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[CYOA] The Second Floor

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Grizzled Veteran
@Bittersweet Contradiction

Welp, back to the ole main, creepy room, it seems.
Tucked away in the right corner of the room is a toy vending machine, and your flashlight bounces off what could be a spare token or two laying on the floor around it...
Looks like there's also a security room down here as well.
Then again, that main stage right in front of you at the back of the room is pretty tempting too, with doors on either side of it...

Which way will you go?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

Eugh, ew, trash. I mean yeah, that's what you expected to find- Aaaand that one is moving.

Poor thing must've been stuck in there, good thing you're a handy helper?
Though now they might have some kind of weird attachment for a life debt...
[Hold the link for the end of the game, this isn't your official link just yet!]

Trash thoroughly rifled?
But now that leaves taking a look at those monitors, or maybe just leaving the room?

What will you choose?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

Welp, back to the ole main, creepy room, it seems.
Tucked away in the right corner of the room is a toy vending machine, and your flashlight bounces off what could be a spare token or two laying on the floor around it...
Looks like there's also a restroom down here as well.
Then again, that main stage right in front of you at the back of the room is pretty tempting too, with doors on either side of it...

Which way will you go?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

Welp, back to the ole main, creepy room, it seems.
But not without another friend??

Ooookay then... it's turning into a party down here.
Hold the link for the end of the game, this isn't your official link just yet!]

Tucked away in the right corner of the room is a toy vending machine, and your flashlight bounces off what could be a spare token or two laying on the floor around it...
Looks like there's also a security room down here as well.
Then again, that main stage right in front of you at the back of the room is pretty tempting too, with doors on either side of it...

Which way will you go?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

Of course, you've been out here before, but it doesn't hurt to go over it all again...
The restrooms are just to the right of the security door, if you felt so inclined to check them out.
Then again, that main stage right in front of you at the back of the room is pretty tempting too, with doors on either side of it...

Which way will you go?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran
Jinx made a happy little noise and hoisted the little pumpkin into her arms. “Hello, friend!” She smiled and turned back to the monitors.


signed an NDA
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 5 5

It was time for him to check out the main stage.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 49 49
Esme is stating to wonder if her smoke is attracting all these companions.

"Come a long, you can be friends with the other children."

She heads towards toy vending machine.


signed an NDA
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 12 12
Proxy for Prog

We’re heading to the main stage!


Grizzled Veteran
@Nym @astralprogenitor

The main stage, being the focal point for the establishment, is little more than a semicircle of wood with a few lights around the trim; definitely a sign the building is significantly older than the one upstairs.
Despite that, the curtains haven't fallen into the same state of aging as the rest of the place, and the red velvet texture looks almost brand new.
The stage itself, however, is pitted and marked from years of use and left in a significant state of disrepair.
Getting this close, however, you do notice a little light trickling from behind the curtain.
Maybe if you pulled it aside there might be something of interest?
But then those doors on the left and right side of the stage, upon closer inspection, have faded lettering on them.
The left seems to say "Party Room", while the door to the right side seems to say "Maintenance".

Which direction will you go?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

With a soft buzz, the whirring of mechanics shows signs of aging, and with a significant amount of effort the monitors finally flick to life.
Although the images are pretty grainy, you can make out the layout of most of the building, though the labels on the monitors themselves give you little more than CAM1-CAM4 and you have no idea where they could be.
The more obvious ones, like those pointed at the Security Door and the Main Stage are easy enough to recognize.
But the other ones... it looks like some kind of Prize Counter in one? There's a music box sitting on the counter, and you swear you can almost hear it...
The last one seems to be a room with heavy-duty shelves and a table smack dab in the middle of the room, and there are noticeable exoskeleton AND endoskeleton parts scattered everywhere.

Well, you certainly have a layout of the land here... but that doesn't really give you anywhere to go from here except back out the door...
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran
@Bittersweet Contradiction

Upon closer inspection, the little vending machine is one of those egg ones, with the little mascot in the center being a cupcake with big eyes. It'd be cute if you didn't feel like it was following your every move.
Shrugging it off, you scoop up one of the coins off the floor and shove it into the coin slot, and after a fancy little jingle... the whole thing just shuts off?
Oh, I guess even with power you can't guarantee it'll work, huh...
Movement behind the machine, and you are met with a very interesting thing...

Strangely enough, you don't feel any malicious intent from the thing, more of a fascination as clings to you.
Well, I guess you're not alone at least.
[Hold the link for the end of the game, this isn't your official link just yet!]

Having conquered the vending of toys, that leaves the other options now: Main Stage? Or the Security Room?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

Upon closer inspection, the little vending machine is one of those egg ones, with the little mascot in the center being a cupcake with big eyes. It'd be cute if you didn't feel like it was following your every move.
Shrugging it off, you scoop up one of the coins off the floor and shove it into the coin slot, and after a fancy little jingle... the whole thing just shuts off?
Oh, I guess even with power you can't guarantee it'll work, huh...
Movement behind the machine, and you are met with a very interesting thing...

Strangely enough, you don't feel any malicious intent from the thing, more of a fascination as clings to you.
Well, I guess you're not alone at least.
[Hold the link for the end of the game, this isn't your official link just yet!]

Having conquered the vending of toys, that leaves the other options now: Main Stage? Or the Security Room?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 57 57
Jinx hummed and stared at the prize counter. That music box looked neat. Maybe there was something else cool over there! With her pumpkin friend in tow, she made her way back out the door.
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 56 56
Zion let out an exasperated sigh, but they didn't really mean it, in fact they were rather pleased with the small menagerie of companions following them around right now. "Alright you, come along." They gently picked the cupcake looking creature and maneuvered it onto their back.
"What do you think? The Security room next?" They asked, and nodded, "Yeah, that's what I was thinking too." They agreed even though none of the critters had said a word or gave any real indication of a suggestion.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 41 41
Esme stares as the ball of fluff with wings enters her vision and bumps into her nose. She's starting to ponder about her life choices.

"I suppose you'll start to follow along too.:

She just turns and makes her way to the main stage followed by her menagerie of companions.
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