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[PRP] What is this place?!


Grizzled Veteran

Ghostly Whispers looked around the circus wondering what she should do since the haunted house was closed. She wanted to try and figure out what just happened but thought it best not to get into trouble. Would she learn anything by playing the strange games? She walked away from the haunted house thinking about what game or games that she should try. She got closer to the game booths and noticed a rather interesting looking pixie standing by themself. "Hello." She greeted as she got closer to the pixie, not too close though, she didn't want to frighten them.​



Far from being easily frightened, the tiny pixie was musing over her candy corn apple about what had happened at the house. It was a snack break, and she didn't want Lady Hellebore to see her eating too many sweets or else risk getting the privilege taken away from her. Persephone had to be careful not to get her hair or moth fluff stuck to it, though, which was proving difficult. She gently tossed her hair back again and was about to take another bite when someone approached.

Persephone's eyes sparkled a little. This one looked just like a ghost! Absolutely splendid!

"Hello! Were you frightened to death by the ghost?" she greeted and joked. "Wasn't it all very mysteriousy? I can't wait to learn more!"



Grizzled Veteran
Ghost was put at ease when she realized that it was a young pixie. "Indeed I was!" She laughed with the little one. She was decently surprised to find out that the pixie had been inside the house. "What about you? Weren't you scared?" She asked with sincere curiosity about if she had been frightened as well.



"Only once," Persephone answered as a matter of factly, "when the child swooped at us the first time. I just wanted to see if they were ok or needed a hug, but instead I was giving Mama a hug." Mama being a kitsune who was both not related to her as well as on the upper range of their height. The pixie had been dwarfed in her fur for that one moment, her forever safe haven.

If she was really scared to death, though...Remembering how a pony had poked the ghost at the house and actually went through, Persephone reached out a hoof and gently tapped at one of the pixie's legs experimentally. Nope, solid! Oh well. Persephone's antenna drooped momentarily, crestfallen, but it quickly passed.

"My name's Persephone, by the way! Persephone Pyrefly. I don't know why, I've never met another Pyrefly before."


Grizzled Veteran
Ghost was finding herself enjoying the company of the pixie named Persephone Pyrefly. "You are far braver than me dear Persephone!" She came a little closer to the pixie. "I was scared quite a lot." She admitted to herself and the little one before her.


Persephone finished her candy apple in several swift bites before beaming up at her. "Don't be! You have me on the job now, Miss!" she assured her, striking a pose for emphasis. "Stick with me and Mama and you'll be fine! Mama's Lady Hellebore Grace, she's a big black kitsune with like a skully mark on her face, but she's really cool don't worry! She'll scare off anyone, she even yelled at that vampire in the haunted house!"


Grizzled Veteran
Ghost had ignored it when she poked her to see if she was real or not. "What job is that?" She was interested to hear what she was thinking. "Your mama sounds wonderful!" She meant every word she spoke after hearing about the brave kitsune.


"Investigating the super secret ghost plot, silly," she explained with a giggle. "I've always been hearing stories about spooky stuff, but now I get to be in one! And if a ghost needs help, I can't say no!" It didn't at all occur to her that things could be more complicated than her first impression.