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[CYOA] The Second Floor


Grizzled Veteran
Esme looks at the stall door that rattled. She is intrigued and very interested in figuring out what is behind that door. Finally something more exciting than a googly eyed companion.

She stalks over to the stall door intent to check it out.


Grizzled Veteran

You HAD every intention of turning back to try a different route, but...
No sooner did you turn around, it seems someone had been staring at you the entire time. Gulp.

Uhm... h-how long have they been standing here?
They slowly blink and tilts their head to one side, and it seems you only have 2 options here:
Confront them, or make a run for it to the security room?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran
@Nym @astralprogenitor
[Both pulled the same so... XD]

Eugh, ew, trash. I mean yeah, that's what you expected to find- Aaaand that one is moving.

Poor thing must've been stuck in there, good thing you're a handy helper?
Though now they might have some kind of weird attachment for a life debt...
[Hold the link for the end of the game, this isn't your official link just yet!]

Trash thoroughly rifled?
But now that leaves taking a look at those monitors, or maybe just leaving the room?

What will you choose?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran
@Bittersweet Contradiction

The door rattled violently, and it was a little intimidating, but as soon as you managed to rip the door open, you were met with- Oh, that little thing made all this noise?

Ah, I mean... at least it's not anything scarier?
But now you've got another thing to look out for down here besides yourself.
[Hold the link for the end of the game, this isn't your official link just yet!]

Of course, this means the only options to you now are leaving.... or checking the sinks?

What will you choose?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran

The door rattled violently, and it was a little intimidating, but as soon as you managed to rip the door open, you were met with- Oh, that little thing made all this noise?

Ah, I mean... at least it's not anything scarier?
But now you've got another thing to look out for down here besides yourself.
[Hold the link for the end of the game, this isn't your official link just yet!]

Of course, this means the only options to you now are leaving.... or checking the sinks?

What will you choose?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 32 32
Jinx was excited to run into *something* but she wasn’t quite ready for her exploration to end just yet! With a quick heel turn, she made a dash for the security room, laughing as she ran.


signed an NDA
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 48 48

A fairy! Now he had two friends-- excellent. This would surely be as exciting for their spouse, right?

He had come to check the monitors, and check the monitors he would do.

Bittersweet Contradiction

Long-Term Resident
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 71 71
Zion was admittedly surprised to find another creature. They were acquiring quite the little pack of friends down here. With a sigh they trot over to check the sinks, after all might as well look everywhere before leaving right?


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 25 25
Esme stares down at the new friendly cupcake. She debates tossing the one she already has in the stall and walking away. She sighs and knows that's not proper lady behavior.

"Well I suppose you are going to follow me around, like that of your kin, that is already doing so. Come along then child."

She goes to check the sinks just to be absolutely certain that she's not leaving anything not investigated.


late to the party
Staff member
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 71 71
Aw yeah, more friends. Glance isn't going to leave without glancing at those monitors though.

Ha ha.

(Nym I'm not copying you I swear, I wish I had the spoons to reply properly but they should totally have canonical twin faeries LOL)


Grizzled Veteran

Deciding an encounter was NOT on the checklist, you make a beeline for the Security Room, and strangely enough the odd bear makes no effort to pursue you...

You approach the Security Room, and the door seems to be solid? A cursory glance of the walls reveals a button, and you press it with a small glimmer of hope as the door slides open with a resounding thud.
Despite the outdated equipment, the room itself is pretty clean, despite the state of disrepair of the rest of the building.
A few monitors sit on the desk, with a rolling chair tucked neatly underneath and a few filing cabinets to the left side of the room, with a small lidded trash can.
The lid is in motion, which is odd considering there's no wind in this room to make it move....
The space is a bit cramped, but you can see switches on the desk that might turn on the monitors.
You can check out the trash, who knows, maybe there's something to find in there, or maybe you should try to just turn on the monitors?
Going back and trying a new direction is always an option too...

What will you do?
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran
@Nym @astralprogenitor

With a soft buzz, the whirring of mechanics shows signs of aging, and with a significant amount of effort the monitors finally flick to life.
Although the images are pretty grainy, you can make out the layout of most of the building, though the labels on the monitors themselves give you little more than CAM1-CAM4 and you have no idea where they could be.
The more obvious ones, like those pointed at the Security Door and the Main Stage are easy enough to recognize.
But the other ones... it looks like some kind of Prize Counter in one? There's a music box sitting on the counter, and you swear you can almost hear it...
The last one seems to be a room with heavy-duty shelves and a table smack dab in the middle of the room, and there are noticeable exoskeleton AND endoskeleton parts scattered everywhere.

Well, you certainly have a layout of the land here... but that doesn't really give you anywhere to go from here except back out the door...
[Roll 1d100 with your choice!]​


Grizzled Veteran
@Bittersweet Contradiction

Ahh, the drippy bathroom sinks, always a favorite for a horrible gross abandoned building.
You turn on the tap and are met with really foul-smelling brown water, and with a nose wrinkle you shut it back off again.
Was there a purpose in that? Hmm. probably not.

Looks like the only option now is to head back out and see where else we can look...
[Roll 1d100 with your action!]​


Grizzled Veteran

Ahh, the drippy bathroom sinks, always a favorite for a horrible gross abandoned building.
You turn on the tap and are met with really foul-smelling brown water, and with a nose wrinkle you shut it back off again.
Was there a purpose in that? Hmm. probably not.
Except for the little head that pokes out from under the sinks... how long was that there???

Welp, the more the merrier?
[Hold the link for the end of the game, this isn't your official link just yet!]

Looks like the only option now is to head back out and see where else we can look...
[Roll 1d100 with your action!]​


Grizzled Veteran
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 83 83
Jinx looked around the security room after making sure the door behind her was shut. The monitors were tempting, and would be her next course of action, but for now, she decided to knock the lid off of the trash can with her foot.

Bittersweet Contradiction

Long-Term Resident
Dice Rolled:
🎲d100 74 74
"Alright you three, let's go." Zion sighed, not sure why they were so surprised that the sink water would look and smell so gross. They decided to head back out and move to the next area. Apparently they were going to explore literally every inch of this building.


Grizzled Veteran
Esme stares down at the gooey doom with a thought she carefully puts the cupcakes on its back and gives the doom a careful pat on it's head.

"If you would like to come with these two can keep you company."

She turns around and heads back out with her trio of companions in her wake.