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About Cosmic Brownie:

Gender: Male

Orientation: Bisexual

Relationship: Dating Buttercream Bounty

Family: n/a

Occupation: Unemployed, has family money.

Personality: Cosmic Brownie, or Cosmo for short is a very self centered pony. He comes from a wealthy family and while he doesnt flaunt his money he is very quick to shy away from "common" things. He deserves better. Despite this snob like attitude he is often trusted and adored by people simply based on his looks. He is a very pretty boy. Yes his hair is just naturally like that. No the stars are not fake. He is utter perfection from the day he was born... or so he thinks.

Hobbies: painting

Likes: shopping , trying rare or exotic foods , Owlgriffs and mao

Dislikes: "Common" things, Inus, Charity events, being told no.



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About Cherry Blossom: (meta pony)

Gender: Female

: Asexual

Occupation: Self employed

Status: single

Hobbies: learning to make shaped balloons, gardening

Likes: walks in the park, smilies, balloons obviously

Dislikes: being inside for a long time, rain, the color black

Personality: Cherry Blossom wears her heart on her sleeve. She is happy as long as other ponies are happy as well. For this reason she spends her time running a balloon kiosk. Nothing makes people happier than a pretty balloon! She is reserved but cheery like an explosion of happiness is ready to go off at any moment, but never does. She tends not to speak unless spoken too but will wave to anyone she sees. Cherry does seem ... "off" compared to other ponies but no one can ever quite put their finger on it. Cannonicly Cherry would be considered on the spectrum but high functioning. Negative emotions are hard for her to process and understand. It is also easier for her to become overwhelmed in new situations than it is for other ponies.
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About Cassidy Blossom

Gender: Female

Orientation: Homosexual

Status: Protectively hoarding Typha

Occupation: Sitter/Daycare worker

Siblings: Heart of Valor and Trace of Love
Parents: Blushing Hearts and Cherry Blossom

Hobbies: thinking up random ideas for toys

Likes: Jumping on trampolines, all the foods that are bad for you, pink things
trying on outfits even though they usually dont fit right.

Dislikes: birds.. birds are weird, disrespectful people (she will call them out)

Cassidy and her siblings never knew their parents. A random act by the Alicorn of Fertility their baskets were discovered by a stranger in the park who made sure they safely arrived at the nearby orphanage. Growing up Cassidy acted as the protector for her siblings, often getting into fights with the other foals. It was up to her to keep them safe as the chaperones always had their hands full elsewhere.

Despite her bulky build Cassidy tried her best to always have her hair and fur nicely kept. She wanted to be pretty like her little sister. As she grew into adulthood Cassidy began to accept herself for who she was. It didnt matter if she was much larger than her siblings they were still her family and there were plenty of other dragons out there for her to meet. Perhaps one day she might even meet her parents.

Cass got a job working at a local daycare. Her siblings didn't need her to watch over them anymore but once their parents dropped them off these foals would need someone to watch after them.. play with them.. and just be there. Children liked Cassidy due to her large size, being both fluffy and shiny, she was a real crowd pleaser with that age group.

It was this same protective nature that drew her to her mate Typha who needs protecting from.. well..everything? They are a bit of a scaredy-gator but she doesn't mind it was just more of an excuse to hold them close.
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About Dawn:

Gender: Female

Orientation: Straight

Status: Single

Personality type: Gentle, Patient, and Kind. Dawn loves being around children and teaching them about the wonders of Everchange. She has a bad habit of babying her adult friends in a similar way to her students. Dawn hopes one day to have a large family of her own she can pass on wisdom to.

Occupation: Young Foal Teacher

Hobbies: Finding shapes in clouds, Baking, Researching new ways to teach her class

Likes: blooming flowers, singing / music , drinking hot tea

Dislikes: winter weather, insects except butterflies , ice cream
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About Monique

Gender: Female
Orientation: Asexual
Occupation: Retail

Personality type: Posh, Could care less

Hobbies: Bargain Hunting at thrift stores
Likes: Ombres, Pedant Necklaces, Other feline morphs
Dislikes: Working Cashier, Sweaters, Soda, Socks
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About Buckwheat Honey

Gender: Male

Orientation: Homosexual

Occupation: Orchard Worker

Personality type: Buck is a very job oriented pony. He takes great pride in every bloom he helps mature into a delicious piece of fruit. People often find it funny he chose a job with plant pollination given his bee like mutation, but at least he didn't chose to work at a flower nursery. Completely unrelated he was in fact very fond of honey, particular in his milk at night or in the form of honeysuckle flowers which were his favorite bloom.

Likes: hot drinks, eating pies, gardening, watching home make over shows,

Dislikes: most vegetables, snow / cold weather, crowds, loud noises
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About Asriel:

Personality type: Asriel lacks basic emotions. He is blunt and doesn't understand why thats a problem. If people get offended its not his fault. Maybe if people were more honest about their thoughts he wouldn't need to point out the obvious things.

Hobbies: Playing board games, Giving unsolicited advice, organizing things in shops that customers have haphazardly put back.

Likes: cats, smooth jazz and crooner music, science

Dislikes: junk food, rapper music/heavy metal, anything he deems purposeless
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