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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[META] Phase Three - TreeClan VS StoneClan


Stew Aficionado
When Snarlpaw took her patrol members over into TreeClan's territory, they were caught a second time and this time, TreeClan isn't letting them off with a warning. Having followed the fleeing Snarlpaw and her patrolmates back into StoneClan's camp, Sunflight is looking to have a word with Sunseer, but she's hoping to send a message too. She's summoned her Clan to fight alongside her and TreeClan is ready to fight for their prey, their territory and their honor.

Only a few (cats who participated in Phase One + Two) really know why the leader of TreeClan is here with a battle raid in their camp, but regardless of who's in the know, all StoneClan cats are ready to defend their home against the intruders! They'll be fighting to protect their territory and their loved ones in it. The audacity of TreeClan, who's leader used to be apart of MountainClan with Sunseer and Skysong will not go unnoticed. It's time to put this young leader in her place!

Current TreeClan HP: 100/205
Current StoneClan HP: 175/235

Cast for TreeClan
1. Sunflight (belloblossom) *
2. Honeypaw (LiveWire)
3. Nutpelt (PeterPan_da144)
4. Hawk (PeterPan_da144)
5. Viperfang (PeterPan_da144)
6. Strongclaw (PeterPan_da144)
7. Birchleaf (PeterPan_da144)
8. Jayfeather (PeterPan_da144)
9. Fogmoth (NatiStorm)
10. Dawnpaw (NatiStorm)
11. Errol (Blinded By Silence) *
12. Talonfang (Blinded By Silence)
13. Spiderbite (belloblossom)
14. Branchtail (belloblossom)
15. Lightningdash (belloblossom)
16. Dustfeather (belloblossom)
17. Sprucetail (belloblossom)
18. Pinedapple (belloblossom)
19. Dappleleaf (belloblossom)
20. Mosspaw (belloblossom)
21. Lynxstride (belloblossom)
22. Mudripple (belloblossom)
23. Larkpaw (Blinded By Silence)
24. Thrushpaw (NatiStorm)

Cast for StoneClan:
1. Sunseer (Blinded By Silence) *
2. Snarlpaw (belloblossom)
3. Yarrowbloom (NatiStorm)
4. Strikedrop (belloblossom)
5. Sharptongue (belloblossom)
6. Steadypaw (belloblossom)
7. Petalpaw (belloblossom)
8. Flashpaw (Blinded By Silence)
9. Dapplepaw (LiveWire)
10. Thornstrike (PeterPan_da144)
11. Snowyowl (PeterPan_da144)
12. Poppyheart (PeterPan_da144)
13. Skysong (Blinded By Silence)
14. Scrap (Blinded By Silence) *
15. Duskpaw (belloblossom)
16. Gullscreech (belloblossom)
17. Dandelionclaw (belloblossom)
18. Riversurge (belloblossom)
19. Siltwater (belloblossom)
20. Twistedrose (belloblossom)
21. Sweetfang (belloblossom)
22. Thunderfoot (belloblossom)
23. Rocksteady (Absolutiones)
24. Nightcall (Absolutiones)
25. Earthpaw (Absolutiones)
26. Puddlepaw (Umbrefox)
27. Littleflower (Nym) *

Cats with asterisks * by their name cannot be attacked by warriors or apprentices! This list currently includes: Leaders, Medicine Cats, Medicine Cat Apprentices!

List of Cats asking for a Medicine Cat Heal
- Lightningdash (TreeClan)
- Sprucetail (TreeClan)
- Hawk (TreeClan)
- Viperfang (TreeClan)
- Mudripple (TreeClan)
- Dawnpaw (TreeClan)
- Rocksteady (StoneClan)
- Nightcall (StoneClan)
- Talonfang (TreeClan)

List of Cats Unable to fight (healed/zero hp)
- Fogmoth: Healed
- Thrushpaw: Healed
- Gullscreech: Healed
- Thunderfoot: Healed
- Thornstrike: Healed
- Dapplepaw: Healed
- Snarlpaw: Zero HP
- Lightningdash: Zero HP
- Pinedapple: Zero HP
- Sprucetial: Zero HP
- Hawk: Zero HP
- Viperfang: Zero HP
- Mudripple: Zero HP
- Dawnpaw: Zero HP
- Rocksteady: Zero HP
- Nightcall: Zero HP
- Branchtail: Zero HP
- Talonfang: Zero HP

If you need a refresher on the Battle Mechanics, here they are!
TreeClan VS StoneClan - Battle Mechanics

Health Points
- Staff will be adding up the collective HP of the cats who sign up from both sides of the fight. When a Clan's collective HP reaches half or less it's original total, their Clan leader will call for a retreat and the battle will stop. Individual health points are determined by your cat's art stage (Adult or Adolescent) and can be located in the Cat Stats section of this post. If your cat's HP hits 0 during the battle, they have been rendered unable to fight and cannot continue posting in the battle; their name will be entered into the Death Raffle for this cycle.

Medicine Cats + Healing - Once a day (per 24hrs) a Medicine Cat or Medicine Cat Apprentice can attempt to revive a fallen cat (I don't think we should restrict this to clan mates only, allows for some fun interaction maybe) by rolling 1d20. A success for a Medicine Cat is 10+, a success for a Medicine Cat Apprentice is 16+. Medicine Cats and Medicine Cat Apprentices cannot get attacked by Warriors or Apprentices at this time.

In order to be eligible for healing the cat in question must have been brought to 0HP and @ the Medicine Cat Role in the Discord channel. It is up to the Medicine Cat who gets healed. If a Medicine Cat fails their roll, they cannot attempt it again until their cooldown of 24hrs is up. Once a cat is healed, they are taken out of the fight to safety and are unable to participate in the battle further.

Cats can opt out of healing by noting so at the top of their post in bold. For example: !! Do Not Heal [ CATNAME HERE ] !! )

Attacking - When you go to attack someone's cat in battle, you must quote the user and declare it in bold at the top of your post who it is your character is attacking. (For example: @Blinded By Silence Dandelionclaw is attacking Talonfang!) Once you've made this declaration, you can roll to see if you hit. When you've checked your number to see if you've succeeded in your attack your failed it, edit the declaration at the top of your post in bold! (Example: Dandelionclaw is attacking Talonfang! He succeeds/fails!) After you've gotten the attack out of the way, you may edit in your roleplay response!

Individual Cat Stats - The same battle statistics that warriors and apprentices have in Patrol Battle Encounters will be applied here. These stats go by art stage and not by rank, so if you have an adult staged apprentice, you'd use the adult stats instead of the apprentice stage for your cat.

Adult Cat (Warrior)
HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

Adolescent Cat (Apprentice)
HP: 5
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 13+
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Stew Aficionado

When Mudripple had run back to camp, yowling about StoneClan invaders, Sunflight had been the first to reach her. The knowledge that Lightningdash and Branchtail were pursuing the intruders over the border, that her Clanmates were in danger and that StoneClan had pushed their luck to the breaking point had made her fur bristle.

She'd called upon her Clanmates, picking some warriors to join her, while others volunteered to join. She was worried at the sight of Larkpaw and Thrushpaw among them, but she would not force them to stay behind, only bade them to stay safe and to run if the fighting got too intense. Riversong was told to stay in camp with those who were not going with her. Sunflight knew Riversong would organize the cats remaining behind - if StoneClan decided to retaliate and break into the Nest, Riversong would put a fast stop to that.

With her Clanmates gathered, they followed the scent trail and blood splatters of a battle that had started on their side of the border and tracked it all the way into StoneClan's camp.
"TreeClan, attack!" She called to her warriors. "Let's show these prey-stealers what it means when they don't heed our warning!"

She plunged into the fray, seeking out the spotted pelt of her own former leader, Sunseer, but as yowling and growls erupted around her, her voice was hardly heard above the name as she shouted. "Sunseer, come out and face me! We need to 'talk!'"

@Blinded By Silence @I--LiveWire--I @PeterPan_da144 @NatiStorm @Absolutiones @Umbrefox @Nym


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 15 15
Branchtail is attacking Snarlpaw! He succeeds!
(He deals 5 damage!)

HP: 10

As Branchtail ran across the field over to StoneClan's camp, he sent a prayer to SunClan that Mudripple would get to the camp in time and that Sunflight and a patrol would be on their way to join him. As it stood, he had to get to Lightningdash, who was still running along ahead of him, chasing down the StoneClan cats who had invaded and caught prey from them again.

Following along after the retreating cats, he was able to catch up with them and when he caught wind of that pesky, pathetic Snarlpaw - the one who likely started this whole thing, based on her attitude on their first meeting - began to sound the alarm, he cut off her yowling by pouncing on her. He managed to get one good slice in, enough to distract her and to draw blood. Branchtail may have been old, but he was a warrior still.

"I hope you know that all of what happened today - that it's your fault." He spat at Snarlpaw.

At the sounds of more pawsteps, he raised his head and turned to see Sunflight with many of his Clanmates bending around the corner. He raised his muzzle to the sky in a triumphant yowl, before turning his gaze back to Snarlpaw. It was time to finish this - to finish her.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 4 4
Snarlpaw is attacking Branchtail! She fails!

HP: 5

When Snarlpaw had tangled her claws up into the fur of the yellow she-cat that came pelting out of the tree line, she'd managed to toss her off, blood on her paws and heart-pounding. To her patrol she bellowed, "Retreat! Get back to camp to warn them!" Before turning around herself and high-tailing it back to the riverside cliffs that were her home. She wasn't sure which one of her patrol mates would get there faster, but when she broke into camp, she yowled. "TreeClan is coming! They're going to attack!" She didn't have time to explain further because sure enough, a TreeClan warrior slammed into her side throwing her off balance.

Moving to look at her assailant, she felt his claws in her flanks and felt flesh and fur come apart in them. She yowled in pain and wrenched herself away, crouching low and staring up with wide eyes at the brown and white tabby tomcat who was glowering down at her. Her heart was beating hard and fast in her chest - she could've sworn she could hear it pounding in her ears too.

"B-Back off! I'm not scared of you!" She hissed at him, her wound aching. Oh SunClan - where was Littleflower and Sunseer in all of this mess? She suspected that brutish deputy Skysong could htake care of herself, but what about their medicine cat and elderly, blind leader? Her stump tail bushed out defensively and she stood up. "Whatever you say... I'm not going to let you hurt anyone else!" She told the tomcat and moved to attack him, only for her shoulder to flare up in a burst of pain and she stumbled, falling to the ground and looking up at the brown tabby with a fierce glare instead.


Stew Aficionado

HP: 10

Duskpaw had been at the fresh kill pile, placing a freshly caught fish atop the pile. He had hoped to give it to Skysong, but he couldn't immediately find her. Probably off with her new apprentice, Skypaw. He rolled his eyes to the sky above, where the sun was starting to lower in the sky. Surely Skysong would be back soon and if he put his trout on top of the pile, surely she would see it - but would she take it?

Ever since she'd gotten a new apprentice, no, ever since Siltwater and Nightcall had their litter, she seemed to always be hanging around the parents and their kits. He scuffed a paw on the ground in front of the pile. No time for a stray apprentice anymore. He thought bitterly.

His ears flicked as Duskpaw heard the sounds of paws coming towards the entrance and he looked up, expecting to see a patrol coming in from the border - and sure enough, there was Snarlpaw rushing through - always in a hurry, that Snarlpaw. Only, wait, no, she was yowling about... about TreeClan attacking? How could that be - but a brown tabby he didn't recognize was attacking Snarlpaw and soon enough, the camp was flooded with pine-scented cats. His fur bristled as he swung his head around from one side to another, trying to find himself. His fish still firmly grasped in his mouth, his thoughts went first to Skysong and then to the vulnerable Sunseer. Skysong could take care of herself, couldn't she? But Sunseer... He needed to go protect his mentor and his leader!

Trout in maw, he bolted off towards the leaders den, but who knew what might interrupt his journey there?
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Stew Aficionado

HP: 5

Petalpaw hadn't been a useful asset in the hunt, but she would be in the fight against TreeClan! She ran back to StoneClan camp, her mind on her siblings and her parents, she had to warn them, had to apologize for what she did. On her shorter legs, she didn't get there as fast as Snarlpaw did. Byt the time that she did get to camp, cats from TreeClan were already there. She raised her voice, hoping to be heard over the calamity.

"Twistedrose! Eclipsefuuuur!" She yowled. She tried to sneak through the crowd, trying not to get buffeted by the larger cats as she made her way towards the apprentices den. Maybe Moonpaw or Darkpaw would be inside and she could stay with them until their parents found them!
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 15 15
Mosspaw is attacking Puddlepaw! She succeeds!
(She deals 3 damage!)

HP: 5

Mosspaw was the only one of her siblings to join the battle. She'd expected Poplarpaw to go, but her sister had refused. However, when she saw her mother join the battle and knew that Branchtail was already in the mix, her resolve strengthened. She looked at her siblings who were remaining behind, fixing them all with a look of determination.

"I'll be back soon." She told them. "Save me a good piece of prey, okay?" She'd mewed at them, before turning and running alongside her Clanmates to the battlegrounds that were StoneClan's camp.

Now that she was in the heat of it all, Mosspaw didn't feel nearly as certain without any of her siblings there. Still, she'd promised herself that she'd be brave, so when she saw a StoneClan apprentice nearby, she rushed over and cut off his exit with a growl.

"Take that, prey-stealer!" She hissed at him and her claws lashed out, catching in the apprentice's chest fur. She recoiled at the sight of blood - a cat's blood looked the same as prey blood, but something in her felt twisted. "You... You StoneClan cats had this coming, after all you did!" @Umbrefox
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Stew Aficionado

HP: 10

Dandelionclaw had been staying around the Nursery more than he'd been in the Warriors Den lately. He hadn't moved in with Graybreeze when she'd gone, because the Nursery was not a tomcat's place, but he visited her every day, bringing prey and fresh moss. He doted on her, now more than ever, because of the kits she was carrying in her belly: his kits. Their kits.

He was in the Nursery when the fighting broke out and he'd told his mate to get towards the back of the Nursery. He would protect her and any of the other expecting queens of StoneClan. He flattened his ears at the thought of Nightcall and her kits who had just become apprentices recently. He wondered if he could convince the apprentices to stay in the Nursery with the queens. Dandelionclaw would protect the entire camp if he could. Hell, even with Sunseer's nonsense growing with his allowance of so much new blood in the camp, he still respected his leader, so Sunseer could have a place in the protection cave too.

He shook his head - no time to be fantasizing of grandeur, that was for a cat much younger than Dandelionclaw. Now, it was time to really and truly fight! Positioning himself in front of the mouth of the cave that held his mate inside, he snarled every time a cat, from either Clan, got too close. No one was getting past him, not if he could help it.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 20 20
Pinedapple is attacking Thornstrike! He succeeds!
(He does 5 damage!)

HP: 10

At the meeting that decided the vote, Pinedapple had been willing to forget about the patrol and prey theft from StoneClan. He was happy to shrug it off, because of course StoenClan wouldn't have the audacity to try the same stunt twice.

Oh, how wrong he had been.

Now, he was standing on the StoneClan cliffs, overlooking the fighting. He was his mothers' son and his mothers just so happened to be the leader and deputy of the Clan. He had been called upon to fight and so of course he would fight. He picked out a shorter tomcat in the mix of cats and leaped from the rocky cliffs down in front of him.

"Hey fish-breath! Come answer for your crimes against my Clan!" He growled and pounced on top of the tomcat, wrestling the smaller brown tomcat to the ground. "What StoneClan has done is against the Warrior Code!" He spat, his claws digging into the tomcat's shoulders. "Don't you feel even a little remorseful? We would've let you go if you'd had the sense to stay away the first time!" @PeterPan_da144
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 11 11
Sweetfang is attacking Fogmoth!

Sweetfang wasn't a fighter, she was a hunter! Every time she'd gone out to hunt, she'd impressed the cats around her and she was proud to be a StoneClan cat. Yet, when she saw all of those TreeClan cats come rushing into StoneClan's camp, she wished more than anything that she was back at her kittypet den with Reeses at her side. She'd been thinking of her brother more and more lately and now she was thinking of him as she trembled beside a rock that barely obscured her body. Was he alright? Was he still alive? Would she ever see him again?

She desperately wanted to see him again, more now than ever. She wanted her brother to appear on the cliffs and pull her away from the fighting to safety! But... her broher wasn't here, wasn't going to rescue her. She was a Clan cat, a StoneClan cat, and she had a mate who loved her and... she couldnt' just hide behind rocks and hope that nothing bad would happen to her.

Pushing herself up, she looked hard at all of the TreeClan cats, before picking out tomcat who was more fluff than muscle - at least, she hoped so. Rushing over the grey tomcat with... feathers in his fur? She bushed out her tail and arched her back. Swiping her claws out at the tomcat, she watched her claws slice into his front legs. That was something, right? She'd done something to an enemy cat, right?

"You are trespassing in StoneClan's territory! Leave now or you'll be sorry!" @NatiStorm

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 14 14
@belloblossom - Flashpaw is attacking Lightningdash! She hits for 5 damage!

Everything happened so fast. Normally, Flashpaw lived a pretty quick-paced life, so she had little trouble with fast, but this... One moment she had been by Steadypaw's side, praising his skillful catch of an entire rabbit (he was so cool), and the next, claws were out and fur was flying.

'Run,' An inner voice told her. Or was it an outside voice? It was! It was her, yelling, urging her clanmates back towards the familiar treeline, back towards home base. Surely they wouldn't chase them down like prey? Her large, pink eyes watched as TreeClan proved her wrong as three cats barreled towards them, the sound of many, many others making the trees tremble.

Or was that her too?

"Go, go, run!" She threw her minute weight into Steadypaw and ran herself, willing her legs to push her back to safety. Sun above, they were still coming...

She skidded to a halt near the entrance to camp. No, no, no! She'd just found this new home, she wasn't going to let a bunch of squirrels take it from her! So she rounded on the first cat she saw, the yellow one that had openly attacked Snarlpaw! In one fluid motion, she turned and sprang on her, claws flared and teeth bared, latching on to the quickling in a flurry of fur and fangs.

Flashpaw (Adult)
HP: 10
To Hit: 10+
Damage: 5
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 18 18
@NatiStorm Talonfang is attacking Yarrowbloom! He hits for 5 damage!

A low curse fell from Talonfang's lips as the alarm was called. He'd been wrong. And the only thing worse than being wrong was losing, so he sure as hell wasn't going to do that, not today.

The robin he'd been carrying home fell from his jaws. He was long gone by the time it hit the forest floor, a dull thud drowned out by the trembling of so many trees.

As the trees spaced out, he hit the ground running, his claws tearing up scars in StoneClan soil. The bicolored tom held a low, eager growl deep in his throat as his green eyes searched for the first cat to feel his claws. He passed over the smaller cats. He wasn't some coward, looking for an easy fight. Yarrowbloom caught his eye; a young Warrior, yes. Now, the grey cat would catch his claws. He leaped onto the striped tom's back, using his weight and momentum to sink his claws in deep, letting that growl turn into a snarl.

"Ya'll messed up now, rockhead." He hissed.

Talonfang (Adult)
HP: 10
To Hit: 10+
Damage: 5
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Errol spat out the feathers of his current meal as the alarm was sounded. What? They'd truly come back? A second time, even after the warning they'd been given?

"Stupid, stupid uncivilized, uneducated..." He hissed, batting away the dumb bird some idiot paw had hunted for him. "Stupid! All of them!"

He moved quickly, quicker than most would have expected from a cat of his weight. Errol squeezed past the roots of his den and popped out a moment later, laden with as much cobwebs as he could carry.

He could still be heard cursing and insulting the idiocy of this whole ordeal the entire way as he followed his clan into battle.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 13 13
@Blinded By Silence Yarrowbloom is attacking Talonfang! He hits for 5 damage!

Yarrowbloom sat patiently on the StoneClan side of the boarder waiting for the rest of the patrol to grab some prey to take back to camp. At the first sign of TreeClan warriors, the grey tom turned tail and ran! He stopped for a moment to grab his rabbit from under the leaves - TreeClan wouldn't be taking his prey away from him this time - but the delay had cost him. The StoneClan camp was in his sights when a cats weight slammed down on top of him causing him to drop the rabbit he'd been carrying.

He yowled in pain as claws sank into him. Oh, this was bad, really bad. They had indeed messed up. Yarrowbloom struggled to escape the bicolored tom that was attacking him. As he squirmed and tried to break loose of the enemies hold he lashed out with his claws and was honestly surprised when they caught fur and raked flesh. The air around him was full of blood and pine scented cats. This was going from bad to worse.

"It was just one rabbit! You weren't going to catch it anyway!" Yarrowbloom hissed as he struggled to regain a fighting stance and face the TreeClan cat who had pounced him.

Yarrowbloom (Adult)
HP: 5
To Hit: 10+
Damage: 5
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 7 7
@belloblossom Fogmoth is attacking Sweetfang! He missed!

Fogmoth wasn't surprised that the StoneClan cats had decided to hunt in their territory once again. There had been no retaliation last time so what was stopping them from coming back? It was confusing to him why so many of his clan were surprised to hear of the invaders hunting in their territory for a second time. What was not confusing was the immediate call to action. Finally, something could be done to stop the prey thieving.

Though he'd encountered hostile cats in his time as a loner, nothing could have prepared him for the battle that was taking place on StoneClan soil. He made the mistake of running on the ground to keep up with the prey stealing patrol cats and came up short when a StoneClan she-cat slashed his legs. A loud hiss escaped him followed by a deep growl as he faced the she-cat who had injured him.

"Your clan trespassed in our territory first! You will pay for stealing our prey!" Fogmoth slashed at the StoneClan cat with his front claws but his attack was slow from his injury. Pain throbbed through his front limbs as his heart pounded in his chest.

Fogmoth (Adult)
HP: 5
To Hit: 10+
Damage: 5
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 10 10
@Absolutiones Dawnpaw is attacking Nightcall! He hits for 5 damage!

Dawnpaw was new to clan life, having been recently recruited by Sprucetail, and wasn't entirely sure why TreeClan was rushing to battle with the neighboring clan but he saw it as a perfect opportunity to prove himself loyal and strong. This was how all the other cats got their warrior names, right? By proving themselves in battle? There would be time to figure out the details later, now was the time for action!

Following his clan into the territory of StoneClan, Dawnpaw kept running through the branches until he found a warrior not engaged in battle yet. His sights landed on a dark cat with orange spots. As silently as he could manage, he jumped from the lowest branch and landed on the she-cat's back! His claws raked along her side and came away bloody.

Dawnpaw (Adult)
To Hit: 10+
Damage: 5
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 16 16
@belloblossom Thrushpaw is attacking Petalpaw! She hits for 3 damage!

Thrushpaw knew it was beyond dangerous for her to go with the warriors into battle but she would not stay behind and let this injustice go. Those rock-brained StoneClan cats needed to be taught a lesson and she was just as good as any warrior to teach them! Besides, all the patrol cats said it was apprentices who were hunting on their lands and it wasn't exactly a fair fight for a StoneClan apprentice to face a mighty TreeClan warrior. Obviously the only reasonable action was for a TreeClan apprentice to make them regret ever setting a paw over the boarder!

Picking her way carefully through the branches, Thrushpaw passed over much of the battle before acquiring her target. A young paw, much like herself, was yowling for others in the StoneClan camp. Claws out, Thrushpaw dove from the branches, landing rather ungracefully on top of the pale apprentice she had targeted.

"Take that prey thief!" She yowled in her tiny voice as he claws drew blood from another cat for the first time.

Thrushpaw (Apprentice)
HP: 5
Damage: 3 per hit
To Hit: 13+
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 17 17
@Absolutiones Larkpaw is attacking Earthpaw! She hits for 3 damage!

Larkpaw ran alongside her sister. Well, not beside. Behind her, rather. Larkpaw wasn't as big or as strong as Thrushpaw. But despite that, or maybe even in spite of it, she pushed onward, swallowing down her heart as it tried to leap into her throat.

She hadn't been old enough to participate in the discussion that had happened nearly a moon ago now. In fact, she'd spent most of that time resting, or in the Owl's Roost. But that didn't mean she hadn't been listening. StoneClan had done something bad. Stealing prey and disrespecting borders. But, for when she had heard, it seemed likely that they were too stupid to realize this. They hadn't been trained properly. So, even if she was a little behind in her own training, she had the high ground! So to speak.

And so, she followed Thrushpaw's lead and leaped without fear onto the first StoneClan Apprentice she saw. What was that saying Errol always said, 'if you couldn't do, then teach'? Well these cats sure needed a lesson!

Larkpaw (Apprentice)
HP: 5
To Hit: 13+
Damage: 3
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 18 18
Puddlepaw is attacking Mosspaw! He hits for 3 damage!


Puddlepaw silently scowled. He had been completing another one of Thunderfoot's weird tasks to "'help build your resiliency' and 'loosen up a bit'" as he'd put it, what ever that's supposed to mean. He was diligently completing Thunderfoot's task despite his grumbling, when a loud commotion erupted. Puddlepaw went to investigate the noise, as he got closer he could make out screams about TreeClan invading. Puddlepaw paused to assess the situation. 'Why is TreeClan here?' he thought to himself.

His question was swiftly answered by the brown TreeClan apprentice that barrelled straight towards him with a slash of her claws. 'Prey-stealer?' he winced from the blow. "What sort of irresponsible..." he mewed aloud. 'No, no time for that! I have to focus on the danger in front of me, that can be dealt with later.' Then the adrenaline kicked in.

"Get away from me, weirdo!" Puddlepaw hissed. He kicked Mosspaw away from him, not caring if he did any real damage to her. "Mom! Dad! Everyone!" Worried about his family, he runs deeper into camp.



Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 10 10
Sweetfang is attacking Fogmoth! She succeeds!
(She deals 5 damage!)

HP: 10

Sweetfang watched the short-tailed warrior try to attack her and she took several paces back. Hearing his words, his accusations, her eyes narrowed.
"What're you talking about? StoneClan has done no such thing!" She spat back at him. "You're making up lies to justify your violence against a Clan that's done nothing to TreeClan!" She lashed out at hima gain with her claws, aiming at his open chest wound. "You need to go back to where you came from and stay there!" @NatiStorm