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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PATROL-FIN] Rematch Madness (Sparrowfeather/Stagleap)


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 14 14
(The eagle hits Sparrowfeather for 3 damage!)

The eagle, enraged and pained and determined to fight to live another day, turned its head from one cat to the other, biting its beak at whatever cat it could grab hold of. In this instance, it was the tick of a cat who was tearing at its wing and feathers. The eagle refused to die, it would fly out of here and never return to this territory if it had a choice in the matter! But to do that, it had to get free first!

HP: 15
# to Hit: 10+
Damage Per Hit: 3
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 18 18

(Stagleap hits the eagle for 5 damage!)
HP: 4

Would this be it, Stagleap thought, panic surging through his body. His tail lashed as he saw the eagle make a grab for his mate. Its throat was exposed to him and Stagleap surged forward to clamp his small maw around the feathered throat of the bird. He knew he didn't have a steady hold on it, but he had to be doing some damage, any damage, at all, right? He just hoped that it was enough that Sparrowfeather could get away from the eagle. She had to live through this. He couldn't live with himself if she didn't.
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 5 5

HP: 1

Just as the hope that they might both survive really swelled up in her, the eagle's sharp beak finally found her. Pain unlike any she had ever known ripped through her. With a pained yowl, Sparrowfeather lost her grip on the eagle's wing and fell to the ground. The impact knocked the breath out of her and she struggled to right herself. Everything hurt and the world seemed to be spinning. This was it. She remembered this feeling, the moment right before loosing consciousness. If she blacked out now, she knew it was all over, but she couldn't seem to fight off the darkness that crept in on the edges of her vision.

"Stagleap..." Her mew was raspy as she called to her mate. "I'm sorry."
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 5 5
(The eagle misses its attack on Stagleap!)

The eagle had managed to dislodge one enemy and now it was time for the other, but the brown cat had grasped its teeth near the eagle's throat and neither bloody wing nor sharp talons could reach where the tomcat dangled. The eagle thrashed, but it could not yet break free from the small predatory cat that held it.

HP: 10
# to Hit: 10+
Damage Per Hit: 3


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 7 7

(Stagleap misses his attack on the eagle!)
HP: 4

Stagleap couldn't hold on and more so, he couldn't bare to see his mate fall away. Feeling his jaws loosening, he released the eagle and fled to Sparrowfeather's side.

"Sparrowfeather! Sparrowfeather, you have to get up." He pleaded with her. "Please, you have to go get help. My father... Tigersun, he'll send help the moment you get back to camp, just go." The eagle was still here - Stagleap had to hope that his beautiful mate would be able to find her strength and run to get the aid of their Clanmates.

Turning to face his feathered foe, Stagleap glared at the eagle and stepped over his fallen mate, putting himself in front of her. He would not - could not, let her get hurt on his watch. @NatiStorm


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 10 10

HP 1

It seemed that within the blink of her eyes, Stagleap had appeared before her. How had he made it to her so quickly? Had she really closed her eyes for that long? With sluggish movements, Sparrowfeather rose. How strange that she could hear her mate talking to her but he sounded as if he was under water... or was she the one under water?

"No.." She rasped. "I told you earlier.." Speaking was hard... every movement was hard. "I'm not leaving you.." The small tan she-cat leaned into her mate for a brief moment, taking in the scent of him for what she believed to be the last time. "And I'm not giving up!" With all the strength she had left, Sparrowfeather surged forward, claws and fangs exposed. I'm sorry everyone, I tried.
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 5 5
(The eagle misses its attack on Sparrowfeather!)

HP: 5
# to Hit: 10+
Damage Per Hit: 3


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 13 13

(Stagleap hits - and kills - the eagle for 5 damage!)
HP: 4

Stagleap watched with mouth agape as his mate got to her paws, managed to speak, only to charge towards the eagle and land a blow on it. He saw the eagle turn its attention to her and his blood ran cold, before he let out a bellowing yowl and ran forward. He shoved his paws off the ground, leaped on the eagle's chest, giving little care for its talons or its beak - anything to keep it away from Sparrowfeather - anything to give her more time on the mountain, with him, alive!

He tore through feathers and flesh and eventually, he felt the eagle collapse under him. He raised his head, his yellow eyes full of malice and lightning, before he blinked and turned to his mate.

"Sparrowfeather!" His mew broke as he came to her side. His shoulder bled and his energy seeped out of him, the relief of winning the battle warring with the concern for his mate. "Sparrowfeather, you're okay, we're okay, the eagle is dead. We did it." He gasped in harsh sobs, before he shoved his body against Sparrowfeather's. "We need to get you to Fernfire. Lean on me, Sparrowfeather. I'll get you home." He promised. "I'll get us both home." @NatiStorm
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