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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ MountainClan Leader's Den ]


signed an NDA
Staff member

Welcome to The Leader's Den, where information about MountainClan is stored. The warrior code, basic clan notations, and joining/name earning/mentoring forms will take place here. Any form marked with an 👌 is approved and can be taken as Tigersun/Nym welcoming the proposed change, while any form that needs further clarification (or an RP response) will be quoted. Rejections will also be quoted. Approvals and rejections will be based on what the leader feels is right.
Questions and concerns can be DM'd to Nym on Basilisk Stew, or through the Cats of the Sun Discord. Other clans may use similar formatting for theirs if they wish and do not need to ask for permission.

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signed an NDA
Staff member
  • Defend your clan, even at the cost of your life.
  • Hunt only to feed the clan, for without prey there are no hunters.
  • The clan eats together to ensure every cat is fed. The ill may eat within their sick dens.
  • Hold the elders, queens, and kits in high regard, for without them there is no clan.
  • At six moons old, kits become paws and must work hard to earn their clan name. Only then, once they've proven themselves, do they bear the rank of warrior.
  • Any cat who asks for help deserves the aid of the clan.
  • Blood does not need to be spilled when words can fix the problem.
  • An honorable warrior does not need to kill to win their battles.
  • The leader will take on the suffix sun upon their ceremony.
  • The word of the leader is code.

MountainClan is as strong and true as the mountains they came from. They will not bow to any wind; they endure. Fighting and battle are the last resort, as words and reason can often solve a situation before it becomes dire. If forced to, however, they will defend their home and ideals with tooth and claw.
MountainCaln is very traditional. They start their day with the dawn patrol, with two more at sun-high and moon-rise. Hunting parties are sent out and mentors train their apprentices. It's common for mentors to schedule a chunk of their day training their apprentices directly. The clan eats as a gathering -- once when the dawn patrol returns and again before the moon-rise patrol leave. Sick cats stuck within the sick dens can be exempt from eating with the rest of the clan if it is either safer or by request, but food will be directly brought to them.
Decisions requiring votes are often held by casting stones. Every cat, except kits, must cast their vote by placing a stone within a specified pile. The clan favors democracy when viable.
SunClan is incredibly important to MountainClan; they give thanks to SunClan when they make their kills, eat their food, and earn their names. Their dead are buried beneath mounds of stones.
MountainClan is not hostile; any cat who asks for help will be given what they need and sent on their way. Loners may request a hearing with the leader in hopes to join the clan, but they'll need to be either convincing or already offer a skill that will benefit the clan (hunting is of special interest). Kittypets have a harder time joining the clan and will both need to shed their collar if accepted and also manage to convince the leader that their ties with the Two-Legs are completely null. Even then, kittypets are typically rejected.



signed an NDA
Staff member
There are a few forms a player must use when playing within MountainClan;
  • Joining and leaving
  • Death
  • Name ceremony
  • Medicine cat name ceremony
  • Mentoring
  • Medicine Mentoring
Joining and leaving forms are fairly simple and self-explanatory. Loners and kittypets may request to join but can be turned away. Cats do not need approval to leave the clan, and cats born into the clan (via official breedings) do not need to post a form and will be automatically added to the roster. Regardless, do not assume anything until Nym/Tigersun either emotes your post with an 👌 for approval or quotes with further instructions.
Death needs to be logged to ensure the roster is correct.
Kittens earning their apprentice names do not need to post a form, as it's expected they received their permission in the story anyway (which can be RP'd, just directly DM Nym requesting it). Apprentices must use the naming ceremony form when they become warriors so the roster can update and they can play as warriors within the shop. Cats may also have their names changed after life-changing events and should use this form if the player wishes them to. Names will not be rejected, but do not roleplay your cat with the said name until the post is approved via Tigersun. Additionally, ensure the cat is already certed with their new name to ensure the roleplay moderator has approved it.
Medicine cats receive their own name ceremonies as they have specific requirements before they can be accepted as medicine cat. There can be multiple medicine cats in the clan.
For apprentices to receive a mentor they must post a form. Players who already know who they'd like their cat to be mentored by can specify that cat within the form, while those who don't know can leave it up to Nym to track someone down. Mentors can be rejected if they're in poor standing with the clan currently or are a ex-kittypet who has yet to fully earn approval in Tigersun's eyes, so please consider this rare occurrence! Forms with a specific mentor in mind must be quoted by the owner of the mentor indicating they approve! Wait to hear back from Tigersun after to see if it was officially recognized!
Cats seeking to apprentice under a medicine cat have their own form, as they, again, have requirements. The owner of the apprentice also must directly have approval from a medicine cat owner to be their mentor, so the future mentor will also have to quote the post with their approval. Tigersun will not reject these requests if requirements are fulfilled, but players must still wait for his official response.

[B][SIZE=14px][COLOR=rgb(85, 209, 121)]I want to join![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[B]Username[/B]: full username
[B]Cat Cert[/B]: link official cert with their name. do NOT get them certed as mountainclan without this post being approved first
[B]Why?[/B]: why do they want to join? you can RP this or simply write their reasoning, but whatever is said will be considered their explanation to Tigersun directly.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14px][COLOR=rgb(255, 105, 53)][B]I am leaving![/B][/COLOR]

[B]Username[/B]: full username
[B]Cat Cert[/B]: link official cert with their name
[B]Why?[/B]: why did they leave?[/SIZE]
[COLOR=rgb(106, 106, 106)][B][SIZE=14px]I am going to StarClan.[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[B]Username[/B]: full username
[B]Cat Cert[/B]: link official cert with their name
[B]How?[/B]: how did they die?[/SIZE]
Naming Ceremony:
[COLOR=rgb(253, 212, 24)][B][SIZE=14px]It's time for my naming ceremony![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[B]Username[/B]: full username
[B]Previous Name[/B]: what is their "current" name, before this form?
[B]Cat Cert[/B]: link official cert with their name. make sure they're already certed with their new name.
[B]Position[/B]: apprentice? warrior? or is this a name change?

[B]Mentor?[/B]: if you're an apprentice turning into a warrior, did you receive a mentor? if yes, who? if not then delete this form and go get one!
[B]Name Change Reason[/B]: delete if not applicable. warriors changing their names should have a reason why, so let us know![/SIZE]
Medicine Cat Naming Ceremony:
[COLOR=rgb(0, 229, 255)][B][SIZE=14px]It's time for my naming ceremony![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]

[SIZE=14px][B]Username[/B]: full username
[B]Previous Name[/B]: what is their "current" name, before this form?
[B]Cat Cert[/B]: link official cert with their name. make sure they're already certed with their new name.
[B]Finished Requirements[/B]: [/SIZE]
[*][SIZE=14px]Roleplay one, LINK TO IT
[*]Roleplay two, LINK TO IT
[*]Roleplay three, LINK TO IT[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14px][B]Mentor?[/B]: if you're an apprentice turning into a medicine cat, did you receive a mentor? if yes, who? if not then delete this form and go get one!  [/SIZE]
Need a Mentor:
[SIZE=14px][b][COLOR=rgb(139, 88, 183)]I need a mentor![/COLOR]

Username[/B]: full username
[B]Cat Cert[/B]: link official cert. should be the apprentice stage!
[B]Mentor Wanted[/B]: if you're leaving it up to nym then write leader's choice. you may request certain traits or types for a mentor, but depending on availability that may not be possible. if you have a specific player's cat who wants to mentor the apprentice then write their name here AND link to their cert.

REMEMBER TO MAKE THE MENTOR'S OWNER QUOTE YOUR POST AND AGREE if you have a specific mentor in mind! delete this line[/SIZE]
Medicine Apprentice Need a Mentor:
[SIZE=14px][B][COLOR=rgb(0, 229, 255)]I need a medicinal mentor[/COLOR]!

Username[/B]: full username
[B]Cat Cert[/B]: link official cert. should be the apprentice stage!
[B]Mentor Wanted[/B]: you MUST already have a medicine cat in mind for your mentor
[B]Finished Requirements[/B]:[/SIZE]
[*][SIZE=14px]Roleplay one link[/SIZE]
REMEMBER TO MAKE THE MENTOR'S OWNER QUOTE YOUR POST AND AGREE if you have a specific mentor in mind! delete this line[/SIZE]
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
I want to join!

Username: Blinded By Silence
Cat Cert: Thomas

Even with the weight of the prey he dragged with him, Thomas' gait was strong and sure as he slowly picked his way up the mountain. He hefted the dusty brown thing, a rodent of some sort, he assumed. Whatever it was, it was big, hopefully, big enough to feed all of his kids. He didn't know how many there were, but if they were anything like their mother... Gosh, even the thought made his blood rush. Zoey had been something else entirely, for sure. Would she be happy to see him, he wondered?

As he dragged this weird muskrat or whatever up over stones and through the empty channels that had once held water, all he could think about were his kids and Zoey. When she had gone, well, what was he supposed to do? He'd asked, she'd turned him down. It hadn't surprised him none, but damn, did he miss her. And those kits... As pebbles skittered around his dust-laden paws, he wondered how they were doing. Honestly, he wasn't even positive she was up here. There had been some rumors, back at the Settlement, of a giant she-cat. Who else could that have been but her?

'Well, if she isn't here, maybe I can trade this thing for some information at least,' He thought to himself as he unknowingly crossed into MountainClan territory. His neck and jaw ached, but still, he plodded on, thinking about all he'd heard about these clan cats. He'd grown up in a two-leg den, left that. Other than Zoey, he'd never spent much time with other cats, not without trying mind. Gosh, he started feeling a bit foolish. He'd hardly known her, really. Just a moon or so. Was this too much, coming up all this way for a visit? He was considering turning back when a patrol spotted him.

Before he knew it, he was in the ravine, standing in the shadow of some tom, Tigersun, he remembered, with the groundhog (apparently these clan cats were pretty smart) at his paws.

"Look, I uh..." He shifted a bit, letting Tigersun's shadow block the sun that was in his eyes, "I was just looking for Zoey. She's the ma of my kits, I wanted to, you know, check in on them. But apparently, they left, your saying? Can I just... wait here for them to get back? I can help you hunt, if you want. Actually, here," He'd nose the groundhog toward the leader, "Yall welcome to it, need it more than I do, having kits and all."
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Reactions: Nym


Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Fawn
Why?: Fawn had become rather found of that rough-mannered tabby tomcat. His striking pelt and eyes as bright as the sun were certainly both things she was pleased to look at, but over the course of their first meeting, she'd wanted to get to know him better. And to get to know the strange new world that was MountainClan. There seemed to be a prey shortage, but the cats there refused to leave their homeland and she admired them for it, even though she'd only met the one.

Days of hopeful waiting to see Tigersnarl again at the border passed Fawn by and eventually, she found herself growing very impatient. If he wasn't going to take the time to defend his borders (though she certainly wasn't a threat to defend his family from, of course) then there could only be one of three reasons for his absence. The first being that he had died, but that didn't seem plausible to her - handsome cats seemed to live twice as long as ugly ones. The second reason was that he had grown tired of her company - she didn't imagine that this was possible either, Fawn was a joy to be around! Who could tire of her? The third was that he was lazy. This seemed the most likely and Fawn had worked herself into a proper heated fervor when she marched across the borders and, by following the Clan scents until she got apprehended by a patrol of cats.

She went along with them, telling them she was looking for Tigersnarl, to ensure that he wasn't dead or some awful fate and eventually, such ramblings got her presented to him - with many other pairs of eyes watching her. She looked up at the tom with relief and purred. He wasn't dead. Well, that left the other reasons.

"And what sort of time do you call this?" She asked. "Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting for you? For someone so utterly gorgeous, you sure have a lot of nerve, leaving a she-cat waiting. Well, now I've come to you, Tigersnarl. I'm a set of ready paws and I think..." She glanced around at the thin frames of the cats around her. "Maybe some friendly help ought to be welcome." She looked back to the tabby tomcat with a softer expression, smiling. "So, whaddya say, Tiger? Will you have me?"
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signed an NDA
Staff member
I want to join!

Username: Blinded By Silence
Cat Cert: Thomas

Even with the weight of the prey he dragged with him, Thomas' gait was strong and sure as he slowly picked his way up the mountain. He hefted the dusty brown thing, a rodent of some sort, he assumed. Whatever it was, it was big, hopefully, big enough to feed all of his kids. He didn't know how many there were, but if they were anything like their mother... Gosh, even the thought made his blood rush. Zoey had been something else entirely, for sure. Would she be happy to see him, he wondered?

As he dragged this weird muskrat or whatever up over stones and through the empty channels that had once held water, all he could think about were his kids and Zoey. When she had gone, well, what was he supposed to do? He'd asked, she'd turned him down. It hadn't surprised him none, but damn, did he miss her. And those kits... As pebbles skittered around his dust-laden paws, he wondered how they were doing. Honestly, he wasn't even positive she was up here. There had been some rumors, back at the Settlement, of a giant she-cat. Who else could that have been but her?

'Well, if she isn't here, maybe I can trade this thing for some information at least,' He thought to himself as he unknowingly crossed into MountainClan territory. His neck and jaw ached, but still, he plodded on, thinking about all he'd heard about these clan cats. He'd grown up in a two-leg den, left that. Other than Zoey, he'd never spent much time with other cats, not without trying mind. Gosh, he started feeling a bit foolish. He'd hardly known her, really. Just a moon or so. Was this too much, coming up all this way for a visit? He was considering turning back when a patrol spotted him.

Before he knew it, he was in the ravine, standing in the shadow of some tom, Tigersun, he remembered, with the groundhog (apparently these clan cats were pretty smart) at his paws.

"Look, I uh..." He shifted a bit, letting Tigersun's shadow block the sun that was in his eyes, "I was just looking for Zoey. She's the ma of my kits, I wanted to, you know, check in on them. But apparently, they left, your saying? Can I just... wait here for them to get back? I can help you hunt, if you want. Actually, here," He'd nose the groundhog toward the leader, "Yall welcome to it, need it more than I do, having kits and all."
Tigersun loomed over the cat, a sigh caught in his throat. Whoever this was he already could spot the two-leg item around their throat, but it wasn't in the same shape as the typical indications of being owned by a two-leg. Regardless, it was a sure sign the cat had been a kittypet at some point, or at minimum interacted with them, and he wondered how likely their appearance in MountainClan land would bring the foul creatures.

He hadn't spoken a word as the other cat rambled, his eyes narrowing harshly as he considered the cat and the groundhog at their feet. A capable hunter, sure, but again he found himself drawn to the cloth around the cat's neck. Ah, so this was the cat who had wooed Zoey so long ago? The coat made sense, now that he eyeballed the cat. Unfortunately for the tom, Zoey was long gone, which he explained between the cat's rambling. That hadn't deterred him one bit, it seemed. Once the tom had grown quiet long enough the leader would gesture towards the cat with his tail.

"And what if they never return?" He questioned, voice low and rumbling. "Do you still plan to stay within our borders? We need the hunters, yes, but we can't afford to rely on support that might be yanked from under our paws when we grow comfortable. I'm sure you understand."

He tossed his head in the direction of the cloth next. "Would you shed your two-leg attachments to join our clan?"

@Blinded By Silence You may respond in this thread! Please quote this post with Thomas' answer!


signed an NDA
Staff member
I want to join!

Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Fawn
Why?: Fawn had become rather found of that rough-mannered tabby tomcat. His striking pelt and eyes as bright as the sun were certainly both things she was pleased to look at, but over the course of their first meeting, she'd wanted to get to know him better. And to get to know the strange new world that was MountainClan. There seemed to be a prey shortage, but the cats there refused to leave their homeland and she admired them for it, even though she'd only met the one.

Days of hopeful waiting to see Tigersnarl again at the border passed Fawn by and eventually, she found herself growing very impatient. If he wasn't going to take the time to defend his borders (though she certainly wasn't a threat to defend his family from, of course) then there could only be one of three reasons for his absence. The first being that he had died, but that didn't seem plausible to her - handsome cats seemed to live twice as long as ugly ones. The second reason was that he had grown tired of her company - she didn't imagine that this was possible either, Fawn was a joy to be around! Who could tire of her? The third was that he was lazy. This seemed the most likely and Fawn had worked herself into a proper heated fervor when she marched across the borders and, by following the Clan scents until she got apprehended by a patrol of cats.

She went along with them, telling them she was looking for Tigersnarl, to ensure that he wasn't dead or some awful fate and eventually, such ramblings got her presented to him - with many other pairs of eyes watching her. She looked up at the tom with relief and purred. He wasn't dead. Well, that left the other reasons.

"And what sort of time do you call this?" She asked. "Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting for you? For someone so utterly gorgeous, you sure have a lot of nerve, leaving a she-cat waiting. Well, now I've come to you, Tigersnarl. I'm a set of ready paws and I think..." She glanced around at the thin frames of the cats around her. "Maybe some friendly help ought to be welcome." She looked back to the tabby tomcat with a softer expression, smiling. "So, whaddya say, Tiger? Will you have me?"
He had forgotten of the she-cat he had met at the edge of the border, truthfully. It wasn't due to anything she had done; she hadn't been a particularly boring cat or someone he would normally easily forget, but these weren't normal times. Tigersun had become leader shortly after his meeting with her and then life had become a blur. He was needed absolutely everywhere at all times, and with Damsonflower also doing their best to ensure Tigersun fit in their own downtime--which Damsonflower had not yet been successful in doing, but it was still time-consuming to deal with-- there was just absolutely no time for anything other than his clan in his mind.

Luckily for her, she had found just the right way to force herself right back into his memory. He had been alerted of a cat crossing the boundary and found himself staring down at the smaller cat, his eyes lighting with recognization. The loner. Right. Fawn, right. His tail flicked around him as he patiently listened to her, mouth pulling down at the edges. Was he supposed to see her again? Had he forgotten a promise mad, or a rule? Well, that couldn't do- he would never do such a thing.

"Tigersun," he corrected when she finished. He paused for a breath of a second -- she had done it again; called him attractive. A natural flirt, it seemed. He could think of a few cats who might appreciate that during these trying times, and he appreciated the sentiment that she could hunt. They needed food, and Fawn had already proven herself a feisty and lively cat. There was really no reason to deny her.

"Very well," he finally answered with a hint of approval. "Come with me, Fawn; I'll show you around."

@belloblossom Fawn has been accepted! She does not need to take on an official warrior name, although the clan vastly prefers it. Please take her to be recerted, and if you DO choose a proper warrior name please post for her ceremony! Fawn is a perfectly fine prefix, so all you'd need is a suiting suffix.
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Tigersun loomed over the cat, a sigh caught in his throat. Whoever this was he already could spot the two-leg item around their throat, but it wasn't in the same shape as the typical indications of being owned by a two-leg. Regardless, it was a sure sign the cat had been a kittypet at some point, or at minimum interacted with them, and he wondered how likely their appearance in MountainClan land would bring the foul creatures.

He hadn't spoken a word as the other cat rambled, his eyes narrowing harshly as he considered the cat and the groundhog at their feet. A capable hunter, sure, but again he found himself drawn to the cloth around the cat's neck. Ah, so this was the cat who had wooed Zoey so long ago? The coat made sense, now that he eyeballed the cat. Unfortunately for the tom, Zoey was long gone, which he explained between the cat's rambling. That hadn't deterred him one bit, it seemed. Once the tom had grown quiet long enough the leader would gesture towards the cat with his tail.

"And what if they never return?" He questioned, voice low and rumbling. "Do you still plan to stay within our borders? We need the hunters, yes, but we can't afford to rely on support that might be yanked from under our paws when we grow comfortable. I'm sure you understand."

He tossed his head in the direction of the cloth next. "Would you shed your two-leg attachments to join our clan?"

@Blinded By Silence You may respond in this thread! Please quote this post with Thomas' answer!
Thomas watched Tigersun as he had pleaded his case. He chose to ignore the pointed looks the tom gave his bandana. He wasn't stupid. Wasn't smart, mind, but he had known what those looks meant long before the leader brought his "two-leg attachments" into question.

"This?" He gestured to his ratty old bandana, "I'm not a kittypet, sir, if that's what you're getting at. My ma was, not that that should matter. She too was under the assumption that her raisin' made her weak, but she braved the wilds to provide a better life for me and my littermates. Wasn't any weakness that got her, but the mindset did. This here is all I have left of her." He held Tigersun's bright gaze and politely added, "I ain't gotta wear it if it bothers you. But I'd like to keep it, if it's all the same to you, sir."

He'd give a single hollow laugh and a sad smile, "Well, if that's what she chooses to do, then there isn't much I can do about that, is there? But I'll choose to wait all the same. Might as well do some good while I do, pay yall back for raising my kits for me."


signed an NDA
Staff member
"I never claimed it as weakness," Tigersun corrected, voice terse and eyes unamused. No, the correct word would have been dangerous. Regardless, a relief spread through his tightened muscles and his harsh gaze softened, head nodding faintly. They needed new cats, yes, but an attached kitty-pet... well, that would have been another situation entirely.

Thankfully, that was not the case here. In fact, the cat who stood before him clearly had the ability to connect deeply with others and was driven. The fact that they'd stay out of a sense of respect for the deeds MountainClan had done for him resonated with Tigersun's own sense of honor. Yes, he'd do nicely.

"Then I accept, Thomas," he rumbled, head jerking towards their home. Theirs. "Come with me."

@Blinded By Silence Thomas has been accepted! He does not need to take on an official warrior name, although the clan vastly prefers it. Please take him to be recerted, and if you DO choose a proper warrior name please post for his ceremony!


Stew Aficionado
It's time for my naming ceremony!

Username: belloblossom
Previous Name: Fawn
Cat Cert: Fawndance
Position: Name Change

Mentor?: n/a
Name Change Reason: Shortly after Fawn became a warrior of MountainClan, she decided to add a little sparkle to her name.
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signed an NDA
Staff member
I want to join!

Username: Nym
Cat Cert: Squirrel
Why?: "Why?" She repeated back with a scoff and tilted head. "You asked me to join, remember?"

She paused for just a moment, bewilderment flashing across her face. "Oh! Did you forget? I'm sorry! You said I'd fit in perfectly, back when you met me with the bird. I decided to take you up on your offer."

She did her best to attempt a smile.


signed an NDA
Staff member
I want to join!

Username: Nym
Cat Cert: Squirrel
Why?: "Why?" She repeated back with a scoff and tilted head. "You asked me to join, remember?"

She paused for just a moment, bewilderment flashing across her face. "Oh! Did you forget? I'm sorry! You said I'd fit in perfectly, back when you met me with the bird. I decided to take you up on your offer."

She did her best to attempt a smile.
"Ah, yes-"

He hadn't the heart to tell her that he had to ask for tradition. He cleared his throat and eyed the predominantly red cat. He could still clearly remember the sight of brilliant crimson crashing from the trees and how he knew it was meant to find him when the sunlight flashed across the blur and blinded. She hadn't been hard to convince, as evidenced by her standing before him with a raised head.

"Welcome, Squirrel."


signed an NDA
Staff member
It's time for my naming ceremony!

Username: belloblossom
Previous Name: Fawn
Cat Cert: Fawndance
Position: Name Change

Mentor?: n/a
Name Change Reason: Shortly after Fawn became a warrior of MountainClan, she decided to add a little sparkle to her name.
"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around the high rock for a clan meeting."
It was a loud call, and one cat's filed towards. Tigersun sat on top of the massive boulder found in the center of their clan grounds, his head raised high and tail lightly flicking. The gold and striped leader waited for his clan to settle into a neat circle before continuing on, his head nodding towards Fawn.
"Come," he urged and waited for her to make the climb. It was finally time to appoint her a true warrior name, as she had requested.
"Ancestors within SunClan," he called, his tossed towards the heavens. "You know each and every name within these mountains. I ask you now to take away the name from the cat you see before you," he gestured with his tail towards Fawn. "for it no longer stands for who she is. It is with authority as clan leader, and with the approval of our ancestors, that I grant this cat a new name. From this moment on, she will be known as Fawndance."
He would be the first to begin the clan cheer for Fawndance, his eyes shining a bright pride for the cat who stood before him.


Grizzled Veteran
Yes! Buzzard x Whisper mentorship!

Not sure if it quoted the original message two posts up
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