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[ORP]Bulbasaur hour[Closed]


Grizzled Veteran
"Ooh this is perfect," Lan exclaimed, taking in the enrichment centers offer space. The garden was lovely, just pleasantly on the side of hot, with bright sun for them to soak in and shady spots for them to cool down. He shucked off his sandals, wiggling his bare toes in the grass, the nails painted bright teal. "We can fit so many people!"

He set down Christmas onto the ground, letting the bulbasaur explore as he picked up his sandals and took a seat on a bench. Now it was just a time to wait for more people to show up.

"Hopefully you make some friends, Christmas." He mused, content to wiggle his toes in the grass.
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Stew Aficionado
Floretta was quite excited for the little Bulbasaur meetup. Her sister had demanded to go, but Floretta was able to fight her off by saying, "You don't have a Bulbasaur! Plus, Salt and Pepper are likely to cause too much of a ruckus." There was sheepish laughter from Jackie while Floretta giggled, and was eventually allowed to go alone. Once Jackie made sure she had anything she might need.

Humming, Floretta entered the area set aside in the Enrichment Center. It was big yet somehow cozy. Already she could see someone nearby. "Look, Peony! There's already someone here." The little Bulbasaur in her arms - nestled nicely in a messenger bag - peeked it's little eyeballs out to see.


Grizzled Veteran
"Show off your good plant child to pass," Lan called over to Floretta, part joking, and part eager to see more bulbasaurs. They were precious. "Christmas is already exploring," he motioned to the soft pink bulbasaur walking the garden. "She is a bit of an imp but she good with other pokemon." Well she had been good with Kennedy's eevee and his twins torchic. Which was good enough for him.


Stew Aficionado
Beaming, she nodded and practically bounced over towards the unknown person. "Hello! I'm Floretta, and this is Peony!" Her arms tilted down a bit to show the top of her darker pink child. Peony's antennae quivered as they looked out, and a soft sound escaped when they noticed the other Bulbasaur. Floretta knelt down to let Peony climb out of her bag, before watching the little one awkwardly waddle towards Christmas.

"Peony hasn't had much time to socialize with other Bulbasaur. They seem a bit put off by my big ol Meganium, Petal. I'm hoping that a get together like this will help bring them out of their shell." She watched the little pink dino pause in its progress towards Christmas, before starting to back up again.


Grizzled Veteran
"Aww, hello there smol plant child." Lan wiggled his fingers at the bulbasaur. They were darker then his own. "How many plant names do you think we will hear today?" He questioned, wondering faintly if he should making a list.

"Christmas hasn't either, but she seemed fine with my roommates eevee and with my twins torchic so far." Lan turned to watch the pair.

Christmas perked up when she noticed the other bulbasaur. "Sa!" She proclaimed cheerfully and started to cheerfully waddle after Peony. It was nice here and there was another bulbasaur. They should hang out together in the sun.

"Ooh, you have a Meganium? Your starter?" He questioned, fishing for information from the young lady.


Stew Aficionado
Peony had glanced back towards Floretta, before letting out a little wobbly "sssaaaur" sound and tottering away from them. Only for Christmas to come waddling over. Peony proceeded to try to back peddle again, tripping over their own back legs and falling onto their back in the process. There was silence, and then a sad sounding "bulbaaaa....." as their little legs wiggled and they tried to flip back over.

Meanwhile, Floretta giggled at the other's questions. "I bet there will be a lot! Christmas is kind of planty too, when you think about it." She moved closer and proceeded to pull out a blanket from her bag, which she placed on the ground and fanned out gently so she could sit on it. Once it was set, she stepped into the middle and sat down cross legged.

"Ooohh, your friend has an Eevee an Torchic? That sounds like quite a handful," she smiled. "Yes! I do! His name is Petal, he was my first ever Poke'mon. My family was very confused at first, but they were very accepting in the end. He's been my best friend for years. What was your first Poke'mon....?" She trailed, realizing she hadn't got his name, and now felt incredibly awkward trying to ask.


Grizzled Veteran
Christmas gave a wheezy noise of amusement, eyes bright as she walked around the flipped over Peony. "Bulba," she mused and shoved her broad nose under them, trying to help them flip back over.

"Ooh, she named after the Christmas Cactus. I use to have a collection of succulents," Lan sighed wistfully. "I had to rehome them since they would not let me bring them over. Something about invasive species." He sighed. "So when I saw her, her colors reminded me of the plant and that just became her name."

"Ooh only an Eevee. His name is Sunny. My twin has the torchic, I don't think I ever got what Lang named them." Lan mused on it. "Ooh, a Seal."


Stew Aficionado
Peony's stubby little legs wiggled as if to move them away from Christmas as quickly as possible, but with the help of the other, and the wiggling legs rocking them... Peony was soon upright, staring into the other Bulbasaur's face. Antennae vibrated as Peony shrunk back and hunkered down, eyes closed, before slowly opening one to look over the other. "B...Bulba?" it asked inquisitively. Friend?

"Oh, succulents are amazing! I love them. Very pretty and hardy plants. Kind of like a grass Poke'mon," she giggled. "Mmmm yeah, I can't leave the town with Petal because he's an invasive species," she said with a little sigh. "I completely understand, though. Wanting to protect the environment from invasive species. Even something as simple as my one Meganium could possibly tip the ecosystem in an unsightly way. Even if I know that Petal wouldn't do such a thing."

Floretta pulled a sketch pad from her bag, as well as a large case of colored pencils. She glanced towards the two Bulbasaur and started sketching. "Oohh, you have a twin? That's really cool. I have siblings that are twins. And siblings that are triplets!" Another little giggle came from her. "Those are really cute names too! Sunny and Seal, and of course, Christmas."


Grizzled Veteran
"Bulba," Christmas replied, leaning close to lightly nudge the other bulbasaur. Friend. She moved to the center of the garden and flopped down on her belly, little legs sprawled out as she soaked up the light. Her eyes closed, and she wiggled her tiny claws. "Bulbaa." She called. Join her, join her in the night bright sun.

"Ooh no, I started with a Seel. He was my starter, he's a Dewgong now." Lan gave a soft smile, remembering the pudgy white seal pup. "So, are you from Johto then?"


Stew Aficionado
Eyes watched the other curiously, and soon enough, Peony had waddled their way over and slowly sprawled out. A content sigh escaped as they did so, eyes closing and a little hum like sound emanating from them. Mmmmm sunlight.

A flush came over her cheeks. "Oh! A Spheal, I misheard, I'm sorry." Then a clear to her throat, and Floretta resumed sketching. "Yeah! Johto. My family is really well known around our little town and the surrounding ones. They're metal workers mostly, but some work with glass, others carpentry. It all depends. Very hands on, that's for sure." Nodding, she scribbled over something, before starting over.

"Our house is made out of steel and other metals to try to prevent it from being burnt down. Mom and dad had to make sure of that many years ago when the family really started growing. Since they started with their own Cyndaquil, the rest of the family ended up getting Cyndaquil, too. Most came from mom and dad's though." More little nodding, she was enjoying talking with someone. Glancing up now and again to the Bulbasaurs.

"What about you? I'm not familiar with Spheal being a regional choice for starters, but I know people don't have to start with a specific Poke'mon. Heck, even though I started with a Chikorita, it wasn't something I got from the lab! I befriended Petal in the forest."


Grizzled Veteran
Lan looked over at the bulbasaur watching them as they settled down together, content to sunbath. "Well that is just adorable." They were also very docile, weren't they. Lan can't believe he hadn't noticed that until his twin pointed it out.

"Johto, it wasn't a regional starter. They were a rescue." It had been difficult to work with an injured pokemon, gaining their trust and affection. "Ahh, so most of your family I take it is buff, like muscular sweaty and half naked?" Lan questioned. That was how metal workers work right? "Or is it just layers of protection gear?" Probably the protection gear.


Stew Aficionado
"Oh! Oh wow, so we actually came from the same place! Funny we never ran into each other before," she giggled. "I explored Johto pretty thoroughly at a young age with my older sister before we went off to the others." Her sketching was becoming more cohesive now, the scene of two Bulbasaurs sunbathing coming to fruition.

"That is very sweet of you, though," she hummed. "Petal was... An adoption? Or a rescue... A wild Poke'mon I just came across so... I'm not sure how to classify him?"

The comments about her family, though, made her laugh unrestrained. "Yeah! Yeah I guess so! Some of them work like that, depending on their work." More snickering. "One of my sisters is here with me. She's the one I journeyed with. She's pretty buff, as you put it. She's also a boxer, though, so that helps. She never really got into the family business as a livelihood. She seems to make her job taking care of me." There was a little shrug to that.

"Metal and glass work can both get really hot with the forges. So shirtless or tank tops and shorts. Sometimes even swim trunks. They mostly have fire Poke'mon for the forges, but there are a few water to help cool things off, too. Including them when they need to take a break."


Grizzled Veteran
"It sounds like you were the one that got adopted." Lan replied. "I was originally from Mahogany town and we sort of stuck close to the area after our failed gym run. We ended up going tours up and down the dark caves and ice paths." It had been dangerous work but it had been a living and he had enjoyed it.


Stew Aficionado
Another little laugh escaped. "Well, my hair isn't naturally green and pink. The natural color is red orange, like my sister's. I know I'm not adopted. But it does sometimes feel that way. I was just... The odd ball out." Another little shrug, some furious scribbling, and then she stretched backwards a bit. The outlines of the two bulbasaur were finished, now it was on to coloring.

"That sounds like a pretty tough and dangerous job, though. My sister wouldn't let us take those paths because of it. I'm glad you made it out okay and are here today to explore Nauwill." A genuine smile and tilt of her head as she looked to him.


Grizzled Veteran
"Mmhm, it was. We had some great friends because of it." Well friends might be stretching it. The rangers were more like almost friendly rivals. They had worked together and they were caring for their pokemon they had been forced to leave behind.

"Are you an artist?"


Stew Aficionado
"Mmm?" Glancing up and back at him, she turned back to her pad. "Oh! Yeah, it's something I've enjoyed doing from a young age. I mostly do sketches, but I color from time to time." With that, she pulled the case of pencils onto her lap and opened it to rifle through the various pinks and yellows she had. "It's just hard to carry along so much coloring stuff when on a journey."


Grizzled Veteran
"Huh," Lan glanced over the sketch, watching Floretta color for a bit. Not bad, Lan wouldn't say he knew about art but it looked pretty good. "I couldn't bring my plants so I sort of had a splurge on make up before coming here." He sort of wish he had brought his origami paper with him. "Then I had trouble figuring out how to bring it all."

But at the very least Christmas was enjoying her sunbath time.


Stew Aficionado
"I haven't dealt with makeup myself. Just hair color and color treatment for it. I couldn't bring my bleach and color though. So I may end up... Having it grow out and looking awkward at some point," she laughed, holding pencils up to match them to the Bulbasaurs in the distance. "What would you say Christmas's eye color is?" Her head tilted back so she could look up at him. The case of colors was open on the ground next to her now, and she had clumped a few together that looked like what she remembered Christmas's eyes being. But she wanted to be sure.


Grizzled Veteran
"Honey," Lan said, shifting through the little selection of colors and picked up the one in question. A very mellow golden orange. "I can't imagine dying your hair so much. You could cut it when it starts regrowing perhaps. Short hair could be trendy."


Stew Aficionado
Her hair was about shoulder length and very... Wavy curly. If that's a way to describe? That's how she would describe it. There was a little shrug though. "I don't like it much shorter than it is now. It... Feels weird. I usually only do my hair maybe once a year. Usually around summer. In fall and winter, I wear hats and scarves that help hide any roots."

With the color in hand, she shaded it in, then moved to Peony's. She had drawn their eyes before they closed them to snooze. Once those were done, she moved on to their bulbs and then bodies.