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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Nidra VenomspikeBreed: Edited Mutated Earth [edits: swear | mutations: unique ears, unique tail, back spikes, cheek whiskers]
Gender: FemaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: teaMate: Posion Point
Alignment: SummerFont color: #cbdaef
Job: Massage therapistWorkplace Works at a chiropractor office and part time in local hospital
HerdHome location Lives in Everville
Personality: Content, Easy-going, Energetic, Accurate, and happyLikes: Sweaters, cats, scented oils and candles
Dislikes: Smokers, kale, rainy days, loud noises

Nidra grew up with a dear friend who latter became her mate Poison Point. The pair weren't popular ponies by any means. The would often be on the edges of gamer circles in the libraries on break and both were somewhat dorky. Still they didn't mind. After school was done the pair started dating and had a slow built relationship before getting married. Though it's been years together they still seem like newly weds at times to their friends and they don't mind. when you and your spouse are happy the whole house is happy. it helps they are friends and partners in life.

Nidra opened her own clinic in everville and works as a chiropractor and is very good at her job. Her husband works as a receptionist there making it a family business.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Arathorn QixalimBreed: Mutated Kitsune/Banshee [mutations: unique tail and ears]
Gender: MaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: teaMate: Reserved for lisa
Alignment: SpringFont color: #00a497
Job: Legal secretaryWorkplace Legal office in Everville
HerdHome location Lives in Everville
Personality: Changeable, Logical, Sentimental, and TolerantLikes: Good hair products, Night lights, Misty days
Dislikes: Complete darkness, Over bright places, graveyards

Arathorn grew up in an orphanage and didn't actually get adopted. He aged out of the system and actually legally changed and made up his own last name. He wants to help others if he can and just began to study legal and ended up becoming a legal secretary. He feels bad at times he can't help others more then just keeping the legal workers on tasks and making sure things are stocked in the office and scheduling as well as checking and balancing no one is lost behind the scenes.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Jade LightBreed: Edited Mutated Pegasus [edits: leg bracers, necklace | mutations: unique medium-sized feathered wings, head wings, unique tail, unique ears]
Gender: MaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: teaMate:
Alignment: SummerFont color: #00534d
Job: Tour guideWorkplace Travels from everville to different tourist destinations based on his route.
HerdHome location Lives in Everville
Personality: Resourceful, Understanding, Consistent, and PerverseLikes: good weather, nice tourists, responsible ponies
Dislikes: lateness, littering, bland food

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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Rhazien GarrowayBreed: Vampiric Mystic Lakeskimmer [curiosities: chest gems, extra fins (including head), wee wings]
Gender: MaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: NymMate:
Alignment: WinterFont color: #d01414
Job: Cafe CookWorkplace Spring Tide Café cook
HerdHome location Lives in Luminous City
Personality: Joker, Sarcastic, easily amused, ImaginativeLikes: Good Cooking. messing with Grace Lace, Good hard workers
Dislikes: Jerk customers, Rotten food deliveries, power outages.

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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Pyre PlumerockBreed: Nakotsu with bottle-like illusion on leg
Gender: FemaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: teaMate: Soilere
Alignment: SummerFont color: #ff5619
Job: Summer Tide Café waitressWorkplace Summer Tide Café
HerdHome location Lives in Summer
Personality: Lively, Confident, and DemandingLikes: Sea lights, Kelp dishes, loud foals in the cafe
Dislikes: Rhazien Garroway picking on folks when she worked at the spring tide cafe, Late paychecks, inattentive owner

Works in the summer branch of the Tide Cafe.
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Grizzled Veteran
Name: Willow DreamBreed: Banshee PermaFoal
Gender: FemaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: livewireMate: NA Guardians Yuki and Ixen
Alignment: FallFont color: #ffd800
Job: Help her adoptive dad with foal careWorkplace
HerdHome location Lives in
Personality: Soft and loving she loves to snuggle up next to others and has a habit of taking naps at the edge of the woods if evenings are warm giving a soft glowing sleeping ball of floating foal for those lost in the woods to help find their way home. She isn't sure why but she has a deep fear of caves and closed off spaces. She likes others and busy village fairs but larger cities seem to feel like to much for her.Likes: Warm sunlight evenings at the edge of the woods. it makes her feel relaxed and soothed. Busy fairs are fun to her because there are always so many things going on and to see. Cinnamon treats are her all time favorite things and she will gladly suffer a stomach ache as it's ALWAYS worth it.
Dislikes: Caves as they leave her with a deep feeling of unease she isn't sure why, Closed spaces make her think of caves and make her panic. Cities that are to large make her feel overwhelmed and panicked just like caves.

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Grizzled Veteran

Name: SvyliaBreed: Edited Mystic Earth/Dragon [edits: jacket, goggles | curiosities: unique tail and ears]
Gender: FermaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: nymMate:
Alignment: SpringFont color: #ae4650
Job: Video EditorWorkplace Works from home in the basement editing videos.
HerdHome location Lives in
Personality: Sassy, confident, messy but organized in her wayLikes: Good Wifi, Fresh food, Lots of time for projects.
Dislikes: The sun. it burns. Lost data, forgetting to eat.

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Grizzled Veteran

Name: YukinaBreed: Edited Mystic Kitsune/Earth [edits: outfit, necklace, headband, hair bead | curiosities: unique tail, unique ears]
Gender: FemaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: nymMate: Roseryn
Alignment: WinterFont color: #246cb3
Job: Garment Maker (Seamstress)Workplace A small office space near her home she works odd hours so a set time doesn't apply.
HerdHome location Lives in Drizzletown
Personality: Chilly and cold. preciseLikes: Frost, flowers,
Dislikes: mess, cheap items

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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Azalea RosereignBreed: Edited Mystic Suli/Earth [edits: Sweater, choker, piercings, scar | curiosities: unique suli flower, unique horns]
Gender: FemaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: teaMate:
Alignment: SpringFont color: #ce7657
Job: Dock handWorkplace Illusion warehouses for a merchant group
HerdHome location Lives in Spring coastal region.
Personality: Rough, honest, steadfastLikes: Watching the sunsets on the docks. it's romantic to her and she loves it.
Dislikes: Inventory count day. it's long and tiring and pain in the hoof. Low tide. the smell and the mess get to her but she tries never to tell anyone that. Loose docks. She has slipped into the water once as a foal when rotting dock collapsed under her and she has never forgotten it.

Azalea Rosereign looks rough and tumble at first glance and she often is but at the same time she can be quite feminine at other times. She grew up in the land of spring and loves it dearly. She works hard and enjoys relaxing at the end of the long hard day at work. In the past her father was a sailor who got lost at sea and likely drown. For a long time she waited for him to come back but it never happened. Her mother found a new love and moved away from the season after Azalea was an adult. Azalea’s fondest memories are seaside though so are the scariest. As a foal she felt through a rotted section of dock after a large storm and it scared her for a long time she also had gotten a scar across her face from the debris in the water she had fallen into. Though she is stubborn and over time she overcame her fear and now actually works in the warehouses on the dock for the Illusion merchant groups. She secretly would love to go shopping at a fancy shop and wear high end clothes but often would turn down such an invitation if asked as she feels she looks to rough and thinks those kinds of things will not suit her.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Cluracan OneirosBreed: Mystic Awakened Edited Noolah/Dragon/Bat/Pegasus/Flightless [edits: ring, sweater, glasses | curiosities: wound with constant glittering clouds escaping]
Gender: MaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: nymMate:
Alignment: SummerFont color: #bf2e1b
Job: CartographerWorkplace Varies he travels on boats and coasts and all over and complies information at local seaports and harbor stations to keep maps updated
HerdHome location Lives in a messy apartment on the spring coast but is rarely there.
Personality: Finicky, precise, constantly tired.Likes: Time off. he always feels busy and active so time off to just sleep is a luxury. Solitary time makes him feel relaxed as there is no expectations if there are no other ponies around. Fluffy bedding is worth thrice it's weight in gold to him as well lets face it sleep is a good hobby.
Dislikes: Deadlines, he feels the crunch and it makes him anxious and gives him a serious case of insomnia. Tea. Honestly he likes coffee over tea, the stronger the better. it should kick like an earth pony or stronger if possible. Lights at night. He sleeps better in perfect darkness. any light on will wake him up.

Cluracan Oneiros works on maps. He does survey work as well but his main profession is cartography. He travels up and down the coasts as well as mapping out islands while riding on boats to make and update makes. He works closely with the harbor masters and many ship captains come to him to get and keep updated maps. He has an apartment and it’s cluttered and messy except for one room. His bedroom has thick black curtains and he sleeps well in perfect darkness and has a tenancy to sleep his whole breaks away as much as he can.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Somnia Kai'ckulBreed: Vampiric Edited Earth [edits: jacket, boots, hair clip, earring]
Gender: FemaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: nymMate:
Alignment: WinterFont color: #47a2b0
Job: PhlebotomistWorkplace ERS Plasma donation clinic
HerdHome location Lives in Winterbloom
Personality: Tired nightowl, blunt, easily annoyedLikes: nighttime, music, comfortable blankets and black out curtains
Dislikes: Soda (its the carbonation) Stupid ponies, stopping or changing a song she likes right in the middle.

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Grizzled Veteran

Name: ChiaroscuroBreed:
Edited Unicorn by Tea
Edits: painters palette, hat
Drop date: Jan 7, 2023
Gender: MaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: nymMate:
Alignment: SummerFont color: #533e38
Job: ArtistWorkplace His private studio apartment
HerdHome location Lives in Winterbloom
Personality: Direct, Over expressive, Thinks he is always in the right even when proven wrong, arrogantLikes: Art!!! Private uninterrupted time while inspired, getting paid on time for commissions
Dislikes: not having the right supplies for a project he can see in his head, cats he has allergies, and messing up or loosing inspiration partway through a project

realist art is his favorite art style to create. while they take days to weeks to create he is proud of his work.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Jagged GemmBreed: Edited Kelain w/ glow effect! [edits: earrings~]
Gender: MaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: luxonaMate: Interplanetary
Alignment: SpingFont color: #76219f
Job: Astrologer at planetariumWorkplace planetarium
HerdHome location Lives in everville
Personality: Honest, loving, warm, nurturing.Likes: stars, music, dancing
Dislikes: broken projector equipment, tape residue, getting chipped crystals in his "wings"

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Grizzled Veteran
Name: Seasong SpiralBreed: Mystic Suli/Pegasus [curiosities: back scaling (you can see a wee bit under the transparent wing parts), medium-sized wings, tail, forehead scaling]
Gender: FemaleOrientation
Colorist: NymMate:
Alignment: SummerFont color:
Job: Night traffic controllerWorkplace Everville control tower
HerdHome location Lives in Everville
Personality:Likes: Cooking, it's a side hobby. Classical music, wine. and the Radio
Dislikes: fast food, broken feathers, not being able to sleep

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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Mark TruffleBreed: Mystic Kitsune/Earth [curisoities: whiskers, unique cat tail, extra fluff, custom muzzle, unique ears]
Gender: MaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: teaMate:
Alignment: SummerFont color: #823823
Job: Executive chiefWorkplace gets hired into gourmet kitchens when they are short staffed
HerdHome location Lives in Drizzletown
Personality: Loud if someone messes up in the kitchen, forgiving mistakes for foals, overall a decent ponyLikes: inexperienced chiefs cooking and learning, Great plating, candles
Dislikes: arrogant chiefs, doing prep solo,

hosts cooking classes when not working.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Grange FamentideBreed: Edited Mystic Mer/Abyssal [edits: scarf, choker | curiosities: segmented tail, pincers, unique lure]
Gender: MaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: teaMate:
Alignment: SummerFont color: #802521
Job: Pirate and swindlerWorkplace The Bottle Crawler Pirate ship
HerdHome location Lives in Lives in the pirate ship
Personality: Sarcastic, greedy, short temperedLikes: The pirate crew. they are the only ones Grange can trust. Gold it's shiny and amazing and he likes the sounds it makes in a bag.
Dislikes: leaks' in the ship he is always looking on fixing things up so the ship stays in top condition. those who disrespect the ship. he wants to drown them expect of course the captain who Grange respects. Anyone else who disrespects the ship grange thinks may cause damage to it and he hates that. the cost of supplies in port make him spend his hard won coin.

Growing up in the deep Grange doesn't trust others easily and when he ventured to the surface he joined a group who were less then decent but over time found himself drifting from them as he got interested in ship repair. in time he was hired by a pirate crew and found his home among them which he hasn't left.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Despletian VenomBreed: Edited Mystic Vampiric Bat/Flightless [edits: large cracked egg | curiosities: wyvern-like arm wings, extra feathering]
Gender: MaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: teaMate: Solenglyphouse Venom
Alignment: SummerFont color: #88be8c
Job: lab assistantWorkplace Nox's court
HerdHome location Lives in Nox's court
Personality: Protective, loving, jealousLikes: His mate Solenglyphouse, gloomy places, eggs
Dislikes: Valrune or anyone else too close to Solengly. too bright places, getting cold

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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Fei LeafweaverBreed: Mystic Banshee/Ghoulie [curiosities: spider back legs, multiple eyes on hip]
Gender: FemaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: nymMate:
Alignment: FallFont color: #a1930c
Job: basket weaverWorkplace home and sells online
HerdHome location Lives in Drizzle town
Personality: Bubbly and with a love of shopping, Happy to sit and chat all day with busy clawsLikes: Sales! All you can eat buffets, those cubby shelves she can stuff with knicknacks
Dislikes: Spring cleaning, dust, grease hair.

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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Delura RosebeamBreed: Edited Mystic Suli/Earth [edits: Sweater, choker, piercings, scar | curiosities: unique suli flower, unique horns]
Gender: FemaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: teaMate:
Alignment: WinterFont color: #5184cc
Job: Dock handWorkplace Dragon Snap warehouses for a merchant group
HerdHome location Lives in Spring coastal region.
Personality: Honest, Free, interested in adventure.Likes: Drinking and gambling as that often leads to good times and good stories. World traveled ponies who have such stories to tell, and decent perfumes and candles. there is just something about smells that makes her happy
Dislikes: Those who can't be honest with themselves. Her own cousin drives her nuts at times. Feeling stagnate, she'll often schedule small trips away from home to help her feel like she is doing things and just seeing more of the world, Static cling. Listen it's just annoying and she doesn't like it and she has bene known to get a lot with the kind of sweaters she wears.

Delura Rosebeam grew up in the land of winter she had a fairly normal foalhood. She got a fairly bad scar on her face from a sledding accident. Still she was a happy foal. She traveled to the season of spring long after she became an adult. She had a distant cousin who helped her get a job working on the docks and warehouses and she now works for the Dragon Snap merchant groups warehouses. She doesn’t mind her job but would love to be swept off her hooves and taken on an adventure. To that end she has had a fair number of short brief affairs with a fair few sailors who tell her wild tales. Still she is upfront with what she wants and if it’s only a short shore stay love that’s fine but she makes it clear if it’s long term or short with clear expectations right away as she guards her heart well.
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Grizzled Veteran

Name: Reginald SnowsgleamBreed: Mystic Dragon [curiosities; arm feathering, unique series of horns on forehead, large wings, extra fluff]
Gender: MaleOrientation Bisexual
Colorist: teaMate:
Alignment: WinterFont color: #363594
Job: ModelWorkplace all over winter season
HerdHome location Lives in Winterbloom
Personality: Struggles to recognize emotions others have even if he likes them, smug, arrogant, Belligerent at timesLikes: Moonlight over snow it looks like him to him. Good feather and fur products, being adored
Dislikes: Ruined photoshoots, ponies who are 'prettier' then he is. Winter snow storms

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