- 9
- #62
And a greedy $(@#$ bird that ate our snacks!?
- 9
- #64
And a greedy $(@#$ bird that ate our snacks!?
- 3
- #65
This is closed!
- 141
- #66
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 58
Res: 48
Now let's figure out who gets their picks first! Noting that the phrasing was ambiguous on purpose - but if you entered for any day, you have the ability to pick from any of the prizes if you win a slot. :3 I'm going to get the list of winners first then ask for preference lists after we have that, then hand out prizes based on those.
- PeterPan_da144
- TanuKai
- Natty-chan
- Nym
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Reoakee
- ChexaRain
- Rano713
- Zakiax
- Shaddaling
- Lisaisfire619
- Andraia
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Natty-chan
- Lisaisfire619
- Shaddaling
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Rano713
- Andraia
- Reoakee
- Nym
- Andraia
- PeterPan_da144
- Nym
- Natty-chan
- Zakiax
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Rano713
- Melomar
- Shaddaling
- Lisaisfire619
- Blinded By Silence
- PeterPan_da144
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Shaddaling
- Reoakee
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Luxona
- Andraia
- Natty-chan
- Nym
- Lisaisfire619
- Blinded By Silence
- Nym
- sharkberrypizza
- Natty-chan
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Blinded By Silence
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Andraia
- PeterPan_da144
- Reoakee
- Shaddaling
- Rano713
- Lisaisfire619
- 74
- #67
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 53
Res: 3
Pick order:
Rolling from:
- Natty-chan
Rolling from:
- PeterPan_da144
- TanuKai
- Nym
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Reoakee
- ChexaRain
- Rano713
- Zakiax
- Shaddaling
- Lisaisfire619
- Andraia
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Lisaisfire619
- Shaddaling
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Rano713
- Andraia
- Reoakee
- Nym
- Andraia
- PeterPan_da144
- Nym
- Zakiax
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Rano713
- Melomar
- Shaddaling
- Lisaisfire619
- Blinded By Silence
- PeterPan_da144
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Shaddaling
- Reoakee
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Luxona
- Andraia
- Nym
- Lisaisfire619
- Blinded By Silence
- Nym
- sharkberrypizza
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Blinded By Silence
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Andraia
- PeterPan_da144
- Reoakee
- Shaddaling
- Rano713
- Lisaisfire619
- 70
- #68
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 48
Res: 42
Pick order:
Rolling from:
- Natty-chan
- Nym
Rolling from:
- PeterPan_da144
- TanuKai
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Reoakee
- ChexaRain
- Rano713
- Zakiax
- Shaddaling
- Lisaisfire619
- Andraia
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Lisaisfire619
- Shaddaling
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Rano713
- Andraia
- Reoakee
- Andraia
- PeterPan_da144
- Zakiax
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Rano713
- Melomar
- Shaddaling
- Lisaisfire619
- Blinded By Silence
- PeterPan_da144
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Shaddaling
- Reoakee
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Luxona
- Andraia
- Lisaisfire619
- Blinded By Silence
- sharkberrypizza
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Blinded By Silence
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Andraia
- PeterPan_da144
- Reoakee
- Shaddaling
- Rano713
- Lisaisfire619
- 58
- #69
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 43
Res: 23
Pick order:
Rolling from:
- Natty-chan
- Nym
- Bouquet of Diamonds
Rolling from:
- PeterPan_da144
- TanuKai
- Reoakee
- ChexaRain
- Rano713
- Zakiax
- Shaddaling
- Lisaisfire619
- Andraia
- Lisaisfire619
- Shaddaling
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Rano713
- Andraia
- Reoakee
- Andraia
- PeterPan_da144
- Zakiax
- Rano713
- Melomar
- Shaddaling
- Lisaisfire619
- Blinded By Silence
- PeterPan_da144
- Shaddaling
- Reoakee
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Luxona
- Andraia
- Lisaisfire619
- Blinded By Silence
- sharkberrypizza
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Blinded By Silence
- Andraia
- PeterPan_da144
- Reoakee
- Shaddaling
- Rano713
- Lisaisfire619
- 54
- #70
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 38
Res: 2
Pick order:
Rolling from:
- Natty-chan
- Nym
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Lisaisfire619
Rolling from:
- PeterPan_da144
- TanuKai
- Reoakee
- ChexaRain
- Rano713
- Zakiax
- Shaddaling
- Andraia
- Shaddaling
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Rano713
- Andraia
- Reoakee
- Andraia
- PeterPan_da144
- Zakiax
- Rano713
- Melomar
- Shaddaling
- Blinded By Silence
- PeterPan_da144
- Shaddaling
- Reoakee
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Luxona
- Andraia
- Blinded By Silence
- sharkberrypizza
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Blinded By Silence
- Andraia
- PeterPan_da144
- Reoakee
- Shaddaling
- Rano713
- 54
- #71
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 37
Res: 36
Pick order:
Rolling from:
- Natty-chan
- Nym
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Lisaisfire619
- TanuKai
Rolling from:
- PeterPan_da144
- Reoakee
- ChexaRain
- Rano713
- Zakiax
- Shaddaling
- Andraia
- Shaddaling
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Rano713
- Andraia
- Reoakee
- Andraia
- PeterPan_da144
- Zakiax
- Rano713
- Melomar
- Shaddaling
- Blinded By Silence
- PeterPan_da144
- Shaddaling
- Reoakee
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Luxona
- Andraia
- Blinded By Silence
- sharkberrypizza
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Blinded By Silence
- Andraia
- PeterPan_da144
- Reoakee
- Shaddaling
- Rano713
- 50
- #72
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 32
Res: 4
Pick order:
Rolling from:
- Natty-chan
- Nym
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Lisaisfire619
- TanuKai
- Shaddaling
Rolling from:
- PeterPan_da144
- Reoakee
- ChexaRain
- Rano713
- Zakiax
- Andraia
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Rano713
- Andraia
- Reoakee
- Andraia
- PeterPan_da144
- Zakiax
- Rano713
- Melomar
- Blinded By Silence
- PeterPan_da144
- Reoakee
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Luxona
- Andraia
- Blinded By Silence
- sharkberrypizza
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Blinded By Silence
- Andraia
- PeterPan_da144
- Reoakee
- Rano713
- 47
- #73
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 28
Res: 28
Pick order:
Rolling from:
- Natty-chan
- Nym
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Lisaisfire619
- TanuKai
- Shaddaling
- Rano713
Rolling from:
- PeterPan_da144
- Reoakee
- ChexaRain
- Zakiax
- Andraia
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Andraia
- Reoakee
- Andraia
- PeterPan_da144
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Blinded By Silence
- PeterPan_da144
- Reoakee
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Luxona
- Andraia
- Blinded By Silence
- sharkberrypizza
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Blinded By Silence
- Andraia
- PeterPan_da144
- Reoakee
- 44
- #74
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 24
Res: 12
Pick order:
Rolling from:
- Natty-chan
- Nym
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Lisaisfire619
- TanuKai
- Shaddaling
- Rano713
- Reoakee
Rolling from:
- PeterPan_da144
- ChexaRain
- Zakiax
- Andraia
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Andraia
- Andraia
- PeterPan_da144
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Blinded By Silence
- PeterPan_da144
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Luxona
- Andraia
- Blinded By Silence
- sharkberrypizza
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Blinded By Silence
- Andraia
- PeterPan_da144
- 38
- #75
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 21
Res: 5
Pick order:
Rolling from:
- Natty-chan
- Nym
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Lisaisfire619
- TanuKai
- Shaddaling
- Rano713
- Reoakee
- Blinded By Silence
Rolling from:
- PeterPan_da144
- ChexaRain
- Zakiax
- Andraia
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Andraia
- Andraia
- PeterPan_da144
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- PeterPan_da144
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Luxona
- Andraia
- sharkberrypizza
- Zakiax
- Melomar
- Andraia
- PeterPan_da144
- 34
- #76
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 16
Res: 7
Pick order:
Rolling from:
- Natty-chan
- Nym
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Lisaisfire619
- TanuKai
- Shaddaling
- Rano713
- Reoakee
- Blinded By Silence
- Zakiax
Rolling from:
- PeterPan_da144
- ChexaRain
- Andraia
- Melomar
- Andraia
- Andraia
- PeterPan_da144
- Melomar
- PeterPan_da144
- Melomar
- Luxona
- Andraia
- sharkberrypizza
- Melomar
- Andraia
- PeterPan_da144
- 31
- #77
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 12
Res: 12
Pick order:
Rolling from:
- Natty-chan
- Nym
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Lisaisfire619
- TanuKai
- Shaddaling
- Rano713
- Reoakee
- Blinded By Silence
- Zakiax
- PeterPan_da144
Rolling from:
- ChexaRain
- Andraia
- Melomar
- Andraia
- Andraia
- Melomar
- Melomar
- Luxona
- Andraia
- sharkberrypizza
- Melomar
- Andraia
- 27
- #78
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 7
Res: 5
Pick order:
Rolling from:
- Natty-chan
- Nym
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Lisaisfire619
- TanuKai
- Shaddaling
- Rano713
- Reoakee
- Blinded By Silence
- Zakiax
- PeterPan_da144
- Andraia
Rolling from:
- ChexaRain
- Melomar
- Melomar
- Melomar
- Luxona
- sharkberrypizza
- Melomar
- 27
- #79
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 6
Res: 1
Pick order:
Rolling from:
- Natty-chan
- Nym
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Lisaisfire619
- TanuKai
- Shaddaling
- Rano713
- Reoakee
- Blinded By Silence
- Zakiax
- PeterPan_da144
- Andraia
- Luxona
Rolling from:
- ChexaRain
- Melomar
- Melomar
- Melomar
- sharkberrypizza
- Melomar
- 27
- #80
Number Generated:
Min: 1
Max: 5
Res: 4
Pick order:
Rolling from:
- Natty-chan
- Nym
- Bouquet of Diamonds
- Lisaisfire619
- TanuKai
- Shaddaling
- Rano713
- Reoakee
- Blinded By Silence
- Zakiax
- PeterPan_da144
- Andraia
- Luxona
- ChexaRain
Rolling from:
- Melomar
- Melomar
- Melomar
- sharkberrypizza
- Melomar