Search results

  1. Shaddaling

    [Exploration] New Breezegrass lands [Lan][Complete]

    This thread used for Amateur rank for Nguyen Lan. Exploration Area: Newbreeze grassland Trainer: Lan Pokémon: Christmas the bulbasaur Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) Starting Energy: 5+3=8 (Christmas) :: (Grass)/(Type2) || (6)/(6) HP || (5)/(5) Will (4) Initiative || (3) DEF || (3)...
  2. Shaddaling

    [ORP]Bulbasaur hour[Closed]

    "Ooh this is perfect," Lan exclaimed, taking in the enrichment centers offer space. The garden was lovely, just pleasantly on the side of hot, with bright sun for them to soak in and shady spots for them to cool down. He shucked off his sandals, wiggling his bare toes in the grass, the nails...
  3. Shaddaling

    [Exploration] Newbreeze grassland [Kennedy][Completed]

    This thread used for Amateur rank for Kennedy Onassis. Exploration Area: Newbreeze grassland Trainer: Kennedy Pokémon: Sunny the eevee Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) Starting Energy: 5+2 = 7
  4. Shaddaling

    [Exploration] New Breeze Grassland [Odd][Complete]

    This thread used for Amateur rank for Odette Winefield. Exploration Area: New breeze grassland Trainer:Odd Pokémon: Mago Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) (add other gear you want to bring; must be listed in your inventory) Starting Energy: 5+2=7
  5. Shaddaling

    [Research co-op] Meet the bulbasaur [Lan & Wynnie][complete]

    Trainer: Wynmond Collin, Nguyen Lan Project: task #1 Meet the locals Assignment: # 1: Study a Nauwillian Bulbasaur Requirement Proof: Christmas Options Chosen: notable behaviors + physical quirks Who Is Rolling: Wynmond and both
  6. Shaddaling

    [Exploration]New breeze grasslands [Oliver] [complete]

    This thread used for Amateur rank for Oliver Sinclair. Exploration Area:New breeze grassland Trainer: Oliver Pokémon:Mothra Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) Starting Energy: 7
  7. Shaddaling

    [PRP] Fateful first encounters [Kennedy/Lan/Lang][Done]

    This thread used for Amateur rank for Nguyen Lan, so cannot be used for Kennedy. It has not been used for Lan! Kennedy leaned against the boat rail, kick ass boots planted on the deck keeping her steady and the ocean breeze was all around her. Salty and refreshing and probably terrible for her...
  8. Shaddaling

    [Exploration]New breezegrasslands [Lan] [Complete]

    This thread used for Amateur rank for Nguyen Lan. Exploration Area: Newbreeze grassland Trainer: Lan Pokémon: Christmas the bulbasaur Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) Starting Energy: 5+3=8 (Christmas) :: (Grass)/(Type2) || (6)/(6) HP || (5)/(5) Will (4) Initiative || (3) DEF || (3)...
  9. Shaddaling

    [Exploration] newbreeze grassland [kennedy][complete]

    This thread used for Amateur rank for Kennedy Onassis. Exploration Area: Newbreeze grassland Trainer: Kennedy Pokémon: Sunny the eevee Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) Starting Energy: 5+2 = 7
  10. Shaddaling

    [Co-op Research] [Lan and Zak] amazing bulbasaur[Complete]

    USED for Amateur rank up for Zakiax Firebane! Not yet used for Lan. Trainer: Zak, Lan Project: task #1 Meet the locals Assignment: 1. Nauwillian Bulbasuar Requirement Proof:Christmas the Bulbasaur Belongs to Lan! Options Chosen: Temperament & Notable Behaviors Who Is Rolling: Zak - Notable...
  11. Shaddaling

    [Exploration] New breezegrass land [Odd][complete]

    This thread used for Amateur rank for Odette Winefield. Exploration Area: New breeze grassland Trainer:Odd Pokémon: Mago Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) (add other gear you want to bring; must be listed in your inventory) Starting Energy: 5+2=7
  12. Shaddaling

    [Research Bulbasaur] [Lan] [Complete]

    Trainer:Lan Project: task #1 Meet the locals Assignment: Assignment 1 Requirement Proof: Christmas the bulba Options Chosen: Temperament and Behavior
  13. Shaddaling

    [Exploration] NewBreeze Grasslands [Oliver] [Completed]

    This thread used for Amateur rank for Oliver Sinclair. Exploration Area:New breeze grassland Trainer: Oliver Pokémon:Mothra Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) Starting Energy: 7
  14. Shaddaling

    [Exploration] Newbreeze grassland [Lan][Complete]

    This thread used for Amateur rank for Nguyen Lan. Exploration Area: Newbreeze grassland Trainer: Lan Pokémon: Christmas the bulbasaur Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) Starting Energy: 5+3=8
  15. Shaddaling

    [Research] Bulbasaur [Lan] [Completed]

    Trainer:Lan Project: task #1 Meet the locals Assignment: 1: Study a Nauwillian Bulbasaur Requirement Proof: Christmas the bulba Options Chosen: Diet and Temperament
  16. Shaddaling

    [Exploration]New Breeze Grasslands [Kennedy] [Complete]

    This thread used for Amateur rank for Kennedy Onassis. Exploration Area: Newbreeze grassland Trainer: Kennedy Pokémon: Sunny the eevee Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) Starting Energy: 5+2 = 7
  17. Shaddaling

    [Journal] Victoria 'Vi' Shian

    Journal time pg 1 - Vi's info pg 2 - Pokemon
  18. Shaddaling

    [Journal] Odette 'Odd' Winefield

    Art by felynn
  19. Shaddaling

    [Journal] Kennedy Onassis

    Art by Shiro ZedShima
  20. Shaddaling

    [Journal] Oliver Sinclair

    Page 1: Oliver Sinclair info Page 2: Oliver's Pokemon