Search results

  1. Shaddaling

    [Exploration]New Breeze Grasslands [Odd][Complete]

    Exploration Area: New breeze grassland Trainer:Odd Pokémon: Mago, Cheri Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) Starting Energy: 5+2=7
  2. Shaddaling

    [Exploration] New Breeze Grasslands [Odd][Complete]

    Exploration Area: New breeze grassland Trainer:Odd Pokémon: Mago, Cheri Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) Starting Energy: 5+2=7
  3. Shaddaling

    [PRP]OMFG Don't you knock [Oliver & Max][Finished]

    Oliver clicked lightly to Mothra as he returned to his dorm room. He shrugged off his work bag, setting it on a chair and went to clean up. He tossed his work scrubs away, washed up, and changed clothes. He shrugged into a comfortable t-shirt his sister had got him. It was soft pastel purple...
  4. Shaddaling

    [Exploration] New Breezegrasslands [Odd][Complete]

    Exploration Area: New breeze grassland Trainer:Odd Pokémon: Mago, Cheri Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) Starting Energy: 5+2=7
  5. Shaddaling

    [PRP] Dockside [Lex & Takuto]

    "Wouldn't change you," Lex sang as he walked to the beach, sheltered under a lace parasol and carrying a picnic basket. His pokeballs were clipped on his sash and his voluminous hair had been contained by cute clips to keep it out of his face. He had picked a pair of blue and white stripe linen...
  6. Shaddaling

    [Solo] Calls to Home [Kennedy][Finished]

    This thread used for Amateur rank for Kennedy Onassis. Kennedy strolled into the communication room, Sunny trotting at her side, white tail swishing back and forth. She walked to the assigned computer, typing in the information she needed to connect to the ranger station. She leaned back in her...
  7. Shaddaling

    [Research] Lefmew [Odette][Complete]

    This thread used for Amateur rank for Odette Winefield. Trainer: Odette Project: task #1 Meet the locals Assignment: Assignment #6 Study a Lefmew Requirement Proof: Cheri Options Chosen: Temperament and Notable behaviors
  8. Shaddaling

    [Research] Lefmew [Odd][Complete]

    This thread used for Amateur rank for Odette Winefield. Trainer: Odette Project: task #1 Meet the locals Assignment: Assignment #6 Study a Lefmew Requirement Proof: Cheri Options Chosen: Diet and Physical Quirks
  9. Shaddaling

    [Exploration] New Breezegrassland [Lan][COmplete]

    Exploration Area: Newbreeze grassland Trainer: Lan Pokémon: Christmas the bulbasaur, Ghost the n.scatterbug Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) Starting Energy: 5+3=8
  10. Shaddaling

    [Research] N. Scatterbug [Oliver][Complete]

    Trainer: Oliver Sinclair Project: task # 1 Meet the Locals Assignment: Assignment 4: Study a Nauwillian Scatterbug Requirement Proof: N scatterbug owned by Oliver Options Chosen: Physical Quirks
  11. Shaddaling

    [Research] N.Scatterbug [Oliver][Complete]

    Trainer: Oliver Sinclair Project: task # 1 Meet the Locals Assignment: Assignment 4: Study a Nauwillian Scatterbug Requirement Proof: N scatterbug owned by Oliver Options Chosen: Physical Quirks
  12. Shaddaling

    [Research] N.Scatterbug [Oliver][Complete]

    Trainer: Oliver Sinclair Project: task # 1 Meet the Locals Assignment: Assignment 4: Study a Nauwillian Scatterbug Requirement Proof: N scatterbug owned by Oliver Options Chosen: Physical Quirks
  13. Shaddaling

    [research] N.Scatterbug [Oliver][Complete]

    Trainer: Oliver Sinclair Project: task # 1 Meet the Locals Assignment: Assignment 4: Study a Nauwillian Scatterbug Requirement Proof: N scatterbug owned by Oliver Options Chosen: Physical Quirks
  14. Shaddaling

    [Exploration] Newbreeze Grassland [Lan][Complete]

    Exploration Area: Newbreeze grassland Trainer: Lan Pokémon: Christmas the bulbasaur, Ghost the n.scatterbug Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) 1x Great ball (CS:5) Starting Energy: 5+3=8
  15. Shaddaling

    [Exploration] New Breeze grasslands [Lan][Complete]

    Exploration Area: Newbreeze grassland Trainer: Lan Pokémon: Christmas the bulbasaur Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) 1x Great ball (CS:5) Starting Energy: 5+3=8 (Christmas) :: (Grass)/(Type2) || (6)/(6) HP || (5)/(5) Will (4) Initiative || (3) DEF || (3) SDEF --Per Move: (Fairy Wind) ...
  16. Shaddaling

    [Research] N. Scatterbug [Oliver][Complete]

    Trainer: Oliver Sinclair Project: task # 1 Meet the Locals Assignment: Assignment 4: Study a Nauwillian Scatterbug Requirement Proof: N scatterbug owned by Oliver Options Chosen: Notable Behaviors and Diet
  17. Shaddaling

    [Training Session] Lan

    Training Records: Lan Training Records: Character Name (repeat per pokemon!) Trainee: Christmas Goal Current Needed Rank Up - (Next Rank) 0 x Stat Retraining 3 3 Move Relearning 0 x Loyalty 0 4 Happiness 4 4 Trainee: Ghost Goal Current Needed Rank Up - (Next Rank)...
  18. Shaddaling

    [research] N. Scatterbug [Oliver][Complete]

    This thread used for Amateur rank for Oliver Sinclair. Trainer: Oliver Sinclair Project: task # 1 Meet the Locals Assignment: Assignment 4: Study a Nauwillian Scatterbug Requirement Proof: N scatterbug owned by Oliver Options Chosen: Notable Behaviors and Temperament
  19. Shaddaling

    [Exploration] New Breeze Grasslands [Odd][Complete]

    Exploration Area: New breeze grassland Trainer:Odd Pokémon: Mago Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) 1x pokeball (CS 3) Starting Energy: 5+2=7
  20. Shaddaling

    [Exploration] New Breezegrassland [Odd][Complete]

    Exploration Area: New breeze grassland Trainer:Odd Pokémon: Mago Using Gear: 5x Research Balls (CS: 5) 1x pokeball (CS 3) Starting Energy: 5+2=7