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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ MountainClan Leader's Den ]


Stew Aficionado
Re-posting (i never posted for his Mountainclan cert)

I want to join!

Username: Revel
Cat Cert: Log
Why?: Log is lost, he doesnt know where he fits in, he's a fairly simple guy, doesn't need much, his siblings left and don't need him, he feels like he should be needed somewhere, Mountainclan needs help increasing their hunters, their size etc, so Log will help. He would also prefer to keep his name as Log.
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Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Cat Cert: Tigerstrike
Why?: He followed along with some of the other cats who left TreeClan and StoneClan, whom traveled alongside LostClan back towards the mountain. But he felt he needed to go further. So, he's made the trek up the mountain to talk with MountainClan about what happened, and to seek solace within their cave walls.

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Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Cat Cert: Whirl
Why?: He just kind of... Got scooped up alongside the other cats who were migrating. They called themselves LostClan? He found them intriguing, and even followed them to their sister clan - MountainClan - and wanted to stay around and see what it was like. He'd been looking for family and community for a while now. Being an only cat in a Twoleg house was lonely.

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Grizzled Veteran
I want to join!

Username: Tigeria
Cat Cert: Duskwing
Why?: She has just been through hell. Her leader set fire across her old leaders den. Apprentices on both sides were harmed and even killed. She doesn't even know if her mate is alive. All she wants is her old home, possibly her old den, to see her oldest daughter and to finally be at rest at a home that doesn't forget the code they live by. Leaving was a mistake she will hold in her heart.
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Grizzled Veteran
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Username: Tigeria
Cat Cert: Glidepaw
Why?: He wasn't going to abandon his momma, she is not right. He has to help her, he wants to help her. If just being beside her is all he can do he's going to do it.
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Grizzled Veteran
I want to join!

Username: Tigeria
Cat Cert: Sparrowtail
Why?: She's chasing after both her mother (again) and her baby brother that has decided to keep hounding after their mother. She will admit she never felt at home like her mother did in the trees and would love to see how the mountain is now.
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