Maple "Syrup" Waffles - Maple is a bubbly, joyful, and happy foal. She loves to play games and can be a little playful at times. She enjoys pancakes and is constantly found on a giant stack of them. She has actual pancakes that she constantly lays on and slowly eats, her emergency rations if you will. Surri is always willing to play with Syrup. after all time for family matters.
Honey Fuwafuwa - A goopey mess of a loving child Fuwafuwa was adopted by Honey Bee and Honey Syrup. Now surrounded by love and in an amazing family Fu is happy and took on a first name Honey to be like her new parents. She loves plushies more than anything else and Honey Bee even made them giant pancake pillows for her to lay out on and she carries them everywhere with her.