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This time when she set it down the legs moved and both arms responded, and it walked around her desk in a circle. "Vunder Bar!" she said with happy laugh as she looked around for the little Robot's head to attach to the rest of the body. "Look Reinfeld! I've made it move! Its adorable!" she said as she gently grabbed up the little head she had made and gently set about attaching it to the top of the robot. "Tiny screw...tiny screwwww...." she said looking around as she lined up the top and body and used her nails to hold the bits together. "Rein could you assist me again." she said as she looked towards her tail. It lifted up towards her again and stuck his tongue out and gently pressed it against some small screws on the table and held out its tongue to her. "Bueno! Thanks my friend!" she said as she made sure the head was held still and she used one paw to move a little screw off her tails tongue and into position on the head to keep it still while she got the other screws into place. "Very good! Its looking wonderful!" she said as she added in the other screws she needed and then tightened them all into place. "Tada! Look Reinfeld its all done! Now i just need to paint him and make him shiny! Then hes all set!" she said with a smile as she wound it up again and watched it march in circles around her desk, arms and legs moving and head looking side to side. She giggled furiously as she watched before a knock at her front door made her fluffy ears flick back and forth before her and Reinfeld both looked towards the front of the house and she got up and headed to see who was here.