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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ Swaps and Rehomes ]

Cats of the Sun

Mule Account
[ banner ]​

Players can swap cats they haven't connected with here! While there's a channel in the official Discord to offer/chatter/discuss swaps, this thread is the final step to officializing the process. No swap is official until a form is posted here and approved by both owners. Please read all rules carefully.
  • Players will need to post here to confirm swaps/rehomes and will link to those posts when recerting.
  • Both players (new and old) have to confirm the swap/rehome. One player will post the form and the other will quote with a response of approval (ie; approved, accepted, yes, agreed!)
  • When a cat is swapped/rehomed, the new owner has the option to either keep the existing character intact (this means gender, family ties, generation, roleplays, breedings, etc will remain cannon) OR strike everything from the cat and start over entirely. All characters that were preestablished and are later wiped clean are considered dead or missing canonically. Customs of these cats cannot be requested.
  • When an established character is swapped, please make sure to fill out the DP Claim section of the form in its entirety. When the swapped cat dies, this will allow the previous owner and the new owner to be properly rewarded for their individual work respectively.
  • The previous player cannot enforce that the new player keeps plots, name, clan (or loner/kittypet status), etc. Once the cat leaves a player's hands, they are entirely owned by the new player, and thus any decisions will be decided by them.
  • Players cannot force another player to give back a previously rehomed or swapped cat, for any reason.
  • Do not swap for cats not created yet. This includes WIPs, sketches, etc.
  • It is up to the players to provide the correct information about a cat prior to swapping/rehoming. While staff knows the parents and siblings of breeding cats, staff do not know plotlines, RPs had, or other personal information.
  • Use the form(s) as intended. Staff will be monitoring. Clan belonging cats have an additional form, please use it.
  • Swaps should be posted individually in their own posts, while rehomes can be homed all at once if they are going to the same player. If not, make a new post for each player receiving a rehomed cat.
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Cats of the Sun

Mule Account
Use these forms to officially swap or rehome a cat. The last form should be added at the bottom of a swap/gift to indicate a clan cat is being sent to another player.

Swapping Form:
[SIZE=7][B][COLOR=orange]We're Swapping![/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
Username 1: name here
Username 2: name here

Cat 1: name here
Fresh Start or Keeping Cannon?: are you choosing to "kill off" the original cat and make a new character or are you going to continue playing the established character?

Cat 2: name here
Fresh Start or Keeping Cannon?: are you choosing to "kill off" the original cat and make a new character or are you going to continue playing the established character?
Rehome Form:
[COLOR=red][SIZE=7][B]A Rehome is Happening![/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Original Player:
Player Receiving Cat(s):

Cat(s) Being Rehomed:

Fresh Start or Keeping Cannon?: are you choosing to "kill off" the original cat and make a new character or are you going to continue playing the established character?
Clan Cat Form: add this to the BOTTOM of each form with a clan cat! if there's multiple cats (in a rehome) then paste it for each cat.
[B][name of cat] is in [name]clan![/B] @insert username of player who owns said clan [MountainClan - Nym | StoneClan - Blinded by Silence | TreeClan - belloblossom | LostClan - Tigeria]
DP Placeholder for Established Cats: add this to your swap form if there is any DP to be claimed from the cat before it is swapped.
[b]stage[/b] +1 DP for each stage the cat experienced with the prior owner
[b]# of kits[/b] please link to each kit's cert, +1 DP per
[b]# of apprentices[/b] please link to each apprentice's cert and their training roleplay, +1 DP per roleplay
[b]completed roleplays[/b] please link to each completed roleplay they participated in, +1 DP per
[b]DP Held[b] the total DP earned
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