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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PATROL-FIN] Bad Memories (Thymeswirl/Walker)

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 1 1
Walker waits for the fox to lunge at her, but as she attempts to counter-attack, the leg that had been pinned gives out. With a hiss of pain, she staggers!

HP: 7​
Damage: 5 per hit​
To Hit: 10+​
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 11 11
Thymeswirl hits and kills the fox for 5 damage!

Thymeswirl had seen Walker go in for another attack only to miss it, but the fox's attention was focused on her. That was enough for Thymeswirl to slink around the fox and as it prepared to descend on his Clanmate, Thymeswirl jumped in and grasped the throat of the fox - nasty and foul tasting though it was - in his own mouth. He could feel the fox thrashing, but he closed his eyes, clamped down and held on until at last he felt the ground beneath his paws again.

Opening his eyes and releasing the bitter fur of the fox. He backed away quickly, adrenaline starting to float away with every panting breath he took. The fox was dead. The fox was dead! He turned to look around for Walker and when he found her, he mewed hurriedly.

"I think that's enough patrolling for one day. Let's return to camp and tell Lostsun and Mothwing what happened here today." He told her. Then, raising his head proudly.
"They'll go on to tell great tales of us on this day, I suspect. Walker, we did it!" @Blinded By Silence
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Stew Aficionado
The fox has been defeated!

Thymeswirl has delivered the final blow to this fox!

Congratulations! You've made it to the end of this patrol without any causalities!

Thymeswirl and Walker will be entered into the Scar Raffle! If you choose to edit your posts in with RP replies then you may use this RP for a DP point as well!

When you are finished entering RP replies into the thread, please tag your Patrol as [PATROL-FIN]. Once your patrol has this header tag, you may not post any more in this thread.

If you do not wish any of your above mentioned cats to be entered into the Scar Raffle, please specify below.​

Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
As the dust settled, Walker released a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding as she saw Thymeswirl's fluffy head rise above the limb body of the red fox. Good, good. She wouldn't have to tell Fennel that her little boyfriend had died bravely. She chewed her lip, grimacing as she stood to her full height and offered the tom a nod and a reluctant smile.

"Yeah, of course we did." She spits some blood, "Good job, kid."

She'd step in line with him. He'd impressed her today, truly. Guess he wasn't so bad. At least he'd protect Fennel properly.

"Oh yeah, one to tell your kits, for sure," Walker gives him a playful shove of her shoulder but winces as she puts too much weight on her injured leg.
