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  1. astralprogenitor

    Addressed Forum Suggestions

    🐸 This post details thought-out suggestions that have been made that have ultimately been refused, as well as the reason why. It will be updated as possible. Threads made with subjects pertaining to these categories will be immediately locked and removed without explanation. 🐸 Deleting...
  2. astralprogenitor

    I Wish I May, Wish I Might

    🐸 GUESS WHO FINISHED UP ALL HIS ACBC RLCS?* In celebration, I'm opening up this thread for some wishing. Don't have a wish partner? Get to looking on Discord, or head over to the new Open Wishing Directory to pick someone up! No mixer this time - only planned groups~ This thread is open to...
  3. astralprogenitor

    Base 26 (Letter counting)

    🐸 Essentially the same as my other game except this time let's count with letters! Start alphabetically - A, B, C ... until you get to Z, then "count" up with another letter slot - so X, Y, Z, AA, AB, AC, etc. You can't post immediately after yourself, either - let someone else count first...
  4. astralprogenitor

    Language learning friends!

    🐸 Anyone else currently trying to learn a language? I'm currently working on Japanese via Duolingo; I've been terrified of symbol based languages since I did a semester in Mandarin, but finally trying to pick it up and so far I really like it. Granted I'm only on Hiragana 2 but look it's...
  5. astralprogenitor

    I/T - Deer demon things

    🐸 mostly just posting because if I make it official I can't forget to work on it in lieu of playing games on my off days >v> They're deerlike. They live on an astral plane, basically, sort of. alternate reality? I'm forcing berry to help me hammer out details. they eat emotions and can have...
  6. astralprogenitor

    Citizen Race Update Thread

    During the revamp, we decided to shuffle the rules on what could/could not be quirks, and subsequently decided to update several things that had been bought as quirks into full on races. When we did that, we announced you would have the option to choose which race your citizen would count as...
  7. astralprogenitor


    🐸 Have you played this game before? Let's tell a story together, one sentence at a time! I'll start: It started on a Monday, much like any other Monday, save for the mildly significant detail that, despite being squarely in the middle of the afternoon, the sky remained an inky, unbroken pitch...
  8. astralprogenitor

    Voucher Claim Thread

    Want to turn in a voucher? Do it here! The user listed on your voucher should be the one you ping! Their forum names are as below: @polliwoggi | @ֆɦǟʀӄɮɛʀʀʏ🍕 | @Seimei | @Wish | @ocey | @Nym | @Corn | @Mystaira Please keep in mind rarity rules; if you have a wish voucher, you must include one...
  9. astralprogenitor

    Doll Festival 2020 Design Swap/Games Thread! [ACBC]

    Use this thread to give away, trade, or game off designs you've made, or swap "other person" slots to get more stuff for yourself. ;D Main Thread
  10. astralprogenitor

    Doll Festival 2020 [ACBC]

    PSD | PNG Trade/Swap/Giveaway Thread! Every year in Big City, something a little bit strange happens; the Big Well seems to get, well, uppity - overflowing with energy and often times bringing to life things it probably shouldn't. At least, that's how the legends go, but for decades now the...
  11. astralprogenitor

    Mayoral Office White Elephant Exchange! [ACBC] {Closed}

    It looks like there's been a few gifts accidentally left out of the big ol' giveaway - we promise it's not because some of them are rather ... questionable. They're definitely all very good gifts, we assure you! It's just that there's so many some slipped through the cracks. That's perfectly...
  12. astralprogenitor

    [CLOSED] Massive Giftbox Giveaway! [Animal Country: Big City]

    Boxes, boxes, everywhere boxes! DA Thread | TH Thread Welcome to AC:BC's first big giveaway since our revamp. We have a whopping 18 boxes to give away - but what's in them? That's the fun, no one knows! Some might match the prize inside, some might be totally different - the only way to know...
  13. astralprogenitor

    Site/Forum Changes and Updates!

    Starting this off simply: the Adoptables forum now has two added subforums, one for events, and the other slightly more obscure for drop/gallery threads. This hopefully will allow adopt groups and shops to have a place to display their artwork and ping people with their new pets without needing...
  14. astralprogenitor

    Polli's Pond [Ponies and Pets and Things]

    Current Ponies Alicorns/Awakened: 1 | Aquatics: 5 | Bats: 2 Changelings: 0 | Dragons: 6 | Dullahan: 0 Earths: 11 | Flightless: 6 | Ghoulies: 2 Hybrids: 18 | Kelain: 1 | Kitsunes: 0 Mer: 3 | Pegasi: 2 | Pixies: 3 Suli: 1 | Unicorns: 6 Total: 67
  15. astralprogenitor

    A Long Journey [CLOSED]

    It's a long, long way from Ancient Valley to Big City, but this axolotl has made the journey. The question is, why? What made them decide to leave their comfy valley home and come to such a busy place? Do they have an adventurous spirit? Are they hoping to start a business? Did they just want to...
  16. astralprogenitor

    Hiring Thread!

    Welcome to your doom hiring thread! This is the hiring thread for Animal Country: Big City! Please be aware that our guidelines have changed since the first time around, as have our general art style and standards. Even if you've worked with us before, we ask that you make sure to take a look...
  17. astralprogenitor

    I just really need to use a thread.

    Making sure the server doesn't ban me ahahahAHAHA
  18. astralprogenitor

    Look ma the forum's live

    ain't nothin' here tho smdh smdh