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[Nightday Circus] The Bad Storyteller RP Contest


signed an NDA
Staff member

Mutated Suli [Two tails] by Zaikt
Closes: October 15th, 1:00am EST

There's a storyteller, you hear, who tells a story no one can remember the details of. It's about their history before they met the circus. For some reason no one can recount the tale accurately, which could be a testament of how poorly the storyteller weaves their tale.... regardless, you find your way over, listening intently. As the story ends they turn, looking directly at you.
"Do you remember my story?" They ask, seemingly exasperated. "It seems no one even listens to me anymore....."

How to Play
  • Roll 3 10 sided die.
  • Look at the list below and pick the "facts" that correlate with the number you rolled.
  • Fill out the form below, using the three "facts" in some way within your information.
  • The About section is where you will use your "facts"! Tell us who they are, and their backstory! What is their life like?
  • If you roll repeating numbers then you may choose a prompt. You cannot pick one you've already rolled.
  • Edit the post you rolled with your form + answers. There should only be one post from you.
  • You will be disqualified if you don't use all 3 "facts" you rolled.
  • Do not enter for someone else.
  • Nym will judge this game! Her favorite entry (focusing on how creatively one uses their "facts") will win the mutant!
  • You do not need to adhere to the lore of them working at the circus once won.
  1. They have a big family.
  2. They've been bitten by a vampire.
  3. When they were young they fell into a well.
  4. They've been in love once.
  5. They've had an unfortunate incident with a Mau.
  6. They had a job for a week where they swear they were grabbed by ghosts.
  7. They swear they have seen an alien once when they were hiking at night.
  8. Their parents work in a career field they were expected to take up (and didn't).
  9. They've always dreamed of traveling.
  10. A promise has been made to someone they are afraid to fulfill someday.
[B][SIZE=14px][COLOR=rgb(143, 228, 234)]I Think I Remember:[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[B]Pony Name[/b]:
[B]Seasonal Alignment[/B]:
[B]"Fact One Rolled[/B]:
[B]"Fact Two Rolled[/B]:
[B]"Fact Three Rolled[/B]

[B]About[/B]: (Tell us about them! Remember to include your facts and expand upon them. You can add mini-sections for things line personality, history, etc if you so wish)
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 5 10 5 20
I Think I Remember:

Username: AlicornPlayhouse
Pony Name: Serenade Of Sorrow
Seasonal Alignment: Summer
"Fact One Rolled: They've had an unfortunate incident with a mau ( 5 )
"Fact Two Rolled: A promise has been made to someone they are afraid to fulfill someday. ( 10 )
"Fact Three Rolled: Their parents work in a career field they were expected to take up (and didn't). ( 5 again, chose 8 )

About: A pony with a heart as hard to understand as the stories she tells. Born and raised in the summer sector by a lovely triad of mates, all of whom sang and danced. As you can tell by the name she holds with pride, she was expected to follow the lineage of her parents, to create music. But, even as a young foal, Serenade realized that she was much more invested in the story of the song rather than the melody, which she could never get quite right. The worlds she created in her mind when she listened to music or watched a dance was so much more vibrant and lively! Why couldn't she tell these stories instead? Why did she have to muddle them with metaphors and catchy lyrics to make sure it was memorable? Maybe she wanted ponies to forget her tales! Maybe she wanted to be a wanderer who nobody quite understood. Her parents locked her in this cage, locked her stories up in her head and she couldn't stand it. It hurt so bad to just.. feel like she couldn't even speak. If she didn't sing her tales in the pop memorable fashion she was never given praise. She was forgotten entirely.

She'll never forget the most important day of her life, the day it all changed. Her mother owned a mau along with her two fathers, whom loved them all so... so much.. but as she began to rebel and her and her parents quarreled constantly it grew less and less fond of her. It was bonded strongly to her mother, and they were the two who fought the most. It was a late night and outside it was raining for the first time in quite a while, her and her mother screaming as they had every other day for weeks. All she wanted to do was tell her stories! Why didn't they support her?! Why didn't they love her?! That;s when the mau attacked. She could still hear the angry hisses and her mothers surprised yell. One of her eyes was severely damaged, and it got away with a few more large scratches before her mother could yank it off.

Serenade was convinced her mother would get rid of the mau after that, of course, she's her daughter! She comes first! But, when her mother began to comfort the dreaded mau rather than her hurt young mare, she'd had enough. She stomped her hoof down and screamed that she'd be walkign herself to the doctors to get her eye checked, which had just the reaction she was hoping. It seemed her mother finally remembered she was standing there and looked a little shocked, maybe upset with herself. Serenade couldn't really tell.

'Come back soon, okay, Serenade..?'
'I promise, I will.'

And with that, she left. She ran and ran and ran, with her belongings left behind and a heart dragging on the floor. She did go to get her eye checked, which she now can no longer see out of... but she never did go home. Abandoning this life to travel and work for circus's as a fortune teller. She wasn't really any good at it, with zero practice and struggling to unlearn the teachings of her parents. She still keeps her promise close to her, many suspect that's why she hasn't changed her name.. it's a reminder, that she someday will have to return home.. but she still can't stand the thought. It's been years, of course they wouldn't want to see her, right..? Why would they? She's less scared of going back to them being angry and more scared she'll go back and.. they won't remember her. They never stopped publishing and making music, she still listens and watches their dances at night... did they even look for her?

Was the promise she made always destined to break, even if she wanted to go home...?

Oh but she can't worry about that now! It's time to tell tales of adventure and pride with a smile she's all but forgotten how to really do... right.. Come on come all, for a story so grand you'll never forget it! But, the real show is watching an actor in their prime!
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Long-Term Resident
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 2 2
🎲d10 1 1
🎲d10 4 4
I Think I Remember:

Username: Straye
Pony Name: To Be Decided
Seasonal Alignment: Fall
"Fact One Rolled: They've been Bitten by a Vampire.
"Fact Two Rolled: They have a big family.
"Fact Three Rolled: They fell in love once.

About: (Tell us about them! Remember to include your facts and expand upon them. You can add mini-sections for things line personality, history, etc if you so wish)


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 6 9 8 23
I Think I Remember:

Pony Name:
Seasonal Alignment:
"Fact One Rolled: #6 - They had a job for a week where they swear they were grabbed by ghosts.
"Fact Two Rolled: #9 - They've always dreamed of traveling.
"Fact Three Rolled #8 - Their parents work in a career field they were expected to take up (and didn't).

About: (Tell us about them! Remember to include your facts and expand upon them. You can add mini-sections for things line personality, history, etc if you so wish)


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 1 8 1 10
I Think I Remember:

Username: Reoakee
Pony Name: Misted Frost
Seasonal Alignment: Winter
"Fact One Rolled: 1. [/B]They have a big family
"Fact Two Rolled: 8. Their parents work in a career field they were expected to take up (and didn't).
"Fact Three Rolled repeat 1 so grabbing 6 They had a job for a week where they swear they were grabbed by ghosts.

About: Dealing with this as a response to the question because I have a muse who piped up in my head. Enjoy (highlighted the fact bits to make them easier to find)

"Of course I remember the story you told. You make it sound like the first time I've heard it." In truth it was a good thing that it wasn't the first time she'd heard it or she really would have forgotten. It was just so ... dull. "I've heard it all before from you and the rest of your family. That's why I came to visit after all. Your parents are some of the guards who patrol the forest of despair. In that sense they help to check those who are close to awakening. this would be exciting but so many guard the paths and not only that but you never described the mystery or mystique of the place. Just the monotony of the plant and rules about guarding. You were expected to take over which is why you know all those things but of course you couldn't stand that and left. You have as much patience for that as you do for those half asleep listening to you talk." A soft chime rang out as she shook her tail. "Really now if you wanted to tell a story tell everyone how much you eat!" She laughed having heard about a certain buffet being demolished by a certain suli who had discovered the joy of taco's and made everything into one, including chocolate banana slice and white rice tacos. The glare from the story teller made her laugh again. "Right right you were quizzing me. Let's see after leaving despair and NOT following up with your parents career of choice you headed to everville. That dull little town you'd miss if you traveled and sneezed to hard. From there you picked up a job as a bank teller where you had your 'spooky encounter'" She rolled her eyes which made the storyteller give her another exasperated sigh. "Oh come on. You were a teller for a week and were staying after hours with a coworker dealing with after hours deposits sorting and you expect us to believe you were siezed by ghosts? What interest would they have in bank tellers? You probably took off so fast I'm shocked your hair has any color left in it. Well not that I'm one to say to much on that." There was another chime. "Anyway of course you panicked and screamed kicking out and taking off only to find your coworker who was supposed to be helping you reading some silly romance book putting off all his work on you. Clearly that job didn't last long for the both of you. Big shocker there. Most managers don't like to believe that one staff is too lazy to count bits and the other is so freaked by ghosts that they wouldn't go back to work at night. So after that you have been bouncing back and forth amongst all the family before you settled on coming here for now. So you have been to the tea farm that Rosetea has. You know where you cousin works... well I mean I guess both of them are your cousins far enough back. and of course you have been traveling with Zeal's group up that way that time since he is cousin far enough back it must have been nice to travel with the caravan. Did you ever actually stop by and visit Hubris your relative who works at that grove place? Then of course you tried body guard work with cousin Arid but that didn't last long either." Family members ticked off in random locations went on for a while, Really they were a large distant family. "Anyway and here you are boring other's to death because you 'hail from despiar' look they don't really care much for the rest of the stuff, folks want to hear about despair as most of these folks won't end up going there so it's still rather mysterious. Half looked glazed over and wondered off a while ago because you just droned on and they feel like you did a bait and switch so cousin since you are done with your story if you have a five minute break come get some cotton candy with me." With that the bell tailed Suli dragged her cousin off to get circus snacks before the next dull story was to start. Of course family would stop in to listen to those to after all if they didn't support family who would? [/SIZE]
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 1 5 8 14
🐾"When it hurts to look back, and your scared to look ahead,

I Think I Remember:

Username: Lisais-fire619
Pony Name: Hollow Clove
Seasonal Alignment: winter
"Fact One Rolled:
They have a big family.
"Fact Two Rolled: They've had an unfortunate incident with a Mau.
"Fact Three Rolled: Their parents work in a career field they were expected to take up (and didn't).

About: Growing up Hollow had a big family and when she says big she means it. We are talking her grandparents, her parents and all 14 of her siblings plus herself living in a small couple bedroom house. She was always very helpful as a small foal. Getting up with the sun to help her grandmother collect chicken eggs following helping her grandfather check on any of the animals that might have had offspring. After that she would go in to the house and help her mother make and sever breakfast to her loving family. When breakfast was done her and her siblings would go out onto the farm and help their father pull weeds, water the plants and so forth until it was time to go to school. She lived in a small town and went to a little school house with many other students of different ages and classes. Some were better off then others. Everyone knew what everyone and their family did and it was expected that the children take after their parents. While Hollow was young she was fine with that and was even excited at the idea. But with age comes knowledge and she slowly learned how her family struggled with things compared to others. It hurt her heart for she had no idea on how to make things better being still young. She would get bullied at school by one of the townspeople's sons who were better off then she. As stated before at first she didn't realize what it was cause ignorance is bliss and with age comes knowledge, that knowledge brought a burning anger to her heart. For she didn't like the things the boy said. While she could easily ignore what he said about her she couldn't ignore the jabs at her family. It often caused a fuss between the two with a letter home to her Ma and Pa. Her Pa would scold her on how those things weren't to be done by a young lady as her self and her Ma would sit there with tears in her eyes as if Hollow had killed something she shouldn't have. As time passed by this burning feeling grew in her that mad he so angry for it just wasn't fair. Her family was sweet, nice and loving and yet they struggle while the boys was rude and unkind and they prospered. One fall day a circus had come to town! Oh what a sight it was, for they were a small town and most circus's didn't pass through them. Everyone figured they must have gotten lost and tsked about how some ponies had no sense of direction when in their hearts they were filled with glee because it was such a treat. The boy had over heard Hollow and her siblings talking about the circus. With a roll of his eyes and a scoff he shoved his way in while proclaiming " I don't know why your talking about it. Your family is to poor to even look at everything on the other side of the gates. You should all quit daydreaming and go back to work." This made Hollow mad for she knew it was very close to the truth but her pride got to her as she stomped her hoof down. "Oh yea!" she exclaimed "I am going to that circus tonight and I am going to have a grand ol time. Shows how much you know." Her siblings whispered back and forth as they watched, they hoped their sister would stay out of trouble. "Sure whatever you say farm girl" the boy said before walking away. Once gone her siblings came down on her in doves asking her if she was crazy and reminding her that they really didn't have the money and besides it was the last night the circus was in town. She assured them that she knew and that it was okay she had a plan and to not worry she was going to get in that night. They doubted it but let her say as she pleased figuring she was going to get in trouble again and they didn't want to be in trouble with Ma and Pa themselves. As the night grew dark and the family went to sleep Hollow had slipped out of the house and headed for the circus. She knew she could sneak into the circus for living with such a big family and having squeaking floor boards taught one to be very light on their hooves. She hid in the shadows as she made her way in till she was in the middle of the circus and none know she wasn't with the rest. She felt pride and happiness swell in her chest for she knew she could prove she could get in here but now she needed something to prove to the others that she had been there. So off she set to wandering around looking for anything dropped by another that she could claim for herself as a prize that she had been there. She should have paid more mind to her surroundings for she had wandered into the area where it was the circus performers tents. Which might have gotten her only a light scolding by most that would find her but most didn't find her. Oh no her luck had run out the boy from school had seen that she was indeed there at the circus but none of her siblings were with her. You almost never seen one Grove without a couple more near by, so it made him wonder what she was upto and follow her, his Mau running ahead and back as it pleased curious as to where its master was going. As the Mau ran to and through it crossed Hollows path and ended up getting its tail stepped on. The Mau did not like this one little bit and let out a loud Yowl scarring Hollow. As she jumped back and away she tripped and ended up falling into and empty trunk. As she did she hit her head on the lid causing the lid to close on her with her knocked out inside. The boy laughed for he thought it was funny unknowingly that she was knocked out. He laughed until he heard calls and shouts of "Who goes there" and the like. Deciding it was best time to leave he took off with his Mau. The circus had packed up and left the little town heading for the next without knowing about their new passenger till the came to the next town. And that is how Hollow joined the Circus.[/SIZE]

you can look beside you, and your best friend will be there."🐾

One Little Jay

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 3 9 10 22
I Think I Remember:

Username: One little jay
Pony Name: Evadora
Seasonal Alignment: Fall
"Fact One Rolled: when they were young they fell into a well.
"Fact Two Rolled: They have always dreamed of travelling
"Fact Three Rolled: A promise has been made to someone they are afraid to fulfill someday.

About: (Tell us about them


Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 9 4 10 23
I Think I Remember:

Username: SwordOfTheNagas
Pony Name: Oracle Weave
Seasonal Alignment: Winter
"Fact One Rolled: 9.
They've always dreamed of traveling.
"Fact Two Rolled: 4. They've been in love once.
"Fact Three Rolled: 10. A promise has been made to someone they are afraid to fulfill someday.

About: The male would sigh as he looked at the poor soul sitting in front of him. He glanced to his cards then gently gathered them up to put them away for the time being. A serious flat tone, emotionless and void of any real compassion slipped from his slender frame like water. "I guess, I'll have to tell you it again from the start." He would exhale through his nose slowly as he settled in his nest of pillows to start his tale.

I grew up in a small family of four. Mother, Father, Sister and Myself. We weren't a poor family in wealth, but I grew up in The Great Despair so my view of the outside was limited. Due to this fact. I wished to travel across the Four Season of Everchange and beyond if that was possible. However, Father wasn't going to let his only son leave the family so easily. I am not the only one with a talent for fortune telling, my Mother is a expert and well called upon in our little town. I got my gift from her. She isn't due to reside in this world for much longer. Mother sadly was born with a weak body, this has resulted in my Father wanting me to take her place.

I refused at first. I fled my Father's control and left my stubborn Sister to fend for herself. Sister and I got along for the most part. She had her circle of friends, I had mine. We didn't cross paths much outside of the home which suited us just fine. As Mother got sicker, my Sister got more keen in Mother's work. She has the Gift as well, she just never wanted any part of it till I started fighting with Father about leaving. She gave me a out which I took greedily. So...I fled. I fled into the swaps. Where I met Him.

At this the suli would sigh wistfully. The only sign of emotion the male had.

He was amazing. Dashing and Chivalrous. He saved me from the swamps. Thought I was a girl, till I started talking. After that he led me to his home where we had a nice week of getting to know each other. He was a dark romance that was for sure... There was a blush to the bridge of his nose at this sentence, seems 'getting to know each other' meant more than that. After a week, I wanted to travel more. He didn't. I always thought it was a little weird...he was the only pony in the swamp. I suspected that he was one who preyed on other Ponies and I was his next meal. He followed me to the edge of the swamp and I started feeling something was off. Like...he wasn't all there as we neared the exit. I turned to bid him to come with me and...

The suli would look to the nearby crystal. I saw right through him. He was either a spirit bound to the swamp or some pony with a major talent for illusion. Either way, I got spooked. He let me go but made me promise to return his heart that I took with me as I left. He looks to the audience. He is still there, my First Love. Waiting for me to fulfil my promise to return. I have tasted freedom. I don't want to go back to where I know I'll be caged... He would sigh as he stared at the audience. That's the story, tell it to others to pay heed to the Swamps. Pay heed to the darker nature of love and most of all, keep your freedom.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 10 8 6 24
I Think I Remember:

Username: belloblossom
Pony Name: Briny Deep
Seasonal Alignment:
"Fact One Rolled:
10. A promise has been made to someone they are afraid to fulfill someday.
"Fact Two Rolled: 8. Their parents work in a career field they were expected to take up (and didn't).
"Fact Three Rolled: 6. They had a job for a week where they swear they were grabbed by ghosts.

About: (Tell us about them! Remember to include your facts and expand upon them. You can add mini-sections for things line personality, history, etc if you so wish)

((Will edit more later.))
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Jackariah Beckett

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 7 6 5 18
I Think I Remember:

Username: Jackariah Beckett
Pony Name:
Seasonal Alignment:
"Fact One Rolled:
"Fact Two Rolled:
"Fact Three Rolled

: (Tell us about them! Remember to include your facts and expand upon them. You can add mini-sections for things line personality, history, etc if you so wish)


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 10 3 1 14
I Think I Remember:

Pony Name: Willow Moss
Seasonal Alignment: Winter
"Fact One Rolled: A promise has been made to someone they are afraid to fulfill someday.
"Fact Two Rolled: When they were young they fell into a well.
"Fact Three Rolled: They have a big family.

Lost in thought, Paranoid, Quiet. Anxiety, Soft Spoken, Shy.

Willow was a tender soul, at first she was bright and ever so eager to take up any task she was given. Her home was, and still is the Circus. It was her extended family after all. Then again her blood relatives were large in numbers. With siblings in almost all the corners of the circus.She didn't mind this one bit, as she knew she could rely on them.

So when a new pony joined, she was tasked with showing them around. There was an instant connection when they met, as she grew quite fond of them throughout the years they worked together. So much so that when they proposed to her, she immediately accepted, and promised to marry three years prior on the blossom of Winter.

It was only a year prior though when the accident occurred, as she was pulling the water from the well to hydrate the animals, she thought she heard something echo from below, and leaned a little to far, only to slip and fall into the well with a scream. As she went down, her leg got tangled, and with a snap, it broke, leading to a louder, more desperation in her scream. It was so late at night, most were asleep, so for hours, paranoia and fears of dying in the well crept across her back as she sobbed fearing the worse. It wasn't till daybreak when one of her many siblings came to get some water, that they noticed something odd with the bucket. Tugging on it, they heard the crackle pained voice from below, running off to get a light, as they grabbed a few more of their siblings, only to find out it was Willow down the well. It would take half a day and lots of careful handling later to get to her, pulling her out of the well and getting her some emergency help. From this point forward, having a permanent limp on her front leg.

Once home, she reclused herself in her trailer, waking to nightmares, only to have her siblings take turns each night watching and comforting her.

It wasn't till later she started feeling hesitant about the marriage date coming closer and closer, even though it was still around a year and a half away. She felt she had changed too much to really make the love of her life happy anymore. So she started keeping her paranoia to herself for now.

As she finally left her trailer, things never felt the same for her. She couldn't fully relax, but at least she knew her family would be there for her.
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Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 5 6 1 12
I Think I Remember:

Pony Name: Luminescence (Lumi)
Seasonal Alignment: Winter
"Fact One Rolled: They've had an unfortunate incident with a Mau.
"Fact Two Rolled: They had a job for a week where they swear they were grabbed by ghosts.
"Fact Three Rolled: They have a big family.
(color coded below for convenience)

Lumi is dreary, but they didn't used to be. Don't let their long face fool you: you couldn't grow up in their family and not have a decent chance at becoming a happy and fairly well-adjusted pony. But for one reason or another, be it fate or coincidence, Luminescence is a magnet for trouble. They have another theory: they believe they are cursed. Why else would bad things continue to happen to them more than any other pony? Hell, you don't even know their story! How does that even happen to someone?? Surely you've heard some whisper of the "blue ghost of the Sleepless Cave"! Not knowing has to be yet another effect of their bad luck, to lure unsuspecting ponies into the idea that Lumi is perfectly normal if somewhat dour and safe to be around.​
You fools! You poor, poor fools!
Lumi themself is...well, there's only so much terrible "coincidences" a pony can take before they just give in to despair, and they are well on their way down to the bleakest of headspaces and sipping black coffee while doing so. Sleep? Don't know her. This is fine. Some ponies have to have their luck balanced out, which just means others have to take on the surfeit. Better them than someone else, they suppose. Pragmatic, monotone, and slow to emote much else beyond gloom and doom, they keep to themselves as often as possible until their work forces them out.​
They're terribly afraid of one day staying too close to someone and getting them hurt, so their love life has been non-existent. But then, there's always work to keep them busy, right? A loner they may be, but they are still the hardworker they grew up as. In their off time, they like to read about other disasters in morbid curiosity about the suffering of others, finding kinship in their pain. Lumi will even read it to their colonies like a parent would for a child. They don't tend to sleep well anyway and have constant eyebags for it, so might as well spend the time doing something useful.​
Lumi began as a mushroom farmer primarily, especially of the bioluminescent kind, and a succulent grower as a secondary, and had once taken over some of the family's tunnels within the Sleepless Cave to tend to them. It doubled as a safe home away from most other ponies as least, until the inevitable cave-in happened.​
Lumi continues to grow mushrooms wherever the circus goes in their own portable patch of cave soil, locating or creating dark spaces to let them grow. The mushrooms are very hardy and useful for potions and natural lighting, which they take advantage of if the product doesn't sell; the succuluents also serve as more hardy natural lighting and accent decoration. Non-luminescent mushrooms are also peddled by cart occasionally and taste...interesting at the very least. Whatever is available, Lumi has an eye for detail and is meticulous about their presentation, even arranging his fungi to appeal to one's sense of aesthetics for sale. It's the closest to vanity they get.​
When not hawking goods, the Suli is a perfect and somber workhorse, able to keep up with even most Earth ponies as they strike tents and set stages up.​
They have a big family.
Luminescence comes from the (once famed) Morel family, a bloodline of ponies that love to work the earth in various ways. Keeping to the old farming methods passed down by their ancestors, the Morels often coax their partner(s) into having many baskets so that there is always at least two other sets of hooves around to help with jobs. As such, Lumi has always known what felt like a thousand siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, and more besides. Much like the mushrooms they're famed for, the Morel family clusters tended to grow close to one another as they dug various tunnels in and around the Sleepless Cave. "Welcome to the Great Morel Colony," some would joke when they brought friends or new lovers.
With a big family came long-standing traditions. Luminescence grew up in a relatively conservative home for it, putting family first and the respect of elders and those who had gone before foremost. They had names to live up to, you know! Lumi was even named for one of the first Morel farmers to settle in the area and was technically Luminescence the IV, born (hopefully) to carry on the proud Morel name.
These were the times when Lumi was more carefree. And then...
They've had an unfortunate incident with a Mau.
Much like the Morels carried their history and passed it down to their children in clothes, work, stories, and love, so too did their precious pets. Laurel was legendary at the Morel farm among them: the mau was ancient by normal pet standards, but Lumi's father swore (as his grandfather had before him, and great-grandfather, and...) that the nature of their plants led to quality food which lengthened its life considerably. If you believed the family, Laurel had in fact been the first mau put on the farm and had seen generation after generation of Morels work the fields and forests! The mau was also considered a symbol of luck as it kept pests out of the farm (alongside its many offspring) and was even-tempered and wise, even speculated to understand pony's speech better than the average pet. All in all, it was a treasured part of the family, a living piece of history, and a testament to the benefits of their products.
But being old, Laurel required a specific diet of dry food, wet food, slices of meat, and specially prepared mushrooms to help its digestion. Everyone was required to know this particular recipe as chores were rotated among the siblings at the farm. On the day it was Lumi's turn to feed Laurel, they had been tired from the previous day's work and a longer night of staying up playing games with siblings. They didn't notice that they had grabbed the wrong kind of mushroom to dice into the meal - one poisonous to maus in even a small dosage, similar to the normal mushroom used but for a few shades of color.
That morning is still etched into their memory. Thirty minutes after eating its breakfast, Laurel began to convulse violently and screech unholy murder until blood bubbled up. The rest became a blur of panicked ponies, thrown accusations, and tears. Some wanted to blame Lumi for failing to be diligent in their job, while others argued that it was time for the mau to pass anyway.
The failure haunted the family as much as it haunted Lumi, however: as the symbol of their pride and joy had passed, so too had their long streak of good luck. Very little grew after Laurel's death. It was as if the wrath of the ancestors had been brought down on them for failing to keep tradition. An outsider would say it was harsh: it had been an accident, Lumi barely an adult at the time. But spirits care little and less for fairness when something fixed becomes changed suddenly and violently, should you ask the Suli about it.
Much less the spirit of an ancient mau.
They had a job for a week where they swear they were grabbed by ghosts.
With the family business failing and Lumi now an adult, they were forced to try other jobs to try and make ends meet. Any and all money they could spare was sent back home: a penance for his failure and proof that they were working harder than ever. But the more they reached out and applied for work, the more odd things would happen. Unexpected traffic making them late too many times to ignore, freak storms that would destroy their place of work, being let go simply because the company was downsizing...But the job that truly broke the camel morph's back was the time Lumi worked a week at The Equinox.
The Equinox was a homely hotel that boasted being haunted by the ghosts of villagers who had lived around the area before a civil war had nearly wiped them out. As a bellhop, Lumi needed to sell this spooky aspect to clients as they helped with luggage and showed them to their rooms. They didn't want to believe in such rumors...until the second night.
Any time they rolled over to sleep, they heard scratching at the door, familiar meows that slowly ramped up into angry hissing, and weight on his body like a mau trying to nestle on him. And with every night that followed, it grew worse. Fur would mysteriously find itself in the fresh laundry he brought to guests, food grew sour if he served it, and small objects would be launched off tables and desks to crash headlong into the pony or a nearby wall. And then the voices of the dead would join in: the sound of soldiers marching past their door, of children giggling and asking them to play, and worse still. Ghosts even grabbed at their legs at one point, dragging the pony through the halls and cursing them in various languages. Within a week, a battered and sunken-eyed Lumi quit the Equinox, to the delight of the hotel owner: now she could add another boast to the list of forcing employees to quit over being scared!
Eventually, Lumi returned to the old warrens in the Sleepless Cave - an apt name for the Suli as they had since lost the ability to sleep for long hours. Stripping themselves of their family name, they now work quietly in one of the tunnels left behind, harvesting unique mushrooms to sell and make ends meet for his family. How they managed to become part of the Nightday Circus is another story in and of itself....but for now, they refuse to make actual contact with family in fear of adding more bad luck. They do what they can for now to atone for their ultimate mistake - or at least what the old ghosts that follow them allow them to do. It's yet to occur to Lumi to seek forgiveness from their ancestors and the damn old mau, content for now to wallow in a misery of their own making.
Now would you mind not forgetting? Not that they'd blame you if you did...
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Long-Term Resident
Dice Rolled:
🎲d10 6 2 7 15
I Think I Remember:

: Hattaki
Pony Name: Merletta Hagstone
Seasonal Alignment: Fall
Fact One Rolled: They had a job for a week where they swear they were grabbed by ghosts.
Fact Two Rolled: They've been bitten by a vampire.
Fact Three Rolled: They swear they have seen an alien once when they were hiking at night.

About: A pair of eyes glowed back at the Circus pony. Challenge accepted. Their mouth opened and it felt, for all intents, that those listening were actually watching the past happen though it was simply a retelling of a very... questionable story.

"It was that spook full hotel I worked at, I tell you! That's where it happened. No pony should have to deal with that, but there were ponies that came from all over Everchange just to be scared and then went and forgot that was the point as soon as they get here!" Merletta's eyes rolled upwards into her head from irritation. "You've truly never seen a more foolish pack. But that's not the point, it was those... those... hands! They surely weren't hooves so I don't know what it was exactly. Creepy. That's what it was! Creepy!"

It seemed as though their friend had heard this story more than once, that all of them had heard it. "For pony's sake you can't just say 'hands' grabbed you Merletta. We all know you exaggerate, there's no such thing as 'ghosts' after all." There was a narrowing of her eyes but the Suli just stomped a hoof down and rumbled deeply. "Well I'd like to see you spend a night there! The little pony on the stairs is the one that grabbed me, I'm sure of it. But I don't know how she did it, what with being so little and having no hands. You mark me, I left quite the hoof print on her forehead if it was her."

"Oh Merletta..."

A flash and a dark alleyway glowed, but it couldn't... actually glow, could it? No, no that was something else. A set of golden eyes, a glint of very sharp fangs. Or maybe just a bit of a let down for all those holding their breath as the scene like explanation ended with the suli's tail being bitten. "Bleh! Okay, I take it back, flowers are pretty and tasty, you Suli are not. This isn't a good replacement at all!" Merletta's expression seemed stormy. "Well excuuuuse ME! I was just trying to be charitable and help some fool of a vampire figure out a replacement to biting others! Or rather, biting something other than a tail. Wait..." She suddenly seemed confused.

"How much were we drinking before this?!" The vampire grinned and bit another flower petal, pulling a face in the process.

Another flash, what was even happening with that?, and there were very bright lights floating all around. It seemed that a Unicorn or some other magical being, maybe a Kitsune, was putting on a light show, or it would have seemed that way if it wasn't for the Suli that was screaming at them. "You get back here you wicked, torturous, probing jerks! If you're going to abduct someone at the very least leave them with their memories so they can come back and find your green butts to kick them!" Another group of ponies had been having a party nearby, a blanket laid out with food and drinks to watch the stars and light show only to have the night ruined by a hysterical pony that just wouldn't leave off. "What's wrong with green exactly?" One of them stomped their hooves. Merletta Hagstone whirled around and fixed her bright eyes on them. "You missed all of that!? Those jerks left me with some sort of implant and all of you missed it!? How do I know that green one isn't one of them left behind to track us all? How do we not realize all the green ponies are alien duplicates left here to track us!?" She spun around as the green pony rolled their eyes and stormed off, murmuring something about neighbors being a nightmare as Merletta continued in her fit.

She was just settling in on a very large row with the owner of the actual field when everything abruptly stopped.

"That's well enough of that." The pony's eyes stopped glowing and they turned around, their tail flicking in irritation. "You're no kind of storyteller, what a waste of time." The Circus pony opened their mouth to retaliate but the other pony was suddenly gone.

"Well there went another pony that didn't remember." Still they winced.