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[MRP] you have my interest [ wei ying


Everything had been quite entertaining, that much Wei Ying was willing to admit. The Suli had always delighted in spooky things ever since he was a foal and so he'd joined the haunted house group with the desire to see just what others could do. He hadn't been disappointed with the setting or with the actors, that much he was willing to admit, and even at the end there he'd managed to find a ridiculously adorable dormouse. Wei Ying had a (not so secret) soft spot for small animals (foals fell into this category as well) so he considered just seeing the little creature a wonderful enough reward for making it through a fun time.

The plot ended well enough, something something vampires something something dad, sad sad blah blah blah, but overall Wei Ying gave it a small stamp of approval. He actually considered going and doing it again and was preparing to do so when - was that a ghost? A real ghost appearing in front, followed by yelling, followed by a blur. There had been no feeling of fear at the arrival of the ghost, no panic to be had by the Suli as things started to scramble and scatter like bugs in a darkened room, terrified by a light turning on. No sooner had he opened his mouse to say something - anything - the whole crowd Wei Ying had been with were shoved out and the house closed down behind him.

Something was shoved at him - tickets, maybe? - and apologies and excuses floated in the air to mingle with the carnival music. Whatever happened at the end there (which Wei Ying considered the best part, not going to lie) very likely wasn't part of the show no matter what the circus workers were saying. He'd applauded all their work as actors before and their skills at staying in character, but he liked to think himself a type of pony who could tell when someone was lying. He wasn't much of a liar himself - the blunt truth was much easier to handle - so picking out body language of those who had something to hide was a fun and interesting past time for Wei Ying.

Plus he really, really, really loved the idea of ghosts. Things that happened out of somepony's control were an absolute delight. Stuff going wrong when nothing happened to cause it always brought a certain thrill. Things that couldn't be explained always demanded an explanation to the Suli and he often championed himself to be the one to find out the answer. There was no such thing as the proper unknown, not if there was a pony actually willing to give it a go in finding out. He was more than happy to be that somepony now, considering he doubted anypony here would be able to stop him.

Not anymore. He wasn't here anymore to tell Wei Ying to stop, so that...

No, not now, no time for those thoughts now. There was an adventure to be had, an answer to be found. Or, more honestly, mischief to be had. Wei Ying grinned, eyes narrowing, as he looked at the locked down house and at the ponies who milled around it. There was no way he was going to pass this up, now when he'd finally found something fun to do after all this time.

Now all he needed to do was get somepony else to come along - adventures were better with company, after all.

[ word count: 587 ]