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Realm of the Endless

The Endless Races

The Narrator

Mule Account
The Endless Races

Unless otherwise noted, all information regarding the formerly elusive Endless races is as follows. These entries can and will change with time, given age and development, as well as, perhaps, new sightings of strange beings.

- Allios | Sanjaru | Grimm | Elph | Imp -

The Narrator

Mule Account
Alliosa [Allios]

All alliosa are born with soft, canine shapes. To what extent they deviate away from what might have been their original form, that is with zero influence from tributes involved in their birth, depends entirely on factors still unknown.

They are regarded as partial shape-shifters, mostly due to the fact that their magics regarding changing into other shapes may only hold so long. Generally speaking, taking a shape more humanoid, where they might retain some of their features such as markings, ears, or scales, could potentially last several months, whereas a fully human appearance may only hold out upward of a few hours. The length of time seems to increase with the amount of energy consumed by those around them during the form changes. Hours may become minutes if they are hunted – likewise they might become months around someone they can feed from.

On the plus side, these dog-like monsters have a veritably endless variety of mutable traits that shape their often unique base form. Limbs, tails, eyes, even wings or fins – practically anything may be influenced by the conditions of their birth, most notably the chosen items, or ‘tributes’, surrounding the magic that they arise from. These strange variations are considered by their peoples to be indicative of a greater magical prowess, though through examples over the years it’s concluded to not necessarily be true. It seems this myth, if anything, continues to perpetuate simply because these same alliosa often drive themselves to great lengths, in much the same way a human may achieve success after having constant expectations placed upon their heads.

Just the same, these exemplary creatures often suffer burnout when they can’t continually live up to the impossible. Often times humans and other alliosa alike will do their best to help these poor souls recover, often reminding us all that self-care is a core necessity for mental well-being.

Another necessity noted, it seems like these creatures have the capacity to enjoy an assortment of foods from Earth, and yet sustain themselves on synthesizing raw emotional energy from a variety of sources – in fact all but their very own. Humans seem to be a focal point again, but like with other races one would barely notice this psychic feasting, as it doesn’t take much to glut one of these creatures.

Without a food source they wither and die quickly, sometimes in less than a full day.

By and large, alliosa are fully sapient creatures of average intelligence that lean toward peaceful exchanges and truly communistic trends. As such, it was no particular surprise to learn what social creatures they happen to be in regards to their dealings with the human race. Open and honest, more than several have integrated into various cultures across the globe, thinking not of humanity as simply a food source, but friend and kin alike.

In sharp contrast, however, is their seemingly utter inability to be innovative for themselves. This can be demonstrated in both their knowledge of technology – which was virtually nonexistent for a time after their arrival, despite what “junk tech” they employed from the Void – and the way other races seem to view them, treating them with little regard, as a pest or nuisance. They may also adapt and learn what they are taught, but without great stress and strife seem to be incapable of producing creatively beyond primarily skill.

Interestingly enough, most Alliosa seem to hold a general reverence for the Providence of Emotion. While the reasons are not definite, some suggest it may have to do with their food source.

Aliosa are birthed not from sexual reproduction but a creation pool, another mysterious point in the Void. None know where this gelatinous mixture came from or even why it exists; equally likely are the chances it remains that way, as the carefully guarded secret is a means to keep their race safe. What they will share, however, is that their funeral rites - if the actions can be considered as such - involve the location. Once dead, the body is returned to the pool in an attempt to keep it full of the energy that sustains them - none know if the ritual is required, but one can hardly blame them for not wanting to find out.

In order to catalyze new aliosa, sacrifices must be made. The objects that are thrown into the pool seem to begin a reaction within it, ultimately culminating in a blob of unshaped energy that eventually hardens into an egg of sorts. These eggs vary in shape and size - as do the new alios that eventually emerges. As stated elsewhere, it seems these objects affect their base structure in mysterious ways.

Culturally speaking, alliosa were nomadic until their arrival on Earth, roaming the Endless in tight-knit packs. Most dreamed of a world they could settle peacefully upon, a vision shared by their Navigators as they attempted time and again to open a portal that would lead them somewhere they could call ‘home’.

These packs would typically remain connected through one member’s particular memories, with one being designated as a ‘speaker’ – able to bridge the infinite distance in a matter of moments should the need arise. This same allios was often designated as the leader of their group; being able to speak with others and lead them away quickly from dangerous situations often made them revered.

Considering themselves highly fortunate to have found their version of paradise, alliosa are now content with casting their lot in their new home, blending in well enough that they often go unnoticed. As dog or human is often a routine decision, time or place depending.

The Narrator

Mule Account
Sanjari [Sanjaru]

Sanjari have only a limited ability to change their shapes. Rather, when they are born they inherit three unique forms, somewhat dependent upon their clan’s current food source. Assume what follows is based upon their current location of Earth.

Their first form, and what they are born into, is deer-like. Appearing somewhat weak and unassuming, this is by far one of the most cunning aspects of their race, allowing them to lure their prey into a false sense of security. Often times these hunters will allow themselves to be cornered, only to quickly change into their deadlier forms.

Their second shape lies somewhere between monster and human with little deviation between the members of their race; what exists is based solely on traits inherited from the first, horns, hooves, and eyes, for typical example. It’s been speculated this is their strongest form, and it’s easy to see why.

Finally, their last shape has become simply human. There is both less and more diversity here, as the necessity to hide among their prey has lead different clans to make this adjustment in different ways – most especially depending on location. The very thought that these hunters walk among them has put more than one honest human on edge.

It is worth noting that these forms adjust in order to allow for easier hunting of prey. Sanjari may consume the emotive states of other creatures in order to gain an effect similar to what we would consider intoxication, but in order to actually feed they must consume the life force of others directly. While this does not actually require them to kill, many sanjari do simply because they enjoy it - and seem to be able to gain extra sustenance from the flesh of Earthian creatures as well, which is something not gained from other Endless races.

As a side note, and perhaps as even more of a tell about their nature, sanjari in the Void that are born unable to change into these shapes are soon destroyed, and its been rumoured that those murdering in cold blood and through certain rituals can take the shape of their victims.

Sanjari are thrill-seekers above all else.

Most sanjari are ruthless, cruel, and arrogant in nature, viewing other races and even other clans as little more than food or a diversion from their time spent roaming endlessly in the wastes. As a culture they care nothing of education past the drive for their instincts; there is no room for reading or writing when one’s existence is to hunt their next meal or prevent their deaths at the hands of their kin.

Likewise, it can be assumed some of the most prolific serial killers have been members of this race, as these hunters assure fear is a wonderful delicacy.

That isn’t to say that some sanjari exposed to humanity, most notably raised in the environment, haven’t risen past their roots. In recent years there has been a cultural backlash, with the younger generation especially forming their own clan to combat what many of them consider the rampant sociopathic tendencies of their forebearers. Many of these divergent souls find it far more soothing to work in harsh environments such as therapy, unemployment, and other areas emotions run high.

No one will miss being upset or afraid, will they?

Not much is known about sanjari reproduction beyond what is known as The Great Feast. Reminiscent of sharks, this curiosity apparently occurs after an entire clan devours a large, gluttonous meal. It is speculated that, full of life energy, multiple sanjari combine this excess to create new members of their race.

Sanjari are one of the more unique races in the Endless in that they lack proper Navigators; whether this is due to their cultural shunning of education, most especially those of creative endeavors, or something more primal remains to be seen. Whatever the case, their lives in the Endless without this almost necessary ability have been harsh and exhausting – some expats say made worse by their own design.

Socially speaking, sanjari are ruthless and cruel, living by what some claim to be an extremely outdated conceptions. Firstly, they live in small, separate clans, typically by birth, rarely by choice. Secondly, their leaders are not voted in. There is no sense of democracy or reason – it is simply a case of which is strongest. Might is right; whoever can overthrow the current head of a clan becomes the new head of it. Of course, this has lead to sanjari leaders housing extreme suspicion and hostile paranoia. Coups and backstabbing are always expected, often rightly so.

Sanjari were previously nomadic, by virtue of necessity, with each clan having travelled in a similar direction yet separately – never wanting to fall behind one another in terms of possible wealth or food. This strange lifestyle ended when they chanced upon a large portal – destination Earth. It wasn’t long after the clans warred viciously over ownership of what they considered the greatest food source they’d ever encountered, only to call the only accord they’d ever allow themselves to date.

Thus individual, small communities sprawled around that central point. Distrust still reigns between their clans, but having found a near-endless supply of food for everyone, tensions have slightly decreased.

The Narrator

Mule Account
Grimmalkin [Grimm]

Perhaps even more dangerous than the sanjari are the grimmalkin. These true, natural shapeshifters are able to meld themselves to any form at nearly any time and, as if it were not enough, they endure no taxing drain or energy requirement beyond an initial expenditure. Due to this extremely valuable skill and their mental prowess, Grimmalkin enjoy being at the top of the Endless’ food chain.

As amazing as their abilities to morph go, they are not absolute. Copying an appearance, for instance, is only as accurate as their attention to detail. Coupled as well with the impossiblity for them to gain an individual’s memories, thoughts, or mannerisms, any attempt to trick or fool a creature into believing they are their target is risky and difficult. As such, most opt to keep such things limited to teasing friends or playing elaborate pranks on acquaintances.

Most grimmalkin have adopted a ‘default’ form. No one knows for certain how the tradition began, but they find a certain comfortableness in the familiar, feline manner. Indeed, much like an Earthian cat their long ears and fluffy tails entice feelings of ease or lack of hostility – but others might be surprised when such a creature decides to speak, much less hunt.

In sharp contrast to other races, grimmalkin feed almost primarily on other Void races’ energy and life force. It has been stated they do not need to often, however – one meal may last anywhere from weeks to months, depending on their own personal energy requirements and the size of their meal. As proverbially picky as their comfortable shape’s kin, these finicky eaters have been noted to be entirely repulsed by the very idea of consuming anything biological! Most absolutely refuse to consume water or flesh, for example, unless it is absolutely necessary to maintain a disguise.

At their core, grimmalkin are extremely intelligent mostly-pacifists with active curiosities.

Long lived to the point of eternal, many grimmalkin acquire a vast wealth of knowledge over time. It’s certainly not unheard of for this crafty race to put themselves to trial either, enjoying mental challenges as much as any puzzle-lover might. Indeed they test themselves in their own ways, such as fusing certain aspects of foreign cultures, adopting languages or highly sophisticated technology, or creating unique situations that solve troublesome issues or bridge gaps where no chance had previously existed.

They are highly suited in fields dealing in logic, research, development, architecture, and so forth, some enjoying the mental games of ‘structure’ and ‘order’ enjoyable to the highest degree, but they are not necessarily interested in the utopias they create, merely byproducts of their ever-continual curiosities.

Above all else regarding Earth, they remain quite alien when faced with humanity itself. As example, they tend to be confused by an inability to simply change one’s self, not understanding true body permanence. While hardly malicious, more than once has a grimm questioned why a human acquaintance doesn’t simply ‘fix themselves’!

Creation of a new grimm is an extremely alien affair. Simply and to the point, the parent goes through a process that amounts to sloughing off a part of their being, and it is from this discarded mass their offspring is cultivated. Multiple parents simply join smaller pieces and share an equal role in the new life's upbringing.

Grimmalkin have no social culture beyond their parents’ teachings.

Much like hermits, these creatures tend to be aloof and solitary in relation to their own kin. It isn’t uncommon for one to know only of their parents for an exceptionally long period of their early life, thus most carry deep-seated and fundamental beliefs of those predecessors.

In the event one meets a new member of their race, a standoff often ensues. This instinctive reaction, complete with much posturing and shape changing, may and usually does take some time to work through. Their curiosity leads them to return to this incorrigible scenario once and again, essentially amounting to poly-morphing versions of puffed tails and razor back crab-walking.

It’s no surprise other races find this odd interaction amusing.

If a grimm can calm themselves down and overcome this instinctively territorial urge, however, they may find in themselves friends for life. Beneath that hostile veneer, grimmalkin are extremely loyal to those daring close to them, bonding to those that can see past the initial contact.

The Narrator

Mule Account
Elphyme [Elph]


Elphyme have no shapeshifting ability.

They are small, fuzzy, and humanoid, with their smallest members being around only one foot tall, and their largest around three. They have no discernible nose, but extremely large, sensitive ears, capable of hearing large distances away and the most threadbare of whispers, and their eyes are wide and ever alert, presumably scanning for those that might hunt them. Each elphyme has a set of wings with an insectoid appearance being the most common, and with three fingers and a thumb on each hand and teeny, pawed feet, some might find them incredibly adorable.

Unfortunately, it isn’t likely many humans will come across these fae-esque creatures – or at least not in the manner they might believe. On top of most of these illusive creatures having the ability to cloak themselves from human perception, all elphyme have the ability to project their will into the form of what amounts to a fluffy ball sort of figure, with their hands and feet barely visible. Most of this illusion is comprised of little more than face and wings, and while it is not solid, it is seen commonly enough that most believe this is their real form.

This projection cannot actually be harmed, though many that have mastered their innate ability alter or fake it in order to maintain the illusion.

This illusion doubles as a defense mechanism as well, as their true bodies are not healing receptive, and difficult to mend. The likely cause is their overabundance of energy, as they are the most magically-inclined race to haunt the Endless. It is to note that an exceptionally talented individual may press through this issue, and several elphyme’s lives have been saved by the stalwart.

The members of this race are so magically-inclined they are born into an associated Providence, though whether through laziness or lack of proper inspiration few go on to master it. It can and often does, however, affect their appearance, mutating small aspects like their wing or ear shapes, or various colours.

Elphyme are omnivores. Many of them enjoy the biological foods humanity offers, while others find nothing more delicious than pure, magical energy condensed into a physical form. At their core, they can break down practically anything small enough to fit into their mouths.



Elphyme tend to be extremely protective and secretive of their true forms. Most are also, however, cheerful and good-natured.

Their penchant for playing pranks and teasing others without a second thought if any opportunity presents itself makes judging their intelligence difficult, and their secretive nature only makes it more so. It is a subject of debate in the magical communities whether these jokers are extremely smart or incredibly ignorant, but more true it might be that they’re simply alien in thought.

One grounding clue to this mystery is the undisputed fact that these creatures simply get bored easily. Consistently, their minds require a near-constant stimulation, and due to this they are unlikely to be lazy in whatever hobby they may pursue. Likewise, these crafty creatures will almost undoubtedly take up some profession or craft, despite their lighthearted nature regarding the same.

It might take several endeavors for an elphyme to find their calling, but they cling to their interest when they finally do, becoming quite formidable masters with that particular skill or burnt out in the process.



Full of energy, elphyme reproduce magically, with several concentrating the collective of their entire wills on a glamour shaped in their image until it pops into life.



Whether the elphyme are a mortal or endless race is hotly debated in several communities, including their own. The nature of that argument is they simply seem to be everywhere. Every settlement in the Void, upon Earth, near portals – practically any place another race is present.

In the Endless, Elphyme have a central home, a great and bustling miniature city built stretching high up and yawning wide both, filled with spiraling, confused pathways and seemingly impossible architecture accented with bright lights and ample decoration. Many elphyme return to this central core on a regular basis, traveling out to other areas in search of food and trade … or individuals to pull pranks on.

Their central city, affectionately referred to simply as Labrys, is ruled over by a council of Queens, though typically this is just a title and the actual identity of the elphyme filling the position is of little consequence. The council, from there, is made up of individuals from the ten most populace Providences in elphyme numbers (earth, air, fire, water, metal, light, dark, joy, and sorrow), chosen by other queens from promising individuals once their predecessor has fallen.

These Queens will rule for life unless the others vote to remove them from their position. Each of these is advised by their own small council, which in turn listens to the complaints and concerns of those who would petition them. Overall this means very little changes in the day to day of the city, but when it does it is exceptionally democratic.

Portal-dwelling elphyme in many instances have forgotten about Labrys. Those that maintain contact often have only small colonial encampments.

Earth dwelling elphyme are one of these disconnected groups, and live in a city constructed in deeply obscured, underground caverns. Their style and architecture is much the same as their origins, though they've had to adjust such that the physics of their home do not send their construction crashing to the ground.

This city is, for better or worse, ruled over by only one Queen who has seized total power, though for the past several centuries nothing of terrible importance has changed. Many believe their Queen to be dead and simply functions as a figurehead to keep the others from being too misbehaved. Many of those same elphyme just don't care, eschewing their past and flittering about wherever their wings might take them, relying on themselves and their glamour abilities to remain unseen by the ‘bigfolk’ nearby.

Rumours and stories of faeries and their ilk are often simply elphyme, with the wide variety of appearances owed to misconception or actual magical glamours, depending on that particular elphyme's proclivities.

The Narrator

Mule Account
Imps [Imp]

Imps can come in many different sizes, shapes, colours, each more unique and odd than the last. In fact, calling these creatures imps is really a misnomer; they should instead be more rightly considered homunculi, as they are artificially created. Many practicing the art of creating them do not realize that they are being created at all, however, as many races consider it their equivalent to summoning, thus the disposition continues.

Most imps, despite their potential ability, come in only a relatively few set shapes and sizes. Though these can vary immensely, they are collectively just well-refined recipes, appearing similar in their production as they're created with the same process, or ritual, of magic weaving.

Extremely talented summoners, of whom most if not all truly understand what they are doing and are highly-ranked members of the Providence of Creation, may and often do choose to make more unique and varied imps.

All imps feed on raw, magical energy, typically from their creators, which in turn inhibits any one summoner from having too many creations.

Imps are as intelligent or simpleminded as they are intended to be. Most well-practiced summoning rituals have a set intelligence in mind, yet a summoner truly wanting or expecting something different may get it.

Likewise, imps only have as much free will, sapience, emotion, and such forth as they are created with. Many summoning rituals have taken on a tone of implied 'binding,' so the imps made from them are little more than thoughtless machines until being given explicit instruction.

Imps do not reproduce.

Imps do not have a cultural identity.

If they are fully sapient, they often adapt to their creator’s culture.

Perhaps notable, it is in many circles frowned upon for individuals, particularly the summoner themselves, to become romantically or physically involved with an imp, all due to philosophical issues. That having been said, nothing exists to stop a summoner from literally creating their perfect partner … which many exceedingly talented ones often do.