- 258
- #81
Dice Rolled:
Sprucetail is attacking Flashpaw! She fails!
HP: 5
Sprucetail hadn't been expecting to be attacked, she was too busy trying to find her mate - if she could call him that. She'd only known Dawnpaw for a short time, but she had been so ready to find a companion, someone to sit with her and share tongues, someone who loved her kits as much as she seemed to. Someone who was, well, Dawnpaw. She hadn't asked him officially, but they'd been spending so much time together and her heart felt near to exploding whenever he looked at her - as though she were the most special she-cat in the world. Sprucetail didn't want to lose that.
"Dawnpaw, I'm coming!" She yowled, but she wasn't sure that he could hear her - she could barely hear herself.
When she was taken down by a bright orange she-cat, she whipped her head around in alarm and twisted her body but she couldn't get away. She yowled in pain at the feeling of her fur flying away from her body and she thought of her kits at home... and of Dawnpaw who was somewhere in this fight too!
Thrashing around, she tossed her claws and fangs in whatever places she hoped would land on her sudden assailant.
"Get off me! I have better things to do than play with a prey-thief!" She growled, sounding much like a mother scolding an unruly kitten.
@Blinded By Silence - Sprucetail is attacking Flashpaw!
@NatiStorm - Sprucetail is calling for Dawnpaw! Will he hear her?

HP: 5
Sprucetail hadn't been expecting to be attacked, she was too busy trying to find her mate - if she could call him that. She'd only known Dawnpaw for a short time, but she had been so ready to find a companion, someone to sit with her and share tongues, someone who loved her kits as much as she seemed to. Someone who was, well, Dawnpaw. She hadn't asked him officially, but they'd been spending so much time together and her heart felt near to exploding whenever he looked at her - as though she were the most special she-cat in the world. Sprucetail didn't want to lose that.
"Dawnpaw, I'm coming!" She yowled, but she wasn't sure that he could hear her - she could barely hear herself.
When she was taken down by a bright orange she-cat, she whipped her head around in alarm and twisted her body but she couldn't get away. She yowled in pain at the feeling of her fur flying away from her body and she thought of her kits at home... and of Dawnpaw who was somewhere in this fight too!
Thrashing around, she tossed her claws and fangs in whatever places she hoped would land on her sudden assailant.
"Get off me! I have better things to do than play with a prey-thief!" She growled, sounding much like a mother scolding an unruly kitten.
@Blinded By Silence - Sprucetail is attacking Flashpaw!
@NatiStorm - Sprucetail is calling for Dawnpaw! Will he hear her?