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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ MountainClan Leader's Den ]


Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Cat Cert: Shiver
Why?: She had felt a pull towards the mountains for quite some time now. Ever since she was blinded as a young cat, and she started hearing whispers of voices long forgotten. So when cats came through the area she lived in, talking about returning to the mountains, Shiver politely asked if she could tag along. She stands before Tigersun now, asking him to allow her to live among his clan. She tells him that she can hear voices long lost to her, and that they had been urging her on this upward path ever since she was blinded. Her other senses are stronger, and she's even brought a large bundle of various herbs from further down the mountain that she thinks the clan will find useful. Some they may have not even known or realized could be healing herbs.
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Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Snowfall
Why?: Snowfall was always warned against joining a Clan by her parents who didn't like what they stood for - but she thought they sounded exciting! She had seen a lot of cats moving towards the mountain recently and she found a time to sneak away from her parents. She overheard mentions of LostClan - but she was more interested in the sounds of MountainClan. While she didn't know what an undertaking the journey would be to get up the mountain - but she's here! And she wants to learn more! And become a warrior! - Whatever that means.
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Stew Aficionado
It's time for my naming ceremony!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Previous Name: Whirlpaw
Cat Cert: xXx
Position Apprentice -> Warrior

Mentor?: Softstep
Name Change Reason: Warrior name
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Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Snowfall
Why?: Snowfall had been told all her life that Clans were groups of violent cats, but she didn't believe it for a moment - there were so many cats that seemed to belong to Clans, surely they couldn't all be violent maniacs. Of course, then she heard about the battle by the river and decided that perhaps the cats in the forest and living along the river were a little too much for her. So she followed the rumors of other loners and came upon the news of a clan in the mountains. Apparently, it was a long journey, but many loners had gone up and never come back.

Hoping for the best, Snowfall began that long journey and now, a long while later, she was sitting and waiting for an audience with the leader. She was prepared to show her hunting skills; she'd always prided herself on being an excellent night hunter, her mottled dark pelt aiding to the shadows, even on moonlit nights. So far, she didn't think herself in danger from these cats, but... she glanced over her shoulder, mapping out the way she'd came. Just in case she needed to head out in a hurry.
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Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: belloblossom
Cat Cert: Stroll
Why?: Stroll was born to a kittypet father who he never saw, and a loner mother who he always saw. Two of his siblings died when he was a kitten and his remaining sibling lived to adulthood alongside Stroll himself. Upon reaching adulthood, he bid farewell to his mother and sibling and started up the mountain to find... something. He wasn't sure what he was looking for, adventure, romance? He ended up finding cats, many cats and figured that he'd found what he was looking for.

"I'd like to join among you. I'm a capable cat and I'm determined to be useful to you, and your Clan." He told Tigersun, upon meeting him. "Please." He added.
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Lunar Fea

Grizzled Veteran
I am leaving!

Username: Lunar Fea
Cat Cert: Mudstreak
Why?: why did they leave?
Mudstreak was born into the clan, back in the days when Mountainclan was the only clan. He watched as it split from seasons of drought but had remained because he simply felt that was what his duty was. To stay. But as more cats left and others joined, he found himself just not feeling like this was home. Not anymore. Not even raising kits had seemed to quite his mind and convince him that this is where he was meant to spend the rest of his days. When the itch and tingle in his paws became too much, he simply left. He turned his nose towards where he thought the other clans had split off and he ran and he ran, not knowing where he'd end up, but just knowing his heart was no longer in the mountains.
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