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What is This? [Closed]


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member

Olib by @Tea

Hey You!

Yeah, you!

How would you like to contribute to the official companion guide, as well as net yourself the very first olib ever created?

Now's your chance!

Using the form below, come up with the cutest, silliest, whatever makes it the most perfectist companion data for these little dudes!

The winner will get the olib shown above as well as have their entry become part of the official guide data - everyone that entered will earn 15 AP!

For reference:
Name: Olib (plural: olibs)
Sizing: Tiny

End Date: April 20, 2024

Fill out:
(What do they eat? Limit to one word.)

(Must be at least a paragraph. This is their general personality. What habits can we expect? What temperaments do they have?)

(Do they have any? What do(es) it/they do? Each entry must be the name of the ability, followed by a short description. Max three.)
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Wasteland Wyvern


Small of size and very shy, these tiny creatures often hide high among the biggest of olive trees to avoid being crunched by any seed eating creatures. They spend most of the day sunning themselves among the branches of their chosen olive tree homes. During the height of the day they will retreat into the thicker branches for shade and to sup upon the clear sap that the tree exudes during the hottest time of the day. They are a very symbiotic creature with their trees and will take care of them by gently brushing away parasites and dismantling bird nests that they find among their branches, but only if they are sure there are no young within, for they do not wish to cause any harm to other creatures.
If you find yourself hearing a soft whispering sound when there is no wind near your olive tree you might have a group of Olibs living in it! They work together to protect their trees and often communicate between each other as they hide among the bunches of growing fruits with hushed soft whispers.

Bitter Berries - If picked up by a bird or other creature they will exude a bitter taste from their skin, a mimicry of the olives they live among, to convince the creature to spit them out.

Natural Camouflage - If spotted among the fruits they can close their eyes and mouths and practically vanish from site among the fruit bunches. Only the keenest of eyes might suss them out.



Olibs are tiny little creatures found everywhere in the lands. They act as a wonderful little traveling companion as they like to walk...a lot. Any pony who befriends these tiny, easily misplaced, friends usually finds themselves walking more and more. Olibs will hide just to get you moving. Their calm around foals, however they don't go too near as some foals will try to chew on them. They feed on Ants, those mass hive driven insects that can raid a poor pony's home. Usually Olibs travel in small groups called, Orchards as they all look like a funny collection of apples when they sit in trees. They are funny little things as their method of movement is rolling along the ground or leaping from branch to branch.

High Bounce: Olibs can bounce ridiculously high. Its almost like their little bodies are rubber orbs. They use this Bounce to get back up into trees and to escape from foals.


Grizzled Veteran


Olib are cute and friendly and can be found in a variety of places. They can be found in nature around dump and recycling areas as well as farms and forests. Many wild breasts ignore them by nature but there are times when Olib can be seen snuggled up to sleeping animals being cuddled closely. Thankfully the small creatures don’t seem to seem to mind as they simply toddle off when let go and don’t even mind being carried around. Ponies may even raise Olibs and have been know to gently rub at the base of their heads to collect Olib oil to use as perfume. The Olib are easy to care for and seem to enjoy just being able to roll around and wander aimlessly unless eating at which point they make quite happy small noises. They will often gather in groups if they are able to. It is not unusual to see a cluster of 5-15 Olibs in an area though members may wander off for no apparent reason that pony kind has been able to understand. They tend to find places that are sheltered such as under a cupboard, table, bush and scientists have seen them trying to roll/crawl under a fridge if left unattended. Scientists theorize it is to prevent the aroma oil from being dispersed or weakened by rain.

-Alluring aroma: This ability allows the Olib to emit what many find as a pleasant aroma. This aroma is actually secreted as an oil around their tops under their leaves which is dispersed into the air around them in small particulate form as they move making them popular among prefumists. The type of aroma may vary based on the diet the Olib has been having. Those that are raised on forest compost find the aroma more pleasant to wildlife. Those near pony compost areas emit smells pleasant to ponies. An aroma secreted from a forest diet will NOT be effective on ponies like a olib on a town compost diet and seems to be a form of defense making the native fauna in the area less hostile to Olib.

-Roll away: a panicked and threatened Olib will secrete a thicker fluid that makes it easier for them to slip out of areas and harder to hold. This fluid is NOT as pleasant as their Alluring aroma oil. This again appears to a sort of defense mechanism as a last ditch effort to escape a predator if they are unaffected by the other oil of the Olib


Grizzled Veteran

Olibs nestle themselves amidst other berry bearing plants to camouflage themselves from predators and in order to get easy access to their preferred food sources: berries and insects. They're voracious consumers and have been known to eat the entirety of a plant's produce in the span of two days. They tend to bunch together in pairs or trios and will bond with a single pony as a group. They're very loyal and loving as long as they're fed. You'll know if they're upset if you find tiny leaves shed all over your home.


Consume: like Kirby they can open their mouths and inhale the nearest food. As they're super small this is mostly used for other berries and small food chunks they can fit in their mouth

Stink-leaf: their little leaves, if they're shed when their upset, are intensely stinky and are used to ward off predators or express their upset natures


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
Olib information is go!

@Wasteland Wyvern and @Rano713 ... we couldn't decide which of yours we liked, so we smashed them both together - meaning you both win!

Your prizes are as follows:

Please choose between yourselves which olib you're taking home and ping me back here with your decision! As a note, the green one's artist is Tea, and the black olib's artist is Nym!

(If you're having troubles, you can roll 1d100 here to get a first pick!)

@SwordOfTheNagas @Reoakee

everyone please remember to pick up your 15 AP for entering!