Search results

  1. astralprogenitor

    🞿 What is this? (How To)

    Expeditions and research projects are the meat of the interaction here in Nauwill. These represent Doveport's collective efforts to learn about the region, and not only does completing tasks help push the shop towards new areas - and thereby new items, pokémon, and plots - but also they help you...
  2. astralprogenitor

    🞿 Available Projects

    Unlike Fairlight Co., URA is not selective about those from whom it gathers data; so long as it is well documented, they will accept reports from just about anyone on the island. Of course, there are people in place whose entire job it is to sort through data that aren't well crafted, but the...
  3. astralprogenitor


    Pokémon Expeditions is a deep shop. Built from the marriage of a personal headcanon world for pokémon video games and the tabletop system Pokérole, it has a lot of complexity to it - but that shouldn't stop you from joining! While most of the informational threads in this group are high-detail...
  4. astralprogenitor

    🞿 Directory

    organize links to all the infos
  5. astralprogenitor

    Whomst the Hecc?

    Oh-ho - some of you might have seen this kid during the stream... They were made taking franken-style suggestions, and now they need a home! However, I'm not going to just raffle them off or anything of the sort. I want you to tell me who they are! I'm looking for you to tell me something about...
  6. astralprogenitor

    polli's prime emporium [open]

    polliwoggi's ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Artist Thread
  7. astralprogenitor

    [CLOSED] RotE Hiring: Currently Looking for Artists

    If you haven't checked out our shop before, give it a glance over before popping in to apply. We're totally open to newcomers, but we'd like our staff to enjoy the shop, not just making art for it! If you like the concept, come on in and keep reading. You might just be a fit for us!
  8. astralprogenitor

    Stage Four: Into the Deep Unknown

    Into the deep unknown ... Hello and welcome, everyone. This portion of your meta is being hosted by yours truly! I'm breaking character for a moment just to explain the rules and game mechanics, because this isn't just your standard CYOA. Rather, this is an RNG-driven group exploration! What...
  9. astralprogenitor

    A Wall Covered in String and Thumbtacks

    A Directory of Faces Alliosa Two parts dime-store goth and three parts vampire fanatic, he's really just a fanciful kid trying to understand his purpose in a world that he's not even supposed to exist in. Grimmalkin Information unknown! Sanjari A hitman turned ... hitman for a...
  10. astralprogenitor

    setting up

    1. Sanjaru by Tigeria (4s/2d) ||| 2. Allios by Seimei (0s/1d) ||| 3. Elph by polliwoggi (2s/3d) 4. Sanjaru by polliwoggi (2s/2d) ||| 5. Allios by Nym (2s/2d) ||| 6. Allios by Tigeria (2s/3d) 7. Elph by polliwoggi (3s/4d) ||| 8. Sanjaru by polliwoggi (5s, 3d) ||| 9. Elph by Mystaira (0s/3d)...
  11. astralprogenitor

    RLC Information

    RLC Info Thread Want something snazzy but don't have the patience to acquire it elsewhere? Want something you don't know if you can even get it made for creds or free? We've got you covered; we here at RotE definitely accept RLC (real life currency/commissions) where you too can pay cold, hard...
  12. astralprogenitor

    Rarity Guide (Player Version)

    Welcome to your rarity guide! Here at RotE, each character may have traits defining their differences from the norm; these traits are assigned scores based on how common or uncommon they are for that race, and from that score you get your rarity! More stars means that a character is more...
  13. astralprogenitor

    Let me share this!

    🐸 Just a place to dump music you're listening to that you wanna share RIGHT NOW. Have my "testing all of the update features" music. :'3 🐸
  14. astralprogenitor

    providence master list (will be moved under mule)

    A Providence is essentially a school of magic; one mastering a specific Providence may use spells from within it, but not another. Endless creatures may only ever master one, as it totally rewrites their very being - they may never change, though some have claimed to have found ways to unlink...
  15. astralprogenitor

    🐸 OOC Breeding Thread [Always Open]

    Children in Everchange are strange things. Sure, there's the old fashioned way of making kids, and there's magic for couples not matching the right orientation for that, but something I've noticed is that it's often forgotten that any ponies can have foals. Any of them! Even if they don't know...
  16. astralprogenitor

    [Stillwater Meta: Day 3 (p. 4)] Mystery Figure [OPEN]

    The weather was unpleasant for Stillwater; even in the early morning, the insects found themselves in full swing, the heat of the sun overhead baking down on the dark roofs clustered throughout the little town. No rain had come in over a week, now, leaving it up to the residents themselves to...
  17. astralprogenitor

    [META SIGN UP] The Town of Stillwater [Closed!]

    WELCOME TO STILLWATER While many ponies think of their world as chic, urban, and advanced, there are just as many places across the stretch of Everchange that seem almost untouched by time and progress. For every new computer and smartphone the industrious people of the cities create...
  18. astralprogenitor

    [ORP] Warm Weather Celebrations

    Despite still being so early in the year, Big City's proximity to the nearby ocean always helped usher in warm weather quickly; even so, this year was proving to be a particularly hot one - already the clear skies and bright sun were beaming down dazzling rays to heat the air to unpleasant...
  19. astralprogenitor

    🐸 Frogspit Bayou 🐸 [CLOSED - REVAMPING]

    C'mon down to the bayou, y'all!
  20. astralprogenitor

    Answered Questions

    🐸 This will hold any notable answered questions that we have been faced with. Setting up threads that have answers here will result in immediate locks! 🐸 Is there a light theme to the site? While we would very much like to offer people a light theme, currently it's out of the scope of our...