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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[OVER] Family Bonds Congrats Tigeria & Kovak!


Stew Aficionado

What a fine feline family we see before us! Three of these cats have been homed already, but what good fortune, two are searching for a player to take care of them.
The orange parent and the middle kit are the ones going to be contested off. Now, the powers that be would like to keep this precious family together so what better way to contest them off to you lovely folks than through a personality contest? Let's learn how about the parent - how they may have charmed the kittypet, Drax, into a litter. And let's find out what the little kit's temperament is like too! Are they a troublemaker or a mama's kit? Let's find out together!

1. This group is meant to be plotted and stay together as a related family unit!
2. These kits will be staying with this pair of parents until adulthood - no kidnapping/abandonment plots here!
3. You may enter for both the parent and the kit, but you cannot win both of them.
4. There is no family naming theme - but keep in mind the general naming theme for loners and kittypets.
5. Fill out the form entirely, before you submit it!
6. Anyone may enter in this contest, including staff, so long as they do not already have a member of this family.

This contest begins at Sept. 3rd at 7pm PST/10pm EST.
It will close for entries and be judged on Sept. 5th at 6pm PST/9pm EST.

[size=18][b][color=darkorange]What's My Purrsonality?[/color][/b][/size]
Who You're Entering For:[/b] (Kit or Parent)
[b]Cat Name:[/b] (remember, kittypet or loner names only!)
[b]Three Words to Describe the Cat:
Future Aspirations:[/b] (tell me what they want to do in their lifetime, or if they don't have any future goals, tell me why not.)
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Grizzled Veteran
What's My Purrsonality?
Username: KisaValkyrie
Who You're Entering For:
Cat Name: Cinder
Three Words to Describe the Cat: Excitable, curious and loud
Future Aspirations: Cinder will like to learn about things and plants, they will eventually aspire to become a medicine cat and help others. As a kitten they will get in a lot of trouble and cause mayhem where possible till they learn that its probably not a good idea to do that and eventually start tried to learn about plants instead.
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Grizzled Veteran
What's My Purrsonality?
Username: Tigeria
Who You're Entering For: Parent
Cat Name: Sunny
Three Words to Describe the Cat: Bold, Caring, Blunt
Future Aspirations: Sunny wants to see the world past the fenced in yards, but knows that with kits in the picture that's not likely to happen anytime soon. Right now he wants to see that his kits grow up happy, safe, and strong.


Grizzled Veteran
What's My Purrsonality?
Username: KisaValkyrie
Who You're Entering For: red/orange Adult
Cat Name: Highland
Three Words to Describe the Cat: Kind, adventurous and faithful
Future Aspirations: Highland is a very sweet cat who is looking forward to continuing to have a happy and healthy family. If they both eventually want to join a clan, wonderful, if they want to keep being loners out in the forest and raising their family as best and safely as they can then he's all for it. He is more than happy to welcome in found kittens who need a home and adults to take care of them but if they want to move on when they become adult's they are more than welcome. He is a helper and a kindhearted soul, something that he thinks was what was able to win over Drax and get her to open her heart to the idea of a family with the lone male, something he is very happy about.

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
What's My Purrsonality?
Username: Blinded By Silence
Who You're Entering For:
Cat Name: Sunsprite
Three Words to Describe the Cat: Proud, Excitable, Optimistic
Future Aspirations:
Sprite was named after the tales of faries told to him by his kitty pet mother. He doesnt remember much about them, something about magic cats that glow in the sun and leave gifts and signs for the living, but the thought of them has always intrigued him. I think it would be very fun to explore him learning of sunclan and figuring out his faith.


Grizzled Veteran
What's My Purrsonality?
Username: Revel
Who You're Entering For: Parent
Cat Name: Tango
Three Words to Describe the Cat: Calm, Kind, Adventurous
Future Aspirations: Tango has the urge to travel, that urge is much less since he met Drax and started a family but he often wanders and is gone for days at a time, he will always come back to his twolegs though, eventually. As his kits get older he'll probably take them on his travels, introduce them to other cats (the friendly ones anyway).


Station Visitor
What's My Purrsonality?
Username: MidnightWolves202(FoxyGirlKanami on discord)
Who You're Entering For: Parent
Cat Name: Saritle
Three Words to Describe the Cat: Friendly, Caring, Calm
Future Aspirations:
Saritle is curious by nature. While he is curious. He knows that his twolegs and family would miss him. He never goes too far from home. But he prioritizes his family before his own curiosity. He is also a very sweet. And he is a very easy cat to get along with. He has always been curious. And would most likely ask in the future if his family would go with him.


New Arrival
What's My Purrsonality?
Username: EienMau
Who You're Entering For: Kit
Cat Name: Ember
Three Words to Describe the Cat: Curious, troublemaker, good-hearted.
Future Aspirations: For right now, Ember isn't looking to the future. There's too much to do, too many things to explore, and Ember wants to stick their nose and paws into everything they can! .... maybe when they're a bit older they'll start thinking about the future.


Grizzled Veteran
What's My Purrsonality?
Username: kovak
Who You're Entering For:
Cat Name: Teemo
Three Words to Describe the Cat: enthusiastic, cheerful, proud
Future Aspirations:
Teemo is an explorer. He lives for danger while treating life like a game. He follows his scouts code and sometimes gets into troubles that he did not expect. Some might say that the code is nonexistent, but Teemo's pride is something that should not be messed with. He lives under the element of surprise, where he will often hide in bushes until striking with his quick blows and fast speed. Teemo is a little devil kitty who seems to always be a fireball, but also a peaceful zen kitty when needed.

Eventually, Teemo will want to leave kittypet life and become a wanderer to live the way of the scouts code where the possibilities are endless!


Grizzled Veteran
What's My Purrsonality?
Username: kovak
Who You're Entering For:
Cat Name: Marble
Three Words to Describe the Cat: loud, strong, needy
Future Aspirations:
Marble is going to be a very vocal cat who needs constant attention. He'll probably stay a kittypet unless he meets cats who want his company, other than his family! He's a strong boy tho, but it's mainly strength to impress. :>

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
What's My Purrsonality?
Username: Blinded By Silence
Who You're Entering For:
Cat Name: Loveless
Three Words to Describe the Cat: Easily Attached, Naive, Friendly
Future Aspirations:
Named after some two-leg book, Loveless is anything but. This little kit is so full of love for everything and everyone that they can barely contain it. They would spend their younger ears bumbling around, excited about whatever they lay their eyes on, until, as they grow, their love is not always returned. They face rejection, betrayal, and heartbreak, but just when they're about to give up on love, all the pieces will fall into place and they will have a happy life.


Long-Term Resident
What's My Purrsonality?
Username: Subducting
Who You're Entering For:
Cat Name: Panda (Pan for short)
Three Words to Describe the Cat: Kind, shy, adoring
Future Aspirations:
Pan’s main goal in life is to spend as much time with his family as possible. He loves his parents and siblings and for him, nothing could be better than spending all day every day with them. He’s a gentle soul, and thus is sensitive, but he’d follow his family to the ends of the earth. Some may see his attachment to his family as childish, but he just cherishes them that much.


Long-Term Resident
What's My Purrsonality?
Username: Subducting
Who You're Entering For:
Cat Name: Red
Three Words to Describe the Cat: Patient, wry, loyal
Future Aspirations:
Red’s been living as a she-cat for moons now, but has been able to have kittens with Drax. She has most all she wants- a loving mate whom she adores, beautiful kittens (who keep her plenty busy and fill their lives with laughter) and a safe and warm place to lay her head. For a cat who grew up out on her own, that’s more than enough.


What's My Purrsonality?
Username: AlicornPlayhouse
Who You're Entering For:
Cat Name: Wisteria
Three Words to Describe the Cat: Independent, Aloof, Clumsy
Future Aspirations:
A kit with big ideas, but paws far too tiny to accomplish. The heart of a fighter, they want to be self sustaining, efficient. Dreams of being a mysterious cat amongst the shadows who graces night stories told to kits.. alas, it's a bit hard to achieve said goal when you're tiny with a big head and run into every treebranch that comes your way.


What's My Purrsonality?
Username: AlicornPlayhouse
Who You're Entering For:
Cat Name: Rein
Three Words to Describe the Cat: Poised, Sardonic, Fearful
Future Aspirations:
Traversing with careful paws wherever they may go, Rein never planned for kits, but as the fates have it now all they see in their future is protecting them. They have no goals for themselves, as though the weight of being the perfect parental figure has consumed their individuality. All they want is to protect their new family, and yet still they haven't reached the goal of breaking their shell and terror of failing to do so properly.


Grizzled Veteran
What's My Purrsonality?
Username: NatiStorm
Who You're Entering For:
Cat Name: Hawk
Three Words to Describe the Cat: Boisterous, Romantic, Determined
Future Aspirations:
Hawk plans to protect his family and make sure they know how awesome he is. Sure, they're safe now in the two-leg nest with Drax but what if the kits want to see the world beyond the fence one day? Well then, Papa Hawk will be there to guide them and show them how it's done!


Grizzled Veteran
What's My Purrsonality?
Username: NatiStorm
Who You're Entering For:
Cat Name: Mittens
Three Words to Describe the Cat: Lazy, Affectionate, Co-dependent
Future Aspirations:
Mittens has only one goal in life; eat as much and do as little as possible.