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▶ The Resolution Sphere Event


Stew Aficionado
Task 3: [Writing]

Spearamint Frosting would spend the entire new year trying to figure out her entire candy line for the year for her shop in Everville. Weather it be just sitting down and figuring out themes and recipes or doing some experiments with flavors. She would defiantly take the time to get a head start on things for Hearts and Hooves Day.


Grizzled Veteran
Task 13:

Black Bone would put a variety of bones, real and fake, along with a few neat stones he found during his adventures. He'd probably weasel away something small to add to the capsule that would remind him of finding his rather large love, Nyxrian.


Grizzled Veteran
Task 14:

Dear Clouded Jasmine,

You shouldn't have fallen for Caelum. He didn't come back like he promised. Maybe he had a good reason but... maybe he didn't.

When it does happen, don't let your broken heart get the better of you. Keep your head on straight and get back out there when you're ready!

You got this.​

You from the future​


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
1. Write a resolution for the new year

I am going to get my dang shops back open for business and at least a good chunk of my site roaringly open or so help me! :D


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
2. Write or draw a picture about something you enjoy about winter

Despite a lot of us dealing with SAD, I really like the crisper air and the feeling of being bundled up that I just can't do during any other time of the year here.
Warm hoodies are some of my fave clothes, and it's so hot here even looking at them outside these months makes me wanna break out in a sweat.
So that, plus being able to drink warm cocoa without feeling like I'm gonna overheat? That's pretty nice.
It's definitely not my fave time of the year, but it does have a few perks. <3
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🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
3. Write or draw a picture about how one of your ponies would spend their new year celebration

I like to think that Sumi met Throne during the end of their year, probably at a mall, or maybe when Sumi was harassing one of the courts? (haha)
Sumi's actually a really doting partner, like, really, Throne is his everything; his best friend, his confidant, pretty much the only creature ever he can be around and have them not go omg ew wtf this feeling!
So to celebrate and look forward to the coming year, he'd ... probably attempt to make a nice evening of it - fail at cooking, though he tried desperately, then maybe order some of whatever the equivalent of Uber Eats is you know?
Not roses and champagne, but something more their speed - like pizza?
Settle in, get cozy, laugh at something they're streaming. Honestly sounds nice to me too. <3


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
4. Make a collage (real or digital) to create the most ridiculous new years' hat or drink you can

(i have permission yes, lol)


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
8. Write about or draw the perfect venue for a new year's party

You, me, the entirety of our stables, and being as close to Prism Palace as we can get after we've alllllllll had way too much par-tah punch!


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
9. Write about or draw one of your ponies' reaction to the news about the weird magic sphere

Pentrasohl would get as close as possible to the strange, glowing sphere, and after initial inspection and a report attempt to delve further, using all of his knowledge and wits to inspect the thing with a dignified curiosity. After all, something so odd and unreported may prove invaluable to their purpose - and they'd need to be prepared if it was the opposite.


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
12. What sort of events (rp, writing, drawing, tasks) would you like to see more of in 2022?

Getting my arse in gear to make more for puzzle club? :D
Aside from that, I like rng the most, I think. I love dice games. They give me something to do <3


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
13. Write about or draw what one of your ponies' would place into a time capsule to open next year.

Tricket would love making one, and love making one a public event - the end of the year is one of the slowest times for a haunted store!
He'd probably let his regulars shoot him a list of things they'd like to see buried, then take like the top five. So more than likely it'd end up things like "a scary mask", or "cosplay makeup", or maybe even "this skirt you've had plastered to this mannequin ever since you opened shop - please get rid of it already".
Then there'd be a little party, something casual as he'd put the makeup in a box, tuck the skirt around it, put the mask on top, and get someone else to do the, you know, gross work.


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
14. Write a letter as one of your ponies' telling themselves something they wish they'd known in the past that they currently know now.


You remember that hot jerk that wandered into the place a couple of months ago?

Yeah, just like we thought - he's not really so much of a jerk after all. He'd just had a really messy time and needed a couple of drinks, and then a couple more, before he really started to open up to us huh?

Turns out he's really sweet, and really considerate, so don't blow it, idiot.

An idiot

PS: He really likes waffles. Hook him up and he probably won't shut up. Good luck!


🍓 Like, nya, you know?
Staff member
15. Write one of your ponies' first journal entries of the new year.

Today I snuck into the kitchen and took one of my roommate's cookie packs. I just needed it after the suffering I've been through - you know what I'm talking about!

Yeah well it's happening again today, except worse. I don't know what to do. I mean it's not like I can go to a DOCTOR or something, right?

My tail keeps smacking me on the back of the head. It's so out of control it's embarrassing. I mean, what do I look like, a ghoulie?

Sometimes I wish I could be the silent thing that gets put away for most of the day. You've got it so lucky, not having to worry about looking nice or smiling constantly.

oh well. What they don't know can't kill them, right?

Crystal Suicune

Long-Term Resident
Task 9:
Galaxy would be a mix of confused and excited seeing the sphere. Confused on how and why it is here and excited at the prospect of getting one of the baskets that are visible inside.


Grizzled Veteran
Task 12: I'd like to see more rp events/prompts. I know the rp prompt was tried for a bit but I'd like to see it have another go even if means just doing a solo rp response to it. I'd also love to see more things like this or the spellmas game.

Crystal Suicune

Long-Term Resident
Task 12:
Events I would like to see more of are anything you can complete solo and raffles or games for different prizes.