 4
Petalpaw is attacking Jayfeather! She fails!

HP: 2

Petalpaw had finally spotted her father, only to see him fighting with another warrior! She wailed at the sight of her father fighting and getting hurt and she ran up to interrupt the battle.
"Leave my dad alone!" She hissed and swiped her claws at the dark-pelted tomcat's toes. Her tail was bushed out and raised tall. "I'm the one you're mad at, aren't you! I'm sorry about the prey and I won't go back, but you - you gotta promise you won't hurt my dad anymore! How..." She looked up att the warrior that her father - and now Petalpaw herself - was facing off against. He looked so big and scary in comparison to how Petalpaw had felt. She trembled. "How can I make it better?"

@PeterPan_da144 - Petalpaw has come to save her father! Or to try to, anyway.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 3 3
Siltwater is attacking Spiderbite! He fails!

HP: 10

Siltwater had just returning from a solo hunting patrol, a vole in his mouth when he returned to camp early, brought in by the sounds of fighting that could be heard some distance away. Once he got there, his prey dropped out of his mouth as he gaped at all of the fighting cats. His eyes searced frantically for his family, for his kits among them, but the first cat he found instead was Sharptongue, a fellow warrior, though she'd joined as a kittypet rather than having being born in. Not that that made any real difference.

She was being cornered by at least two other cats that Siltwater could immediately see and he leaped forward, rushing to her aid. He sprang at the cat closest to her and was able to catch their scent as he drew near. What was TreeClan doing attacking StoneClan out of no where? Was this a territory battle? What in SunClan's name was going on?


signed an NDA
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 9 9
@belloblossom Littleflower is trying to help Snarlpaw

She had always known death as almost a close friend. Always walked alongside it in some chapter of her life. After all, it was she who was the medicine cat apprentice who graduated by the training of Sunclan and the ghosts of former medicine cats -- she who had been taught by death. It had never frightened her before. Clan life had always taught cats that there was an after; somewhere you continued to be after you left the mortal realm. Death had always just been another stage of being to her, until now.
Now she stood, watching two clans that had once been brethren in her lifetime. One clan, now shattered into many, with two of its branches clawing and biting at each other's throats. This wasn't what she had seen in her future. She had grown hearing of war, but that was against enemies. Threats. Not cats who once belonged to her first home. Not the followers those two clans had dragged into their war. This wasn't what she had expected, or agreed to, and she found herself remembering Bone last conversation with her. How the timid medicine cat apprentice had signed a promise that Littleflower would always have a home somewhere else if she needed to escape.
She had laughed then. Laughed and assured her apprentice she was fine. That StoneClan would always be home. That she'd always feel safe there, amongst her people.
She remembered how Lostsun had repeated that promise upon Bone graduation. Assured Littleflower she'd always have a place amongst them. Promised her she'd never be alone, even if the impossible happened.
And now there she stood, watching the clans tear each other apart like prey.
There she stood, her heart pounding in her ears.
This wasn't what she had seen in her future.
Snarlpaw collided into the ground, limp, still, ragged. Littleflower snapped herself from her murky inner dialogue and threw herself towards her. She shushed soft murmurs, trying to offer comfort as she pressed herbs she had hastily dragged with her to the field into wounds. Her fur bristled, hackles pulled back if anyone dared come closer. She wasn't a warrior, no, but Snarlpaw was her patient -- she had to protect her.
Littleflower has failed this encounter!
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Stew Aficionado

HP: 0

She had been so sure of herself. That she would be able to overpower the tom, he seemed so soft, and she had lived her entire life in the wilds. But her hubris had gotten the better of her. She was shaken off of him and slumped to the ground as he lunged at her again. A pained shriek escaped her, before she went limp. Her attacker was soon dispatched, and she could hear a clan mate talking to her, but the world was foggy.


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 6 6
Thornstrike is attacking Dappleleaf! He misses!

HP: 5

The cat he had been pummeling finally went limp. Whether dead or not, he didn't particularly care. The vicious little tom spun around, searching for his mate, only to see Sharptongue now being ganged up on by three cats!

"You have no honor!" he shrieked as he threw himself into the fray. Raking his claws down the nearest cat who had already attempted to launch themself at Sharptongue. "Three against one is dishonorable!"

@belloblossom @I--LiveWire--I


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 8 8
Nutpelt leaves Sweetfang, and turns to attack Twistedrose! She misses!

HP: 10

The pale colored she-cat beneath her seemed terrified. Nutpelt hadn't wanted to fight, not really, so she figured this was a good enough scare for the younger she-cat. "Stay down, then, and don't draw attention to yourself. Or else my clan mates might turn on you after I leave." Her words were hissed into the others ear, before she spun around. Just in time to see Jayfeather taking on a full grown tom and a young she-cat.

Nutpelt bounded over, shoving the young apprentice aside and swiping out at the tom.



Stew Aficionado

HP: 10

Eyes narrowed as he watched the tom, ducking beneath the outstretched blow. "Not just one apprentice, several!" He bared his fangs just as Nutpelt came racing past, missing her blow on the pale tom cat and shoving the apprentice aside. Jayfeather took this chance to move up into the tom's space again.

"A patrol full of mouse-brained apprentices who snuck into our land twice to steal prey! There is so much other territory around us, they could have gone anywhere! But they chose to push past OUR boundaries! Hunt on OUR land!" His tail lashed out behind him.



Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 18 18
Snowyowl is attacking Branchtail! She hits him for 5 damage!

HP: 5

They were in the middle of talking, when out of nowhere, Branchtail showed up! He hit Snowyowl hard, making her yowl out in pain. Eyes slitted. "We were talking, dung for brains!" She lashed out at him. "But we can settle this with claws if you prefer!"



Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 16 16
Strongclaw is attacking Dapplepaw! He hits them for 5 damage!

HP: 10

Briefly, his gaze went around to find Lightningdash. In that moment, he almost lost to the cat he was fighting! So instead, he turned his attention back to them!


Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 10 10
The plump tawny tom at last bumbled his way into StoneClan's camp, huffing and puffing as best as his mouthful of cobwebs would allow. As he crested the damn cliff ridge -- Sun above, his paws were killing him! -- the soggy bundle fell from his mouth as it hung open.

Below him, cats threw themselves at each other with such abandon and recklessness, leaving clumps of fur and splashes of blood across the stones and grass. Errol watched in horror as a large blood-covered tom slumped to the ground. Then another. And another...

The reality of his situation hit him hard, knocking the wind from his lungs. This wasn't a game anymore. Nothing fun. This wasn't about stroking his ego or feeling superior.

This was real.

He swallowed down his apprehension and tried to calm his trembling, as he picked up the cobweb bundle from the grass. With a resigned sigh, he jumped from rock to rock, making his way down to the first fallen cat he saw. Everything around him was faded a blur of unnecessary distraction. He tore away a piece of cobweb and pressed it firmly into the red weeping wound. It wasn't until he saw the ridiculous feathers that he recognized his patient. He gulped and pressed an ear to Fogmoth's chest, listening for breath sounds, trying to block out the muffled fighting around him. He let out a shakey sigh; there was movement. This cat wasn't meeting SunClan today, not if he could help it.

He stuck the rest of his supplies to Fogmoth's fur to be collected later and buried his jaws into the tom's thick scruff. Surprising even himself, there were no complaints from the obnoxious know-it-all as he dragged his clanmate out of the line of scrimmage.

@NatiStorm Fogmoth has been stabilized! He will not be added to the Death Raffle but can no longer fight in the Meta! Thank you for your patience!
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Of course, he was here, Sunseer ended most of his days resting by the Sunspot, hoping for a glimpse of his late wife and their children. Glimpses were all he could manage, dreams of dreams, nothing more. But they were getting stronger, he could feel it like the rock, slowly cooling beneath him as he slept.

Back in the mountains, his connection to SunClan had never been as strong as that of the leader before him. It was a point of self-doubt for him, a quiet one he never spoke of. Had he done something wrong, pushed away their light somehow? Was he undeserving, despite his best efforts?

When Little and her siblings were born and subsequentially taken, one by one, away from him and their dying mother, he had been sure he had scorned them somehow. He'd pleaded with them, from sunrise to sunset, every day, unflinching, begging the sun gods to tell him what to do to earn their forgiveness and save what little he had left to save.

When Littleflower bloomed, her destiny becoming obvious, he wondered then if his connection had been instead given to her. He watched her grow into herself, a conduit of the worlds between, a savior to them all. Ah, if it meant living a life blind to the light of the sun for her to shine so brightly, he could be content with that. He'd give it happily. And he had.

He had paid the toll. And now, things were better. Everyone was moving forward. The clans had survived and were settling in. So many new lives had been made here, so many connections. And they were learning so much, about the cats and lands around them. Sure, there were small problems to be dealt with, but Sunseer was determined that the worst of it was behind them. He was determined to be happy, to believe they had succeeded.

Despite the tiny seeds of doubt, despite everything.

His name was like a paw, shattering the icy surface of his dream with a hesitant step. He raised his head, slowly, numbly. Why was Duskpaw here? What was he saying...?

Those unseeing eyes of his blinked, the grogginess banished from them with a wide look, brows tented in uncertainty, "TreeClan is...?"

His mind spun. Why? He had heard nothing, in dreams or waking, about any kind of unrest. As far as he had been told, patrols had been peaceful ever since the foxes had been driven off and the nesting area blocked off. Why...

Sunseer shook his head. No time to worry about that now. He signaled for Duskpaw to follow him with a twitch of his long tail and a voice tight with worry, "Come, quickly. We must stop them."

He took to the trail, running faster than he safely could. Low branches and thick grasses smacked against his pelt, but he ignored them and any skittering stones turned loose by his paws, running harder as the sounds of battle reached his sensitive ears. He followed the slope of the cliff down, toward the river, thankful to be on stones he now knew. Panting, he pulled himself up onto the Tall Stone of the Stone Circle, he sent out his commanding voice, echoing loudly over the fighting cats.

"Sunflight! Stop this at once!"

@belloblossom [ Sunseer addressing both Sunflight and Duskpaw! ]