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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ MountainClan Leader's Den ]


Stew Aficionado
It's time for my naming ceremony!

Username: belloblossom
Previous Name: Dawnpaw
Cat Cert: Dawnglow
Position: Warrior

Mentor?: Troutleap
Name Change Reason: Warrior Growth
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Stew Aficionado
It's time for my naming ceremony!

Username: belloblossom
Previous Name: Sporepaw
Cat Cert: Sporecloud
Position: Warrior

Mentor?: Pigeonflight
Name Change Reason: Warrior Promotion
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Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Legend
Why?: Legend has traveled with his mates for a long while and when he was younger, he had little trouble in being able to protect his mates and kits, now that he's starting to grow older, he worries about being able to protect them all in future moons. He's physically fit now, but he wants to ensure the safety of his loved ones when he may no longer be, once he's elderly.

He's bringing himself and his three partners into the Clan; they've proved many times over to each other that they can fight and hunt well in teams. They're already acclimated to life in the wilderness being loners rather than kittypets. With Legend's bold attitude, but admitted concerns for the longevity of his life as a loner, will Tigersun consider their entry into MountainClan? Legend would make it adamantly clear that if any of his mates were turned away, that all of them would pull out of the arrangement. It's all or nothing with this group.
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Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Strongjaw
Why?: Strongjaw had been standing to the side of Legend, listening to him talk to the leader of the mountain high. They'd come up on one of their border patrols and rather than being let into the camp, Tigersun had come to meet them. A smart move, Strongjaw reasoned - for Legend and his partners certainly looked large and formidable. A group of four team mates who worked well together, hunted and protected one another. They were practically their own Clan, they were certainly their own family. Strongjaw had been hesitant to the idea of joining the mountain cats when Legend first proposed it; she thought little of the future. Strongjaw was a cat who lived in the present and worried only as far as the next cold season and how to best prepare for it. Thinking multiple seasons ahead was silly - for no cat could predict the future.

Still, now that she was stood in front of the mountain leader and his patrol cats, she nodded her agreement to what Legend spoke of and awaited the tom... Tigersun's, wasn't it? reply to her partner's offer of joining.
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Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Cat Cert: River
Why?: Ever since the loss of their family, River has been searching for a new home. She misses the comraderie, the closeness of a group of cats. Hunting together, sleeping together, grooming each other. So when she met an apprentice named Woodpaw in the mountains, and learned about the clan that her parents originally came from, River couldn't help but want to learn more. She will prove herself time and time again to be a worthy clan cat.
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Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Cat Cert: Coal
Why?: This dirty looking tom cat has found himself inexplicably entranced by a beautiful black and white she cat in the clan named Snowpaw (as I don't believe she has a warrior name yet). He wishes to follow her to her home, meet her parents and her family, and to woo her as best he can. He believes he will be a great asset, as he knows the lower lands in the mountains quite well, as well as navigating caves and old mines. Coal is wholeheartedly willing to take on a proper clan name, whether that's Coalpaw, or something else entirely. Anything for this beautiful she cat.
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