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[Solo] Meadowfield part one


Grizzled Veteran
Randolf dusted off his jacket and made sure his hat was in place. It was enchanted to make the sunlight less annoying for him. He grew up on a ranch that had a fair amount of work behind it but really loved growing his wheat field more than he liked animal tending. He lived in a tiny little dirt ball of a village too small to even be called a town. Still, it had been undergoing a lot of changes, recently the old bar had been torn down and a hotel was built. He didn’t see much of the point to it as it’s not like the place was too close to anything special and there was nothing too notable at this time. Maybe some pony had some wild hare they were chasing in their youth. Chewing on some wheat, he snagged as he headed to the village from his farm. In the village there was this little diner he liked to frequent for a treat. On the walk to the village, he pondered the expansion of the village recently. Some real estate pony came from Everville and was helping build lower income decent housing and with the new hotel the place was actually looking like a village and not a random handful of places in the middle of nowhere. The general store looked even older with the new homes that popped up behind it. And the old clinic had been remodeled. The jail hadn’t yet been touched so it was still pretty much four rooms. A break room, a single cell, a paperwork room with a front reception room. Honestly the place was more for sleeping off a night at the old bar then any actual need for help in the village. He didn’t even think the one police pony in town ever actually locked the cell or knew where the key for the cell was at. It was a standing joke in town with the locals if they wanted to get some shade after shopping the could just leave their bags in the reception area and take a nap in the cell before heading home. Though old pony Longmire had sleep off more then a few nights there back when he mad his wife mad, his funeral last year was a real tear jerker. Ah come to think of it the old police pony was retiring and someone new was coming in to take over or had they already. He didn’t pay to much attention outside the diner and back to the farm after walking Caroline home at night. As for the Longmire farm, his son took over their farm and was doing a decent job so far Randolf thought though personally Randolf hated the bastard and wanted to imprint the little bastards face into the road. His reminiscence came to an end before the old diner that was a faded as the general store. It would need a few coats of paint as well as some side construction work to make the place shine. Opening the door the bell had been replaced making a chime and making him jump a bit. He had been here yesterday and that hadn’t been there had it? More and more changes every day it seemed.


Grizzled Veteran
“Heya Rough.” Lucky Carrot chirped from the front knowing that Cream would have heard it in the back. Which was verified by a clatter of pans in the back as her friend panicked and started Rough’s usual order knowing what was coming. “The pie hasn’t been started yet since we wanted it to be fresh for ya. It’ll be about an hour. I’ve got the coffee ready so pull up a seat and I’ll get ya set up.” She smiled and moved toward the coffee pot. Honestly the hot sludge that Rough liked was beyond bitter to her but when paired with the sweet apple pie it was palatable but the fact he always started with the coffee was beyond her. She narrowed her eyes at him as he moved to a booth in the back of the dinner by the window so he could stare out and down the road into the village proper. He was carrying a load of dust in with him so farm work must be done for the day so he would be lurking in the back for the rest of the night watching out the window as the town moved toward dark. Honestly she would kick Cream out early whether her friend wanted it or not just to see the pair go on a regular date. The two should just start dating already rather then this constant waiting game around each other. She glanced out the window of the diner at all the pony’s who were strangers in town. There were a fair amount of them now since some of the houses had been sold and quite a few were in the new inn. She had looked over the brochure a while back the village was being picked as ‘Rustic relaxing retreat from the hustle and bustle of the bigger cities. And near the new Misty woods reenactor camp. Come stay with us and go play with them. A perfect combination.” The Longmire Farm was working with the new inn owner Petal Briar who bought the old run down bar that was falling apart and the new Inn was built. There was even a new bar that was being built in a different area down the lane further so it’s not like the place was lacking. Putting down the pot of coffee that was by now Rough’s default pot she placed a clean mug down and moved back to help cook with Cream who was engrossed in her work. It took no time at all to see her friend had it handled so Lucky moved back to the front to wait for anyone else to walk it. Shockingly it actually happened relatively quickly. Well now someone must have seen Rough come in. it was going to be busy soon then.


Grizzled Veteran
Alithea sighed, setting hoof into the dinner. The place was a washed-out mess in her eyes. The town was getting revitalized, but it would take time. She had spent five years convincing her older brother to work with her aunt who was the village representative more or less to work on town revitalization and it was only after her father passed away last year that he really got on board to help her out. There was a swamp a few miles out of town that was going to become permanent ‘enchanted faire’. That meant there was going to actors of all kinds making magical kind of escape for a break so to take advantage of that she was helping to change the town to a kind of rustic retreat as well as a home base for all of those actors. It would certainly stimulate their economy in the area. She had worked with her aunt who was prepping her to take over and help run the village and make sure all the places that needed repairs were up to date before that swamp was opened up. “A tea please Lucky.” She didn’t have to specify more then that. Lucky Carrot knew her well enough to know she wanted a sweet tea with enough sugar to kick a pony through a wall. She slid onto a seat at the counter and didn’t bother to look at the corner as she knew that Ryder pony was in the corner. He had a crush on the cook in the back and everyone in town was just waiting for them to get together as he would walk her home pretty much every night he could, and the cook waited to make the best desserts until she knew he was there and then the best desserts would be available. So, seeing the dusty farm pony was a cue to slide into the diner for any local who wanted sweet things. “And a slice of cake please.” She pulled out her bits before putting her head down on the counter to wait for the sweet sugary goodness that would help her recharge from the horror of paperwork that had been her day. She was working to take over from her aunt and even though everyone was calling her mayor already she wasn’t ready. She hated the title mayor and preferred Village representative as that was the job no matter how glossed of the title was.


Grizzled Veteran
Caroline peeked through the window to snag the ticket for a small cake that Lucky put in the window. She could see Randolf in the corner and Miss Longmire with her head on the counter. She was glad it was Miss Longmire and not her brother as he always made her uncomfortable. Randolf’s rough image drinking a mug of coffee made her blush and duck back into the kitchen properly to finish up his apple pie and get that single cake done. She was excited and nervous and heard the bell a few more times and was soon swept up in a wave of order. While her mind was thinking over Randolf enjoying his pie, her hooves were busy making desserts while she wasn’t even paying attention making her go a bit overboard without meaning too…. Again. She finished the heart on top of a cake with her frosting topping when Lucky took away her pipping bag and told her to go work on the meat dishes that were ordered. She looked down at the cake and blushed before moving to cook the other foods that were ordered. She loved making desserts and would go a bit overboard without meaning too. Soon enough though her hooves were busy making desserts while humming. She just couldn’t stop herself.


Grizzled Veteran
The bell chimed again as Petal Briar swayed in feeling like she was dancing. The Inn had been open for a few days officially but had been packed, it seemed as soon as it had been built thanks to all the new ponies staying a few days there while their own homes were completed. Things were finally settled down and she was here to pick up an order that Feed had placed a while ago. “Oh smells good in here” She grinned playfully while she moved up to the counter to wait for Lucky Carrot to pop out. A few others trailed in behind her and it wasn’t long until there was a short line. She saw a few new faces but mostly it was the older regular folks in town the butcher, the carpenter, the overworked accountant who managed the bank just a lot of the older town members. The future mayor she noticed who had been slumped over was now sitting up straight and proper. Chuckling she slid into a seat next to the earth pony. There wasn’t an old member in town who didn’t know her well enough to know she was normally a haggard mess by this time of day but Petal figured she was putting on a show for the new folks. Smiling like a cat toying with prey she held a few bits to Lucky Carrot while she started a chat with the Longmire girl.


Grizzled Veteran
Maythan came in and placed his order and ended up sharing a booth with Calix who looked rougher than usual. “Rough day?” He watched as the other shivered looking at his dinner before muttering a barrage of complaints about the amount of paperwork from having all the new people in town. While it was true that there was a lot more work setting up banking accounts and quite frankly secure storage of important things since the bank was the safest building in town for such things, Maythan couldn’t understand Calix’s grief. The general store had been running very well and he had to ship in many more new and amazing things he had no idea even existed before others asked about was enough to make his whiskers quiver. Still it was a great dinner while Calix got his issues off his chest at least Maythan thought so after all he got to hear so much while at the dinner. And see some more of the folks he was learned to consider his new customers. There had been such a trickle of new folks who would be actors in the forest faire but they had other talents they were also bringing to town even if they didn’t have their own shops. It was so amazing. He even had to order a lot of costume and craft supplies for the faire actors.


Grizzled Veteran
Vertruh adjusted her glasses with a sigh. She slid into the dinner and after waiting in line for a while just sat down. There a booth in the back where a large earth pony was drinking coffee and eating pie. She was in the booth next to his and the rest of the diners were to her back which made her feel a bit uncomfortable but with Solena having snagged the seat across from her first before she could even pick a seat she was stuck on this side of the booth. Solena was looking over the plan layout for the forest paths that had been discussed. She was making notes all over the place with little colorful sticky notes that Vertruh knew weren’t going to stay in place. “You can just write on that copy. It’s fine I have others.” Picking at some pudding she watched as her friend went insane rewriting notes from the sticky notes onto the copy directly. “Uh-huh.” She nodded to a few suggestions here and there as her over eager friend was going off the rails. “ She touched her hat. She was decorated with a large amount of enchanted items and carried more with her so she could make a decent performance since she couldn’t actually use magic herself. A nice bonus of being a Kelain was she could recharge her magic items making them last a long time before needing to get them reenchanted. She was tired after having a long day making sure that all the items folks had brought her for the fair were charged and maintained well. Her ears perked up as she took a bite of the pudding. Her tail curled up like a cat. “You know we have to finish the wooden structures first right? They are only half done. Before you start working on side paths we have to get the base faire set up. As it is now folks are going to get lost.” She watched Solena deflate like a balloon. Feeling bad she hummed. “… Well I guess you could scout out a few spots but we should take a tour of the main routes and make sure nothing needs to be improved their first right?” Her friend bounced back with an enthusiasm that made Vertruh blink in shock. Crap she had been played again.


Grizzled Veteran
Randolf savored every bite of the pie. While it was more just for flavor just like that strong coffee he loved so much. The dinner seemed busier then usual but honestly he didn’t pay attention to it as small glimpses of pink from the kitchen window kept distracting him. Saphire eyes and a light blush were all it took and he didn’t even care what happened to the rest of the world. He nodded his head at her as he had long ago taken off hat as he was indoors. The hustle and bustle of the dinner was ongoing for a while longer after he had finished his coffee and pie. Lucky Carrot peeked out from the server doors before shoving Miss Caroline out of the kitchen in the back. Randolf stood up out of habit bumping the table. Making sure it wasn’t damaged he was embarrassed. “I see you are off early Miss Caoline.” The other blushing heavily seemed to having trouble looking at him directly as she flited between looking at him and the floor before she agreed. “If it’s alright with you. May I walk you home tonight as well?” She nodded several times which made him feel relieved. “Then after you Miss Caroline. “ He gave her a gesture to walk before him and quickly fell into step slightly behind her but close enough he could hold open the door for her. The two walked home every night after her shift and he often went with her on days she was scheduled to go to the doc’s office to give blood. Miss Caroline was his registered consenting donor and honestly she was more than that to him but he didn’t want to impose on her as she already did so much for him. Where it not for her he would have nothing important in his life. “The garden seems a bit better now.” He took a glance the right at the herb and plant garden shared by the dinner and the doc’s office. It used to look pretty dead but had recently started coming back to life. He didn’t really care but he knew Miss Caroline liked the pretty flowers and smells from the garden so he did glance at them form time to time. They continued for a short ways after she took a moment to smile and check on a few the dinner used. He smiled watching her. The setting sun really made her glow in his eyes. He loved just being in her presence.


Grizzled Veteran
Caroline was a nervous mess. She had been thrown out of the kitchen before her shift normally ended and Randolf was taking her on a nice slow walk home but it wasn’t enough time. “Oh the rosemary looks like it will be ready to pick soon. I’ll get it on the way in tomorrow.” She checked over the herbs carefully trying to buy more time to build up her courage. She had a question to ask Randolf and she was so nervous she started to chew on her bottom lip. “I… you know t-there is that faire that is coming to the woods?” She peeked shyly at Randolf and saw him nod and seemed surprised. She tapped her hooves together and then shook her head. She could ask him to the faire once it opened up properly rather then so early when they hadn’t even fully finished setting up in the woods. “Ah neverminded.” She glanced away. And started moving back toward her home. Yes she would ask him later. Maybe tomorrow. She could already hear Lucky scolding her but her friend didn’t know how hard it was to ask someone on a date! The pair walked down the main road past the bar quietly before turning down the lane where her home was at. “T-thank you for walking me home tonight. I… I’ll see you tomorrow?” She asked shyly. She watched him nod with a smile and then closed her front door with a smile after exchanging good nights a few times. She slid down her door and hugged herself smiling. She hadn’t asked yet but she got closer. A few more times and she was going to be ready she was sure of it! Every day was a step forward. She was excited enough she wanted to go test a few cake recipes she was considering for the dinner.


Grizzled Veteran
Fin on this short bit for now. to pick up other aspects of town bit in other shorts.
[CENTER][B][COLOR=rgb(126, 193, 244)]Redeeming an RP![/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]

[B]Username[/B]: Reoakee
[B]RP[/B]: link one RP. post a new form for each RP
[B]Word Count[/B]: 3231 if I added it correctly 
[B]AP Points[/B]: 40

[B]Completed[/B]: is this RP finished? yes  
[b]AP Journal[/B]: link here! lack one? let us know!