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[PRP] The Coffee Shop Shuffle [Mocha x Sweet Scent]


Mocha shuffled through his shop. It was the mid afternoon lull which meant he had just enough time to straight the place back up before the post-work crowd arrived. The least these ponies could do was throw away their own trash. "Another half full cup" he scoffed. It was a shame that people would waste such a fine roast. He tried to keep flavors that were "Seasonally Appropriate" as thats what the people around here enjoyed. One can only endure so much pumpkin spice and hazelnut. He had recently decided to put out a cherry blend that complimented the bitterness of a dark coffee. It would seem unless it was baked into a pie, cherry it would not be at the top of anyones list. Disposing of the last of the trash Mocha slid back behind his counter space. Perhaps there was time to make himself something. This day was surely dragging on for ages.

(@Nym, realized I told you I made a thread but never tagged you, sorry!)
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Sweet Scent was off to visit yet another cafe for inspiration, tucking her strawberry-themed bag around her neck as she deposited the map neatly within and nudged open the door. There was a sound of awe caught in her throat, warbling into a soft intake of air as she scanned her surroundings.

Lovely! Marvelous! Cute!
She loved it!

Her eyes brought her through the cafe and to the counter, locating who she assumed to be the owner or a dejected employee. Whoever it was they looked crestfallen, provoking Sweet Scent to want to find her way to them and offer comfort. She had more tact than that, luckily, but she still found herself at the counter, propping herself upright and leaning her frame against the counter.

"Excuse me," she called, light and sweet.
"Are you still open?"



The sound of coffee grinder must have been extra loud today because Mocha was oblivious to the sound of the front door opening. The sudden voice following the grindless silence would've made him spill his brew, if he had gotten that far. This was highly unusual, not the person, he saw this type of pony in here often, but the fact some pony walked in at this time. Curious. Being caught off guard he hadn't had time to summon a customer service voice in response.

"Yes" he said simply. "I don't close the shop till 6:30. The working crowd will usually stop in for a to-go cup." That wasn't really to the question but that was the state of things. In this business you surely have to stay open later, coffee shops aren't really a unique commodity in the the larger towns of Autumn. It's perfect coffee weather, or so they say. Regardless, he could use every dollar he could so he will making pumpkin spice lattes until he gets his break, or croaks. The first one is preferred through.

Can I get you something? The usuals are on the board above"

He gestured to the chalk board behind him that had a menu written on it. The drinks were all in a fancy font depicting the warm complimenting flavors you expect from your everyday coffee shop. In the far corner of the board however one could see an entry unlike the other in a more firm bold hand writing "Black Cherry Dark Roast" with a simply drawing of a cherry outline.

A small chirp from the coffee pot in the corner signaled it was ready.



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6:30 -- when was it? A quick glance at the clock assured her it was 5:30; a good hour before the end of service. She nodded in affirmatively and spent the quickest of seconds eying the menu, exhaling soft 'ahs' and 'oos' at the various options. She was like any other pony; she liked the standard flavors enough. You couldn't go wrong with pumpkin or cinnamon, and it wasn't like she didn't indulge in it from time to time, but...

Well, she had hoped for more, honestly. Don't get her wrong, the "classics" were good and popular for a reason, but Sweet Scent liked to try something new whenever she could. Something that would prompt her to explore her own flavors when baking, or expand her palette. Pumpkin was delicious, but she could get it anywhere, on any given day. She wasn't disappointed, either, but it would have been nice to try something unique.

She parted her mouth to give a basic order for a pumpkin coffee when she spotted it -- the unique entry that was tucked away neatly into the corner of the menu. She visibly lifted, tail and head rising in rejuvenated interest. Yes! She wanted that!

"The black cherry dark roast sounds lovely, could I have that? I almost missed it!"



"Really? You will be the first" He didn't mean to sound so surprised but he had been offering his brew to people all morning and only got polite declines or a not so subtly disgusted No. Curiouser yet. Mocha surely wasn't one get excited but lets be honest he was excited someone else was interested in drinking something new. "I probably could've made it more prominent but the other stuff is the original owners hand writing and thats what everyone knows this place by". He trailed off for a moment then continued.

"Anyways. Coming right up! I was making myself a cup when you walked in"

He turn back around to the brewer where he had poured his freshly ground coffee beans. It wasn't often he got to use the darker beans but they were his favorite in the same way some ponies preferred bitter sweet chocolate to milk. The coffee brewer, an expert at its craft, prepared a steaming pot of dark roast coffee in minutes. He poured some into his own mug then one into his signature to go cups.

"I would say this is a secret process but no one is really out to steal my recipes. I made a condensed syrup that naturally blends into the coffee due to the heat." He scoffed at the idea of how much artificial flavorings he has to use in the everyday coffee orders. This was very.. refreshing. Perhaps all hope is not lost for coffee drinkers of Everchange.

Mocha searched the counter space for a moment then found the bottle with a piece of tape across it. The tape read Black Cherry. He eye balled was probably about a tea spoon of syrup into both containers then proceeded to lightly mix them with stirring sticks. Its always best to stir things yourself when you can. Machines tend to over blend in his opinion.

He placed the to go cup on the lower serving counter with a spill proof lid that still allowed for ample coffee drinking. "Hope is isn't too hot for you. It should cool in a moment if so. I tend to drink it warmer than most" He wasnt entire sure if that was the dragon in him or he just enjoyed fresh hot coffee. He sipped from his own mug, trying his best to remain optimistic that his efforts wouldn't just end up in the trash out front.

She seemed like the type who wouldn't tell him if she hated it to his face, he can respect that well enough. It was odd, the coffee shop almost seemed brighter in this moment.



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Her head tilted and she frowned absently in confusion -- the first? That didn't seem right, but as she eyed the menu she wondered if half of it was due to how tossed to the side it felt. Not like an afterthought, no, but as if it didn't belong. It was a conscious effort, confirmed by his following sentence.

"But you own the shop now, yes?" Her tone stayed light, but she found herself eying the menu once more, comparing it back to her order as he fiddled away with the creation of her drink. Ah, that made more sense, now. If the cafe was his now, though, why did he keep the original menu? Well, it certainly wasn't her place to pry!

He explained his process and she frowned further, watching him with interest and curiosity. He sounded so... negative -- as if he already felt defeated. Her eyes returned to the dark cherry order, then back to his face, head tilting.

"I know of a few friends and customers who would absolutely die for this flavor -- could I recommend it to them?" Maybe his current customer base needed expanding? She did have a few other thoughts in mind, from a business perspective, but Sweet Scent reminded herself, again, that it wasn't her place to pry. Oh, but she hated how unhappy he looked! She wanted to help!

The drink was delivered and Sweet Scent lifted it with a soft 'thank you' in tow, taking a moment to breathe a deep intake of air. Ahhhhh~! It smelled absolutely divine! She swirled the coffee in the cup, giving it a few seconds before gently blowing on the top and taking a sip. She had to! He almost looked like he wondered what she'd think, and Sweet Scent did oh so love trying new things.


"Haaaaaa!" The sound that escaped her was a delighted one, ending in a satisfying hum as she took a second sip. Delicious! It was warm and yet had a bright edge to it that paired so nicely with the deeper coffee flavor, ending on a heavy note. She quite adored it, actually, evident by the way her mismatched eyes twinkled as she admired its creator and fished out the bits to pay for the coffee, sliding a small tip alongside it.

"I am so glad I stopped by today, this is so nice! Where did you get the idea from?"



Mocha smiled, softly, she certainly did mean well didnt she?
Not as loud or gossipy as the other ponies who stop in.

"Yeah this place is mine, the owner left it to me. Boy was her daughter mad but I think she just wanted to make a boutique of the space. Everyone still thinks of this place as Ellanore's. I changed the sign out front and everything. No one noticed they just walked in and asked where the cookie display went. I kinda just gave up and went with it"

It was a very kind gesture to offer to tell people about this place, about his place, his flavors.. thats really all he wanted people to do. To come into his shop, see him. The Brewing Hollow was going to be the place he shared all these private observations with the community but insightfulness doesn't pay the bills when your supply won't meet their demand. Perhaps he was just in the wrong circles.

"Customers? A business owner yourself then? You do see like someone with a plan. I wouldn't ask you too but I appreciate the word of mouth."

He could see some gears turning behind those eyes, a thoughtfulness as if she had many more questions to ask. They were very pretty, her eyes not her thoughts.. tho those probably were nice too. It was doubtful she was a serial killer at this point. Mocha leaned against the counter from his side and watched as she sampled his creation. Her reaction brought forth probably the first genuine grin he has had in a long awhile. He honestly didn't care about the fee at this point but he did take it.

"Really? You liked it!? Thats amazing. Ha.. I'm pretty glad too" He wasn't sure if he was just happy someone liked his idea or the fact that she wanted to know more...probably both.

"I.. um travel around a lot I suppose mostly on the weekends or Wednesdays. Apparently Wednesday is more a donuts than coffee day .. but anyways. There is an abandoned Orchard a ways east of here really over grown. I figure thats from how much fruit falls and fertilizes the ground. Theres some odd cherry trees out there. Odd because cherries bloom in Summer which is the other way but the fruit was delicious. As far as the dark roast though there were an assortment of beans in the back unopened, still fresh, as if Ellie never had a use for them. The aroma upon opening the bag was something else entirely.

My mother runs a malt shop down the way so I know a thing or two about syrups, powders and creams. I always used to make myself coffee using my parents stuff, which was apparently very weak, but this was a chance to make something of my own ya know? Brewed some roast, tried a couple ways to prepare the cherries till one made a nice balance. I always liked the different flavors but until now I was the only one.

Theres a journal around here somewhere with notes about a chili powder chocolate milkshake from my younger years." He looked down, stifling his amusement with the prior chaos. "Oh yeah that one didn't go over well. I liked it though, customers did very much not" But this? Quite a few ponies shut me down before I could even offer.. No Just the usual they say. I have a lot of ideas...just not the risk taker type."

He realized he had been rambling, though the other pony was still starring up at him with entranced interest. He cleared his throat, returning to his normal baseline tone. He shifted himself down off the counter and went back to his coffee cup. "Sorry..customers don't really asks me my thoughts..well minus the cookie thing. I refuse to bake. probably have somewhere to be or someone expecting you, surely". He was silent for a moment. "Thank you for asking."



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It must be hard taking over someone's business, especially when you wanted your own spirit to shine through. Her eyes trailed to the front, remembering the sign she had seen out front. He was certainly in a dilemma, and now it made sense as to why his face had seemed so put out when she first entered. It must be discouraging to not be seen, but he also had taken a task that would be difficult no matter his choices. This building had been someone else's -- someone with a similar business who was loved by the neighboring customers, clearly.

She wondered how much of the customer's oversight of the new owner was deliberate -- a resistance against the new that threatened the comfortable routine they had under Ellanore. She pondered this with another sip of her drink, redirecting her attention to the cup.

"They probably miss them," she blurted, lifting her head to meet his gaze. She didn't mean ill of it, truly. "Ellanore, I mean. And with your taking over being in the same field, well... it's easy to resist change and wish for what they've always known."

She paused, listening to his tale and ignoring his apology once he was done. Nope, she wasn't having any of that; she was enjoying the conversation and he was welcomed company after a long day. She, instead, glanced about her and took another sip to bide more time before she spoke again.

"I came here deliberately, in hopes of finding new flavors I hadn't tried yet. I have nowhere else to be, other than maybe my ovens. I'm a baker; I bake for a living, so I get a little how you're feeling." She did, truly! She remembered when she first opened her bakery and how hard it was to get her name out there. She couldn't imagine also competing with another baker who owned her building previously.

"I think it's nostalgia and routine, honestly," she began, lifting an arm to gesture around. "It still reminds them of Ellanore, in a way. They're going to want what they had, but maybe it's time to build your own image? Ellanore started from nothing, too. Keeping their menu isn't helping, I think. I've only tried this one flavor, but it's all yours, and I quite like it."

She smiled his way and winked, swirling the coffee in her cup. "This might be harsh, but comparing yourself to Ellanore is only going to reinforce it for everyone else, too. I think you should redo it all; menu and everything. Make it yours. Maybe you'll lose the old customers, but you'll gain new ones who know your name, only. Besides, Ellanore trusted you, didn't they? They picked you. I'm sure they did so for a reason."

She was talking a lot, which she felt bad for but... well, he either would hate what she had to say or find interest in it. Regardless, she sympathized with him, and- well, to be frank, Sweet Scent really wanted to try more of his work.

"If you want to honor Ellanore you could keep a small menu of their classics you like, but in that corner where you hid away this delightful drink. They're going to reject what's new in favor of what they've always had; maybe it's time to force them to try something new?"

People always liked to stay the same, she noted. Change was always met with resistance, but often later appreciated. He was going to smother himself trying to be someone else.

"I'm sorry, I know you didn't ask for advice," she admitted, masking her apologetic smile with another pull from her coffee cup. "I just know how you feel, in a way. Starting my bakery wasn't easy... I almost quit, actually. So I get it."



A baker...ha now thats irony or maybe fate.. not that he believed in that divine stuff. She was right though, and he knew that. As long as he held onto what was he would never be able to see what could be. Still it was nice to just.. be himself for a little while. No fake peppy personality or masking his opinions. If she liked his creations then he had to at least try. Can't say no one and never anymore

"I can't remember a time when this place wasn't here... but I see your point. These cream colored walls and floral motifs have nothing to do with me. Between you and me I swear Ellie was a spring pony at heart. It's always been bright and inviting when your walked through that door. You could see it from the street but I am neither bright nor inviting. Well depends on your definition of bright." He grinned raising an eyebrow "Brains I have in strides". Oh that was horribly lame...this is why we don't talk to people. What was that even a joke?.

Mocha looked back at the menu board behind him in an attempt to overlook how cringy that statement sounded outloud. This was probably a good place to start. He would love nothing more than to nuke pumpkin spice off the plain of coffee flavors forever.. but it was a staple in Harvest. He pondered for a moment. Perhaps there was a compromise to be made. But his own custom menu?! He had considered it once yes but that would take time..and to renovate the shop would take money. Could he afford to close for that long? Maybe he could pick some work at the malt shop. Or... yeah maybe.

"Nah you're fine. It's welcomed advice. I think I needed to hear that.... You clearly know what you are talking about. It sounds like it was a struggle starting your own business. I don't think I even have even considered how to start a brand. I probably should be asking you about yourself since you spent on this time listening to me ramble. I've never seen you around here before but I suppose its a large town. Are you from around here? Its not often I meet someone with such an open mind... and palate" His tone was less melancholy than before. Mocha wasn't sure why but he was genuinely interested in what this pony had to say. He really needed to get out more. He almost forgot what it felt like to hold a balanced conversation with someone where he wasn't just stuck listening to drama or..ugh.. pop culture.



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'Bains I have in strides.'

He was a confident sort -- good! It'd make the image revamping so much easier if he believed in himself. She let him have his moment with the menu, giggling faintly as she took another sip of her drink. It was almost gone already, but that just meant she'd have to come back again. Maybe by then, he'd have more of his own brand for her to try?

His attention swiveled back to her and she perked up, nodding in agreement. "It was very hard," she admitted, a hoof playing with her hair in thought. "Bakeries aren't really a novel idea, anyway. There's a lot of competition, and it's easy to be drowned out if you don't have anything special or unique to stand out. For the longest time "

It had been hard and discouraging, but... somehow she got to where she was now and even felt like she had the right to give advice. Did she? She wasn't famous by any means, or insanely successful, but... she was happy, at least.

"Oh! I'm from Spring Rain," she paused, considering etiquette before quietly deciding that it didn't really matter -- she just wanted to keep in touch with him! After rummaging in her strawberry-shaped bag she returned with a small business card that read Sweet Scent Bakery, decorated in soft pinks and whites. "This is me! I travel a lot to try other flavors for inspiration, and usually spend a week in each region when I do. My shop is undergoing some construction work, so I thought I'd stop by here."

She paused, glancing at her watch again. Oh! It was getting late, and if she wanted to make the train she'd have to go soon...

"I need to catch my train, actually, but-" she inhaled and smiled brightly, sliding the card onto the counter. "Would you give me a call when you update your menu? I really enjoyed our talk, and the drink! I'd love to see what you do going forward. Just ask for Sweet Scent -- that's me. Don't forget, okay? I'd be really sad to miss out!"



"Spring? Thats quite the trip to make ending up all the way down here. Though it makes sense. You got that colorful personality I've seen in spring ponies who pass through on vacation. I always guessed it had something to with all those blossoming flowers"

Mocha liked to get out and wander but.. he had never even left Autumn at most he had gone a few towns in either direction. Still, he admired that greatly.. going out into the world to find the uniqueness in it. Thats what wanted to do as well. Ironic wasn't it? Some pony showing up today with all the spark he needed to find in himself.

Mocha took the card and looked at it. He should really get a business card.. but call her? Surely she means just for the shop update though..he will definitely have to do that.

"Oh wow.. laminated too. I should be taking notes. Thats really cool that you travel like that. I'm glad you came this way Sweet Scent. You can call me Mocha .. just Mocha. For all intensive purposes my last name was lost amongst some hundred plus malted milkshakes"

"I won't forget...promise"

He paused and pulled himself back up from were he had been slouched over the the counter. He put the card safely in his cash register so he wouldn't lose it. Ah right.. a train to catch thats very important. He should probably see her off. Thats the right thing to do isn't it? Yeah of course it is.

"Um.. hey I was actually gonna just close up and run some errands that would take me down that way so how about I just walk you down there? Can never be too careful you know with the wind.. and rogue apple carts. Let your guard down then boom.. applesauced."

He was dead serious that happened once not to him though. Still sounded cringy. Just quit while your ahead dude. He really needed to get better at that small talk jokes thing. She didn't say no though so might not have been that bad.

Mocha followed Sweet Scent out, quickly locking the door behind him and tossing the key in his shoulder satchel. Goodbye Ellanore's; Hello Brewing Hollow... but for real this time.

He walked her down to the station making small comments about the buildings in town. Once she was safely on the train he decided he would head back out to the abandoned orchard and sit. He had a lot of work to do and no plan. But there was a bright fruit colored pony from Spring expecting something awesome from him.. and he wasn't going to disappoint her.

End Part 1