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[Raffle] Happy Days [CLOSED!]


signed an NDA
Staff member

Edited Kelper by bitsie spider
Edits: Enchanted balloons

Ends: June 15th,11:59pm EST

You round the corner to see a balloon stand, equipped with deflated balloons, scraps of paper, art supplies (does anyone need that much glitter?), and a grinning kelper. It doesn't take long to find out what they want -- this kelper wants to fly! They have a unicorn friend who will enchant all the balloons they could ever ask for, but the kelper wants to feel like all the good vibes in the world are carrying them to the sky.
It's a fairly out-there request, but a wholesome way to come together and remember the good times. That, and they're offering free lemonade or hot chocolate to anyone who participates, which has sold the crowd immediately.
So, what do you need to do?
How To Play:
It's fairly simple! Just write about something that makes you happy. It could be a good memory, a recent event that made you smile; anything! It can be as long or short as you'd like but must be safe for work (Sorry! This isn't the after-dark channel!). Doing so will net you a ticket for a raffle for the above kelper (who you can totally change the personality and backstory for!).
Once the timeframe ends for entrants the list will be revealed, left here for customers to check for a day or two, and then a winner will be rolled! So go on, get! Post some happy things!


Grizzled Veteran
Username: reoakee
Happy thought: my cat is adorably evil and likes to use me for a cat stand which while distracting makes me smile. I like my strange animals


Happy thought:
I can't wait to meet my baby. It's incredible that for the past nine months, a tiny human has been growing inside of me and soon, so very very soon, I'll get to meet him out here in the world and that my fiánce will get to meet him. I can't wait to be able to hold him in my arms and see my fiánce do the same. I know labor is painful, but it will all be worth it once that little boy is finally here.


Stew Aficionado
User: PeterPan_da144

Happy thought: The thought of coming home to hubby and the cats and just being able to relax. It makes any and every day worth it.


Stew Aficionado
Username: Revel
Happy Thought: Remembering my dog's running after he had his stroke, totally uncoordinated, flailing his front legs about like a puppy that doesn't know what to do with them etc,big staffy 'smile' with open mouth, just enjoying his best life. While i'm sad he's no longer here, i can think of that memory and just smile, even laugh.


Grizzled Veteran
Username: PZMJNP
Happy thought: For about a 2-3ish weeks now my newborn has reached the phase where they've started smiling a lot. All I have to is get my face in view and they'll smile most the time. Makes me happy to see them happy and makes me feel like I'm doing something right. It's fun to watch their personalities start to grow even this early.


Stew Aficionado
Username: Zakiax
Happy Thought: Talking to my internet friends on discord during my breaks at work always makes my 12 hour day more bearable. Without the people in my life (RL and Online) I do not think I would be here today.


Username: Moonie
Happy Thought: Having a rather successful first stream! I'm so grateful to anyone that has joined me so far!


Grizzled Veteran
Username: Luxona

Entry: I'll never forget when we went to a town in the north part of that state to watch my aunt in a parade... Not because of the parade, but because when we went to lunch daddy asked the waitress if those were "real potatas?" with that one-eyebrow-up dad style look, and of course me and stepmom were rolling because it was such a 'him' question... Poor waitress was confused but it still makes me laugh, well over a decade later...


Username : AlicornPlayhouse

Happy Thought: The unconditional love my friend had when I came out to her. I had hoped to have one of those movie scenes with my family, where everything they believed turned on a dime for me, but I got it from her instead, and I couldn't be more grateful that the best friend I've had since I was born will continue to be by my side and learn in order to be there for me.


late to the party
Staff member

I feel extremely love bullied lately and it makes me smile. I've been pushed into taking an extra day off for my birthday because people care about meeeeee. ; w; I also have gotten to finally spend time around my friends lately and it makes me really warm and fuzzy inside. 😊


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
I love my friends, community, and I'm excited to be putting into action all the things I've had in plans for so long! Everything is really exciting right now and I hope it only gets more so from here~


Grizzled Veteran
Username: Rano713

Happy Thoughts:
I'm having such a good time gathering up things to spoil my friends with and I'm so so glad that I have people willing to help me with it. Making new friends and helping them to feel loved and cared for makes me so happy. I can't do it all the time, so the times that I can are that much better. <3


Grizzled Veteran
Being able to make people happy, cheering others up, making them laugh, or just otherwise brightening up someone's day, even if just a little bit -- it might feel like a silly cop-out, but these are seriously the things I'm living for at the moment. You guys are awesome and I'd like to be able to hug you all. ;w; <3


Username: SwordOfTheNagas

Watching my mice run around their cages. The little faces and watching the more obese ones attempt to get into their homes...Also one keeps flipping his house.


Stew Aficionado
Username: Natty-chan
What makes me happy: My fiance and my cats. That’s all I need, and I’m good.


Grizzled Veteran
Username: Melomar

Happy Thought: Today is my anniversary. I've been with my SO for six months now. We're both pretty excited about that. No special plans, but warm fuzzies abound. 🐸 💚


Stew Aficionado
Username: belloblossom
What Makes Me Happy: My basset hound, Gunther, brings so much delight to my life. He's a snuggly pup, and he's so expressive that it amazes everyone. Anytime I'm feeling down, I can just go downstairs and give him a good pat. Alternatively, he'll come shuffling into my room and snoof around unexpectedly, giving me a happy surprise. All in all, an excellent pup and the light of my days. <3


Grizzled Veteran
Username: KisaValkyrie
What Makes Me Happy: Getting a BF recently who happily tells me that he misses me and, especially right now with him sick, tells me that he wishes i was closer so i could help take care of him(If it wasn't covid and possible for me to get it) he would love for me to help his other SO take care of him. I love knowing someone likes me enough to miss me when im gone, cause thats not something ive had a lot of. So love. I love that i have Love again.