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[CYOA] The Second Floor


Grizzled Veteran

The front door doesn't want to budge at first, but after giving it a good shove it opens with an eerie creak. You're instantly met with a fine layer of dust, and coughing through it, you can finally take in the rest of the building.
The tile floor is much darker than it seemed outside, with noticeable old stains littering the floor and a scattering of old coupon papers and game tickets.
It's a lot smaller than you'd expect, but there do seem to be multiple things you can check out in here.
Tucked away in the right corner of the room is a toy vending machine, and your flashlight bounces off what could be a spare token or two laying on the floor around it...
Looks like there's also a security room down here as well, and the restrooms are just to the right of the security door.
Then again, that main stage right in front of you at the back of the room is pretty tempting too, with doors on either side of it...

Which way will you go?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

Upon closer inspection, the little vending machine is one of those egg ones, with the little mascot in the center being a cupcake with big eyes. It'd be cute if you didn't feel like it was following your every move.
Shrugging it off, you scoop up one of the coins off the floor and shove it into the coin slot, and after a fancy little jingle... the whole thing just shuts off?
Oh, I guess even with power you can't guarantee it'll work, huh...
Movement behind the machine, and you are met with a very interesting thing...

Strangely enough, you don't feel any malicious intent from the thing, more of a fascination as clings to you.
Well, I guess you're not alone at least.
[Hold the link for the end of the game, this isn't your official link just yet!]

Having conquered the vending of toys, that leaves the other options now: Main Stage? Those Restrooms? Or the Security Room?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 46 46
While it was tempting to push open the curtains, Jinx ponders the doors and which to choose. After a moment of deliberation, Jinx decides to stick with what she was doing and open the curtain.

Bittersweet Contradiction

Long-Term Resident
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 10 10
Zion froze and stared at the bunny in front of them. Their eyes narrowed and it took a second to formulate any type of response. They weren't much of a fighter so they offered a timid smile. "Oh you know, just...that way." Zion responded before grabbing the sticky creature they had found outside and booking it in hopes of losing the bunny inside the building.


Grizzled Veteran
@Bittersweet Contradiction
[Since you chose to run I'll post early... XD]

You take off running for the front door, and strangely enough the pony makes no effort to follow after you, instead just grinning at you...
Something feels like you just managed to barely avoid some ill fate...

The front door doesn't want to budge at first, but after giving it a good shove it opens with an eerie creak. You're instantly met with a fine layer of dust, and coughing through it, you can finally take in the rest of the building.
The tile floor is much darker than it seemed outside, with noticeable old stains littering the floor and a scattering of old coupon papers and game tickets.
It's a lot smaller than you'd expect, but there do seem to be multiple things you can check out in here.
Tucked away in the right corner of the room is a toy vending machine, and your flashlight bounces off what could be a spare token or two laying on the floor around it...
Looks like there's also a security room down here as well, and the restrooms are just to the right of the security door.
Then again, that main stage right in front of you at the back of the room is pretty tempting too, with doors on either side of it...

Which way will you go?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


late to the party
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 28 28

Upon closer inspection, the little vending machine is one of those egg ones, with the little mascot in the center being a cupcake with big eyes. It'd be cute if you didn't feel like it was following your every move.
Shrugging it off, you scoop up one of the coins off the floor and shove it into the coin slot, and after a fancy little jingle... the whole thing just shuts off?
Oh, I guess even with power you can't guarantee it'll work, huh...
Movement behind the machine, and you are met with a very interesting thing...

Strangely enough, you don't feel any malicious intent from the thing, more of a fascination as clings to you.
Well, I guess you're not alone at least.
[Hold the link for the end of the game, this isn't your official link just yet!]

Having conquered the vending of toys, that leaves the other options now: Main Stage? Those Restrooms? Or the Security Room?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​
Huh. Well, that's interesting - Glance doesn't mind the little guy hanging on, and the soft glow from its definitely not malicious face is comforting anyway. New friend in tow, he decides to have a peek into the security room.


signed an NDA
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 32 32

The button had worked, which meant the building still had power. Jaxx reached up and slid the cupcake companion onto the nearby desk as he passed the monitors. His paw glided across the keyboards lightly, nails tapping against an enter key in thought. Their eyes had drawn to the moving lid, an eyebrow quirking.

Not weird enough for him to play in trash, though.

Nah, he wanted to see the rest of the building, if possible. He turned back to the monitors and attempted to turn them on.


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 24 24
Esme with her trusty? cupcake make their way into the building after brute forcing the door. With all the ways in front of her she chooses to check the restrooms.

Bittersweet Contradiction

Long-Term Resident
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 65 65
Zion didn't feel like anything was following them so they slowed down and took a look around where they were at now, dropping the little critter they had grabbed when running. It was sticky, and pepperoni flavored. She might need to wash it real good later.
For now the pair stood looking around. Finally Zion spoke, "Let's see if there's anything in the restrooms." The critter seemed to agree, or at least Zion told themselves it did.


Grizzled Veteran

You yank the curtain aside, the sound reminding you of shower curtain rings on a metal rod and-
Huh. Nothing. Even that little trickling of light you saw is just completely gone, and you don't know if maybe your eyes had been playing tricks on you...
You give the stage a good once-over, but there doesn't seem to be anything else back here either. Well that's a bummer.
I suppose that leaves those two doors from before then, Party Room or Maintenance was it? Or you can always turn back and try a different direction...

What will you choose?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

You set off for the Security Room, and the door seems to be solid? A cursory glance of the walls reveals a button, and you press it with a small glimmer of hope as the door slides open with a resounding thud.
Despite the outdated equipment, the room itself is pretty clean, despite the state of disrepair of the rest of the building.
A few monitors sit on the desk, with a rolling chair tucked neatly underneath and a few filing cabinets to the left side of the room, with a small lidded trash can.
The lid is in motion, which is odd considering there's no wind in this room to make it move....
The space is a bit cramped, but you can see switches on the desk that might turn on the monitors.
You can check out the trash, who knows, maybe there's something to find in there, or maybe you should try to just turn on the monitors?
Going back and trying a new direction is always an option too...

What will you do?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

With a soft buzz, the whirring of mechanics shows signs of aging, and with a significant amount of effort the monitors finally flick to life.
Although the images are pretty grainy, you can make out the layout of most of the building, though the labels on the monitors themselves give you little more than CAM1-CAM4 and you have no idea where they could be.
The more obvious ones, like those pointed at the Security Door and the Main Stage are easy enough to recognize.
But the other ones... it looks like some kind of Prize Counter in one? There's a music box sitting on the counter, and you swear you can almost hear it...
The last one seems to be a room with heavy-duty shelves and a table smack dab in the middle of the room, and there are noticeable exoskeleton AND endoskeleton parts scattered everywhere.

Well, you certainly have a layout of the land here... but that doesn't really give you anywhere to go from here except back out the door... unless you wanted to give that trash can a second glance?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

You walk into the restrooms, not sure what to expect in here but it certainly wasn't the grimy, moldy- Well, actually, that's on par with the rest of the place.
The overhead lights are pretty dim, and flicker constantly, but they give you enough illumination to see 3 trusty stalls with doors to your left, and a row of sinks with a paper towel dispenser to your right.
Before you can do much debating of what to look at first, the door farthest back rattles harshly against the frame, then stops as if it never happened.
Gulp, uhhh, well then... should we check it out? Or maybe you want give a closer examination of those sinks?
Going back also sounds... pretty tempting...

Which will you choose?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran
@Bittersweet Contradiction

You walk into the restrooms, not sure what to expect in here but it certainly wasn't the grimy, moldy- What is that??

Oh goody, just what you WANTED to find in a bathroom... aaand it's following you now.
[Hold the link for the end of the game, this isn't your official link just yet!]

The overhead lights are pretty dim, and flicker constantly, but they give you enough illumination to see 3 trusty stalls with doors to your left, and a row of sinks with a paper towel dispenser to your right.
Before you can do much debating of what to look at first, the door farthest back rattles harshly against the frame, then stops as if it never happened.
Gulp, uhhh, well then... should we check it out? Or maybe you want give a closer examination of those sinks?
Going back also sounds... pretty tempting...

Which will you choose?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran
Jinx pouted over there being nothing behind the curtain and crossed her arms as she considered her options. She checked her flashlight and turned the light back the way she came.

Bittersweet Contradiction

Long-Term Resident
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 76 76
Zion sighs, looks down at their comaonion....well companions now and mutters, "Stay here." Before walking forward to check it out, after all it seemed rather odd the door would rattle like that....


signed an NDA
Staff member

Okay, yeah, actually-- Jaxx wasn't able to ignore the trash swaying any longer. He sighed and investigated the trashcan.


signed an NDA
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 20 20
I actually do NOT understand why my brain won't roll. Shame roll.