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Warriors: Cats of the Sun

[ TreeClan Leader's Den ]


Grizzled Veteran
I want to join!

Username: NatiStorm
Cat Cert: Fog

Why?: I've always felt at home in the trees and after seeing how your clan works, I feel like I've finally found a place where I can belong. I pledge to follow your rules and protect the clan if you'll have me.


Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: pyrrh
Cat Cert: cert
Why?: Deathfang had always had an affinity for the sky, watching birds and bugs move through the air. He knew he would never have wings, never be able to fly like they could, but he knew he belonged the closest he could get - up in trees, close to the clouds and fresh, moving air. When he heard there was a clan of cats living in the trees, the tomcat knew it was just where he belonged.
Sunflight was always happy to see her Clan growing stronger with its new members, but finding someone who felt a similar longing to her, to walk among the trees, watching birds and feeling the breeze in their fur was especially rewarding. His name may have been frightening to others but Sunflight had never been one to focus on names, so much as the cat behind them.

"Welcome to TreeClan, Deathfang. Let's see who is available to mentor you and show you our ways."


Stew Aficionado
I want to join!
: pyrrh
Cat Cert: cert
Why?: Found a pretty she-cat, wants to he her beau. For love, Larkspur would do anything - even change his entire way of life. Even join a Clan. And anything he did he did with his whole self, which meant joining a Clan that would care for him would of course be equally returned, with Larkspur doing his part to care for the Clan.
Sunflight's whiskers twitched up in quiet delight as Larkspur recounted his choice to join. Firetail must have left quite the impression on him for this loner to come all the way to TreeClan.
"I do hope that you'll remember to love the Clan just as much as you find yourself infatuated with our mutual friend." Sunflight purred and with a swish of her tail, she beckoned to Larkspur to follow her. "Follow along, you shall meet with my deputy, Riversong and we shall find you a mentor to guide your paws within TreeClan."


Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: NatiStorm
Cat Cert: Softswirl
Why?: Softswirl is following Mudripple. It took awhile before they found the right clan but Softswirl is finally ready to embrace the rules and the warrior code to protect the clan beside her love.
Sunflight dipped her head in acknowledgement to Softswirl. TreeClan was home to many cats from all walks of life. The nature of these two she-cats coming together to find a home reminded her of herself and Riversong. Light in her eyes danced at how she had somehow managed to make a home for many like she and her mate - she hoped they all felt as at home as she wanted them to.

"Welcome, Softswirl. A mentor will be assigned to you to help orient you with our customs and rules. I certainly hope you will come to love it, as much as I do."


Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: NatiStorm
Cat Cert: Fog

Why?: I've always felt at home in the trees and after seeing how your clan works, I feel like I've finally found a place where I can belong. I pledge to follow your rules and protect the clan if you'll have me.
Sunflight nodded her agreement.
"Your speech holds great promise. Let's see your paws take you to the future you seek." She mewed and beckoned Fog to follow. She would find them a mentor in due time.


Grizzled Veteran
I want to join!

Username: kovak
Cat Cert: Maple
Why?: Maple is looking for a new home after being kicked out of her home. She befriends Stumppaw and is persuaded to join the clan.


Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: kovak
Cat Cert: Maple
Why?: Maple is looking for a new home after being kicked out of her home. She befriends Stumppaw and is persuaded to join the clan.
Sunflight lay a sympathetic paw on Mzple's shoulder.
"While I'm sorry that you were forced from your former home, TreeClan is here to welcome you here. And I suspect Stumppaw will be especially happy for your company. Let's go find him and he can show you to the Apprentices Den where you'll be sleeping, while I go locate your mentor, who will be instructing you in the ways of TreeClan. Welcome home, Maple." She purred to the other she-cat.


Stew Aficionado
I want to join!

Username: PeterPan_da144
Cat Cert: Paradox
Why?: Originally, Paradox was just looking to live with their twin in the wild. But when Enigma found a mate, Paradox felt like a third wheel. So they left to find them self a home where they would fit. Kittypet life didn't suit them, but third wheeling alongside their twin wasn't optimal either. So when they met Fogmoth, and learned about clan life, they thought they would give it a try. It would allow one to be wild, while also still amongst a group of cats. A family without the restraints of a Twoleg nest or pellet food. Paradox is intent to prove them self worthy of clan life. They will even tone down on their little harmless pranks towards others, and are going to try to be more honest with feelings, and aware of social cues. It might be awkward, but they are going to do their best!