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[MRP] That unsettling feeling


Grizzled Veteran
Moon Belle Charm was still highly uncomfortable with all that had transpired in the house. It had been a really well written horror house that actually had her nervous and had the hair on her neck stand up. She had been given a number of free food and drink even some flat out free prizes vouchers but as she wandered around the circus she always seem to find her eye drawn to the haunted house that was still closed to the public. She noticed one or two ponies from the haunted house were around the place and she was tempted to go and talk to them but somehow just trying to remember everything made her shiver. She had seen a pony reach out and their hoof slide through the ghostly pony. Not only that but no employee was talking about it. That was suspicious as if it had just been an illusion she would have heard someone bragging about the special effects or something like that. She had pulled her phone and fiddled with it for a while really wanting to send a text to her uncle who dabbled in all kinds of things so she could get some advice but she found she just couldn’t bring herself to hit the send button choosing to delete the message she had typed up for the third time. She didn’t question as to whether or not they would believe her after all one of them knew vodoo and all kinds of mystic arts. The problem was how to explain what she had seen and if they had advice could she even cobble together any kind of suggested charm they would recommend for safety. She was a forger matching painting and faking age she could do. Actual magic not so much. No only that but she was very unnerved by it. Her family dealt with crime and theft, not ghosts and such. Putting her phone away she moved around the stalls and used a voucher for a free cotton candy she grabbed the blue one of course. Pink was nice but purple had that fake purple flavor she didn’t like all that much. And the other colors were also disappointing. She picked at it slowly watching the workers scurry back and forth. Some wore panicked expressions, some were better at smiling and checking things. They were trying to quel rumors where they could but the infectious nature of the mystery and the unknown was to much to quell. It left an unsettling pit in her stomach as she had tried to ask several times herself and been turned away. She listened to the rumors but didn’t add to them. Those who knew she was there asked her about how she felt she would answer but since she was overlooked for the most part with so many others flashier then her in the house she didn’t think they would ask. The staff should say the house was down due to technical failure and say the ghost was a fancy illusion. Say the council were technicians and have them dressed in worker garb had they wanted to get away with this all. Clearly whoever was in charge was in a panic and that made them sloppy so the ghost was likely the real deal. Somehow that made it worse. Who were they and why were they trapped, why did the leader just head in like that. Something was very wrong here.