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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[PATROL] Bad Memories (Thymeswirl/Walker)


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d6 5 5
Number Rolled: 5. Battle Encounter (Fox)

Cat Stats

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+
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Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 8 8

(Thymeswirl misses his attack on the fox!)

It was meant to be a quick hunt. He'd asked Walker to come with him, because she was available, but now that he was facing down the jaws of a snarling fox, Thymeswirl found himself wishing that he had thought to bring other cats. He'd gotten so confident lately - there hadn't been any patrols who reported scenting foxes nearby the territory and he'd grown so much since Aspenswirl and he went out alone on that horrible patrol that marked his mentor's death.

Thymeswirl had gotten out of that one alive, but now, he wasn't so sure. He thought of his parents back at camp, thought of his brother and of Fennelkit and... he thought of Fennelfur, the pretty she-cat that he'd liked when he was an apprentice and had only grown closer with since his mentor's - her father - death. They'd mourned together for moons after it had happened and now.... well, he wasn't sure if Fennelfur was ready to call them mates, yet and if he died today, maybe it wouldn't matter. Or maybe it would further traumatize the beautiful she-cat - he couldn't do that to her, couldn't do it to his mother who had already lost one kit.

Glancing at Walker, he tried to look brave in the company of his Clanmate.
"O-Okay. Let's defend our Clan, try to drive this thing off. But if it gets too much, we climb the closest tree and wait for it to leave. It's not worth risking our lives over." He mewed, before gulping his fears down hard and swiping defensively at the fox - and missing terribly.
@Blinded By Silence (And that's all the patrols I can whip out tonight. xD)
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Blinded By Silence

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d20 14 14
Oddly enough, Walker was also thinking about Fennelfur as she stood tall and steady as the russet beast bared its fangs at them. Those two sure had been spending a lot of time together, and, normally, there'd be this little ball of anger sitting in her belly when she thought about that. But right now? She was relieved.

Fennelfur was a soft cat, sweet and kind, but very, very soft. She was all fluff and smiles and worrying about everyone but herself. The little she-cat couldn't handle standing up to her brat of a sister, no way she could hold her own against a fox.

"You got it, kid. Let's go." There was no fear in Walker's eyes as she quickly took the offensive. Long, powerful legs meant for travel stretched as she bolted and leaped onto the thing's back, burying her fangs into the back of its neck.

HP: 10
Damage: 5 per hit
To Hit: 10+

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