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[META SIGN UP] The Town of Stillwater [Closed!]


late to the party
Staff member
Username: DavyJnah
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Yes very much please!

Your suggested character is:

Burning Passion
A town like Stillwater needs a blacksmith; someone needs to repair broken tools, fix snapped blades, and make the joints and nails that everyone uses on a daily basis in such a small, technologically deficit place. That smith is Burning Passion, a gruff-spoken beauty who doesn't care how pretty you think their hair or makeup happens to be. Of course it is, that's why they do it that way - now get out of the forge before ya get yerself burnt! They're strong, hardy, and fit the physical archetype of their breed to a tee - and they're darned proud of it, you better believe it. Passion doesn't believe in things like magic for manual labor, instead doing things the old way to make sure it's done right. This philosophy even extends into their personal life, where they even eschew things like television or radio in favor of physical activities like hiking or fishing. They've been through three apprentices so far, but none have been up to standards, and they secretly worry if they'll be able to find a replacement to carry on their business when they're too old to hammer the irons.



late to the party
Staff member
Username: bitsie spider
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? absolutely
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? yush
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? yush
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? yes, please! <3

Your suggested character is:

Zip n' Pep
As the proprietor of the Zip-Rite Farmacy (as spelled!), Zip tends to be upbeat and chatty most of the time. Whether it's all that caffeine or just a constant sugar rush, the soda shoppe owner is just as bright as the super-sweet treats they peddle. Once a true pharmacy, the Farmacy is now just a soda fountain and ice cream bar, not to mention the most popular after-school hang out for anyone not old enough for the Golden Phial - or who just doesn't drink. Sometimes they get tired of wrangling crowds of chattery foals and instructing soda jerks on how to do their jobs, but a quick shot of Zip's Patented High Energy Pep-n-Step Soda picks them right back up. That much caffeine can't actually be bad for someone, right?



late to the party
Staff member
Username: PZMJNP
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yep!
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yep!
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yep!
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Yes please~

Your suggested character is:

Sweet Petite
With a cover story of being a helping hand on their family's melon farm, Sweet doesn't seem out of place among the usual nobodies of Stillwater, although their finely primped hair and sometimes glittery baubles do. They're very careful not to do too much though, claiming they've just been saving up. In truth, however, Sweet is more than meets the eye; they're a minor criminal, specializing in petty larceny and small break ins. Their bright colors and can-do attitude convince most ponies they've got their head on straight and their life on path, but in truth they shirk hard work as much as possible. They amass a small fortune of stolen goods - never anything big enough to bring attention to themselves - then use the excuse of taking melon shipments to distant markets to pawn them off to unsuspecting traders. They plan on blowing the joint one day, once they've put back enough bits, but that date keeps getting pushed back as they find it hard to resist treating themselves to a nice haircut or an expensive drink a little too often.



Long-Term Resident
Username: SSBrosB
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? YES PLEASE
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Grizzled Veteran
Username: Melomar
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Yes
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Chisato Mikami

Username: Chisato Mikami
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Yes please.
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Grizzled Veteran
Username: Niyaru
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially?yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool?yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony?yes :D all the more fun!
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Draig Ddrwg

Station Visitor
Username: Draig Ddrwg
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? yes
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late to the party
Staff member
Username: SSBrosB
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? YES PLEASE

Your suggested character is:

Nostalgic Bookwatch
As one of the town's teacher, Nos is lucky they like foals. Their school is unfortunately understaffed and quite small, meaning they're one of the few teachers to handle the rowdy younglings. This is perfectly okay with them, though! They enjoy it, even though they're sometimes known as a little bit of a "mean" teacher. They believe there's a time for learning and a time for play, and time in the classroom is education time. When they're relaxing, they enjoy curling up with a hot cup of strong coffee and a good book - often a fantastic romance, letting them dream of exciting places seemingly worlds away.



late to the party
Staff member
Username: Melomar
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Yes

Your suggested character is:

Nose-to-Tail - or Nota for short - is the town's primary butcher. As the oldest of four siblings, they work the counter and the face-sales for the townsfolk in the shop their family has run for three generations. The younger members help in the back of their processing station, working with their parents to learn the trade of packaging livestock goods for the local cattle, chicken, and even fish farmers (being that the town isn't big enough for a fishmarket all its own). Nota, however, handles the smaller individual cuts and preps to be sold not to distant cities but the local folk, and because of that they're quite a well-known face around town. They're one of the more technologically positive in Stillwater, quite appreciating what refrigeration and freezers have done for the trade! They're always happy to help with a smile and a bit of chatter, and between visits or orders, they like to relax with a tiny television they keep squirreled away beside the cash register.



late to the party
Staff member
Username: Chisato Mikami
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Yes please.

Your suggested character is:

Summer Breeze
Despite their own soft palette, Breeze is a huge fan of bright colors, especially warm oranges and golds. It's part of why they started their profession in the first place - growing, harvesting, and selling flowers! They're a florist by official trade, though they typically do grow their own rather than buy from others. They love bright and bold arrangements, though they won't shun lighter tones either. Truly they're passionate about their work, happy to help explain how flower growth and pollination works to others or offer short classes on how to press and keep flowers in various ways. They're good friends with the local bee keepers, and they keep a beautiful stand of honey jars for sale for them in their shop! They're generally very pleasant, though they do have a sad secret in their heart. They're hopelessly in love with someone, but that special someone doesn't seem to notice them at all.



Long-Term Resident
Username: Straye
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? I did.
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? I do.
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Sure do!
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? I'm certainly open to ideas!
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Username: Fuzzy-Corgi
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony Yes please <3
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late to the party
Staff member
Username: Niyaru
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially?yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool?yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony?yes :D all the more fun!

Your suggested resident is:

Softlight Shimmer
Shimmer is a resident caregiver, working as a foalsitter for parents too busy with their farms or other tasks. They're a very sweet, if rather withdrawn pony, always making sure to watch their manners and offer as much politeness as possible to those they meet or work with. They are quite shy, and they get flustered easily by others trying to get closer to them - especially if they like them. Despite this, they're good at what they do, managing their prices effectively and being excellent with the young ones. They enjoy logic puzzles and mysteries, and they can often be found trying to solve the problem of the day - whether a new puzzle or a thrilling novella - while their charges are getting a much-needed nap.



late to the party
Staff member
Username: Draig Ddrwg
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? yes

Your suggested character is:

Sugarberry Fields
One of the farmsteads occupying the land near Stillwater belongs to one Sugarberry Fields, more commonly known as Mx. Fields or just Sugar to friends. Despite the name, their farm is dedicated to a wide variety of leafy produce that grows well in the colder climate of the region, such as spinach, cabbage, kale, and even a few lettuces. They're stern when it comes to their work, coming from a line of farmers that all instilled a very strong work ethic into their progeny. They're proud to continue this tradition, though they aren't terribly uptight once the day's work is over. When relaxing, they enjoy working on quilting and listening to a good radio broadcast, though they refuse to have a television brought into the house. They feel like technology is ruining the "good ways" of life, and the trickling of such into the town in recent days has made them shake their head at all these lazy ponies who don't want to work hard for what they get.



late to the party
Staff member
Username: Straye
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? I did.
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? I do.
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Sure do!
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? I'm certainly open to ideas!

Your suggested character is:

Pop is... a bit of an oddball in the town. They reside in a supposed farmstead at the edge of the woods, though they've only cleared out a small section of their total land. There they raise enough vegetables to feed themselves, but they make their living selling home-grown gourmet mushrooms. This ostensibly makes them a farmer, but most of the townsfolk know little else about them. Most just think they're strange but harmless enough, but in truth they are quite often wrapped up in reading about crime and conspiracies on a rather tenuous wireless internet connection. They only live on the farm because they inherited it from a family member, and they'd much rather live in a city - but hey, free rent is free rent, and growing mushrooms is a piece of cake. However, they absolutely loathe the uptight and backwater feel of the town, so they mostly just keep to themselves and their long-distance friends. Their interests and hobbies have led them to be a potential inductee to the local cult, as they have big dreams of unearthing a conspiracy of their own one day, but for now it remains to be seen whether they'll get anything juicy or simply end up shunned from the group.

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late to the party
Staff member
Username: Fuzzy-Corgi
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony Yes please <3

Your suggested character is:

Lackadaisy Limelight
Once, Lime was a star - at least, as much of a star as a foal can be. Growing up, they were always playing different sports and participating events, always wanting to be the star; many thought they would, one day, but somewhere along the line they stopped trying so hard. They just figured it would come - but then, well, it didn't. With the lack of training and the drive to do better fading with burn-out and a falsely believed notion that everything was simple, eventually Lime fell out of their youthful spotlight and became something of a nobody. They're resentful of this, and while they do still stay in shape - running an athletic center in the town - they simply don't have the get up and go to make things happen like they used to. Instead, they like to regale about the past and what was - even if it wasn't exactly that long ago. They certainly do still have potential; they're physically fit and talented, so maybe they just need something to blow that spark they had as a foal back to life?
