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[META SIGN UP] The Town of Stillwater [Closed!]


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Your suggested character is:

Til Sundown
Every town needs its food vendors, and Til fits that bill perfectly. They've found a niche that the local diner and soda shoppe doesn't fill - hotdogs! - and boy oh boy do they do it well. It's rare they need to pull up their voice for a patented "Come and get 'em!" yell anymore, because word travels fast in such a sleepy little town and there's always someone wanting a quick, hot meal from their stand at lunch and dinner time. They've got a good life, but they can't help but wonder how things might have gone if they'd been born in a bigger city. They're not greedy, but ... it's kind of a bummer living in such a small place, isn't it?

Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely?Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially?Yes I understand
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool?Yes I understand
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? I would love suggestions!


🐾"When it hurts to look back, and your scared to look ahead,

Username: lisaisfire-619
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Yes pretty please <3

you can look beside you, and your best friend will be there."🐾
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Stew Aficionado
Username: Revel
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony Pretty please yes.
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Alanna the Pirate Queen

Long-Term Resident
Username: Alanna the Pirate Queen
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? I have a couple ideas!
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Long-Term Resident
Username: Ruler
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Absolutely!
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes!
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes!
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Yes, please!
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Grizzled Veteran
Username: DavyJnah
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Yes very much please!
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bitsie spider

Grizzled Veteran
Username: bitsie spider
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? absolutely
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? yush
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? yush
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? yes, please! <3
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Grizzled Veteran
Username: PZMJNP
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yep!
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yep!
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yep!
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Yes please~
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late to the party
Staff member

Your suggested character is:

Steady Grip
This homely pony ain't nothin' too special, but that's how they like it. They do their job and they do it well - repairin', that is. They're a low-tech repairpony; don't count on them to repair a computer or a phone, but if you need a porch patched up or a leak un-sprung, they're the one to call. They're one of the rickety little bar's daily patrons, finding a nice, frosty mug of ale just the thing to cool off with after a hot day trekking around fixing this or that around the town. They lack any dreams of a "bigger life," thinking it silly when they could be proud of what they already do.

Username: Absolutiones
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Yes please


late to the party
Staff member
Username: Moonie
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely Yup
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially Yup
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool Yup
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony Sure!

Your suggested character is:

Despite the name, there's nothing too dainty about Dainty, except maybe their hair. They're quite large for a pegasus - because of the strong earth in their family tree, or so their ma likes to say - and strongly built too. They don't really mind too much, though sometimes they secretly wish they could be trim and pretty like some of the other ponies they've met. For their occupation, they've taken up as a trinket seller in the local coop, offering homemade thises-and-thats to the locals and few traders that pass through. Mostly they sell personalized bottles, jars - sensible, functional things - though they do have a small collection of hoof-made dolls and bows they claim to keep for the very youngest of foals. On the side or when sales are slow, they make use of their strength to help out in the local pear orchard, though they're sometimes self-conscious of how strong they actually are.



late to the party
Staff member
Username: RozeyBear
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yep!
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yeppers!
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yepperoni!
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? YES PLEASE. Gimme some of that polli idea fuel.

Your suggested character is:

Candied Kisses

Candy's just about the sweetest, prettiest, nicest pony you'll meet - and has one of the most callous hearts to match it. Inside that sweet shell is a greedy little monster, but their silver tongue and sunny disposition has managed thus far to keep it hidden from the townsfolk. Candy is what you and I would call a snake oil salesman - although they like to present themselves as a "home remedy marketeer" and a "holistic practitioner." Most of what they sell is nothing more than bottles of nice-smelling perfumes and foul smelling oils, with the vast majority of it having been so diluted and thinned down that it might as well just be scented water. Touching a piece of bark to a gallon of liquid is enough for them to claim it's "infused with the essence" - and the same for any other ingredients. Still, they somehow haven't been outed as a scam artist yet, perhaps thanks to the power of placebo and natural recovery. Whatever the case, this pony doesn't really care - they rake in those precious few bits from the hard working folk around them, and that's all they care about!



late to the party
Staff member
Username: Bouquet of Diamonds
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes!
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes!
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Absolutely!
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Please and thank you!

Your suggested character is:

Keep the Peace
Keep's a no-nonsense, no-guff kind of pony - or so they like to think. They come from a long line of local rulekeepers and law enforcement, though there's not too much law to keep in such a small town. They fancy themselves the sheriff, but really they're more of a general peacekeeper, with their most exciting tale to date involving dragging a drunk pony home to sleep off the bottle of wine they'd had in celebration of a new foal. Despite their idolization of their position, Keep is actually pretty lazy, preferring to let the residents of the town sort out their disputes on their own without any direction from them. Most ponies think they're pretty well read, but what they don't know is behind those big books that Keep seems to read so often, they're actually usually secretly reading comic books or scandalous short stories of terror or intrigue.



late to the party
Staff member
Username: Natty-chan
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes!
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yep!
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Perfectly a-okay with me!
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Yes please!

Your suggested character is:

Citrus Blossom
Blossom is, unsurprisingly, the heir to a profitable citrus farm. One of the few really well-to-do farms in the area, Orangedew Orchard grows, well, oranges, a magically enhanced variety designed to withstand the cooler climate of the region. This magical enchantment adds a crisp coolness to their flavor, making them extremely popular in summer and spring. They also have a smaller stock of artisan tea that they grow and package with a selection of dried orange, creating a fancy blend that sells for way too much in bigger cities. Because of this, Blossom considers themselves the "cream of the crop," so to speak, often looking down their nose at the other citizens of Stillwater and certainly not hesitating to talk down to them if the opportunity arises. This is still surprising to many, as their parents worked hard to get where they are and have tried their best to steer them away from such behavior - though to no avail.



late to the party
Staff member
Username: PeterPan_da144
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yepper doodle
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Of course
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yezzir
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Actually, kinda. I'm a bit brain dead right now but really wanna participate ;u;

Your suggested character is:

Split Decision
Split knows you're wrong and they want you to know about it, and probably your boss or manager too. They're a busybody who runs a turnip-and-carrot farm, and they're fairly certain everyone but them are flippin' idiots. Everyone does everything incorrectly and not to their standards, and they are considered among farmhands to be the worst local farmer to work for, even with their decent pay (which they only offer because no one wants to work for them - again, because they're all wrong, of course). When not micromanaging their crops or berating the hired help for being lazy slobs, Split can often be found in the local gossip group telling their wonderful friends just how awful everyone else around town happens to be. Including, of course, anyone that happens to not show up - can you believe they claimed they were sick? Split saw them just yesterday! They're definitely fraternizing with that so-called doctor again...



late to the party
Staff member
Username: Nym
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Yes

Your suggested character is:

Hypnotic Gaze
A bright splash of color in such an otherwise mild town, Gaze knew they were destined for greatness even as a young foal, and so did their parents. So, when they claimed to be hearing messages from the Dreamer in their teenage years, no one - at least not in their family - was surprised. In truth, they didn't hear anything - it was a tactic they'd cooked up from a story in a book - but surprisingly it worked. Since then, Gaze has been slowly amassing followers and making up their own rules, often at the behest of their parents' wishes and ideals, to the point that a good handful of the citizens in town believe the junk they spout off. They've created their own ideology of the Dreamer, regarding her as a goddess, with the seasonal queens acting as her hands and eyes over the land and deserving nearly the same reverence. Everything bad that happens in town is a direct punishment from their "all seeing view," and anything good isn't because of hard work - it's because of a blessed gift. While their "congregation" is only around forty ponies out of a town of several hundred, it's enough that they live quite comfortably off the donations they give to "appease the wrath of They." Even so, they definitely have their eyes set on greater things - and more donations, of course.



late to the party
Staff member
Username: Jackariah Beckett
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes! At least 50%
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? A.o.k!
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes!
Would you like a suggested background/history? Yes please!

Your suggested character is:

Filigreed Phial
Fil owns the local watering hole, a little bar somehow right near the middle of town called The Golden Phial. Despite the fancy name, it's really a very laid back establishment, serving mostly pub food and ale to tired, worn out farmers and irritable spouses and partners. They've always got an open ear for someone's woes, and as such they know pretty much every in and out of any piece of drama that happens to float through Stillwater, not to mention a fair number of secrets and whispers that other ponies think no one else hears. They usually keep such things to themselves, but they might have been known to let a little something slip once in a while just to "stir the pot" a tad.



late to the party
Staff member
🐾"When it hurts to look back, and your scared to look ahead,

Username: lisaisfire-619
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Yes pretty please <3

you can look beside you, and your best friend will be there."🐾

Your suggested character is:

This pony is perfectly suited for Stillwater; they have a very mild, subdued sense of humor and a work-oriented outlook on life. Good things come from hard work, and they believe in that entirely. Hard times come as a result of simply not working hard enough, luck be damned. They work as a forester for a local mill, felling trees deep in the nearby Stillwater Woods (imaginative, right?). They also help out at the mill itself, though they don't have any grand ambitions of running it or anything like that; they're content where they are in life. As long as they have warm food and cool drink and a comfortable place to sleep, all is well. They have a fondness for vegetarian foods and do enjoy the occasional dances held at weddings or harvest festivals, but otherwise think that play is a waste of time and if you've got time to dawdle, you've got time to work!



late to the party
Staff member
Username: Revel
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony Pretty please yes.

Your suggested resident is:

Shallow Grave
Despite the name, Grave ... actually doesn't do anything related to them. Not even to death, not a little bit! In fact, the idea of death is quite scary to them, and they'd much rather not talk about it at all, thank you. Instead, they're a surprisingly cheerful young barber, having just taken over the shop from their sick uncle, and while they are a bit nervous about certain things like germs and heights, they're quite skilled at trimming the town's manes, tails, and occasionally extra facial scruff. They're always quick with a snappy, encouraging word to their patrons, and they have a knack for remembering everyone's names and hairstyles to boot, making them a pretty popular piece of Stillwater culture.



late to the party
Staff member
Username: Alanna the Pirate Queen
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Yes
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? I have a couple ideas!

Meet your resident:



late to the party
Staff member
Username: Ruler
Did you read the To Keep Your Pony section entirely? Absolutely!
Do you understand you may not cert this pony until the event ends and it's been given to you officially? Yes!
Do you accept that the pony you get is pulled from a random pool? Yes!
Would you like a suggested background/history/concept with your pony? Yes, please!

Your suggested character is:

Sonata Gold
Sonata is the current heartthrob of Stillwater, and he knows it. With a mane and tail like silk and a voice to match, he's quickly becoming a miniature star in his own right; the foals giggle and gossip about him, and the older fillies and colts often make eyes at him when they see him walking by. He has his pick of attention in Stillwater for sure, but he's not satisfied by any of it. He has big dreams of becoming something more - a rock star in his own right, even if he's only been accustomed to singing folksy country tunes approved by the local authority figures. Of course, he still practices secretly, training those pipes for the highest highs and lowest lows as he dreams of busting out of his backwater home and going somewhere he'll make it big. He's been warned to appreciate being a big fish in a small pond, but without the experience of reality and a thousand others like him slapping him in the face, he's convinced he's something special. And who knows - maybe he is, but he's not gonna find out trapped in Stillwater, is he?

(Note: Sonata was written as a he because that's how his personality developed while I was making him, but you are 100% free to make him whatever you want!)
