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[PRP] on opposite sides [ jade eye + darth snarl


[ thread is a port over from gaiaonline ]

Honestly, the unicorn had never really given much thought to things like "right" or "wrong", "good" or "bad". She'd always assumed folks knew their own moral codes and should follow the default of not being a horrible pony and yet? Here she was on a battlefield, running from an enemy she could barely see. It was ridiculous just how she had to fight to stop others from hurting innocent people, and almost just as ridiculous that they seemed to think she was the one doing the wrong thing.

Just how long was she supposed to be fighting this fight? Thankfully these battles didn't happen all day every day, just once in a while, or Jade Eye wasn't sure she could continue. There was only so much of her life and soul she was willing to dedicate to the cause, as selfish as that actually sounded. She was young mare after all, not some battle hardened warrior! Even she had times she wanted to do typical mare things!


[ Chey ]

A black and red ghoulie moves forward as he makes chase after the jedi that he saw. He's seen this mare a couple times and no matter how many times he goes against her he just can't figure out why she fights so hard for the other side. In no way does he think he is on the wrong side.. Some of the Sith code he agree's with. Passion is what brings forth bettering oneself. He wants to be the best version he can be.. Power would be nice but just to be respected for his abilities is good enough for him. But the jedi keep getting in his way!

They say what he believes in is wrong. Yet he refuses to believe that.. Not without proof. Yet he has been given none. Peace is a lie, there is only passion... Yet... even though peace is a lie.. He doesn't mind the fact that there are days that he doesn't have to fight. neverending conflict would be quite horrible really.

As he draws near to the mare he snaps his attention back to the present. Enough of his thoughts. Time to fight. He speeds up and lets out a growl." Running like a coward or do you just enjoy being chased!"


"Sh...shut up!! Who would like being chased?!" Jade Eye's words were shouted over her shoulder as she continued to run, not daring to look back at whomever was chasing her. She may have been willing to fight battles when pressed but that wasn't something that happened all the time. Right now she wanted to clear the field, to accomplish whatever the mission was and get out before she got hurt and had to be carried away. The tanuki-morph was getting so tired of bumps and bruises, of cuts and burns that took more than just a few months of magic to heal.

There was a small copse of trees ahead that looked as though they could give the jedi some cover, and she took off at a stronger gallop in an effort to reach them. If a sith was direct on her tail there was hardly any chace she could shake him on even ground; she needed the higher type, and some serious distance between the two. The trees were getting closer, her escape was at hand....and so were tree roots.

The tanuki-morph felt her leg catch one of the upturned roots, and she stumbled quickly to the ground. It hurt, she saw white and stars, and it was painfully obvious all the air had been knocked from her lungs from the force of impact. Whatever lead she may have given herself with all her running was now gone and it was only matter of how merciful the sith was feeling how quickly her death would come.

"....I just...wanted to go home..." The words were mumbled as she gasped for air, hoping and praying that it would be swift and painless.


[ Chey ]

Snarl quirks an eye and smirks."Children playing tag seem to enjoy getting chased. Or do they not play that game anymore?" Certainly he knows some kids that still play it though maybe they prefer other games? He shakes his head. This isn't the time for silly distractions. This isn't some game right now. No matter how much he enjoys being right about things. They are in the middle of a battle right now. Perhaps he will have to muse over this interaction when he is home later.

He keeps on her tail as she gallops away torwards the tree's. Though he allows her to get ahead after all even he can tell there are tree roots that could be very difficult to navigate through. Thank goodness for having multiple eyes. He keeps his tail even and does his best not to get tangled in the tree's. It is just his luck that suddenly the jedi falls to the ground quite hard. He can tell that she had the breath knocked out of her. He slows and stands over her inspecting her.

Should he kill her? Despite the fact that the kill would seem more... dirty to him. After all it isn't with a fight. Hardly seems fair... Or.. he could be merciful... What to do, what to do.. His ears perk forward as he listens to her words. Home... just wanted to go home.. He can relate to that and he is hit with a pang of sympathy. Damn it.. This isn't the time to become soft.. But he doesn't have to kill her...

"Everyone wants to go home dear. Some just don't get the opportunity to go back." He places a paw along her side and his tail swerves around and tongue hangs out almost grinning at the poor mare. "Tell me... what made you choose to fight for the jedi?" He decides to give her her life. Though might as well see what this mare does all this for. It's not often you get to ask such things in battle. If the mare runs he can always just chase her again.

He moves back to give her room to get up."Might as well get up when you can.. You are lucky you didn't get chased by some of my collegues.They would have killed you..It's not everyday that one can get a glimspe into ones motivation and choices.. and I prefer to fight fair.. Killing you there would just poor taste."


She unconsciously shivered at the paw that was placed on her side, and Jade Eye caught a gasp in her throat as she tried to figure out just why she'd shivered in the first place. Clearly it had to be fear and anger and not anything else, clearly, because she wasn't the sort to just get carried away by situations. A flush of red brought itself quickly to her cheeks as she tried to pass it all off as just exhaustion and anger and not a little bit of whatever else it was. Carefully, the unicorn moved to get a better look at the Sith who was going to end her life and honestly? Honestly she wished she hadn't.

The Sith was a Ghoulie, anyone could tell at first glance from the tail and paws, and he towered over her in a way that her petite unicorn frame could never hope to accomplish. Dark fur, striped in vivid colors, darker eyes.....Jade Eye was pretty sure he was going to straight up end her life and no one would ever find her body. He looked the sort to have no pity or mercy so this conversation he was attempting was probably to lure her into a false sense of security before he struck. The Sith could not be trusted, after all.

"You're saying you'll give me a chance, but I know you and your ways. You'll let me think I have some hope and then destroy me before I can grasp it." Despite running her mouth she did get to her feet, though the puffy bun she'd tried to pull her hair into snagged and came loose. A mane of thick and tight curls cascaded over her neck, her eyes, and the mare really wondered if this was how she was going to go. Tripping over a tree root with her hair in her eyes. Trying to talk for her life rather than just fight.

She was a lousy Jedi. "And I really don't have to tell you why I fight for anything. Why do you fight for the Sith? Can't enjoy your life unless you're subjugating someone else under your hooves?" It was all big talk for a pony who was still wheezing from having the air knocked out of her and wincing from a sharp pain in her


Grizzled Veteran
Snarl stays where he is as he inspects her. The obvious distrust of the other is apparent though he must admit there is some truth in that statement. Except for the fact that this time he intends to keep to his words. Though the mare is quite feisty. Talking back to him like this when he could have killed her when he had the opportunity. A slight smirk comes to his face. That was just a tiny bit amusing. He watches as her hair falls down into curls and for a brief moment he can see where some might find this mare attractive.. Though he pushes back those thoughts as he doesn't have time for such thoughts. He wants answers.

He gives a soft growl and his tail sneaks forward as if to sniff at her. " That is true.. You don't have to.. but talking could save your life.." Blackmailing... why has he resulted to this? When she asks him why he is fighting for his side he takes a moment to let the silence grow. "I fight for the passion to better myself... I want to be the best I can be. To be respected for my abilities. That's what I fight for. Not the lie of peace that your order preaches."


Jade snorted in spite of herself and the situation, shaking her head and causing her mane to bounce about her face. Her breathing had calmed down a little though she certainly wasn't going to be running fast on that ankle. Her horn glowed a bit as she attempted to move her hair back and up, but considering that it could taken as a threat and a means of attack she stopped and just decided to keep it down and in her way. "I doubt talking will save anything. If talking could do that, I'd never have become like this in the firs - "

She stopped speaking, aware that she was being baited in to this. Jade Eye might be young, but she wasn't as naïve as sometimes she let on. She was faintly sure he was trying to shake her faith in her beliefs, as small and timid as they were anyway, but she was a Jedi. She knew what needed to be done and how to do it, and being emotional wasn't exactly the best of it.
