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[PRP] Re-entry to Spook? (Nememus and Wei Ying)



Nememus had been trapped in his thoughts and had started wandering around in front of the haunted house. He had been looking forward to getting back in there but that was starting to seem hopeless. He was so lost in his thoughts that he hadn't quite seen the other pone who maybe was looking for the same thing as himself? He let out an Ooof as he made contact with the other pone. Surprised he immediately uttered an "I'm Sorry!"




"No harm done, just pay a bit more attention yeah? You're not exactly small." Indeed, the other pony was hard to miss with their many, many tails and large wings. Seriously, how could they not see where they were going? Thankfully Wei Ying was no worse for the wear, as he said, and a shake of his head had any hair that may have been mussed falling back into place. "Something on your mind?" Clearly something had to be or this walking mountain wouldn't have run in to him.



Neme heard the response from the other pony and it had him nodding. "I completely understand. I am so sorry for bumping into you... I shouldn't have been lost in my thoughts.... I just...." He paused. He didn't really want this other pony thinking he was crazy for wanting to go right back into the house and find out what exactly all of that was with the spectral being and the DOOR. That door it was almost like it was burned into his mind. He couldn't not focus on it! "I'm... Nememus..." he said not totally thinking, but realizing he needed to introduce himself. "I... It might sound crazy...." he looked away again... "But I really really want to go back inside the house...." He looked a bit lost as he glanced back up at the other. Waiting to find out if they would think he was crazy for thinking the way he did.



"I didn't really ask your name but it's not too crazy to want to go back in. I'm wanting to get back in there myself, and I'm sure a whole other host of ponies are feeling the same. Not every day you get to see a ghost after all." Wei Ying didn't offer his name back because like he said, he hadn't asked for it, and this wasn't a meet and greet event. This other stallion was probably a complete stranger he'd never see again so why bother why niceties or introductions? There was something they both wanted and that was enough for the conversation.

The Suli took a few steps towards the currently unavailable entrance, his green eyes scanning for any sign an opening that could be exploited. "I mean, you are wanting to go back in because of the ghost right? And not because you liked the theatrics of the troupe?"



Neme was taken aback slightly by the response from the Suli. The other also wanted to go back in? Then maybe just maybe Neme wasn't quite as crazy as he was making himself feel like he was. He nodded to the other in understanding before staring back at the haunted house once more.

Wait it clicked in his mind. He said a ghost. So it was a ghost? He looked at the other for a moment. He knew it was some sort of spectral being but there were a few different ones, but a ghost did make the most sense. After all it did talk about us using our living paws. He was shocked for a moment but quickly recovered.

"I am. I want to know what the Ghost had behind that door. I want to know what lies behind it. It's almost...." He paused for a moment staring back at the house. "Like it's calling to me and it's burned into my brain. I need to know what's behind it and what mysteries it holds...." He also took a couple steps towards the house watching and waiting hoping for an opening. He was right beside the Suli.



Wei Ying probably had a very unflattering look on his face as he listened to the hybrid stallion explain his reasoning. He really, really hadn't asked for all of that and maybe, just maybe, the other pony needed to get his head checked out when this was all said and done. Not that the Suli was any judge of another's mental health, not with everything he'd done and what weighed on his hooves, but that was neither here nor there. "The door or the ghost? Because yeah they're probably both connected somehow, same with that troupe leader buggering off. I doubt we're going to get back in on our own though but at the very least we can look around the outside."

Or, alternatively, he could get the hybrid to kick down a door. Somehow he felt it wouldn't be very hard to convince this "Neme" individual to do it and just tag himself along under the guise of worry. It was always better to have a Trojan horse of a horse than let yourself take the flack for an idea. "All I want is to ask the ghost a question. Everything else is not my concern."
