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About Heather
Gender: Female

Orientation: Bisexual

Status: Single (down to fling for kids)

Occupation: Model / Co-runs a herd

Likes: Glamour, Photography, Attention

Dislikes: Being seen without make up, any sort of selfless act,

Hobbies: Brushing her hair, interacting with her herd,

Personality: Heather is concerned with one thing and one thing alone and thats attention. If your eyes aren't on her clearly your not looking in the right place. She was on the cover of a magazine once so she believes everyone should know who she is an adore her. She doesn't care much for kids but is down to hook up with whoever as long as they shower her with adoration and attention; an autograph wouldn't hurt either.
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About Joel
Gender: Male

Orientation: Straight

Status: Married to Rosaline (owned by Midnight Holographic)

Occupation: Baker and part-time carpenter

Joel was born into a large family knowing what it meant to work for his share. He spent most of his time working as a field hand. It was a simple life but it allowed him to learn respect and appreciation for the small things. He had accepted this life and was content in spending the rest of it helping to run the family's farm. This was his plan until he happened to meet a young Rosaline at the county fair. She was standing next to her entry for the Blue Ribbon Pie contest offering free samples to the passers by. Now you wouldn't think a simple farm boy would believe in superstitions like love at first sight but he knew at that moment she was the one. She may not have won the contest but that day she won his heart. Ever since that day the two have been inseparable. Over the years they saved up their money and left their homes to pursue a new dream. Not long after Joel and Rosie's Bakery was up and running in Fall's Harvest, above it a cozy loft the couple could now call home.

Likes: Woodworking, Spending time outdoors, Making things from scratch

Dislikes: Cold Weather, Pickles, Automation, Being alone
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About Saga


Orientation: Asexual

Status: Single

Occupation: Freelance Investment Broker


Parents: Flopsy Cottontail and Ezrael
Siblings: Achilles and Cassiopeia

From a young age Saga has always been exceptionally observant. She wasnt strong or compassionate but what she lacked in heart and body she made up for with her intellect. She very much enjoy problem solving which comes in handy when their brother gets into predicaments. Saga is also very protective of her sister less so in a physical way but very much keeping an eye out for any sort of trouble. One can never be to careful.

At times Saga feels like the odd one out of her family as she has never been much of an expressive pony. Coming from a family all with hearts of gold can make one feel highly appreciated.. but also selfish for not always wanting to lend a helping hoof. She believes the numbers never lie where as people will easily do so and take advantage of your kindness.

As an adult Saga had taken an interest in her fathers investments hoping to find a way to maximize their income and learn about business for her own future dealings. Using this knowledge she has branched out to working with other small business owners to maximize their income through investing in the right places. If you ask Saga its far more beneficial in the long run than other charity work her family does.

Likes: textbooks and manuals , people watching, fixing problems, boardgames

Dislikes: emotional situations, sports, cooking (though she will do it anyways)
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Gender: Male

Orientation: Straight

Status: Single

Occupation: Farm Hand


Personality Type
Issac is a bit of an enigma. No one really knows much about him as he avoids the villages full of ponies. He is mostly seen roaming around the outer farm land or sitting under trees in the forests. It was rumored that he lives in a cave but no one ever followed him home to confirm this. He seems wary of other ponies, untrusting of anyone he crosses paths with. Knowing how little he interacts with others its a wonder he hasn't starved but surely he must have a home and food source somewhere?

Likes: cold temperatures, sunsets, manual labor, nature, painting

Dislikes: warm weather, sunlight, people outside his herd, modern society / technology
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Basic Info

Gender: Female

Orientation: Undecided

Status: Single

Family: N/A

Occupation: Ballet Dancer

About Elizabeth

Personality: Sweet, Petite, and Light on her Feet. Elizabeth was always destined for the stage. She was given every opportunity to grow and hone her skills while still retaining her genuine humble nature. Since her debut she has held center stage rolls in multiple ballet productions. Her flowing hair and floral fur patterns add an extra level of beauty to her dances. Many of the outfits she wears were designed and assembled by her own magic. Outside of the stage she is very social and open to meeting new people and fans alike. If you asked if she was happy in her life she would agree but say that something always felt like it was missing. The stage can be very lonely when there is no one waiting for you on the other side.

Hobbies: Watching old movies, designing her on stage costumes.

Likes: Fruity Sodas, Frilly dresses, Flowers, Anything sugary,

Dislikes: Country Music, Baggy Clothes, Bad Reviews, Drinking Wine
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Basic Info

Gender: Male

Orientation: Homosexual

Status: Single

Occupation: Owner of Nimbus Sugar Cotton Candy Parlor

About Sebastian

Likes: soft things, accessorizing, buying presents for people

Dislikes: messes, bad hair days, most vegetables, dark colors

Hobbies: giving interior decorating advice

Personality: Sebastian is what one might call.. extra. He is a perfectionist and cares highly about how he appears. His wool is always fluffed and his hair is always styled. He runs a high end.. cotton candy experience as he would explain it. It is a cross between a bar and an ice cream parlor with a luxury styled interior. They specialize in flavor infused cotton candy as well as dessert items and drinks modeled after their cotton candy creations. He is very proud of his establishment. Sebastian is typically very cordial and well mannered that is unless you happen to make a mess. He cannot stand things being unclean. While accidents do happen a sticky surface is unacceptable!
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