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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

reformatting/redoing because ehehe


actual trash
Staff member
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they/them - alive - generation 1
plot post

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◇▹"Am I free to believe all I can be
Is whatever I can conceive
In the forest for the trees
More than anything I see"
▹▹▹ playlist
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actual trash
Staff member
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◇ ◇Quick Facts」​
Name: Howl
Gender: Currently Questioning
Orientation: Demisexual | Demiromantic
Relationship Status: It's Complicated
Seeking Plots: Soul searching, helping others, drama, friends, hard choices
Location: Wandering
Obtained: Staff Custom
Artist: Nym
Hex Color: #8DC9CC
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actual trash
Staff member
◇ ◇Personality」​
Wants to help others
Doesn't care what happens to themself

After going through a long period of being stripped of having any identity other than the one created for them by their previous clan, Howl is still figuring out exactly what it means to be someone. It's a slow and arduous process, but with the help of their loved ones, they will get their answers someday.
So far, Howl has discovered they have a deep desire to help others with their problems. Unfortunately, this also means they ignore their own safety in the process, and often blindly act without considering the consequences.

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actual trash
Staff member
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◇ ◇Body and Mind」​
▹ Eyes: One blue, one yellow
▹ Build: Lean
▹ Size: Average
▹ Disabilities: None
▹ Conditions: None
▹ Scars/Injuries: None
▹ Unique Features: Large eyes, heterochromia

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actual trash
Staff member
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◇ ◇Family」​
▹ Parents: NPC x NPC
▹ Siblings:
Full: None
Half: None
▹ Mate: Plotted
▹ Children:
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actual trash
Staff member
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Howl's story is not completely logged and will not be, due to personal matters and feelings.

◇ ◇Kit History - The Heir」​
Born as a single child into a prestigious family within a long-lasting cult, The Heir was immediately scooped away to train under their great-grandparent, The Collective.

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◇ ◇Paw History - The Collective」​
The previous Collective passed and they took the mantle. They were assigned another juvenile labeled The Keeper, who was supposed to keep them on their duties and training, as well as keep them confined within their ceremonial grounds. This did not go as the cult planned, as The Keeper secretly resented the cult's beliefs and concocted a plan to smuggle The Collective out. While this ended up being successful, The Collective refused to leave without The Keeper by their side, to which he readily agreed to.
During their travels far from their home they each earned new names in attempts to mask their identities from those who might try and find them. Renamed Howl by The Keeper, Howl decided to return the sentiment and name their bodyguard Night, after their coat.

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◇ ◇Adult History - Howl」​
Howl and Night wandered far and wide. Howl lacked a goal, but they understood that Night wanted nothing more than to find somewhere to call home. Night began urging Howl to live their life for themselves, which meant seeing themselves as a living entity. Howl struggled with this concept, but what else was there to do in life? Without a purpose or goal in life, Howl felt a new feeling; hollow.
What was life without someone else living it for you?
They didn't have long to ruminate before Whirl bumped into them. Kindhearted and gentle, she offered them temporary housing after a particularly stressful set of nights. Night accepted the offer and the two stayed for quite awhile while helping out around the den. During this adventure, Whirl would reveal their dream of having children someday but lacking anyone to start that family with. Howl, driven by the sudden want to help someone else acquire their dreams, offered to help. There was plenty of back and forth, especially from the surprised and confused Night, but an agreement was made and shortly after Whirl ended up pregnant.
Whirl gave birth to Juniper, Sage, and Reconcile. All three children were raised by the three adults who lived there as a loving family unit. Once the children were adults, Night and Howl set back off on their journeys with Juniper tagging along.

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actual trash
Staff member
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◇ ◇Roleplays」​
[PRP] - Title [Finished/Ongoing/Dead]
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◇ ◇Death Points」​
Total: 4
Stages: +1
Completed Roleplays: +0
Kits: +3
Apprentices: +0
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actual trash
Staff member
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◇ ◇Home」​
Den: Wandering

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◇ ◇Current Clan」​
Clan: None
▹ Rank: None
▹ Mentor: None
▹ Apprentices: None
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actual trash
Staff member
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◇ ◇Friends」​
Twistpaw: A friend they helped accomplish her dream of having a family. Howl visits time to time.
Night: Their childhood friend and self-appointed bodyguard. Night raised their litter with them, alongside Twistpaw.

◇ ◇Enemies」​
Name: None currently!

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actual trash
Staff member
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◇ ◇Certs」​

◇ ◇Uncerts」​

◇ ◇Art」​

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actual trash
Staff member
◊ ◊ ◊—————————————————

she/her - alive - generation 1
plot post

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◇▹"If I only could
I'd make a deal with God
And I'd get him to swap our places"
▹▹▹ playlist
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actual trash
Staff member
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◇ ◇Quick Facts」​
Name: Dakrose
Gender: Female
Orientation: Pansexual | Demiromantic
Relationship Status: Mated
Seeking Plots: General relations, friends, development, clan plots
Location: StoneClan
Obtained: Game
Artist: Nym
Hex Color: #F2BA72
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actual trash
Staff member
◇ ◇Personality」​

There's a lot to be done and Darkrose is often busy doing it. Staying active keeps her happy and Darkrose can't imagine anything else. She's always been the kind to be absolutely miserable if left without a task or forced to remain still, which isn't always necessarily a good thing but... eh. It's her life, let her live it.
When she isn't driven to complete her to-do list then she's either helping her mate or off to learn something new. She likes collecting hobbies and skills and will gladly share any knowledge she has with those who might want to learn as well.

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actual trash
Staff member
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◇ ◇Body and Mind」​
▹ Eyes: Dark brown, almost black
▹ Build: Average
▹ Size: Average
▹ Disabilities: None
▹ Conditions: None
▹ Scars/Injuries: None
▹ Unique Features: None

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actual trash
Staff member
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◇ ◇Family」​
▹ Parents: NPC x NPC
▹ Siblings:
Full: None
Half: None
▹ Mate: Littleflower
▹ Children: None
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actual trash
Staff member
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◇ ◇Kit History - Darkkit」​
It's likely obvious how she earned her name. Her mother must have taken one look at her unnaturally dark eyes and bestowed the name upon her with a lack of creativity that Darkrose would smile fondly at later. Darkrose never really knew her mother -- her mother was always a weak and sickly cat and her pregnancy had been dangerous, which would eventually shock everyone when she only birthed one tiny kitten and managed to survive. Her mother had refused to name Darkkit until she felt like she had the perfect name, and according to rumors and stories, she died the day after Darkkit eyes opened for the first time. Apparently, if the "legends" are to be believed, Darkkit had her midnight-colored eyes from the very first moment she opened them, further surprising the clan and, likely, earning her name.

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◇ ◇Paw History - Darkpaw」​
Darkkit would become Darkpaw and with it came responsibility and friendship. She befriended a paw named Rosepaw during the famine and clung tight to her friend throughout her apprenticeship until Rosepaw's sudden and awful death to disease and starvation. Darkpaw's world shattered around her and she crumbled at first, locking herself away in the apprentice den and refusing food or to perform her duties. She thought she'd never return from her heartbroken stupor until, with a sharp and sudden strike, a revelation hit her; wouldn't Rosepaw be watching her right now? And what would she say if she saw Darkpaw at her worst? No- No! Darkpaw had to live for her friend.
So she would.
She returned to her duties with vigor, although she'd visit the grave of her friend nightly and frequently left a single rose for her fallen friend.

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◇ ◇Adult History - Darkrose」​
She returned to her duties with vigor, although she'd visit the grave of her friend nightly and frequently left a single rose for her fallen friend. When it came time for her warrior ceremony she was gifted the suffix rose, in honor of the deep love and reason to live that she had found for her best friend.

It wasn't long after when the clan decided to split into pieces, and it wasn't an easy choice to leave the mountains to pursue more. She had almost opted to stay, the guilt of leaving behind the grave of her best friend eating away at her, but she reminded herself what Rosepaw would have wanted. She chose to join StoneClan and continue her life somewhere hopefully safer.
During her duties, she bumped into Littleflower saving the life of another clan member. The sight was a beautiful one, striking Darkrose straight in the heart as she watched the medicine cat dutifully tend to her patient. Enamored, Darkrose made sure to stop by the medicine cat den more often after, bringing Littleflower herbs she found directly and checking in on the overworked cat. These visits would lead to the two learning more about each other and, eventually, growing mutual feelings of affection for the other. It was Darkrose who proposed first, and the two settled into a happy mateship together.

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actual trash
Staff member
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◇ ◇Roleplays」​
[PRP] - Title [Finished/Ongoing/Dead]
—————————◊ ◊ ◊—————————
◇ ◇Death Points」​
Total: 1
Stages: +1
Completed Roleplays: +0
Kits: +0
Apprentices: +0
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actual trash
Staff member
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◇ ◇Home」​
Den: The medicine cat den within StoneClan, alongside her mate.

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◇ ◇Current Clan」​
Clan: StoneClan
▹ Rank: Warrior
▹ Mentor: None
▹ Apprentices: None

◇ ◇Previous Clan」​
Clan: MountainClan
▹ Rank: Warrior
▹ Mentor: NPC
▹ Apprentices: None
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actual trash
Staff member
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◇ ◇Friends」​
Littleflower: Her mate. Darkrose adores her mate and would do anything for her.
Rosepaw: Her childhood best friend who sadly passed as an apprentice.

◇ ◇Enemies」​
Name: None currently!

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actual trash
Staff member
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◇ ◇Certs」​

◇ ◇Uncerts」​

◇ ◇Art」​

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