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▷ [ORP/Festival] The Fishing Tourney


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 99 79 178
Roll(s): 99, 79

Thadius sighed, he truly was wrapped around his children's fingers.
"Fine, I will explore with you" he looked around at the other individuals fishing perhaps it won't be that bad there were foals running around causing problems.

He tilted his sunhat down a bit further, no one had realized who he was thanks to this hat and sunglasses Dante had supplied him with before this journey outside among the ponies of everchange. Being an Alicorn with the domain of quests, it could be quite tricky to even walk in his garden without being accosted for a quest.

Dante was super happy, operation get dad to relax was off to a good start. The old pony never really stepped hoof outside of his garden let alone near other ponies. He couldn't see why being an alicorn was such a big deal to his dad, he'd always been one and one with the domain for Adventure.

"oooo Lets try fishing over here! Maybe we can come across one of those octopus things"
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 75 75
🎲d100 63 63
7/18 roll
Roll: 75 & 63
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Bouquet of Diamonds

Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 13 90 103
Roll(s): 13, 90
Freebies I'm taking today:

13: It seems like someone lost their blanket... Take home a blanket!

The lotoise lounging in the sun notices you and shuffles over. Take home a lotoise!


Stew Aficionado
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 38 66 104
Roll(s): 38, 66
Rolling for the day as i wait for RP reponses


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 87 44 131
Roll(s): 87, 44
87: The lotoise lounging in the sun notices you and shuffles over. Take home a lotoise!

44: You notice a lump of sand that looks suspicious.... Take home a glass fish figurine!


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 81 100 181
Roll(s): 81, 100
As you're fishing a wotter peeks their head from the water and waves. Take home a wotter!

Something bubbles under the surface... Quote Nym!

Snagging this freebie as well

Keawe was intrigued by a fishing tourney and decided that she was going to head there and find out what was going on. Despite not knowing anything about the water really, other than it was deep and there were things in it and you could get potentially drenched, she thought they might be a good opportunity to also meet some new ponies. So she gingerly headed towards the water and the crowd that seemed to have formed. There were many faces and they were all very pretty. "Heya!" She called out.

WC: 91
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 10 10
Roll(s): 10
Something hits you right in the face! Take home a scarab!

& snagging a freebie hat!!

He was right. Peace was not an option today, that was made very clear when ANOTHER scarab decided it would be a wonderful idea to divebomb his face. This one made a beeline straight for his forehead, landing with an audible “smack!”

Yet again, he let out a rather undignified screech, this one followed by a few unintelligible words – which was probably for the best. A very large part of him wanted to pack up and leave, now.

The rest of him, however, was enjoying the warmth of the day and rays of the sun. The breeze that flowed around him was cool and as he once more calmed himself, he scooped his new friend off his face and placed it down next to the previous face leech. It almost surprised him for a moment, how similar the two scarabs were – their obvious love of faces as perches aside.

Then again, he supposed nothing should surprise him anymore.
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Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 62 62
Roll(s): 62
At the end of your hook is a necklace. Well, finders keepers! Take home a crystal necklace!

Pointless. Useless. Frivolous. Fun.

A sneer curled the Alicorn of Romance’s lips as he chose a spot far away from everypony that had decided to come out and enjoy the day. He wasn’t here of his own free will, of course. His mother had basically conned him into coming out.

Gallant, darling, you spend too much time at your office for someone that hates what they do much. Maybe you need a break, time away to enjoy yourself. How about you go to the fishing tournament! Oh, that could be so much fun! It would give your poor assistant a break too. I’m sure Amadeus is overworked with the long hours you two have been pulling.

Sure, she made it sound like she was concerned, and she probably was – but his mother knew what she was doing. She knew he would take her heavily veiled threat for exactly that. Behind her sweet voice and kind smile, that woman had a spine of steel.

So, here he was, pulling a crystal necklace off the hook as he reeled in his line for the first time. Oh, joy.
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signed an NDA
Staff member

Roll(s): 100

When Keawe wadded into the water she probably didn't expect the tentacle that would wrap itself lightly against one of her legs to prevent her from stepping on the rest of the creature's limbs, but the deepling came in peace. In fact, they seemed even fond of the pony, lingering around her in hopes she'd perhaps return the sentiment.

Congrats! You won a deepling! These large companions are the newest addition to the companion roster and will have their lore filled out after the event! They're friendly little large octolings who are known for their shy and reclusive nature, but this one has chosen you!


signed an NDA
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 71 71
Roll(s): 71

Artemis gently tugged the necklace free from his lure and set it on top of his messenger bag. Dipper would surely appreciate the trinket, whether as an accessory or decoration for the observatory. Or perhaps his grandchildren -- man, that always threw him for a loop. He had been gone for so long that he had fully grown grandchildren now! Him!
He had a lot to make up for, and perhaps a necklace wasn't enough, but it was certainly a starting point.
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